Closed Introductions (Gossamer)

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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]

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Introductions (Gossamer)

Postby Gossamer on March 13th, 2022, 2:10 pm

James noted Cleon’s slight look of anxiety when he let them know there was no open-air market. “Syka isn’t big enough for that kind of market yet. Maybe someday. But we do have Tenday Celebrations, young man, that people gather and trade at much in the way cities have an open-air market in other places. Also, we have a dovecote that has access to the largest bazaar anywhere and you can buy just about anything there. Trade-in The Outpost, where the Open Sky Bazaar is, really sustains us when I can’t sail The Veronica. We absolutely have no steady source of things like flour because we can’t grow wheat.” He explained, hoping to ease the youth’s surprise.

The tour progressed, but James did his best to answer all their questions. “You’ll find a lot about Syka runs on the barter system. We don’t actually use a whole lot of money here. A strong back and a willingness to help out often does wonders and gains you more than the actual purchase in coins would be.” He added a little later to their conversation. “So if you’re willing to help... the community will embrace you quickly.” He assured them.

The tour lead them back to the Commons and James pointed out Randal making beds for the kid's pavilion. Randal nodded to them, stopped long enough to walk over and introduce himself as Randal Zor, then shook Cleon’s hand as Cleon volunteered to help build beds. “I’m not one to turn down help at any time. We’re just doing simple constructs, nothing fancy, and another pair or two of hands would be more than welcome. Just come by any time you want and I should be here the next few days until these kids all have something to sleep in above ground.” He added, kicking the sand.

“You can spread ashes over the ground and sleep above the thick layer and ants and spiders won’t cross it. But other things will… snakes namely. But you are still safer lofted than on the ground. Remember that if you are tent camping. Keep all your campfire ashes and put all your gear on them once you spread them out.” He said firmly. Randal was the resident Wilderness Survival teacher and he never hesitated to throw in a lesson, either asked or unasked for.

“Tazrae will take care of you,” Randal said, nodding at James as both men agreed the youngsters actually shouldn’t be out on their own, not at first, not until they got used to the jungle and a little bit more prepared. The day then continued until they found themselves back where they started and James had some parting advice.

“If either of you two wants to start a business, we do offer business loans to help Syka build up its resources. And like these children here, you are welcome to pick up an apprenticeship with someone already working a business here as well. They are fully paid positions, so no slave labor is involved for training. And if there is anything else I can do for you.. just ask. I can teach you to hunt, Randal can, or just about anyone in the colony. We go hunting often and share what we kill because it's mostly too much for one person… so you are welcome to join in. Just ask anyone anytime. The only requirement is that you keep quiet and listen to their commands if they ask you to do something. Sometimes what we hunt is as dangerous as ourselves.” He added. Then James seemed to have an idea too.

“If you are worried about finding food, if you trail your Innkeeper a bit too, she’ll teach you about catching lobsters, clams, crabs, and general foraging around Syka for fruits and other things. Each person here has a slightly different skillset, and I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t help. Go visit Mathias of the evenings, and he’ll be fishing and automatically put a pole in your hands. Trust me on that one.” The man said with a wink. “And half the odd males roaming around here are Svefra. Each one of them has a boat and a knowledge of sailing. They’ll give lessons for trade or coin as well. It’s never a bad idea to forage for extra food, trade it to the Svefra who put in, and get lessons in return.” He suggested.

“And watch out for your little sister. It's nice to have a family situation here again. We have so few of that.” He added. Then remembered Faye’s question. “Mathias is a priest so he has books on almost everything. He even has rare tomes. I have heard a rumor there is an ancient library in the rainforest too… something the denizens have been calling Reclaimed Knowledge. It’s haunted, but I’m sure someone could take you. If you want books on specific things, The Outpost book dealers are a good source, or I could always look for one in Syliras or Riverfall if you give me a list.” He added, smiling at the little girl. He liked her. She was going to grow up to be a real beauty. And he was suddenly glad they had children in the Settlement that was about her own age now, so she wouldn’t grow up alone without others to play with.

“I mean it. If either of you need anything, just ask. Ask me. Ask anyone. They will help. Now, is there anything else I can do for you before I finish seeing to my ship?” He asked, then if there wasn’t anything, he’d depart feeling he’d given some effort into helping the two new people learn the layout of the land and a few of the Sykan customs.

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Introductions (Gossamer)

Postby Cleon on March 13th, 2022, 4:58 pm


Although it took a bit of effort, Cleon was able to push down his pride enough to listen carefully as James continued to explain the situation in Syka. An while there was always the option of the bazaar he’d mentioned, he started to think he wasn’t going to need it if the Sykan’s remained true to their attitudes. He was more than willing to trade his hard labor for things that would make their lives comfortable in Syka, more so if they were willing to teach him about it first which he got the inclination from James that they were.

