Closed [The Bolt Hole] Dance the Night Away (Trynne)

Kailani stumbles upon The Bolt Hole and meets a young seamstress in the process.

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[The Bolt Hole] Dance the Night Away (Trynne)

Postby Kailani on November 24th, 2018, 12:08 am

78th Day of Fall, 518 AV, 21st Bell

In an abandoned building not far from the Seaside Market, music thumped and vibrated the ramshackle walls of the long empty establishment. The Bolt Hole was already in full swing for the night, the surrounding neighborhood treated to the dulcet tones of a female voice drifting out from the swinging metal door. It was this music that pulled the Svefra maiden Kailani in its direction, seafoam eyes wide in wonder. Where there was music, there was drinking and dancing. On this night, the sailor had a taste for both.

A bouncer stopped Kailani at the door just as she was about to push inside. “One silver miza for access to the Bolt Hole,” he told her, hand outstretched. Her eyes widened with a smile. So this was the elusive Bolt Hole she remembered Kynier talking about on their sea voyage not so very long ago. And here she was, stumbling upon it completely by accident. She’d heard the music from the river, and simply had to come investigate. Now, she was glad she had.

Kailani handed over the coin with a smile, and the man stepped back to let her in. What met her eyes as she entered took her breath away. Lights of every shade and hue danced across the ceiling, creating an extravagant show of joy and gentle chaos that had her enthralled from the second she stepped inside. Bodies moved and gyrated on every surface of the building, heady intoxication almost palpable in the air that filled the makeshift dance hall. The Svefra found herself swept up in it almost instantly, her hips swaying in smooth rhythm to the music provided by the scarlet-haired twins on an impromptu stage.

Dancing her way to the series of planks and stones that seemed to serve as a bar, she stopped to gain the barmaid’s attention. “Any drinks you recommend?” Kailani asked the woman, pitching her voice to be heard over the nearby instruments.

“The Silk Bolt tends to be pretty popular with the ladies who come through,” the barmaid shouted back. “It’s got a vanilla flavor that’s simply to die for. Want to try it?”

She nodded enthusiastically, waiting no longer than a chime or two as the woman behind the bar whipped up her drink. “Hope you enjoy!” the bartender told her as she slid the glass across the planks, Kailani sliding back a silver miza in return.

“Thank you!” Grabbing the drink, she tipped it against her lips with a groan of pure ecstasy. It was delightful with a smooth finish, just sweet enough to pique her taste buds, but not so sweet as to seem cloying. She finished the drink off in record time before asking for another, sliding another silver coin across the bar as she retrieved it.

This second one in hand, she made her way back out into the crowd as a pleasant warmth started to flow through her bloodstream. The drinks were stronger than they seemed, blissful euphoria already suffusing her limbs. Kailani tipped another few swallows of the Silk Bolt down her throat before she approached her first partner for the evening.

Blue eyes met piercing green as she saw him, a young brunette with shaggy hair, a thick beard, and a mischievous smile. Kailani’s own answering smile held equal mischief, her free arm wrapping around his neck as her body pressed in close to his. The man was all too happy to reciprocate, his hands encircling her waist and pulling her in closer. The second drink was gone before she could blink, abandoning her glass to the side and letting her other arm join the first.

She was lost in her partner, their movements seamlessly blending together as she drowned in the music filling the air. His name was spoken and instantly forgotten, Kailani distracted and pleasantly overwhelmed by the sensation of music and illusions alike. A tablet was pressed into her hand, one she recalled with vague familiarity from her time in The Drunken Fish with Azcan. Bolt Hole Blow, he’d called it, a drug that had produced one of the fastest and cleanest highs she’d ever known.

Without hesitation, she pulled back briefly from her partner, crushing the tablet and laying it in a line on a nearby table. Plugging one nostril, she snorted up the drug in one quick motion. Almost instantly, her pupils dilated, eyes rolling back as she staggered. Yes, that was what she remembered. That ecstasy, that inundating sense of pleasure. It was exactly what she needed after the stresses of the past several tendays. Tonight, she intended to indulge.

Only ticks later, she was back in the arms of her partner, twisting and twirling and grinding to the hypnotic beats of drum and guitar. Kailani lost herself in it all, letting herself forget, however briefly, her woes of the season. This would be a night of catharsis, a night to purge herself of the negativity building and building on her soul. Everyone needed a break from the harsh life of Sunberth. The Bolt Hole provided the perfect escape.

NaNo WC: 845

Ledger :
- 3 silver mizas

Last edited by Kailani on December 2nd, 2018, 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Daughter of the Sea
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[The Bolt Hole] Dance the Night Away (Trynne)

Postby Trynne on December 1st, 2018, 1:45 am

The day had been long, and Trynne still wasn’t ready to head home. She’d been spending her time around the various different Inns that she knew of, attempting to find people drunk enough and isolated enough for her to try and slip her hand into their pockets without them or anyone else noticing.
Sighing she was getting ready to leave and head to somewhere else when she noticed a man trying to get himself ready to leave, and a slight smile spread across her face. He was stumbling and struggling to pull his coat on, and as she watched she started to make her way to the door, stepping outside and briefly losing sight of the man.

