Gile Askara
Fall 10th, 516 Av
If Gile had to choose one family beyond his own to love, it was the Sitai, if the Askara's where the musicians of Kenash then the Sitai were the dancers and the people that kept the drinks flowing, parties between the two families tended to be long and while memorable, quite hard to remember. Anyways as things were if he wanted to learn more about massage the only place to go would be to the Sitai, more specifically the den. While he wasn't keen on some of the less scrupulous things the den did, it was a place that held most of the same values his own business would have, and a chance to scope out the site and learn about how they did business would be well worth some coin.
As such when he found himself at the door of the building he was semi prepared for what was going to be there to greet him That said no amount of imagination beats realities. Pushing the door open Gile sauntered in not wanting to look anxious or needy, when dealing with people confidence, even false confidence tends to get you further than any amount of timidity will ever bring you. Finding the lady of the house was not particularly hard, taking a seat on a lavish cushion next to the richly dressed woman at the bar Gile smiled calmly. His innards stirred at the thought of what was to come but he did not want to reveal such emotions if he could avoid doing so.
"Salutations lady, I've heard that this was the place to be if one was looking to be entertained for an evening, and I would so love to see the lovely baths I've heard about from my fellow Askara's."
The thing about name dropping in Kenash is, that everyone does it, it's weird not to that didn't, however make it any less effective, it was up to the Dynasts to maintain their senses of superiority, after all it was one of the more exclusive things you could be in the city. His greeting was of course followed up by him producing coin, he was no fool and one thing that always greased the wheels of commerce was shiny coin.
"I'll be taking a bath, and expecting a full body massage for starters this evening, and if I find myself impressed I think I could spend a fair amount more time here"
This statement was of course followed with a wink and Gile's signature half smile, the sooner he was done with this woman the sooner he'd be able to meet someone with the actual skills he desired. Not that he wasn't looking forward to the bathing and massage treatment, but he had much to learn as well as much to enjoy about the experience, the anticipation of such a fun evening was quite hard to ignore, he just hoped the woman would be snappy, and that with his charming she'd send him someone worth having for the evening.
Smiling back at him The woman eyed the coin in his hand before leading him to one of the unused rooms for bathing and massage.
"Someone will be with you shortly handsome, do enjoy"
And like that She was gone, Taking a seat, Gile decided to wait to disrobe, if he was not impressed with what the matron sent him he'd leave, he didn't want to be massaged by someone who knew less about the art than himself.