Spirits Are Using Me Larger Voices Callin' (Rakhasta)

Mathias and Rakhasta meet for the first time.

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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]

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Spirits Are Using Me Larger Voices Callin' (Rakhasta)

Postby Gossamer on September 20th, 2016, 12:33 am

Timestamp: Early Fall 516 AV

It was interesting to say the least, being a thrice marked actual priest of Xhyvas. Mathias had never been in on the ground floor of starting something bigger than himself. Syka was definitely that project and in a way because he was partially in charge of it, the new settlement had more of a chance to survive that it would have without him. He saw possibilities everywhere. Sometimes they were so strong, these visions of 'what could be' that he couldn't tune them out. Sometimes he went without sleep and ignored it as long as he could, but in the end he'd often act.

Xhyvas was a demanding God. Mathias didn't mind. But he knew that his sense of time and the Gods sense of time often ran on two different planes. Lately, as soon as the multiple armed man had set foot on the settlement, he'd been getting possibilities after possibilities. Protector. Priest. Ally. Mathias knew the Eypharian was going to be someone important not only to the Triad of Founders but to the settlement itself. Mathias saw the possibility of the newcomer saving not one but three different individuals in the near future. He wasn't privy to all the details, but Mathias knew it was important to get to know the man better and perhaps get him established in the settlement as something other than just a resident.

To that end Mathias ignored the compulsion as long as he could, busy with other things, and then finally gave in and went to find the man. He looked everywhere, suspecting the man was camping because he hadn't heard that Randal had let him rent any of the bungalows yet.

Mathias sought out the man, finally coming upon him a little deeper into the jungle, obviously scouting or looking for food. Quietly the priest joined him, nodding to him and offering a smile. "Scouting out the area or looking for food? There's some banana trees not far from here that should have a ripe bananas by now. I could use some help cutting a few." Mathias said, smiling slightly

"You know, when I first ran into them I had no idea what they were. Indigo, a local, showed me how to eat them. There are other sorts, plantains, that are good for cooking, but the bananas are the best for just eating. Indigo taught us a lot when we first moved here. For example, the strands of bananas that grow off the tree are called bunches. When you cut the smaller units off the bunch they are called hands. Myrians evidently thought they looked like our hands. Individual bananas are called fingers because of it. James wants a few bunches at the mercantile to serve folks that wander in. They keep well after you pick them if you pick them slightly green and they are very healthy. Some folks that get here from boats aren't doing too well." He added, looking thoughtful.

Mathias would wait for the stranger to decide if he wanted to help or not. If he did, he'd take the man with him and show him where the bananas grew.

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Spirits Are Using Me Larger Voices Callin' (Rakhasta)

Postby Rakhasta on September 20th, 2016, 6:22 am

5th Day of Autumn, 516 AV

Rakhasta panted hard, two hands planted on his knees and another holding onto the thin trunk of some sort of ancient woody vine as he caught his breath. He’d been chasing these loathsome and bizarre creatures for perhaps 3 hours now, succeeding only to exhaust himself and suffer a number of bruises from the hard hooves of the creatures.

They seemed to have the body of a wild boar with extremely short hair, but instead of the common snout and tusks it had some sort of short trunk. It was as if one of the noble elephants that the Pressorah sometimes rode into court upon had decided to breed with some of the timid swines the wandering Benshira sometimes kept. It was this likeness alone that had lead to him pursuing the beasts for so long, else their elusiveness would have put him on another path hours ago. Rakhasta was not a man to be discouraged, however, especially by something even the filthy chupras could master.

And so he had chased them. Twice now he had been able to grapple with the beastsIf it hasn’t become clear already, the beasts I’m referring to are tapir!, but before he could bring one of his long blades to bear he found himself kicked in some vital or very painful area, and was forced to release it. He’d have to get some shorter blades, he reasoned, if he was every going to make a meal of these things.

He had only one weeks worth of hard rations left from his voyage north, and he wanted to make it last as long as possible. Should he ever become stranded in the jungle, he reasoned, the dried food would be vital. That meant trying to find fresh food to feed him in the meantime, and he had to save money if at all he could. He had to think about building a shelter, like Juli had told him, before the rains came. His new horse needed feed as well, and though he had bought enough forit to survive the season farming grain for the beast wasn’t something Rakhasta even conceived as something his skill set would ever encompass. At this rate though he wagered hunting would never be among those, either.

He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the humid air as he groped at his body pack for his compass. He pulled it before his eyes, trying to remember which way he had come in hopes that he might eventually find his way home. He seemed to be facing northwest, though that didn’t help him much, and he silently cursed himself for charging in without thinking yet again.

Damn your eyes for seeing more than your body can accomplish, he growled inwardly. This is precisely the behavior that got you banished from Ahnatep in the first place. You should have-

A voice, and Rakhasta started, dropping into a low defensive stance as he wheeled on the man. He hadn’t heard him approach, but as exhausted and distracted as he was he wasn’t surprised that the man who stood before him had caught him unawares.

