Sosicly's Notes

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This forum is an OOC forum for PCS and Organizations to work out plans in hardcopy. Each PC or Organization gets a single thread where their players can help work out plans for their PC. Quests, mini-sagas, and Trips can all be organized here as well working out timelines and points of travel and things PCs need to do along the way. Each PC however gets only one Plotnote for their individual PC. Groups get one as well. There is no limit on individuals posting saga or trip plotnote threads. Please denote [PC Plotnotes] or [Group Plotnotes] or [Quest/Trip/Saga Plotnotes] when titling your threads.

Sosicly's Notes

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on April 24th, 2013, 8:50 pm


Character Insight
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on May 19th, 2013, 4:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Sosicly Magnolia
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Sosicly's Notes

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on May 19th, 2013, 4:08 am


Current Character Goals
  • Philosophical debate on surrogates
  • Go on Quest
  • Befriend a Surrogate
  • Illness gets worse
  • Learn about Konti
  • Enter Weaving Contest--514AV
  • Become Fluent in Common Writing/Hearing

Religious Goals
  • Viratas Gnosis
  • Rak'keli Info
  • Read Viratassa More
  • Learn more about Rak'keli

Flashback Goals
  • Gleaning
  • Ariel Dance Fails
  • Childhood fleshout

Extra Goals
  • Go 'topside'
  • Weapon skill?
  • Almost fall off roads in Kalinor
  • Play Prank on Somone
  • Drink for first time
  • Watch the Sunset

OOC Goals
  • Read Lore (new, re-read, etc.)
  • Fix Development Write-ups-In progress
  • Apply for Liaison
  • Finish Up Plotnotes
  • NPC brother?
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on September 22nd, 2013, 7:20 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Sosicly Magnolia
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Sosicly's Notes

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on May 19th, 2013, 4:12 am


  • Replies
  • Job Threads Spring, 513AV
  • Plotnote Things
  • Fix Development Write-ups
  • Kalinor Seasonal Challenges
  • NPC Brother
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on September 22nd, 2013, 7:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Sosicly Magnolia
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Sosicly's Notes

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on May 19th, 2013, 4:24 am


Location Arrived Departed Age
Kalinor Birth 18th of Spring, 509AV 0-14
Sailing 20th of Spring, 509AV 60th of Summer, 509AV 14
Alvadas 60th of Summer, 509AV 70th of Summer, 509AV 14
Sailing 70th of Summer, 509AV 2nd of Spring, 510AV 14-15
Kalinor 6th of Spring, 510AV Present 15-Current
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on October 12th, 2013, 7:07 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Sosicly Magnolia
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Sosicly's Notes

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on September 23rd, 2013, 1:19 am


ImageName: Enasis Magnolia
Age: 49
Gender: Female
Relation: Mother
Skills: Leadership | 20
Weaving | 30
Info: Enasis Magnolia while being fairly attractive was never known for much else. Her pride was in her weaving, and her leadership skills. She is a severe woman who runs her family with a firm hand, and expects great things from both her children and spouse at all times. She is chatty, easily angered with a sharp tongue but adores her family to the point of being over-protective.

Name: Veladra Magnolia
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Relation: Brother
Skills: Acrobatics | 15
Wilderness Survival | 20
Poisons | 15
Info: Veladra like most Symenestra is charismatic but he could hardly be considered kind. Raised as an only child of the Magnolia Web for several years he became spoilt & narcissistic, an when his siblings came tensions rose along with his pressures to finally find bring home a surrogate.

Veladra only accomplished fleeing from his home for three years. During his time away from Kalinor he fell bonded with a mouse Kelvic who bore him one son before her death. After the death of his bonded Veladra swore off surrogates and returned homed with only his son. Watching how his people treat surrogates mixed with his own bitterness he has chosen to side with the Esterians though for his families sake he keeps it mostly quiet.

No longer a Harvester he is mostly seen lazing about, and generally making a nuisance of himself though he is never known to be short on Miza or escorts.
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Sosicly Magnolia
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Sosicly's Notes

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on October 20th, 2013, 2:37 am

Notes on Sosicly

Random Factoids:
  • Atrociously messy and disorderly
  • Sosicly is possessive of everything, including things not actually hers
  • Adores sweets
  • One-track mind. Example: Is so worried about curing her illness she doesn't really know how to deal with people outside of her family. Hence, no friends yet.

Family Thoughts:
  • Enasis: Sosicly loves her mother dearly but that does not mean she always likes her. They are a typical mother daughter pair, there when they need each other but they have no problems other than the occasional urge to throttle each other.
  • Veladra: Sosicly actually hates her brother, not sisterly hate but actual hate. It is blood that keeps the pair bound together, and were it not for their God there would be blood.
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Sosicly Magnolia
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