The weather wet and more than a little blustery, Duncan left The Gem with a slight gritting of teeth as the wind hit him. While the cold wind and rain would take awhile to pierce his thick flesh with discomfort, it was the anticipation of this that caused him to tense up. The weather back in the Kingdom was extreme however it seldom stuck to a person so firmly as it did in Sunberth. The wind threw the rain like countless tiny daggers that cut the flesh bits at a time. Even finding shelter from such a thing meant that it would take awhile to fully dry off and warm up. Despite the irritation and anticipation, Duncan met the weather head on as he made his way through the darkened city streets on his way to the city center where he would find the Pig's Foot.
As he usually did, Duncan kept the hood of his cloak pulled over his face and his head down as to not draw too much attention or give the unintended wrong look to someone. For an outsider such as he, drawing the wrong attention meant that he would leave himself open for all manner of foul opportunities.
Making his way down the narrow street, avoiding everyone possible, Duncan eventually arrived at the entrance to The Pig's Foot. Although it was relatively early in the evening, activity at The Pig's Foot was picking up. The sounds of music, conversation, carousing and a bit of shouting poured from the tavern's interior.
As Duncan reached to open the door, he paused. Looking over his shoulder, he tried to focus in on a strange sound that he heard from what seemed like somewhere behind him. The sound, it was definitely off. While the city was filled with all manner of unpleasant sights, sounds and smells, this particular sound caused the hair on the back of his neck to stand up; an icy chill spreading throughout his body. He couldn't identify it yet it still brought him some unease.
Turning his focus back to the tavern, he shook away the unease and entered.