Quest Playing With Fire (Kreig)

Fates throw a bit of information at Kreig to see what he'll do.

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Playing With Fire (Kreig)

Postby Gossamer on June 29th, 2018, 5:01 am

There were moments in life when a man had to make hard choices he didn’t want to make. This was one of those moments for Kreig. Octavis was a real and true threat, one needing to be taken out. However, if he was telling the truth and people were already sent out to set the Tent City on fire to clear out the opening to the mine, then Kreig was probably already too late. However, certain things didn’t add up. And maybe in the smallish part of the back of Kreig’s brain that hadn’t been repeatedly struck as a result of his prize fighting profession… he’d realize that.

For one, while Octavis had claimed he’d sent his minions out to light the burn, he was still in the heart of where the burn was going to happen. His tent was still laid out. There was no sign of an evacuation or dismantling. Kreig and everyone else in Sunberth knew if the Slag Heap, for example, ever sparked a fire in Tent City, it was all over. There would be no fighting it. It would engulph whole unofficial sections of Sunberth and they’d be gone in the chimes, not even bells.

Half-blinded, Kreig balled up his fist and punched blindly. His accusations of calling Octavis a rat having not yet really died on his lips. His fist connected with a huge force, driving itself completely into Octavis’ half dissolved face and flattening the bone beneath his knuckles. Grey matter splattered everywhere, even across Kreig as The Bloated’s head exploded at the sheer force of the impact. His body jerked in death, freeing a swinging symbol of an almost horrific bloated stomach on a chain to clank against the floor from where it was hidden beneath the tatters of his clothing.

Kreigs eyes chose that moment to completely close, the burning sensation reaching an almost unbearable level. He could see, but just barely enough to stumble around. They were in serious need of some sort of rinse and there was absolutely nothing remotely like clean water in the tent. There were only bodies now, one cask of wine on a small side table and a big work table stretched out on the far side of the room by what looked like the remains of a bed. The work table was covered in paperwork, a journal, a map very similar to the one Kreig already had, and piles and piles of notes and sketches.

Kreig could still run if he wanted, choosing to believe Octavis and see if he could stop those set in motion to torch the city, or he could take the time to figure out how to care for his eyes and regroup. Octavis wasn’t moving. There was no way he was alive. And sadly none of the children seemed to be that were in the tent so lifelessly strewn about.
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Playing With Fire (Kreig)

Postby Kreig Messer on June 29th, 2018, 6:04 am


It was perhaps the first time Kreig had actually knocked a person’s block off to such a literal extant, when Octavis’s blood and gray matter splattered upon him Kreig realized it was all done. The ringleader was dead and so would never retrieve the prize he desired to hold in his greedy mitts. There was vindication in that, even if it didn’t cure ths wearined and the painhe felt upon his body as his left arm fell limp.

His adrenaline faided as he dropped to hi s knees, he wanted to leave the tent in search for the supposed thugs, other than the two outside that he’d laid out… he’d have to deal with them as well, there was no way they knew nothing of this, could there?

His vision blurred further as his stung like tomorrow would never come. The nightmarish stench worsened matters as it tempted him to vomit even though he’d done so earlier. His arm hurt, his eyes hurt, his waist hurt, he needed new clothing… and he had to see these remains taken care off.

Perhaps it was a blessing his vision was so obscured, he’d already have to live with the memory after all. Though it did make trying to leave a difficult prospectas he knelt, but it forced him to calm. Common senses and the recollection of the entire encounter repeating in his mind.

If this area was already being burned, then Tent City would have been in flames might quickly purely due to the flammable nature of its homes. In fact, about this time he’d be surrounded in an inferno and Kreig was doubting Octavis was so greedy as to be suicidal in his pursuit for whatever it was.

But there was that paranois of his, should he really doubt the man’s words now or just sit here till his vision returned…. He didn’t want to stay here any longer, but those documents, statue, that whip, and whatever Octavis owned couldn’t be left unattended.

Kreig grit his teeth, hissing as he sat there. To follow common sense and stay, or to go outside and search for arsonists that may or may not be there?

Ultimately, common sense won out. Gods forgive him, he prayed that he was right. Deatht take him should he not.

Feeel thy wrath!!!!

