xx Day of Spring, 519 A.V.
All merchants had their favorite customer. That one person who for whatever reason, be it money or their personality made a merchant want to give better customer service. For Daedalus, it was the woman peaking into the smithy as Daedalus was in the process of lifting a hammer.
He gripped the hammer with a firm grip near the end of the handle, swinging it down while keeping his elbow close to his body as the rounded hammer hit against the bar of heated iron against the anvil. The knock at the door frame was dulled by the clang of metal as the bar convexed outwards around where it was struck.
He gripped the hammer with a firm grip near the end of the handle, swinging it down while keeping his elbow close to his body as the rounded hammer hit against the bar of heated iron against the anvil. The knock at the door frame was dulled by the clang of metal as the bar convexed outwards around where it was struck.