MelineNPC (stationary, approved)
Philosophy 25, Fortune-telling 15, Instrument: Lute 10; Divination 1
Eleret's mother is a scholarly individual who previously studied in Zeltiva, and still keeps up correspondence with some friends there. In the present, she is happily entrenched on Mura and enthralled by her first grandchild. Of all her children, Eleret is most like Meline in habits and interests.
Ne'lenNPC (stationary, approved)
Medicine 20, Gardening 15, Herbalism 15; Healing 1
Eleret's older sister Ne'len is a practical and sensible soul, one who has never felt a need to go anywhere beyond the White Isle. She is the only person in the family marked by Rak'keli, and maintains an ever-changing garden as a hobby. Ne'len is the mother of Na'tera.
Eleret's younger sister
Tanell is the one of them who has always asked
"why?" -- albeit usually in polite fashion. Generally coming across as 'easy to like', she is a vivacious person whose positive outlook often seems to be contagious. Aside from ferreting out reasons for things, Tanell's other hobby is making jewelry. She was Called away from Mura in 509 AV.
Na'teraNPC (stationary, approved)
Swimming 15, Gardening 10, Rhetoric 5; Divination 1
Na'tera is Eleret's niece, the daughter of Ne'len. Though halfway to her majority, she is in no hurry to leave childhood behind. She enjoys 'playing in the dirt' (i.e. gardening) with her mother, but what she's
really fond of is the ocean and the life within it.
L'naiNPC (stationary, approved)
Acrobatics 10, Climbing 5, Dance 15, Fortune Telling 5, Weapon: Suvai 15; Divination 1
L'nai grew up beside Eleret and was a staunch friend throughout her childhood, the four-year difference in their ages being entirely immaterial. An active soul and not scholarly inclined in the least, L'nai has always made for a study in contrasts against Eleret. With such disparate inclinations, their fates have diverged over time, but they remain good friends all the same.
AdilonNPC (stationary, approved)
Carving 10, Cartography 5, Cooking 5, Gambling 5, Sailing 15, Swimming 10
Adilon was a Syliran sailor on the expedition which "discovered" Mura in 497 AV. He was sufficiently entranced with the city, and with one young Konti in particular, to linger there for a while. Ultimately, Adilon and Eleret parted amicably; he returned to Syliras and a life path among other Humans, but continued to exchange letters with her for a number of years.