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Playing With Fire (Kreig)

Postby Gossamer on July 3rd, 2018, 7:58 pm

Quiet footfalls echoed into the tent as if someone lightfooted in like a north wind and made no secret of it. A light scent, clean and a bit wild, filled Kreig’s abused nose for a moment before a husky voice fell across his ears. “You, Krieg, of all people should know better than to walk about Sunberth without nary a flask of water on you… with all the poison, filth, and debauchery. One never knows when one has to clean ones hands, especially of blood.” The accent was strange, northern, though the words were light and slightly tinged with mirth. “Luckily, I have one.” The female said followed up by the noise of a lid being unscrewed from a canteen and a soft command being issued. “Tilt your head back and try to open your eyes. I’m going to wash out whatever you got tossed into them.” She said melodically. Her voice didn’t broker any question and as soon as Kreig complied, the contents of the canteen would be emptied across his equally abused eyes, washing the irritating powder from them and giving him back a measure of his vision. It wasn’t, thankfully, cold water either. It was lukewarm and perfect for what it was tasked to do. And there seemed just enough of it to actually do a decent job of clearing up his sight.

Now, not that the sight he could see once his vision was clear was any better, with the downed Glorg follower and the stench filled room complete with its alter and it’s bodies scattered. The woman though, she was a sight to behold. Just a little over five feet tall with a shock of aurora tinged black hair, the woman’s golden skin and multicolored eyes gave her vantha heritage away. She was dressed in black leather, fitting tight to her body with tall boots and gloves. There were a twin set of short swords on her back that sheathed into what looked to be a backpack. She had her hair mostly gathered into a loose braid. A black masked covered her face.

While Kreig recovered, she was busy scanning the room and frowning in absolute distaste. She moved away from him to wander through the tent, stopping at each corpse and examining it. “You know… he was a Bloat…. That’s what they call themselves. They are half living… once real people that Glorg swallowed whole. He regurgitates them and when they recover, they are like he was. Insatiably hungry… driven. His flesh was burned from Glorgs stomach acid, melted away, and that’s what you smell. That’s what hes burned you with… it coated that whip. Wash off your wounds.” She said, tossing the canteen at him. Surprisingly it was full again, as if it hadn’t been upended over his eyes.

“He threw a party here last night. For these boys He gave them candy and liquor and made them forget for a time they had a life here in Sunberth. He let them play and engage in gluttony as a form of worship to Glorg… empowering him. Then his hunger got the best of him and he started eating them. I can only imagine what their last moments were like. He didn’t eat them after they were dead, but while they were living… and he didn’t kill them. Do you know they killed each other? To free each other from the horror?” She paced past the last boy and turned and looked at Kreig.

“What he wanted beneath Tent City was a type of farm. They used it during the dark times, when the world wasn’t safe to live upon but only to live within. It was located here in Sunberth before it was called that… it grows a plant called algae that people can eat… it grows so much of it that they never starve… even though the variety of the food is seriously lacking. If they get to it and get it up and running, that means they can take children below… feed them, and begin mining again. Only they aren’t looking for metals. They are looking for artifacts much like the algae farm.” She added, turning to approach Kreig.

“Why did you stop him? Why did you take an interest in these people? They are no one, poorer than poor, with no idea of what the world is really like. No one would miss them if they burned. No one would miss their children if they vanished blow forever. Why would you?” She asked abruptly. “These are my people… and you yourself aren’t one of them.” She said abruptly, as if completely and utterly puzzled by Kreig’s actions.

“Explain yourself.” She said, glancing around, then spotting the man with the flattened head once more. She strode back over to him and picked up the amulet off his neck, breaking the chain with a quick yank. “It’s a holy symbol of Glorg… quite valuable. It’s a stomach removed from its owner… dried and shrank to miniature. It’s enchanted so that one can gain sustenance from things you should not eat… dirt, rocks, even feces. Do you want it? It might come in handy.” She said, holding it out to him to see if he’d take it. Holy items were rare, but they were not unheard of. Often they had unusual qualities, though not usually this strange.

The woman waited, curious to see what Kreig would do and certainly how he’d answer.
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Playing With Fire (Kreig)

Postby Kreig Messer on July 5th, 2018, 7:16 am


Kreig stilled when he heard the steps, then puzzled at the scent that… that somehow overwhelmed the stench assaulted his nostrils deeply for but a moment. The accent was unfamiliar, unknown and of the Birth, but he couldn’t help but wince at the chastisement. Whoever she was raised a sort of point, and while Kreig knew her not the same could not be said for the opposite. She knew him, and he was wondering if it was from his fights at Tall Johnny’s.

