- Landon Mora ![]() Basic Information Race: Human Birthday & Age: 56th of Winter, 485 AV (26) Gender: Male Physical Description Landon is not the tallest man, standing at about 5'7. While most men mightdislike being a bit shorter, Landon could care less. His dark hair is usually kept at a ![]() Landon's body is lightly toned, although not extremely. While many men could claim to be stronger than him, he is not scrawny in the slightest. He holds himself proudly which makes him seem a bit taller than his shorter stature. He also tends to dress nicely, feeling it makes him appear taller as well. Landon is very friendly looking the majority of the time. The only time he my look a bit cold is if he is dealing with his father or things are not going exactly his way. This is not to say that he is spoiled. He just prefers that things go according to his plans. Character Concept Landon is a proud man, although he is a bit self conscious about his shorter stature. He is naturally very fun loving and carefree although he can have his moments of darker behavior. While Landon wants to appear very good natured, moral-wise he is very neutral. One moment he might be helping a child find their way home and the next he could be scamming their parents out of a few mizas. He sees this almost as survival of the fittest with a thought process of "If you can't see through my bullshyke you deserve what is coming to you." ![]() Landon is very dedicated to his family, more so to his brother Sebastian than anyone. He would do almost anything for his family although there are people who are related to him that he does not like. He wants to someday have a family of his own but currently he is too big of a flirt to want to settle down. Landon loves to flirt and romance. He does not have any plan to marry any time soon but he loves to be seen with a woman under his arm. He likes to use just about anyone as subjects for his hypnotism but he does occasionally use his art to help ease women into seduction. Above all, Landon is a seeker of knowledge. He may not seem like he is from the way he acts but he is very intelligent. He yearns to know as much as he possibly can about the world around him. He loves the idea of magic and the Gods but is also very interested in politics. He wants to be in charge of people and have them need him. He does not have any aims to join any military but want to focus more on the governing side of things. Character History Landon grew up in Lhavit in a somewhat well off family. He was given the best his well off family could offer, never having to want for much. Landon was given excellent schooling and was encouraged to study magic, especially auristics. Sadly, Landon's ![]() When Landon was six years old, his brother Sabastian was born. Immediately Landon took to the boy, excited that he finally had a sibling. As the two grew they only grew closer. Landon, being older wanted nothing but to protect his younger brother and close friend. As the pair grew up their mother was close with both of them but it was clear that their father seemed to have some aversion Landon. With the addition of his worship in Akajia, his father distanced himself farther from Landon. The pair would often fight about Landon's interests in Spiritism and Akajia. His mother would always try to smooth over the fights which left Landon much closer to his mother. At the age of sixteen Landon first saw Mikala, a girl who he would be enamored by for seasons, if not years. He only knew of her for about two seasons but the thought of her never left his mind. He came to know of her as Mikala and while nothing ever became of the two of them, one could say it was Landon's first real feeling of romance. Since then, he has moved on from the girl but it is not to say that he does not look for a shock of flaming red hair from time to time. Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore) Arcana:
Other Skills:
Languages: Common-Fluent Kontinese-Basic Nari-Poor Gnosis- None Lore:
Equipment and Possessions 1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included) 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack which contains: 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) Food for a week 1 eating knife Flint & Steel Heirloom- Grandfather's Iron Staff 1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a riding horse, a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags. Horse- Gilding Ledger 100 GM Thread List Flashbacks :
Autumn 511 AV :
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