Careful, he chided himself, lest less forgiving predators find their way to your back, and then your throat.

His reaction didn’t stir the same surprise in the elder, however, who looked almost as if he expected a response of that sort. He even stood just out of reach of any easy attack the Eypharian could have made in his astonished state, eyeing him kindly yet thoughtfully. Though his whitened hair and wrinkled face denoted his age only his eyes truly revealed his wisdom. They seemed to contemplate deeply everything they fell upon, and Rakhasta could not shake the feeling that the man saw far more of the world than he did, though they looked upon all the same things.

“Ba-nana?” he said, rolling the new word over his tongue. It was a strange thing to name a fruit, but he supposed the Myrian savages could name all sorts of things out here whatever they liked with nobody to stop them, regardless of how ridiculous the name sounded.

“I...yes, I will follow.” He motioned with his lowest right hand for the man to lead the way, and once he began he followed alongside. The common tongue was not his first or best language by any means, and he chose his words carefully, seeming to pause a while before speaking again.

“Who are you, who knows so much of this unknown land? Who knows the wild jungle, and the secrets of banana? Some guide or hunter?”

The man didn’t look the part, but his understanding of this place and wizened eyes hinted there was much more to the man than simple appearances would serve to tell. He followed the man closely as he led onward, watching his feet carefully and rubbing the compass in his hand with his thumb.
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Spirits Are Using Me Larger Voices Callin' (Rakhasta)

Postby Gossamer on October 2nd, 2016, 4:46 pm

When Mathias smiled, the crows feet around his eyes came to life. And he did smile, this time apologetically, as he walked with his new companion down a barely noticeable trail that lead deeper into the jungles. "I'm Mathias Okavis... I helped create Syka as we call this settlement here... well am still helping to create it that is. I'm something of a leader here, though I know a lot about wilderness survival too. I think of myself as a scholar though and most importantly a priest." He said, nodding to Rakhasta. "First thing you learn about new places like Syka is where to get fresh food because hunting isn't always a success. Gathering, farming, even fishing can be even more successful. Around here there are Tapir and Boar that go a long way towards feeding people, but we've learned that having a few chickens does a great job too without getting anyone killed." Mathias said, leading the stranger deeper into the jungle.

The trail opened up into a clearing of sorts that was lined with the trees he was speaking of. The clearing itself was strange, open to the sky as if nothing would grow on it. Odd mounds filled the large clearing and they simply didn't look right among the other more natural vegetation. Mathias ignored them though and skirted the edge of the mounds gesturing instead to the banana trees.

"These have been harvested, closer to the trail, and then there are some that are not ripe yet. But a few chimes walk partially around and we'll have some that are perfect." He said, leading the stranger through the spacious trees and finally up to one that looked promising. The green hands on the bunches had started to yellow slightly. Mathias stripped off his boots and stowed his pack with them and began to climb with a big machete thrust through his belt. He'd retrieved the long knife from his pack and soon enough it was clear as he scaled the tree barefoot that he could easily use it to wack of the bunches and hand them down to Rakhasta.

Once he had four bunches cut - the most they could carry together - he climbed back down and showed Rakhasta the fruit. "It's really delicious." He said, selecting a more yellow finger from a hand that was on one of the more ripe bunches. He separated out the finger from the hand, offered it to Rakhasta, then took another one for himself. He showed Rakhasta how to peel it and began to eat it from one tip, working his way down to the end and peeling back the skin. The fruit was fresh, delicious, and just a tad on the green side.

"We pick them slightly green and then they turn yellow in a day or two and keep fresh longer. Once they finish yellowing, they turn brown which means they are starting to rot. Even then we can use them though to bake breads and sweeten other foods like cake or even muffins." He added, giving the newcommer a chance to settle in and enjoy the snack. It would be hard work for each of them to sling a bundle over their shoulders and haul them back to the settlement.

"So what brings you to Syka? You planning on settling here? I can help you with housing if you need it or even help you figure out a business if you want to start one in the new community. We are offering free acreage, even loans of coin, if people promise to stay and make a go of it." He added, giving Rakhasta the little speech all the founders gave newcomers in hopes to urge them to stay.

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Spirits Are Using Me Larger Voices Callin' (Rakhasta)

Postby Rakhasta on October 6th, 2016, 6:21 am

Rakhasta followed the man who called himself Mathias, studying how he moved as he walked. He carried himself with a certain confidence that implied a warrior's power and had a blade on his hip, but seemed old to truly be a member of the warrior caste. He called himself a leader as well as a scholar. And a priest, of all things! He quickly scanned over the mans flesh, but couldn’t find any visible gnosis mark. It was unusual in his culture for any to show a God such great favor as to devote their lives to Him or Her, and so this laid an odd, almost awesome aura about the man in Rakhasta’s eyes.