If she were a foe Kreig imagined she’d have killed him the moment she’d entered the tent, perhaps not even then if she decided to set the tent on fire and thus set a large portion of Tent City with it. He held his mouth, leaning his head back a water landed on his face and over his eyes. The liquid gave life to his eyes and Kreig had to admit he was thankful for it even if his vision had not returned fully.

Kreig let out a breath as color made it back to his eyes and what was blurred gave shape. Kreig’s mouth gaped for a second because Kreig was still a man and what was before him was quite a shape. It was a further shock that her eyes were of the Vantha, and that raised more than a little concern.

He then stiffened as she continued to speak, her words were conversational and far more aware of the situation than he liked. By reflex he catched the canteen, though he winced as he catched it with his wounded arm rather than the other. It was another shock to his senses that he found the canteen full, and from his viewpoint he was sure she’d not pulled out another from that bag of hers.

Switching the canteen to his other hand, he began by watching his wounded arm, the water stinging to the touch although that at least meant it was cleaning it of the bile, then continued doing the same to the one on his waist.

Glorg… he’d admit to not knowing of such a being, he didn’t dare picture such a thing that turned what was a man into one these bloats. He did not need to, but unfortunately what replaced the thought of what Glorg looked like was replacing by the fate of the children. His eyes stung now yet for another reason, and he only hoped the water on his face masked the formation of tears as he listened to her words.

She did not stop talking, and Kreig felt he could only listen… try to understand and comprehend. This ‘aglae’ he knew nothing, his brows furrowing as his grip on the cantine tightened, though he at least it understood it was edible. Something like that could be a boon to the people of Tent City, and to Sunberth even if indeed the variety was lacking. But this bloat’s intent for it was far from what would one could call good intentions Kreig imagined.

Indeed, the woman’s words seemed to indicate it was merley a method of keeping their labor costs cheap and Kreig’s lips frowned deeper still at the thought. His head snapped up to hers and he looked to her eyes, unbelieving that she was calling the people of Tent City hers. She certainly didn’t look to be of them, even Kreig had better chance to pass off as a Tent City native especially now.

Then she had to extend the symbol to him, something that belonged to that being. He looked at in distaste, oh he held no doubt about its benefit, in fact if fate were cruel and he had to leave the city he’d definitely not be worried about something to eat anytime soon were he to have this. But all he could associate it was with… well, with all that was around him currently.

It was something to abhor, to destroy, for all its benefits it was something he wished erased from his memory.

“I know not who you be ta be callin’ the people of Tent City yers, miss” He said politely enough, though there was an edge to it. “ But if it’s why yer lookin’ for then I can be givin’ the answer” He let out, his voice hoarse and strained, the stress of it all striking “But I am a Son of Sunberth” He repeated the worn phrase, his mantra as to justify what he does for Sunberth and what he felt the core of his being.

He looked around to the tiny corpses then back to her “And for better or worse, no matter their worth. The people of Tent City be my brothers an’ sisters by virtue of bein’ of Sunberth themselves. Each an’ every one of them a brother an’ sister in need” He said, getting up though shakily before straightening himself to stand at his full height “If I could be havin’ the strength ta help an’ every one of ‘em, I could. Jus’ like sibling should to another in need”

He paused, as if looking at something that was not there “I can’t be saying I did my part for them before” He admitted, if he had it would have probably been what coinage he could spare back then and beating up a thug or two “Couldn’t always then, an’ this time it was somethin’ that coulda been beyond my strength” His left fist tightened “ ain’t even sure I had the time, but… they needed somebody”

He returned his gaze to her “An’ that was enough for me ta come runnin’” He his hand reaching out, hand grabbing the length of chain “ An’ this ‘ere, honestly I’m hopin’ to toss it in the Slag Heap myself. I should now that I’m thinkin’ about it, memories themselves are stuck in me head an’ this thing ain’t helpin”

His fist tightened around the chain “But if I’m forgettin’, then this’ll gimme a why I ought not to” He pocketed it, pausing slightly resisting the urge to toss it one the ground and just stomp on it repeatedly like a mad man possessed. His gaze back on hers, now shifting to something far more inquiring “An’ now… uh, if ya dun mind a fellow askin’, uh… who’re you?”
Feeel thy wrath!!!!

