Closed Releasing an Ixam

Releasing an Ixam

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Releasing an Ixam

Postby Mittle on November 17th, 2022, 4:35 am

55 Fall 522 evening

Something suddenly burst into the closed Foundry tent with a loud chuffing growling sound and Stoker shook himself all over like a wet dog as he fully entered. His tail smashed back and forth into the tent flaps, letting Mitt see that it had stopped raining.

Mitt put up his hands and laughed loudly at the little Ixam's antics.

"I know, I know, the tent flaps blocked your view of me. It's ok lil man." The young smith grabbed a rag and started drying off the wriggling reptile. In a new and not so charming habit, Stoker rammed the side of his body into Mitt's legs and bowled him over to the floor. Like a puppy, the reptile jumped on his chest and started sniffing at his face and hair. Any immediate words were smothered by the eager little guy's attentions and it took a couple chimes to sit up.

Mitt picked him up and set him back down on the floor so he could sit on the chair again.

"Where did you learn a stunt like that? How did a little guy like you knock me over while I was sitting squarely in a chair? Is that a new prey technique you picked up today?" He asked, looking in admiration at the tough little Ixam.

"Ok let me get the tent flaps tied back up and we'll go outside so you can show me more."

Mitt said, playfully slapping Stoker on the flank to scoot him out of the Foundry quickly. He didn't want the Ixam to get hurt around all the heavy tools so it was best to just distract him and not encourage any curiosity in there. Mitt picked up a heavy hundred pound stump and brought it outside with him.

The sun shone brightly and the heat came back up to full force as the pair of them went out onto the beach.

"So that looked like a solid hit to take down a taller Ixam." Mitt said, patting Stoker's head in praise.
"You're a smart little guy aren't ya?"

'Stoker's getting used to meeting up with me just before sunset and it's a good habit I want to encourage the steady time to check up on him. Then if he's not here around the same time each day, I know he might be hurt or in trouble. My parents did the same with me at breakfast time.' he thought to himself.

Mitt set down the heavy tree stump in the sand as he spoke and motioned for Stoker to come closer.

He stroked the sleek reptile's eye ridges until his scarlet eyes finally closed and he leaned his full weight into Mitt's leg with obvious affection. The Ixam's tail wrapped around the man's left leg in a reptile style hug.

"Ok, you need to learn how to defend your self against bigger Ixams that might try to eat you. I get that. But you need your nightly check in first got it?"

The gleaming gold and scarlet reptile put his chin on top of the stump and Mitt ran his large hands gently over the face, checking for cuts or marks.

"Ok big smile."

Stoker raised his face up and opened his mouth to show his gleaming rows of teeth, his tongue flickered in and out impatiently as Mitt looked inside. Mitt pushed his tongue back with a short laugh.

"Ok smart ass, feet now."

The Ixam clearly had no patience for this nonsense, whipped his tail to the left and leaped three to the side with a mischievous grin.

"I will personally pick you up and put you on that stump myself and we won't play at all after if that's how you wanna act. The faster we finish your check up, the faster we go have fun. Now." Mitt tried very hard to remain stern and not laugh but it was impossible not to smile at the little goofball.

Stoker leapt onto the stump from five feet away and toppled it over, kicking and biting at the stump making happy snarling noises. The moment Mitt caught his scarlet eye with a serious frown, the Ixam nudged over the tree stump and hopped up lightly, balancing on it with all his claws extended into the wood and his tail wrapped tightly around it.

Mitt crouched and looked over his feet and legs, moving a quick hand across the stomach, up to his ribs and along his back. It must have taken all of two whole chimes which for Stoker, was forever.

"Ok the-" Mitt instantly rocked back on his heels to prep himself for Stoker's favorite stunt with him. The red and gold young Ixam leaped four feet off the stump rebounded swiftly off Mitt's chest pushing back with his tail and jumped a solid nine foot length from almost six feet in the air.

"Alright we'll play now you little brat!"

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Last edited by Mittle on November 22nd, 2022, 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Training an Ixam

Postby Mittle on November 18th, 2022, 2:58 am

"So you got that great move to ram into the legs of a bigger Ixam.. does that work if they're laying down too?" Mitt asked, pushing over the log and half burying it in the sand.

"Now that's about a hundred pounds and you're about half that. Why don't you try that swing move again on the log?"

Stoker bobbed his head up and down in enthusiasm but didn't know what Mitt meant.

Mitt caught his eye and ran at the log quickly turning sideways and skidded into the sand with his feet toward the log. He spit out a mouthful of dirt and looked over his shoulder at the Ixam to see if he'd paid attention.

Uh oh--paying attention now! Mitt barely rolled out of the way in time as the Ixam ran at the log, swung out his back feet and drop kicked the log across the beach!

"Yeah, that works too!" He laughed and stood up, brushing off the sand. "That works even better. Take 'em out Ixam drop kick style! Good boy!" He patted Stoker's back and figured on working out his next set of exercises for the little guy. Right after he retrieved the wood block. About fifty paces down the beach.

"Boots up!" Mitt said encouraging himself as he spurred on into a jog. His grey eyes watched in wonder as suddenly Stoker raced past in a gold and crimson streak and hopped onto the log, and off the log, and repeat. The tall young man didn't remember actively teaching him to respond to boots up. That was just something he said to himself. Maybe it was a coincidence? He shifted his lazy jog more towards the water and said "Boots up!" Stoker zipped into the water with a splash and then ran directly up to Mitt, still dripping.

"That's great Stoker! You learn stuff I don't even teach you on purpose." HIs large feet dug into the sand as he headed toward the log and Stoker took it as fun race back and forth until the guy actually made it there. Mitt wiped the sweat from his face with a forearm and exhaled for a bit.

"Go easy on your old man little guy, I've only got two legs!" He laughed easily. Finally catching his breath he tucked the heavy log under his arm and walked with Stoker to the edge of the tree line. Setting it down on the sand, he sat and looked at the little Ixam.

"Come here. Now I saw some of your pals jumping around in those trees and they're good climbers too. Have you really tried getting up there too?" The Ixam rubbed his head against the guy's knee, pushing for attention. He obligingly rubbed a hand along the smooth sleek hide near the top of his back and smiled down at him.

A bird flew onto a low hanging branch and Mitt thought that would be a good opportunity to encourage some more climbing. He whipped his head around to catch Stoker's eyes and then stared at the bird and whispered,

"Hey is that your snack up there Stoker?"

With stealthy paws, the Ixam scurried to the bottom of the tree, dug his back legs into the sand up to the hocks, slammed his tail down hard and launched up into the tree with amazing agility! The bird flew off squawking in irritation as Stoker climbed out onto the branch. He must've over compensated because the little Ixam slipped and fell! Twisting his body in the air, he latched onto a slim branch behind him with a single paw and his tail. In a flash of motion, he was beneath the tree canopy and Mitt completely lost sight of him.

Worried blue eyes tried to find the little Ixam but it was too dark to see anything that far up.

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Releasing an Ixam

Postby Mittle on November 22nd, 2022, 7:31 pm

Mitt felt that he'd interfered with nature too much as it was. Nora had warned him,
“An Ixam is a walking limbic system, which is pretty much all they have for brain function. It means their entire existence consists purely of fighting, fleeing, fornication, freezing up and eating. They're not reliable as mounts, or safe around people, which is why most societies don't try to domesticate lizards or predators as safe or sensible mounts in every day use.”

The wild creature should remain in the wild.

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