They really couldn’t have chosen a better spot to come to he decided, even if he found the jungle more than a little threatening with all of the warnings he was hearing about it. Still, that was easy to get over for what place didn’t have their perils and so long as he headed the founder’s carefully learned advice, he was sure he could keep him and his sister safe from any dangers they might encounter.

Further more, he was relieved that Randal accepted his offer so readily, and paired with it some handy advice for them if he decided they really were going to camp out their first night, which he hadn’t exactly made up his mind on just yet.

“I’ll make sure I come around first chance I get tomorrow then.” Cleon assured the man who’d introduced himself as Randal Zor. He was the sort that Cleon could get along with more readily he knew at first glance, and he clasped the man’s arm before they continued on their way.

When hey continued, Cleon found himself listening intently as James discussed apprenticeships because even with at least a few days work sorted, he wanted to keep an ear out for any opportunities that he might be interested in as now that he was more acquainted with the commerce system here in Syka he started to realize just how important skilled labor would be to keep them afloat.

As for the hunting, if staying quiet was the biggest issue for him learning, well it wouldn’t be as hard as he thought then. Cleon had plenty of experience being quiet on the streets of Sunberth so the biggest issue would probably becoming acquainted with a weapon, for which he had next to nothing to draw upon. Still if everyone was so willing to teach him, he certainly wouldn’t spurn the opportunity and planned on taking every chance he got over the next few days to broaden his talents.

On that count, James had a number of ideas of who he could go to, and Cleon did his best to memorize him all though he was a little skeptical about going to a Svefra for help. He hadn’t heard the best of things about them, with the rumors tending to paint them in a negative light, but if he could learn something useful from them, well maybe he would give it a shot if given the opportunity.

When the subject shifted towards books, Cleon found himself less interested but mostly because he wasn’t very good with letters himself, though he did vaguely mention James mentioning learning them earlier. It was a good opportunity for his sister though, as it kept her out of trouble and gave her something to do while he was away, so he decided then and there he would encourage any interest she had on the subject and bring her by Matthias’ place sometime so he could learn how to fish while she practiced her letters.

All together, it almost seemed too good to be true, like he was still below decks dreaming though the wind, air and sand felt real enough. James and Faye too. It was probably just too much of a good thing now because he wasn’t quite aware of the dangers yet, but he had no doubt reality would settle in soon enough. He would be ready when it came. Afterward, all there was left to do was offer their parting words as Cleon lead them along the beach to get settled with Randal’s advice resounding clearly in his head. Cleon regarded the experience with mixed feelings stirring within him. Hopeful of the days to come, fearful of the dangers he did not yet recognized, and troubled by the past that followed him. There was much yet that he did not understand about this new life they were embarking upon. Yet he would be strong. Strong enough for the both of them he hoped as he watched as the sun sank below the horizon.

WC - 770


oocThank you so much for the introduction thread Goss! I’ve had a blast so far, and look forward to continuing the excitement!
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Introductions (Gossamer)

Postby Gossamer on March 21st, 2022, 12:50 am

James hated talking to the youngster but someone had to. The ladies of the Settlement would thank him later, and definitely blame him of Cleon got into trouble for his wandering eyes later on. When Cleon brightened at the prospect of work trade for just about anything, James nodded. “You’ll have your choice of jobs, Cleon. It might do you some good to spend a day with each person you might want to work with and simply see if it suits you or you have fun. Trust me… do something with your life that makes you happy and you have fun doing. If you don’t, its not a life worth living.” He added, then smiled.

“You are more than welcome for the tour. I’ll make sure Taz knows you are coming and that she sets aside a room for you two. Meanwhile, pop by the various businesses and see what you like. Everyone will want some help, so the choice is up to you. Faye too can take some sort of apprenticeship if she likes. With us now allowing tourism here, there’s all kinds of needs for various things in Syka. We have our first clothing store now, and actually we had Randal open a Board shop for surf boards and paddleboarding. You can either get him or Tazrae to take you if you want to try it out. Randal loves surfing, and Taz has enough paddleboards for all her guests if they want to go on a trip.” He suggested, thinking things through.