"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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Playing With Fire (Kreig)

Postby Gossamer on July 6th, 2018, 1:55 am

The woman smiled slightly behind the mask, her expression almost roguish as she listened to Kreig’s speech. He gave it with a familiarity that she assumed meant he’d said these words more than once. She saw his swell of pride at what he said and read his absolute conviction in his eyes. She watched as he admitted his flaws and how he was uncertain he could even make a difference this time, though indeed he had. Truthfully, she was proud of him, very much so, and she strode forward like a small panther stalking its prey with nothing but mischief in her eyes. She came to a stop and reached out, resting her hand on his shoulder. She opened her mouth and started to speak, but a deeper masculine voice cut her off.

“She’s Yshul. And She has a tendency to claim all the lost and downtrodden, especially if they be thieves and cutthroats as her own. Just like she tends to claim dominion over every shadowy alley, dingy street corner, and definitely within any coin purse.” The new voice said, quiet and calm. A man with sandy light brown hair stood straight by the door, a spear clutched in his hands. He appeared to be Krieg’s age, though taller, and had a pair of massive prismatic wings folded along his back. A tunic covered his form, persimmon colored that lead down to gilded sandals that laced up his legs.

He offered Kreig a smile.

“This Bloat wouldn’t have stopped until half of Tent City was destroyed and many people were dead. You did the right thing taking him out. He had no more followers, other than the two you already dealt with outside. They tend to have a hard time acquiring them between their wretched appearance and the smell unless they bribe with coin. And purchased loyalty is no loyalty at all.” The man said gently. He moved with a grace that belied a strength of his form. The wings rustled as he walked, restless against his back.

“Yshul, he’s none of yours.” The newcomer said softly. The Goddess in front of Kreig smiled, and his shoulder burned for a moment, as a mark etched itself on Kreig’s left shoulder. It was of a broken lock, one shattered open.

Yshul winked at Kreig and turned to Yahal.

“He’ll need my help if he’s to rise through the ranks here. The only way to succeed in Sunberth is to get Sunberth on your side. If he claims to be a Son of Sunberth, then that makes him one of mine. My mark will assist him in that and tell those that follow me he is blessed by me. You can see it, Yahal, as clearly as I can. He’s going to break down barriers and change lives if he sets his mind to it.” She said, sidestepping Kreig and giving the God of Faithfulness and Purity a deep bow.

“Besides, I wanted to say I had him first.” She said with a bright laugh, then glanced up at Kreig. “Even though… we both know no one’s been there yet, have they? Otherwise, Yahal wouldn’t be so quick to show up and claim you. Purity Gods… and all.” The Goddess said with a casual dismissive wave of her hand as she threw back her head and laughed abruptly. When she was done, she glanced at Yahal and offering him a slow wicked grin when her laughter subsided.

Yahal stepped forward, frowning slightly at Yshul as if he didn’t see what was so amusing. “I suspect she didn’t have enough thorough parenting as a child.” He admonished, shaking his head and reaching out to touch Kreig’s forehead. On his back a pair of lush wings unfurled in a raised pattern that glittered like the lock on his shoulders. Gnosis marks were not in any way ever confused with tattoos. The flesh raised, took on an embossed quality, and they tended to be something no one could ever duplicate.

“You did well here… protecting the innocent. But there’s more work to do. You should find what The Bloat wanted and secure it or destroy it, whichever suits the city more. I know you have plans, Kreig, but you cannot see them through alone. Yshul is right. You will have to get the people on your side. The city is more important than your own personal gain. Don’t ever forget that. Goals are fine, but the greater whole needs champions because most of them are not strong enough to champion themselves.” Yahal said, gesturing around him. “This is just a small step. Ten people will take this Bloat’s place, representing their own causes, wanting to exploit these people. Sunberth is a power vacuum opening up and being filled one after another after another. That’s the cycle that needs to be broken, if the city itself is going to bloom and move past where it has ground to a halt and ceased evolving. You can evoke real change here, Kreig. We aren’t the only ones watching you. And we will help you if we can. But the real truth of it is that change has to start from within. It has to come from the people, not from The Gods. Yshul… myself… we can only do so much. It is the citizens and its collective conscious that can truly rise up. Never forget that.” He said, stepping back and releasing his gentle touch on Kreig’s forehead.

