How long has it been now, since my body went cold? Who knows...All I can think is...I'm dead. And I know who killed me...
Jinmei looked down at his now rather decayed remains, nothing more than bone and scraps of cloth. Actually, most of his clothing had been removed from his corpse by passing by beggars and thiefs or the occasional homeless person. He sighed, leaning up against wall.
Honestly...if I had just a shred of wisdom back then...I'd still be alive...I wouldn't just be sitting here, and waiting for something to happen...
Something to happen?
What that something is though...I'll never least...not until it's finally happening.
Then why wait for it..? Why not seek it yourself?
It's....not that it?
I don't see why it couldn't be Jinmei...
.....I can't. I don't even know where I'd begin or what I was to do....
Do what you please. It's that simple.
If you say so....
I do. All it takes is that first tell me Jinmei Xaolung, are you man enough to take that first step...?
I don't know...
That's not an answer. Yes or no?
I don't know.
Answer me Jinmei-!
JINMEI--! Answer the question! STOP avoiding it!! You KNOW You'll have to make a choice! MAKE IT NOW!
Yes! Yes I'll take the step! I need to get moving!
And it was with those words that Jinmei took his first steps out of the alleyway hidden within the city of Alvadas.