Completed Grueling

Isaac follows-up with Marus, learning of a new place to find what he's looking for.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]


Postby Isaac Iceglaze on December 1st, 2020, 5:08 am

1st of Winter, 520 AV

"I’ll be free bright and early."

Isaac blinked his way over to The Gate to find a man named Marus. He was the manager of the the Gate City Market, and made a deal with the Kelvic ghoul the day before. Marus promised to teach him what he knew about negotiation so that Zac would stop looking at an art piece of Morwen. Apparently the shopkeeper selling the art had been displeased with Isaac’s daily show of reverence.

A market booth isn’t a temple, after all.

With his mind now on locating the manager, Isaac asked around until he was directed inside the great hall of The Lodge. The day’s communal meal time was about to begin, and the young ghost found Marus grabbing a bowl of gruel and making his way towards one of the long wooden tables with benches on either side. Isaac waved to him and caught the man’s grumpy gaze before quickly looking around again. The Lodge was slowly beginning to fill with people of all kinds, gathering around fireplaces and taking a seat with their families and friends. There was chatter, and a bit of a band setting up in a corner, playing drums, chimes, and a an almost melancholic version of a lute melody from a familiar Avanthalian folk song. Isaac couldn’t recall which one it was, though he recalled a line about the the Watch. Something about their eyes forever on the lookout, to protect, defend, and uphold their Queen.

Zac huffed when he realized it was the 1st of Winter.

Another season without her.

“Isaac Iceglaze, ain’t it?” said Marus, calling out to him. “Good to see you. We can chat while I eat here,” he said, taking another gulp of his meal. “What can I help you with?” he asked, still chewing. Marus surveyed the ghost’s form as it came closer to the table, the flickering, gauzy image becoming more and more solid.

Isaac had been looking forward to this conversation all night, having no reason nor ability to sleep, wondering exactly how he was going to approach the topic at hand. He wasn’t sure how skilled the manager was in the type of negotiation that would probably be needed for something as vague and probably naive as ‘bringing her back’. The ghosts intensity of thought and will transformed itself, materializing the substance surrounding him as he motioned to sit across from Marus. When Isaac began to speak, he sound carried out more like a hushed whisper than the usual full tone of his voice.

“To be frank, I’m just following through from the last time we spoke,” he said.

“Speak up, I can’t hear you,” said Marus as he chewed the contents of his gruel.

Isaac gave a sigh, checking the view to his right to see a family of four begin to sit a ways off beside them, paying no mind. He focused his attention back on the manager and spoke up again.

“Right so,” said the ghost, his voice clearer and ringing with a base pitch. “You teach people how to Negotiate?”

“Nope, you and I made a deal. We talk, you move on. And by that I mean moving on from disturbing customers at the market. Not really sure what it takes for you to move on from this life,” said Marus, brows raised.

“Vengeance, probably,” said the ghost, without skipping a beat. “But if our Queen comes back before that’s necessary, that should be enough for me.”

“How exactly did you die, Isaac?” asked the manager, as simply as if he were asking about how his day was going.
Last edited by Isaac Iceglaze on April 5th, 2021, 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Isaac Iceglaze on March 31st, 2021, 7:13 am

“An accident,” said Zac, looking closely at the meal that Marus was having. Was there meat in there? Hard to tell what the ingredients were. It didn’t look appetizing to him, and he wondered why the man chose that instead of other human food. His father’s favourite included bone stew and bread. Isaac looked back up at the man who essentially asked him for the reason behind the fate he chose, deciding to explain further.

“I was on duty as a guard for the Icewatch, learning the ropes. I went where I shouldn’t have gone, following signs of trouble, ‘cause I figured I could at least send word back on what I was seeing. I’m not going to tell you what I saw. I guess you could say that I saw enough to take an action, but I really didn’t have enough skills to defend myself, and a buddy of mine stepped in during the heat of things. Pretty sure he didn’t mean to kill me. Haven’t confronted him about it, I don’t think it’s necessary. My brother was there too, I don’t know if you know him. Name’s Marrick. Anyway, it was a mess, our Avanthalian life is a mess, and I’m just here now to help clean it up, really,” said Isaac, firmly. There was a lot that the ghost was hiding, for reasons he couldn’t quite articulate. Part of it had to do with blocking the memory of her out. It was the only thing he knew he needed to do in order to prevent any emotion from overflowing out of himself.

Marus nodded hearing the story that the young man told him. He could tell that Isaac was a protective soul and it seemed he held matters close to his heart. It almost seemed like he was covering for something.

No one who claims ‘vengeance’ as a reason for staying would simply pass off their death as an ‘accident’… would they?

Plus, Marus was familiar with Marrick, the Kelvic Dire Polar Bear, mount of Kaivanna Iceglaze. Whatever the connection, with Kai involved, the matter must have been serious. The woman was known for her initiation into Reimancy and her subsequent service.

“I see,” said the manager, swallowing another bite. They could both hear the melody of the folk song in the Lodge’s background turning despondent, as this part of the song was being improvised by the musical group. Marus scrunched his brows, trying not to pay it any further thought.

“Sounds like there’s been a lot on your mind, son. If you’re negotiating between vengeance and an alternative, I can see how that can keep you up at night, uh, so to speak. You might find it more useful to talk to someone with a bit more experience with this kind of thing. I arrived here after Morwen’s disappearance, and I’ve seen a lot of grief. But ever since that Dovecote appeared overnight in the Winter of 519 AV, there’s been more hope, I feel,” said Marus, introducing the idea.


“You haven’t been around the living much these past few years, have you Isaac? The Northern Dovecote is a doorway to Xyna’s Outpost, a place that exists for trade and profit. You’ll learn more about negotiation in that place than you ever will by talking to me. You should go see Eliah at Xyna’s Shrine and Temple Complex. Make that your first stop. Eliah has dealt with spirits like yourself, so he could potentially explain something about the alternative you’re looking for.” Marus picked up his bowl and downed the last drops of his gruel.

“I have to get to work now. You’ll visit The Outpost, yes?”

Isaac considered it and stood up at the same time as Marus did, releasing his materialized form.

“I’ll give it some thought. Never left Avanthal before. I'll let you know how it went if I decide to check it out. Thanks Marus, for the information.”

“You're welcome. Take care, son.”

They parted ways just as the music came to an end.
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Postby Isaac Iceglaze on April 5th, 2021, 3:06 am


    Materialization +1 XP

    Avanthal: The Lodge
    Avanthal: The Northern Dovecote
    The Outpost: Xyna’s place that exists for trade and profit
    The Outpost: Eliah at Xyna’s Shrine and Temple Complex

    Isaac finds out about The Outpost and doesn't visit it for a whole season. Why? He's slow, I guess :D

If you have any questions about this grade, send me a PM. Also, please be sure to EDIT any posts in the grading queue to 'Graded'.
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