Yahal glanced at Yshul and lifted an eyebrow. “I suppose you have a place around here close. How about inviting me for tea? We haven’t caught up in a quarter of a millennia.” He said, lifting an eyebrow, and beckoning with his spear. “Besides, I wanted to ask you about your Mother…” He said, a light twinkle in his eye. Yshul paled suddenly, gave him a scathing look, and glanced at Kreig. “I’ll be around…. “ And with that, she was gone, leaving Kreig to deal with the tent, its contents, and even the bodies.

Yahal sighed. “She never was very cooperative.” He said thoughtfully, then raised his spear. The bodies of the children illuminated and then lifted from where they were carelessly discarded all around the tent. Floating upwards, they all in unison flared with a brilliant light and were gone. “They weren’t all innocents… most were too old to even be saved from the life they were forced to live. But there are still many out there that can hope and can change. Get too them sooner, before candy and liquor appeal too much to them. It’s not the adults, Kreig, that will embrace a better life. It is the children that will pave the way.” He added, then he too was gone, leaving Kreig all alone in the tent with the body of the Bloat. The two guards seemed to have vanished around the same time Yshul had.

The silence in the tent was a huge roar after the two Gods departed, leaving Kreig standing alone.

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Playing With Fire (Kreig)

Postby Kreig Messer on July 6th, 2018, 3:19 am


A new figure arrived, as sudden as the woman and cutting her off a she was about to speak words. Kreig could not help but stare. The man’s attire was not something you’d ever likely see in Sunberth, giving name to the woman as Yshul and explaining what she was all about. He was tempted to raise his fists in defense once he saw the spear, but the lack of alarm from this Yshul and the fact he was able to enter so quietly meant like Yshul if he had truly meant harm then it was likely he only needed to stab them both while they converse.

Besides, Kreig was too focused on wings to properly react to the sudden intrusion. Kreig’s mind nagged at him that he should know who this is, who now stands before he and Yshul. His words brought comfort to Kreig, justifying his actions, though Kreig could not remove his gaze from those wings.

It was this suspicion and what happened shortly before his arrival that began to paint the picture that was forming in Kreig’s mind as color drained from his face. He let out a yelp of surprise at the burning sensation where Yshul touched, he couldn’t call it a bad one… felt rather nice actually, but when it leaves behind some sort of detailed symbol one could not help but register further surprise.

The words that left her mouth held little subtlety, showing support and holding words that were not dissimilar from the Seer who said he’d be a king. He tried to find words, but found none at all to respond. The weight of it all causing his part of his mind to halt simply so that all the information could process and that he could the breath to even actually speak.

Kreig’s fingers wiggled in nervous energy, brows raising at her laughter. But then his very core was given another shock and his jaw slackened as she confirmed what he should have already known.

They’re Gods, oh Gods they’re Gods’ Kreig thought, and if they’d looked closely on his face he wondered if they’d be amused and exasperated if he realized this now of all things, despite all the clues.

His gaze paused on Yahal,YAHAL, then back to Yshul… then back to Yahal, then back to Yshul. They spoke so casually to each other, and well… why wouldn’t they? They were Gods! But for Kreig it was like facing two giants and being unable to withhold his aw.

He had to shake that off though as Yahal approached, the God placing a hand upon Kreig’s head and much like Yshul Kreig felt something pleasant, and something forming on his back, as if something spread and chose to stay that way. When Yahal spoke, Kreig couldn’t help but listen just as, he realized, listened to Yshul when she spoke.

He wanted to ask so many questions, his fingers fidgeting in place as if to raise a finger and ask a patron knight a question. But no matter how much he wanted, he had no words to speak?

Who would these ten be?

Would he get a hint as to how help the people of Sunberth?

Who else was watching?

These questions stayed at the edge of his tongue yet did not leap.

At least he had a clear idea of what to do next, whatever clues he would take…. He’d need to bring something to Tall Johnny anyway, so the entrepreneur would know why the people of the Tents where lining up at his establishment.

Kreig took a step back once Yahal released his touch, his throat constrained as his eyes blinked rapidly and listened to the conversation between the two deities, only for Yshul to leave in irritation.