Quickly she ran her fingers through her hair, pulling it out of her face slightly before she heard the door open and the drunk man stepped outside, almost falling as he did and Trynne stepped closer, lightly catching him and helping him balance himself with one hand as her other slipped into his pocket only to find nothing in there.
“Hey!” the man said and Trynne briefly felt her blood run cold as she was almost certain that she had been caught. “Where you come from kid?” the man continued, his words slurring as he did so and Trynne smiled slighlty.

“I were jus’ leaving myself, saw yer almost fall and wanted to help.” she said as calmly as she could manage before slowly pulling her hand out of his empty pocket and straightening up.

“Well bol’hole ope-open.” the man stuttered and slurred and Trynne raised an eyebrow. She’d heard of this place in passing but never in much detail, then she realised the man was inviting her to this place and a slight smirk spread across her face.

“I ain’t go’ no money, so are you paying?” Trynne tilted her head, before seeing the man scoff and push her away slightly, going about his business.

Curious, Trynne followed him through the streets wondering where this bolt hole was, until the sounds of music made it obvious to her. No longer was she following the man, but her feet instinctively lead her towards the source of the music as it got louder and louder until she spotted the building with people entering and exiting it, all seeming to forget the dangers that Sunberth presented.

Curiosity had taken over and Trynne approached the entrance, seeing a man taking money from everyone that entered and Trynne raised an eyebrow. Anything that Sunberthans were willing to pay for must have been more than worth it!

Next she knew, Trynne was at the entrance handing over a silver miza to the man, a slight voice in the back of her head chastising her for giving away her hard earned money when she wasn’t even sure of what this place was or what it had to offer.

Then she entered the place and found herself pushing through a mass of people that had congregated near the entrance, possibly looking out for friends or debating leaving. Once she’d made her way through them, Trynne turned her head to look at what was going on. From wall to wall she could see people dancing with each other, while the odd few quickly downed drinks and snored various powders up there noses.

Hurriedly Trynne made her way to what looked like the bar, ordering whatever the strongest but most easy to drink thing was before she made her way away from the bar away from whoever was pushing and jostling her so she can down the drink, hurriedly drinking it until it was gone in about twenty seconds.

It hit her hard and soon she had ordered and downed a second, a silk bolt was tge name or so she thought, as she swayed across the dance floor, no longer worried about who was crashing into her or who she was crashing into her. Now she only cared about the pulsating music as the rhythm ran through her and she started to sway to the beat as accurately as she could though she knew she wouldn’t be swaying to time,

Soon the gyrating bodies seemed to get to close to her. Too many men with lecherous faces seemed to leer at her in her drunken panic and she reached out to the closest woman to her, finding the shoulder of a tall and pretty blonde that was dancing with another man.
She pulled herself onto her tiptoes to whisper into the woman’s ear, instantly more comfortable around another woman.

“Please dance with me. Help me?” were the words she managed to speak as her eyes darted about, her vision blurred but certain that too many potential threats surrounded her. Had she been thinking rationally, she’d have realised that everyone around her was too drunk to even speak but her paranoia seemed to have taken control.

Word Count814
LedgerEntry = -1sm
2 x Silk Bolts = -2sm
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[The Bolt Hole] Dance the Night Away (Trynne)

Postby Kailani on December 2nd, 2018, 8:03 pm

Kailani was a red-blooded sailor and liked to think she handled her liquor better than most, but even she was caught up in it all, drowning in both alcohol and atmosphere as her hips swayed with a mind of their own. The colors swirling through the room hypnotized and entranced her, the music flowing through her ears sweeter than the symphony of the wind and waves. So when a person’s form collided with her, she paid it little mind, until a nervous voice whispered in her ear. Attention piqued, the Svefra brushed her lips across her disappointed partner’s cheek, breaking away from him and turning to face the young woman responsible.

The smaller girl was clearly nervous, gaze darting to and fro through the gyrating bodies around them. Help me? was her anxious plea, Kailani looking around for signs of trouble. Gods knew there was enough of it in Sunberth, but everyone seemed to agree to a sort of truce when they came in here. Nonetheless, she knew how quickly that could change, and didn’t want to be caught unawares. All she could see as she examined the room was an ocean of people letting go, moving to the music without a care in the world. She glanced back at her new dance partner, wondering if it was just the intoxicants getting to her. The Svefra could well understand the effects of a bad trip.

“Oh, now, it’s all right, little one! What’s troubling you?” the golden-haired sailor soothingly told her pretty new companion, voice warm as dilated blue eyes sparkled with mirth. Her hands grasped at the petite blonde’s, gently twirling her in a circle. “One dance with Kai is all the help you’ll need,” she added with a wink, pulling her back in close. “What’s your name, little dancer?”

As they spoke, the song changed, the notes turning more longing, more poignant. The music kept its faster cadence, but even in spite of that, it was somehow more melancholy and wistful than the song before it. The Svefra had always loved the power music had over emotion, how a simple change in tone or slowing of rhythm could inspire a new feeling entirely. Even if the sailor had never possessed a particular talent for weaving the melodies, she could more than appreciate said melodies’ effects.

Her hands moved down to the girl’s hips, gently guiding them back and forth in time with her own. One hand grasped hers, twirling her again with a grin. “Feeling any better yet?” she asked sweetly, carefully dipping her back and then bringing her back to rights. Kailani subtly danced their way back over to the bar and ordered another Silk Bolt, looking to her companion with her brow cocked in inquiry. “What about you, lovely girl? Think a drink might help?”
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