[Verified by Kraken] Sosicly Magnolia

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Sosicly Magnolia

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on January 16th, 2013, 8:58 pm

Sosicly Magnolia
"...Silence has the loudest voice..."

ImageRace: Symenestra
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Birthday: 21st of Aumtumn, 495AV
Birthplace: Kalinor

Height: 5’2
Weight: 104lbs
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Dull Black
Skin: Ashen
Body: Lithe/Petit

Profession: Weaver/Jewelcrafter
Current Housing: Stalactites House in Kalinor

Fluent: Symenos
Basic: Common
Poor: NA
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on November 1st, 2013, 6:41 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Sosicly Magnolia
Silence is Open to Misconception
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The Mind

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on January 17th, 2013, 1:14 am


Sosicly leans towards the shorter side of the Symenestra genes but holds their thin, almost spindly body type. Her arms longer than any humans, her skin ashen, and her eyes a jeweled red. She has a sharp nose and chin, small full lips, thin brows that frame large eyes.

Racial :
  • Elongated arms
  • Venomous
  • Fanged
  • ”Microscopic hooks on skin that allow them to scale seemingly smooth walls”
  • ”What is murky to humans is faintly clear to a Symenestra, and what is pitch black is only foggy”
  • Claws

Illness :
  • IC: Sosicly was born without sound. It is thought that something was wrong with the surrogate that caused her to underdeveloped, especially considering how small and withered she was. Or that her fathers’ force was too great, either way, she seemed to grow normally save her inability to make any sound and her trouble breathing after laborious activity.
  • OOC: The drugs and force used to kidnap and impregnate her surrogate mother leaving her to be forced into labor earlier or lose the child.


Even without means for basic communication Sosicly is easily understood, not emotional but prone to exaggerative gestures, throwing her body about in attempts to communicate. Not one who is shy but independent and forceful even in her silence, things often must be her way or the highway with her forming quick and almost always permanent judgment on those she meets. However, to those she does enjoy the company of she is protective and loyal but her mind will always win out over her heart. Her duty to her race will always win out over sympathies for those used in births.

For a quiet young woman Sosicly is not a great listener, and when conversing she is prone to asking things to be repeated as she drifts off. She is easily frightened, not a morning person and is known to plot out a vindictive passive aggressive vengeance when crossed.

Sosicly can be considered consequentialist. She has no hard and fast principles and regards most laws as guidelines for what could happen. The gain or loss of an action will decide whether or not she will pursue that choice. Acceptance and pleasure are key in this decision, if she can accept what she has done or the ‘ends meet the means’ then it is acceptable. If something brings about great pleasure to her, her family or her people (in that order) she will go to anything length to get the desired outcome.

Values :
  • Acceptance “The action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered”
    Sosicly accepts most things and expects to be accepted in return. It is a contradiction in that if she finds something unacceptable everyone else must as well, however, her actions are always acceptable.
  • Ambition “A strong desire to do or to achieve something”
    Sosicly views her people as this and respects those who are ambitious in things they partake in.
  • Control “The power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events”
    Maintaining a sense of control or knowing what should and is going to happen is important for Sosicly. With both her illness, and her peoples lack of control with their own dwindling population she wants to know what is going to happen, how, when, why, who, and where.
  • Devout “Totally committed to a cause or belief”
    Her people live and breathe their religion. She is no different. However, this does not just extend to religious views, it extends to any cause she finds worthy. As a person, she needs to be committed to something.
  • Independence “That state of being independent; free from outside control”
    With her illness causing her to have to rely on others, especially throughout her childhood Sosicly wants her independence. To be free of others influence, and properly make her own choices.
  • Loyalty “The quality of being loyal to someone or something”
    Sosicly has inherent loyalty both to her people and what she believes in. She demands the same of others.
  • Pleasure “A feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment”
    Sosicly enjoys being happy and in turn wants others to be happy, unless it impedes upon her own happiness. Pleasure is something one should not be denied.
  • Rationality “The state of having good sense and sound judgment”
    Sosicly needs logic and to a lesser extent order. Chaos and failings come from being emotional, therefore, nothing holds weight until it can be rationally proven.
  • Unity “The state of being united or joined as a whole”
    The community of Symenestra is tightknit, as are their families and lastly the friends. She values things being united in a cause, for balance and being a part of something so long as a person may still be themselves.