“If you two need further help, I can show you where the fruit and vegetables grow around here. I can also show you where we hunt pigs if you need meat. Don’t go out into the jungle alone. Promise me that. But if anyone’s going hunting, offer to tag along and carry for them and you’ll get free food out of the deal. There’s always extra to go around.” James promised, smiling slightly. Then he gestured into the distance to a man that lifted his hand to wave in response. “That’s Buraga. He’s sort of our version of City Guard… a Ranger. He goes out all the time into the jungle. You can go with him whenever you want and learn about the jungle. He usually brings home food too, so he can show you spots you can get to easily from the settlement. You’ll need to learn about the jungle before you go to far on your own though. Promise me you won’t go alone for a while.” James reiterated… ‘Not until you are at least competent about finding your way around and not getting eaten or stung or bitten by anything. I worry about snakes the most.” He added.

Meanwhile, Lars and his two bulls had snagged Faye’s attention. They didn’t wander close while James was talking to Cleon and they had their little tour, but when Faye returned with her brother, Lars got a mischievous look on his face and reached out and snatched the girl when she wasn’t looking. Playfully, he tossed her up on the nearest bull’s back and urged her to “hold on” with a laugh. The bull, for all that he’d been moving a small big of log that Randal was going to cut up into a bed for one of the kids, only blinked, dropped the wood in a pile, then lifted his trunk up over his head to pat at the girl’s shoulders as if looking at her with his nose. He flicked his ears, realizing that it was a small human Lars had tossed on his back and then went back to moving the wood pile slow and methodically closer to where Randal had been bed building.

Lars laughed heartily. “I think he likes you, girl. What’s your name?” He called, though not waiting for her to supply it. James did, gesturing to her. “That’s Faye, and the young lad that looks likely to strangle you is her older brother Cleon.” He said with a grin. Lars hollered at the bull. “Swanson, meet Faye! Go easy on her!” He said with a bit of mischief in his eyes.

The Ashta was warm under Faye’s long skinny legs. He had a sort of pad that was the same color as his skin attached to a collar around his neck where Faye could tell people rode him quite often. Otherwise, he wore no other harness. His head was huge and she could feel his rough skin had tiny hairs sprouting out of it periodically. The lumbering giant was big for the settlement, but small and young in terms of his breed. He made no sudden moves and simply seemed to ignore the girl on his back. Lars let her ride a few moments while the bull moved the wood pile piece by piece closer to where Randal was working, before he materialized at Swanson’s side. “Ready to get down? Just jump.. I’ll catch you.” He said, offering with his hands out. “I didn’t mean to surprise you, but you should have seen the look on your face when one chime you were just standing there and the next minute you were riding an Ashta.” He said with a laugh and made ‘come here’ motions with his hands, urging her to jump.

“If you are ever interested, I can show you how to help care for them. They are really gentle creatures.” Lars said, smiling. He’d help Faye to the ground if she let him and still be laughing a bit at the whole thing. Then, with the little six foot logs moved, Lars called it a day and took Swanson and the other bull and invited them to join him for a walk back to the sawmill. James, at that point, waved goodbye to the pair, letting them get started setting up their tent wherever they wanted too, and went back to overseeing the unloading of his ship.

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Introductions (Gossamer)

Postby Faye on March 22nd, 2022, 4:03 pm


Faye had always considered herself a good listener. Maybe too good. She’d occasionally get so caught up paying attention to whatever was being said that she’d lose all track of her surroundings. Such was the case when she found herself suddenly launched onto the back of one of the strange creatures known as Ashta. Faye screamed in delight as she suddenly found herself planted on its immense back and at a loss for a proper hand hold.

When should couldn’t quickly figure out how exactly she could be holding it, she leaned forward and caught herself across its back where she managed to regain a semblance of balance. With an anxious smile she looked down at the man who had put her up there, then back toward the front of the Ashta where it had brought up its nose in a gesture that would have normally made her laugh, except she felt a little too tense at the moment.

She let out another squeal of excitement as the animal started to continue on with what it was doing, and started moving along causing her to wobble a bit. Faye clung on tightly across its back as her eyes went from Lars, to James, to her brother’s features which reflected a more primal worry. Putting on a brave smile, she gave a little wave at Cleon before she went back to clinging onto the animal’s back. Another brighter smile came as she learned its name and became a little more adjusted to sitting astride its back.

“Thank you Samson for the ride. Can you um.. Set me down now please.” She asked nervously, practically shaking like a leaf astride the animals back. Lars called out to her again, and looking down she had a sudden thought that it looked a lot farther down up here than it did from below. Clutching tighter to the animals back, she looked over at Cleon who after a long moment gave her a curt nod that didn’t do much in the way of reassuring her. Still she felt the pressure of all the eyes upon her, and hesitantly started shifting her weight towards the side Lars was on until she slipped off of the animals back.