Yahal left soon after, but not before enveloping the corpses in divine light, lifting them up only for them to disappeare with a flash, leaving behind words that that Kreig went over in his head. Part of him didn’t believe that he couldn’t save the adults as well, but he was fully aware he couldn’t save everyone…. It didn’t mean he couldn’t try though, even if it meant his heart being broken, right?

He was alone now, left with the body of the Blight and belongings. He stayed there for what felt like bells, though the reality would only be chimes. He looked down in his hands to see he still held the canteen from Yshul, one of the many proofs that despite the enormity of it all…. It was all real. Reaching into his pocket, Glorg’s symbol was also there and he felt the pit of his stomach drop… that too was real.

Standing up, Kreig looked at the Bloats corpse, headless as it were. He supposed he had to search that for anything else, but… Kreig didn’t want touch him again even unless it was with a torch. So he left the body for last as he went to search about for any documents, clues, anything he could carry and show to Tall Johnny and those of Tent City.

Part of him sighed as he realized he would also have to make due on his words to give them each a gold miza.

But, ultimately that was alright… it would have been worth it, even if the Yshul and Yahal had not shown up to say such, saving the people of Tent City would never be something he regretted. Looking out the tent, eyes falling upon the run down area, his eyes envisioned something different. For him it was something he was likely not to see living, but he would pave the way to it even if the people of Sunberth had to be dragged kicking and screaming.

It was what good siblings did after all.

Feeel thy wrath!!!!

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Playing With Fire (Kreig)

Postby Gossamer on August 11th, 2018, 5:53 pm

The Fates Have Spoken
Here is your thread grade!

Character: Kreig Messer

Experience Awarded: Investigation +5, Planning +5, Logic +5, Interrogation +5, Persuasion +3, Intelligence +4, Brawling +4, Acrobatics +3, Unarmed Combat +3, Research +2, Deduction +3

Lores Awarded:Lores:
Three-frond Lily : Symbol Of Nefarious Group In Sunberth
Three-Front Lily: Painted by Children all over tent city
Tent City: Location, Inhabitants General Condition, Hopelessness Of Their Situation, Vulnerability To Fire/Exploitation/Slavery
Persuasion: Using bribery to get information
Mosa: Resident Tarot Reader/Seer in Tent City
Tent City: Mines Below Hold Ancient Pre-Valterrian Artifacts
Mines Below: Treasure guarded by monsters
Tent City: Three strangers asking questions, bribing for information.
Items: Map of Tent City With Entrances To The Mines Labeled And Areas To Be Burned
Mosa: Plays Violin, Says Kreig has the lines of a King. Leadership, Dedication, Controlled Power with a Conscious, Gods-Sent, Kreigs time in Tent City is a test, He could rule somewhere, somewhere that needs a fair king. He needs to act and his actions could save so many. Men are here to take wealth and cause pain. Sunberth is crumbling. It’s almost too late because Kreig has waited too long, Find The Well
Tent City: New tents look suspicious
Octavis: Minion of Glorg, Leader of The Three Leafed Lily Group, Flesh looks partially digested, Killer of children, A Bloat member.
Glorg: Demigod of Glutony creator of Bloats, Glorg Parties
Brawling: Using a Vase as a Weapon, Using an opponents longsword as a weapon, Using a rug as a weapon
Unarmed Combat: Flattening someone’s skull
Yshul: Appearance, Attitude, Helpfulness
Yahal: Appearance, Attitude, Way Of Speaking
Artifact Beneath Tent City: Algae Farm
The Bloat’s Plan: Creating army below the city to mine artifacts.
Wounds: Burns across wrist from whip, Burns across waist from whip, Watering eyes

Notes: Holy Symbol of Glorg – You can gain substance from things you shouldn’t normally eat wearing it… like dirt, rocks, feces ,etc., One canteen from Yshul, One Mark from Yshul, One Mark from Yahal, Also when Yahal was speaking about ‘ten people will take this bloats place’ he meant hypothetical and about power vacuums, he didn’t mean literally that there were ten people going to try to rule SB. His take home was eliminating the power vacuum… don’t try to fix Sunberth by creating them because you can’t win that way. Random people will just rise to fill them. Save the city other ways. He also said ‘teach the children… get to them young.. the cycle continues with them… break it.

I've added your link and marks to your SS thread.

As always PM me if you have issues.

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