Finally he decided that the closest comparison to his own culture was to consider Mathias a member of the Hawk caste, and therefore worthy of respect from his lowly station as a disgraced Jackle. He bowed his head and shifted his arms so as to be respectful in High Arumenic, though not quite the level of awe worthy of the Pressor. He turned an ear towards him as well, listening carefully for any mote of wisdom the warrior priest and founder of the settlement might choose to grant him.

As they entered the mossy grove of mounds, however, his attention turned more directly to them. He slowed his steps, taking in the vibrant greens of the moss and how they padded his footsteps, making them silent with little effort on his own part. It was strange how nothing grew here but the moss, nearly every spare bit of soil was accompanied by some sore of plant everywhere else in the forest. Yet Mathias paid them no heed, simply striding across them without worry, and so Rakhasta followed, making note to revisit these one day or perhaps ask Mathias what these things were.

The fruits came in heavy, tiered bunches, and it took some effort to catch them carefully and lay them on the mossy ground below. When it came time he helped Mathias out of the tree and watched carefully upon the mossy mounds as he explained how the fruits were taken apart and eaten and tried it for himself, taking several bites before nodding with approval and a slightly banana-smudged smile.

”I must think,” he pondered aloud after nearly finishing one of the oddly long fruits ”if we could not export these fruits someday. They would keep well for the few days voyage to Riverfall. You say there are farming efforts here, has an orchard for these banana been made yet? I know not how long the tree takes to grow, but now is the time to plant the futures seeds. And people will pay greatly for rare luxuries such as these rare fruits.”

He swallowed the last bite of his banana carefully as he weighed the implications of telling Mathias the reasons behind his coming here. He did not know how long his exile was to be, only that it was unlikely to be shorter than a decade and could last for the rest of his life. Yet he had to hold on hope that someday his great deeds would erase his failures and he could return home. Lying to Mathias seemed a foolish thing to do, and so after a solemn silence he licked his lips and began.

“I come here for new beginnings, for the possibilities this virgin land holds. I am a warrior by trade, trained in the warriors arts by the finest military academies in all Ahnatep. Yet I am unwelcome there. I am called allahini sikeyim"Back-stabber", denotes more that one is bad enough at it to be caught. More an insult to intelligence than morality. by my family and my people. The closest word I know in your language is...failure. I failed my family in their time of need and so am banished from my lands, not to return unless I can somehow erase my shame.”

His voice was firm and precise, but showed little in the way of the emotion that stirred beneath the surface. His shame was very real, and he wanted nothing more than to redeem himself in his families eyes, to erase the dishonor his failure had bestowed upon them, but he knew not how.

If only I had been quieter, or had been faster, I would have kidnapped that child and all would be well. I would wear the laurels of a hero of my family and would be far from this uncivilized land.

But that was not his lot. He knew as well as any that the past could not be changed, and so his failures were his to suffer with. He would find a way to return victorious, someday, or he would die trying.

”Atonement is a hard road, especially for my people, and it will take many grand accomplishments before I can consider leaving. Until then, I am here. I can dedicate to this place a decade with great certainty, perhaps my life should I choose some other road.”

He paused a nearly a chime before speaking again, licking his lips and shifting uncomfortably, moving his arms slightly this way and that. It felt odd to admit there was a possibility he would not accomplish his task of redemption, but he had to accept it. The stories of exiles being cast out and forgotten far outweighed those that returned and were hailed heroes. Still, he had to try. It was his guiding star, though for now the “how” was as vague as smoke.

Eventually he cleared his throat, moving on to the next topic of conversation the man had mentioned.

“For now I sleep in a tent at the edge of the jungle, though I have purchased some building materials and hope to make a home for myself soon in the coming days. I hear there is word of some project, a sawmill, coming to this place? This would be of great use to me, and to all citizens of Syka, and so to prove my worth to you I would help in this task any way I can. I ask, if it is not too much to presume, for a plot of land to set up my tent, and upon which I will build my home once the sawmill is complete.”

“As to a business...I do not know what sort I would start. As I said, I am trained in the ways of the warrior, which are of little use to you here. Perhaps someday when the settlement is greater you might employ me as a lawman, but for now…”

He exhaled softly, looking down before glancing at the old man with a small smile.

”Though, I suppose as I am a novice in all things I am a thing of boundless potential. I can do or be whatever this place needs of me. I will learn any trade, be it in gathering or crafting or managing others, any skill, so long as it is to the benefit of Syka. So I ask you, Mathias, what man does Syka need me to be?”

He chuckled, soft and low as he peeled another banana, unsheathing one of his dual-bladed daggers to cut a small line in the top before sheathing it once more and exposing the pale fruit.

”And what does Syka need you to be? You are this lands leader, and call yourself a priest. As such your Gods are the Gods of this land, and I would honor them as your tradition dictated in my time here. Who does the leader of this land bow to? To what Gods do you dedicate your life, and how did they come to you?”

Common​ ​|​ High Arumenic​ ​|​ Snake-tongue
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