It was actually almost fun, falling down a short while before being caught by Lars and gently set back onto the ground. Cleon was at her side in a heartbeat and she moved to stand just behind him as she turned to face Lars, giving him a shy smile.

“Okay.” She replied somewhat meekly as she looked down at her feet then back up to the laughing man. Now that she was no longer astride the Ashta and safely on the ground, she could appreciate the experience for what it was, with Lars suggestion being more than a little intriguing. She was curious what all went into taking care of such big animals and how much food they must eat, though she kept such thoughts to herself for now. Cleon’s mood was plain on his face, and that seeped a little bit into her own mood as well as she quieted down and starting focusing on listening once more.

Truth was she was partially happy that she didn’t have to make the same decisions Cleon did. She could see how it affected him, and she figured it must be very stressful to keep alert like that all the time. As she stood there listening she reassured herself that there would be time later for her to indulge her curiosity, and followed her brother to unpack their things.

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Introductions (Gossamer)

Postby Gossamer on April 9th, 2022, 6:50 pm


Observation +5, Socialization +4, Interrogation +3, Logic +2, WS +1

Traveling: The Trip To Syka From Sunberth, Captain James: Appearance & Mannerisms, Syka: Dock & Settlement Layout, Syka: Profusion Of Food, Syka: Other Children Came From The Veronica This Season, Syka: Tents Better Than Sunberth Tents, Panacea: Place Of Healing/Location/Free, Syka: Birds Speak Within Syka Due To Eywaat’s Statue, Syka: Settlement Turns Out To Unload Ship/Cook BBQ, Syka: Barter System, Juli: Runs Mercantile, Syka: Dress Code Is Casual, Syka: Syka Commons Community Core, Syka: Swing Beach, Faye: Start Of Black Lung – Will Clear With Cough Syrup and Fresh Air, Syka: No Market, Syka: No Market, Eywaat: Demigod of Birds, Children’s Pavilion: Location & Appearance, Children’s Pavilion: Where Faye Can Go To School, Swing Beach: Can Camp There, Syka: Estuary Cave, Swing Beach, Tidepool Bar, and Tar Pits Location, Syka: Dovecot & Storm Shelter Location, Syka: Banana Grove Location, Syka: Community Pool location, Syka: Mathias’ place location, Syka: Kihala’s Shrine – Location & Appearance, Syka: Runs On Barter System, WS: Ashes Prevent Ants & Spiders From Getting In Bedding, WS: Safer Lofted Above Ground, Syka: Offers Business Loans, Syka: Has An Inn/Location, Mathias Place: Fishing Nightly, James: Will Bring Back Requests From Trade Trips, Ashta: Small Sykan Elephants, Buraga: Ranger of Syka – Will Play Tour Guide


Observation +5, Socialization +4, Interrogation +3, Logic +2, WS +1, Riding (Ashta) +1

Traveling: The Trip To Syka From Sunberth, Captain James: Appearance & Mannerisms, Syka: Dock & Settlement Layout, Syka: Profusion Of Food, Syka: Other Children Came From The Veronica This Season, Syka: Tents Better Than Sunberth Tents, Panacea: Place Of Healing/Location/Free, Syka: Birds Speak Within Syka Due To Eywaat’s Statue, Syka: Settlement Turns Out To Unload Ship/Cook BBQ, Syka: Barter System, Juli: Runs Mercantile, Syka: Dress Code Is Casual, Syka: Syka Commons Community Core, Syka: Swing Beach, Faye: Start Of Black Lung – Will Clear With Cough Syrup and Fresh Air, Syka: No Market, Syka: No Market, Eywaat: Demigod of Birds, Children’s Pavilion: Location & Appearance, Children’s Pavilion: Where Faye Can Go To School, Swing Beach: Can Camp There, Syka: Estuary Cave, Swing Beach, Tidepool Bar, and Tar Pits Location, Syka: Dovecot & Storm Shelter Location, Syka: Banana Grove Location, Syka: Community Pool location, Syka: Mathias’ place location, Syka: Kihala’s Shrine – Location & Appearance, Syka: Runs On Barter System, WS: Ashes Prevent Ants & Spiders From Getting In Bedding, WS: Safer Lofted Above Ground, Syka: Offers Business Loans, Syka: Has An Inn/Location, Mathias Place: Fishing Nightly, James: Will Bring Back Requests From Trade Trips, Riding: Riding An Ashta, Ashta: Small Sykan Elephants, Buraga: Ranger of Syka – Will Play Tour Guide, Swanson: Bull Ashta

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