ImageSosicly is a worshipper of Viratas. Llike most Symenestra she views him as the God of connection, life and essence. To her, Viratas is a someone she must love and respect first, treat as a father and leader second.

Devout as any other who follows him she is split in the nature of her faith. She believes in life and the perseveration of the blood, however, she is would be just as quick to spill blood for the sake of her race. There is nothing that would be too much and she would do whatever he asked.

[spoiler=Show of Faith]
  • Morning Prayer
  • Midday Prayer
  • Nightly Personal Sacrafice
  • Daily Reading of the Viratassa.
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on November 1st, 2013, 6:43 pm, edited 24 times in total.
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Sosicly Magnolia
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Postby Sosicly Magnolia on January 17th, 2013, 1:22 am

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Acrobatics 10RB, 2, 2 14 Novice
Climbing 1, 1, 3 5 Novice
Weapon: Symenestra Lash 2 2 Novice
Wilderness Survival
Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Stealth 1, 1 2 Novice
Tracking 1 1 Novice
Wilderness Survival 2, 1 3 Novice
Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Weaving 20SP, 3, 3, 3 29 Competent
Jewelcrafting 20SP, 1 21 Novice
Sewing 10SP, 3, 4 17 Novice
Geology 2 2 Novice
Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Writing 3, 2, 1 6 Novice
Drawing 1 1 Novice
Persuasion 2, 2 4 Novice
Acting 1 1 Novice
Observation 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2 23 Novice
Organization 1 1 Novice
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on November 17th, 2013, 6:21 pm, edited 34 times in total.
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Sosicly Magnolia
Silence is Open to Misconception
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Lores, Languages & Miscellaneous

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on January 17th, 2013, 1:23 am

Customer: Veladra *
Oscar: Rak’keli Healer from Zeltiva *
Shausha: The “Helpful” Zith *
Veldrys: The Young Doctor *
Valdyor: Shady Symenestra *
Zarovin: The Adventurous Deserter *
Veladra is Useless *
Wise Gem Hunter: Demenos Acacia *
Location: The Hunter’s Gather *
Location: The Place of Purging *
Wilderness Survival
Kalinor Clothes are not made for cold Weather *
Pitching a Tent *
Lighting a Fire *
Starting an Underground Fire *
Edible Plants: Clover *
Edible Plants: Elderberry *
Elderberry Reminder: Eat Only The Berry When Boiled *
Edible Plants: Cattail *
Inedible Plants: Yew *
Edible Plants: Kelp and Seaweed *
Edible Plants: Dandelion *
Inedible Plants: Buttercup *
Aggressive bugs are not safe to eat *
Safe bugs to eat in Kalinor *
Knowledge of Improvised Weapons *
Animals are afraid of fire *
Use of animal remains *
Dangerous animals of Kalea *
Dealing with a Difficult Customer *
Looms are the best to work with *
Weaving: One Through Four Rhythm *
Technique: Basic Catch Sitch *
Sewing: Identifying NeedlesDarning, Embroidery, Sharp, Chenille, Straw, Tapestry & Quilting Needles *
Sewing: Purpose of Different Needles *
Sewing: Sharps are All Purpose, But Not as Good as Purposed Needles *
Sewing: Six Essential StitchesBasting, Running, Back, Overcast, Hem & Blind Hem Stitch *
Sewing: Performing Six Essential Stitches *
Identifying Amethyst Quartz *
Quartz Comes in Many Colors *
Stones are Delicate *
Symenestra Culture SP
Religion: Viratas SP
Feeling Exhaustion while Climbing *
Valdyor's Stretching Techniques *
How to Use a Symenestra Lash *
Nagging Thought: Visit the Surrogates! *
Using One’s Ailment To Trick a Guard *
Graduate of Mene Madras *
Disbelief in False Hopes *
Gambling the Basics of Dice *
Vow: I will get back at my brother *
Boredom is Jealousy's Cover Up *
Playing a Dangerous Game With Plants *
Reading and Comprehending Instructional Literature *
Ambition: Jewel Crafting *

Language EXP Proficiency
Fluent SP Symenos
Basic SP Common

*This is by means of writing rather than conversing, as she cannot speak.

