At the base of the Stair-step falls begins a path that winds up to the top where the river begins crashing to the sea below. 50 yards up river, a feeder stream branches off further into the jungle toward the towering cliffs that rise above the jungle floor. Following the stream, one will discover an hourglass shaped entrance to a cave. Foliage lines the cave entrance while vines hang down partially obscuring it. The stream's current emanates from inside the cave with while birds sing all around. The water is a beautiful blue color with tiny fish found all around.
Just inside the cave entrance, a pool of water, at least 25 feet deep extends further inside; filled with small fish and other tiny forms of sea life. The cave walls rise over 25 feet high with the pool itself being roughly 30 feet in diameter. As one travels further inside, the size of the cave drastically expands, growing to well over 100 feet in diameter and nearly as tall. The water becomes more shallow with a small rocky island in the center of the larger cavern. There is large hole, open to the land above, centered in the ceiling where vines hang down, touching the island. A stone shelf extends from the cavern walls and encircles the interior of the cavern.
One a particularly flat spot in the cavern wall, one the far side of the cavern facing the cave entrance, there is an archway engraved into the stone. In the center of the archway is a bloody handprint also engraved. This doorway is known as the Everywhere's Door; said to somehow lead to an otherworldly realm.
It is here and the area surrounding the cave that Ialari Pythone has claimed as her own.