Ray's Plotnotes

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Ray's Plotnotes

Postby Ray on November 22nd, 2012, 9:27 pm

Yay! Plotnotes are always fun, 'specially when they're new and shiny like this one.

Oh wait, I have to put something here, don't I? Hm...

Ray's character sheet mentions that he is of average height, but doesn't explicitly mention it. Since I wish to keep it that way, I shall explicitly mention it here.

Ray is exactly six feet tall.
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Ray's Plotnotes

Postby Ray on November 22nd, 2012, 9:31 pm

Skills to shoot for, in order of importance...

L3 in Brawling
L2 in Seduction
L2 in Dancing
L2 in Acrobatics
L2 in Weapon: Trench Knife
L2 in Weapon: Chair
L2 in Dual Wield

I'll probably put more up later, but this'll do for now. Nice and simple.
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Ray's Plotnotes

Postby Ray on November 23rd, 2012, 5:49 am

So, the question was recently brought up to me:

Is there any song that you think sums Ray up, like a theme song?

Why, yes. Yes there is.

Why Should I Worry?
by Billy Joel

One minute I'm in Central Park
then I'm down on Delancy Street
from the Bow'ry to St. Marx
there's a syncopated beat

I said
woo-hoo, woo-hoo-hoo
I said
woo-hoo, woo-hoo-hoo

I'm streetwise
I can improvise

I said
woo-hoo, woo-hoo-hoo

I'm street-smart
I got New York City heart

Why should I worry?
Why should I care?
I may not have a dime, oh, but I got street savoir faire

Why should I worry?
Why should I care?
It's just bebopulation, and I got street savoir fair

The rhythm of the city
oh, once you get it down
you can own this town
you can wear the crown

Why should I worry?
Say, why should I care?
say I may not have a dime, oh, but I got street savoir faire

Why should I worry?
Why should I care?
It's just bebopulation, and I got street savoir faire

Everything goes
everything fits
they love me at the Chelsea
they adore me at the Ritz

Why should I worry?
Why should I care?
Even when I cross that line, I got street savoir faire

I said
woo-hoo, woo-hoo-hoo
I said
woo-hoo, woo-hoo-hoo
(repeat this until you get bored)
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Ray's Plotnotes

Postby Ray on November 23rd, 2012, 6:18 am

Character Study of Ray, formally known as Rayes Endeth, on the subject of independance.

If there's one thing that Ray is more proud of than his ability to cause trouble, it would have to be his self-reliance. While it is true that he is a great lover of material possessions and physical activities and indulgences, he has a very clear understanding of what he wants and what he needs. He likes alcohol and money is nice and belongings are to be pursued, but he knows that he does not need them. All he really needs is a good coat and good boots, but even that is debatable. He knows that safety and wealth is only a matter of determination; if you want it enough to do something about it, you will get it. He has had this philosophy most of his life, and it is what gives him the ability to leave everything in one place and become successful(at least, what he defines as successful) in another.

As a result, he does not put much stock in the status quo, especially his own. He can drift just as easily as he settles, and his thrill-seeking personality is always hunting for a breeze of fate to drag him somewhere exciting.

But this attitude does have a flipside. Because he needs nothing that he cannot carry on his person, if he ever lays roots somewhere they are shallow and opportunistic, ready to move to the next place if the current one is too disagreeable. Ray has trouble connecting with people and places, knowing full well that he or they could be gone tomorrow. Perhaps this is the root of his addiction to excitement; when he cannot stir his emotions with other people, he has to find some other way to do it.
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Ray's Plotnotes

Postby Ray on November 25th, 2012, 5:11 pm

Yay! Ray gifs! I saw that Sybel had a bunch of character .gifs in her scrapbook and just had to get some for Ray.

Ray being dizzy

Ray is not amused

You have Ray's attention

Ray is being supportive

Peaceful Ray
Last edited by Ray on November 25th, 2012, 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ray's Plotnotes

Postby Ray on November 25th, 2012, 6:08 pm

Well, this seems to have become my place for vomiting up character development, so I'm going to try putting a spark of legitimacy in here. Let's do a character diamond!

Ray's permanent traits:
Fun-loving(positive) and arrogant(negative)
Situational traits:
Adaptable(positive) and reckless(negative)

I could go into detail on this, but really... I think that it's very well explained by the post on independence. Interpret this as you will.

Also, I came across another character development idea on how characters relate to the story. It's divided into four parts: how the character relates to themselves, how they relate to others, how they relate to activity and how they relate to time. Let's see...

1: Self
Ray does not respect himself. At all. He is impulsive, thrill-seeking, a braggart and greedy, and he is completely aware of all of these. He certainly wouldn't like someone like that, so why would anyone else? This is why he puts so little effort into connecting with other people; with a twisted sense of honor he tries to spare others from himself. It is also why he so frivolously teases death: if he were to die, he knows that no one would miss him.

2: Others
Ray likes fun. Ray likes people that are fun. Most of the time, other people are simply toys that he finds amusing. Whether fellow troublemakers, partners of the flesh or innocent bystanders he can drag into fights, Ray almost always sees other through the lens of how a subject can help him. That isn't to say he disregards the needs of others; he can be quite amiable and polite when interacting with a new "friend." He'll be helpful if he can be and supportive when he can't, but when he and they part ways then they won't hold a second thought in his head.

3: Activity
Ray is a minimalist. He wants everything, but he needs almost nothing. Possessions are all well and good, but he can drop everything at a moment's notice and still be fine. When he has much, though, he is often quite messy. Since he cares little for material ownership he often forgets where he puts things and then just isn't motivated enough to find them until he actually needs them.

4: Time
Ray does not think about the past. He does not plan for the future. He lives in the moment, uncaring of what has passed or is coming. He knows how fickle life is, and so he lives every day like it's his last. He does what he wants, and when there are consequences he brings them into the dance, too. Do what you can. Ignore what you can't.
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