Where Description Gained
Kalinor Stalactites House: There are no windows, and rooms inside are separated by hanging cloth. The home is roughly 20x20 in size, pear shaped, and includes a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table. SP
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on November 17th, 2013, 6:19 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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Sosicly Magnolia
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Ledger & Possessions

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on April 5th, 2013, 9:47 pm

Work Related
Writing Supplies

Purchase Cost Total
Starting Package +100GM 100GM
Ink Vial (2) -2GM 98GM
Quill (2) -10CM 97GM.80CM
Book, Blank (2) -6GM 91GM.80CM
Chalk (4) -4CM 80GM.76CM
Seasonal Living (Winter) -45GM 35GM.76CM
Seasonal Income (Spring) +819GM 854GM.76CM
Seasonal Living (Spring) -135GM 719GM.76CM
Seasonal Living (Summer) -135GM 584GM.76CM
Small Meal -4SM 583GM.6SM.76CM
Embroidered Silk (6yrds) -84GM 499GM.6SM.76CM
Drinks -26GM.9SM.2CM 472GM.7SM.74CM
Blank Books (2) -6GM 466GM.7SM.74CM
Quills (5) -25CM 466GM.7SM.49CM
Inksticks (3) -9GM 457GM.7SM.49CM
Inkvial (5) -5GM 452GM.7SM.49CM
Sewing Kit Replacement -9GM 443GM.7SM.49CM
Chalk (4) -4CM 443GM.7SM.45CM
Hand Loom -5GM 438GM.7SM.45CM
Jewelcrafters Kit -250GM 188GM.7SM.45CM
Ginseng Leaves (10oz) -10CM 188GM.7SM.35CM
Camping Supplies 28GM 160GM.7SM.35CM
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on November 18th, 2013, 3:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Sosicly Magnolia
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Postby Sosicly Magnolia on October 20th, 2013, 12:56 am


In the Past:
Her father wooed a surrogate Vantha in his typical manner, a combination of empty promises and brute force; if successful it would be his third and final child. The only complication being that his young surrogate became pregnant during their travels back to Kalinor. It successfully brought about Sosicly, the youngest to the Magnolia Web into being. However, the rough birth was not without consequence, and Sosicly was odd from the moment she was born without a sound. All the same she was reared in a typical manner alongside her elder brothers.

The childhood of Sosicly was a relatively normal one but filled with tension, her silence a loud reminder of what she would never be, her brothers constantly at odds with their mothers’ strict regimen. Sosicly found her life highlighted by her brothers teasing, both lighthearted and cruel, and often found herself in odd places to escape the Magnolia Web.

Her silence made if difficult not only for her family but to communicate in general, so she was often found people watching rather than participating. Children her own age were uncomfortable around Sosicly, and she found antagonizing or coercing the elder children to be a good way to pass the time.

Although Sosicly wished to be a dancer rather than a weaver as her mother intended, with her ailments gave her mother was given her wish. But ever persistent to get her own way Sosicly found a calling in jewelcrafting. It was not physical enough to make her ill but enough to where she did not feel impeded by her sickness. As she finished school Sosicly gained employment at the Weft and Warp, helping create silks while weaving gems into them.

In the Present:
Spring, 513AV: The Summer brought change for Sosicly's normal routine when a young boy was lost beneath the city and Sosicly decided it was her duty to go an help find said boy. The lull before the excitement brought people, mostly those not native to her own city. Those people being an odd Zith, Shausha, who forced the beginnings of friendship upon Sosicly, a healer, Oscar, who Sosicly finds intriguing and may be of further use to her along with his Goddess, and lastly a pregnant human surrogate, Melina, who Sosicly grew fond of and plans to visit again.

