The 62nd of Fall, 518AV
It wasn't often that Ismay drank. In fact, he wasn't ever really inclined to, and Issam hated alcohol entirely. The smell alone was worthy of a good few gags, and the taste was, of course, even worse, in his opinion. Issam had stated on multiple occasions that he'd rather consume rotten, regurgitated meat than drink as much as alcoholics did. Which, of course, was a gross exaggeration as he'd never do anything so morbidly revolting, but the point remained.
And so, usually, Issam could easily convince his twin that they'd be fine without becoming drunk. There were times, however, that Ismay was oh-so sad and depressed that Issam merely let the Light Brother drink them both into a mindless stupor. Issam was in the mind that Ismay was far too emotional for their own good, but Ismay always retaliated with the idea that the occasional night of idiocy and heavy drinking was a healthy way to temporarily liberate the mind of its troubles.
The day hail happened to plummet from the heavens was one of Ismay's chosen days of idiocy and heavy drinking. The Akontak had been in Sunberth for some time, now, and the city of anarchy was far more depressing than their home of Mura. The masses were sick, unwashed, and so very, very sad. And that was the only word Ismay or Issam could come up with to describe them: sad. In some unadmittedly self-centered way of thought, Ismay had proffered the night of drinking to make up for all of the sad that they did not feel themselves, as both Zenobia souls only felt pity towards the citizens.
Issam didn't agree, but neither did he disagree, with Ismay's plans. He merely stayed silent as Ismay walked them to the Pig's Foot Tavern, which was said to be the most popular in town. It was that time of day where it wasn't dark quite yet but things were slowing down, and people were getting ready to go home and eat whatever dinner the could scrounge up. The hail had mercifully stopped for the time being, making it safe to walk outside of shelter again, but Ismay's brisk and long-legged pace showcased his uncertainty about how long it would stop for. The clouds still looked quite menacing.
The tall, blue-skinned man ducked into the establishment, pulling his hands free of his coat to swipe stray locks of platinum hair from his field of vision. "Oh, look, more homeless people to look at while we drink. We just can't get away from them," Issam mentally voiced, which caused Ismay to grimace in sympathy. "Maybe they were here before it started hailing and just don't feel like leaving yet. Not everyone is homeless, Sam," Ismay responded, putting on a friendly smile as he walked to the bar and took a stool. Issam merely snorted and remained quiet at that, giving Ismay a feeling of disbelieving.