Suddenly, Jessor found herself in a position that she had never expected to be in. She knew, logically, that she shouldn't trust this stranger. One couldn't close their eyes in Sunberth without being robbed blind, and closing your eyes to the image of a Zith almost guarenteed you wouldn't open them again.
And yet, logic didn't seem to be the most important thing. Her gut instinct, her intuition that she had always trusted, that had led her out of Endrykas and to Sunberth in the first place- that was what mattered. And at that moment, her gut instinct was telling her that everything was going to be fine. She didn't know why, but she trusted this man. Everything about him seemed to give off an aura of ease, and Jessor relaxed in turn.
Almost without thinking, Jessor felt her eyes flutter shut. She simply couldn't let an opprotunity like this walk away. Her curiosity would have killed her before the Zith.
All around her, the sounds of Sunberth continued, but she was no longer a part of that world. She was a part of the Zith's world, and she was ready for a good story.
And yet, logic didn't seem to be the most important thing. Her gut instinct, her intuition that she had always trusted, that had led her out of Endrykas and to Sunberth in the first place- that was what mattered. And at that moment, her gut instinct was telling her that everything was going to be fine. She didn't know why, but she trusted this man. Everything about him seemed to give off an aura of ease, and Jessor relaxed in turn.
Almost without thinking, Jessor felt her eyes flutter shut. She simply couldn't let an opprotunity like this walk away. Her curiosity would have killed her before the Zith.
All around her, the sounds of Sunberth continued, but she was no longer a part of that world. She was a part of the Zith's world, and she was ready for a good story.