Summer 513AV: Once again the season brought surprises, Sosicly was elected Moth Queen for the year. Sosicly was pleased and has used it to her advantage in ensuring people know her for more than her illness. Her relationships with the Zith and Human continued progressing with the Zith's strangely becoming more friendly until her sudden dissapearance midway through the season while the humans became more business-like.

Autumn 513AV: TBA
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on November 1st, 2013, 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sosicly Magnolia
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Thread List

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on October 20th, 2013, 1:46 am

Secret :
Time Link Finished PCs
4th (Summer), 502AV Sibling Rivalry No Savidis
32nd (Summer), 504AV Adventures in Underland Yes Zarovin
90th (Spring), 504AV Give and Take Yes Solo/NPC
21st (Spring), 505AV Count One Stitch, Two No Solo/NPC
66th (Winter), 505AV One is Company, Two is Trouble No Assilsa Curare
41st (Autumn), 507AV Kids Will Be Kids No Sedele
2nd (Spring), 509AV Travels of a Spider Yes Solo/NPC
16th (Spring), 509AV Follow the Leader Yes Valdyor Avenca
61st (Summer), 509AV Information is Not Knowledge Yes Snaeha Datura
63rd (Summer), 509AV Will you be my... No Kit Rowan
55th (Autumn), 510AV Check Up Yes Veldrys
33rd (Autumn), 511AV Wings and Things No Irriari

Secret :
Time Link Finished PCs
15th (Winter), 512AV Cure the Sick No Duvalyon Hellebore
22nd (Winter), 512AV Of Dresses and Dancers No Nissabella Rose

Secret :
Time Link Finished PCs
11th (Spring), 513AV Beat It Yes Solo/NPC
14th (Spring), 513AV The Customers Always Right Yes Solo/NPC
67th (Spring), 513AV Wandering Around Yes Oscar, Shausha
71st (Spring), 513AV A Pretty Pet No Poison
80th (Spring-Quest), 513AV Into the Deep No Poison, Snaeha Datura, Zarovin
1st (Summer), 513AV The Morning of the Moths No Poison
10th (Summer), 513AV Pen or Sword Yes Shausha
13th (Summer), 513AV Bloody Gods No Oscar, Shausha, Sinvala Chrysanthemum

Time Link Finished PCs
2nd (Autumn), 513AV Seasonal Shopping Yes Solo/NPC
8th (Autumn), 513AV Birds of a Feather No Viridae
10th (Autumn), 513AV Dressmaker Part I Yes Solo
12th (Autumn), 513AV Dressmaker Part II Yes Solo/NPC
15th (Autumn), 513AV Dressmaker Part III No Solo
21st (Autumn), 513AV Celebrate, Come On No Llyvi Phlox, Viridae
22nd (Autumn), 513SV Illusions of Visions No Vyvian, Laute
23rd (Autumn), 513AV Oh sister of mine No Laute, Viridae
36th (Autumn), 513AV Hiring New Help No Oscar
41st (Autumn), 513AV Words of Traveler's Yes Solo/NPC
44th (Autumn), 513AV Careful What You Ask For Yes Solo/NPC
47th (Autumn), 513AV Taught and Taught No Llyvi Phlox
57th (Autumn), 513AV Masquerade No Laute, Viridae, Vetari Violet, Scorn, Vyvian, Poison
58th (Autumn), 513AV A Secret Admirer No Sosicly, Vyvian
58th (Autumn), 513AV The Mass No Vetari Violet, Poison
60th (Autumn), 513AV The Great Outdoors No Viridae, Vetari Violet
69th (Autumn), 513AV Terrible Works of Art No Ensnare, Vetari Violet
71st (Autumn), 513AV Differing Opinions No Sosicly, Lauralyn
74th (Autumn), 513AV New Life in Kalinor No Ensnare
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Sosicly Magnolia
Silence is Open to Misconception
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