Hearing the mans confusion at her ramblings, Ari’Ellin instantly felt her face involuntarily scrunch up. In her mind everything she had said had made sense,in reality she was just oblivious to just how quickly she had jumped to conclusions just thanks to the use of the word commit. Sure Kontinese had similar word pairs that went together like that, but she had never considered that other languages had them too.
“But… you… commit…” she started, before trailing off and shaking her head, finally realising her mistake. She frowned more, looking down at her shoes for a moment as the man continued speaking, starting to explain where she had misunderstood. She kept looking towards the floor, still listening to him explaining, though at the mention of the phrase ‘drown you in flavour’ she instantly looked up, her brow furrowed in confusion as she listened more to him. She knew what drowning was, but flavour was a word she wasn’t so familiar with, but she didn’t want to interrupt him to ask for a definition that didn’t seem overly important for now. Instead she kept the phrase and the word in her mind, intent on asking Kita when she saw the woman next whilst accepting that flavour likely had nothing to do with dying or drowning or water.
“Context is… around thing, yes? So here, context other words?” she asked, trying to clarify that part before listening more to him explain what commit meant. She nodded as she listened, trying to piece everything together in her mind and get rid of her prior misconception of the word as she listened. “So commit is like… commit to work? You agree do thing for money, but to get money must commit to task and finish it?” she questioned, trying to put it in another context to check that she was understanding it correctly. “Then can maybe commit write journal? Or commit only certain length time?” she wanted to know more about the word, especially after the man had given her a thorough explanation of where she had gone. Most of the time people had avoided correcting her at all, which had definitely led to her developing some bad habits and allowing her to stagnate a little. Even the few people she had asked to correct her had usually only corrected a few minor things and given very little ideas of how she’d use it correctly in the future.
She thought for a moment in silence before nodding after the explanation, trying to keep everything in her mind as something to practice using later, just to drill the idea into her mind more. Then she heard the men mentioning that he wanted to buy something, but nothing specific.
“Ah, so nothing set. My mother say that when risk spending too much money. If you know what want, can plan and get cheap. If you not set what want, make harder plan, less like to get cheap.” Ari hummed as she spoke before she shrugged. “I think if good head, either way can get less price. Not get… made pay more than worth.” she nodded before chuckling and shaking her head. “I not have good head. Too many things to distract, I not focus too well. You maybe can tell.” she sighed and glanced around before chuckling again.
“You want learn language? Really?” Ari grinned widely as the man mentioned wanting to learn more languages, and suggesting that she could teach him. She hadn’t encountered many people that spoke Kontinese, and even less that had mentioned wanting to learn. “I maybe not good teacher, but can help teach some Kontinese words and how put words together. Like small parts, anything you want know! Word chains?” the last phrase was more for her own benefit as she tried to put things together properly. “And I can tell more about Mura too. I grew up in Mura for long time. I will learn draw to make pictures of what look like. Help you to know Mura better than only words! Can say what like, but not same as see with eyes. Pictures not so good but better than just words!” she offered enthusiastically, despite knowing that she could not draw and it had been a few years since she had left Mura, meaning that she probably wouldn’t start a chance of drawing a good image of the city.
“Yes, sound like you teacher Konti.” she started, about to continue before realising what he had said. “Three years old? Not yet? Really? But so… tall… You are child… You not human? What are you?” she furrowed her brow in confusion looking him up and down. “Sorry, you look little more old than three years. If young you do lot of growing, it sound normal you not remember all life. I not remember seventeen year ago clear, some things and idea what happened yes, but not any detail.” she sighed and shook her head, directing back to his question about what a Konti was. “What is a Konti?” Ari’Ellin mused tapping a finger to her chin as she thought about what to say. “Konti from Mura, most Konti. Mura peaceful place, lot of water. We all scales, light hair yes, and light eye. Also…” she moved a hand to point to the gills on her neck. “These, help breathe underwater so we on land or in water, no problem! Most Konti learn tell fortune, or… make people health again.” she nodded as she spoke before shaking her head. “Most Konti stay Mura, some are told to go other place to do favour, some leave to find own life and then wish had learn more language.” she chuckled as she spoke, shaking her head again. ”We live long too. So you not three yet, but I…” she paused counting on her fingers. “I thirty-five, my mother… over one hundred when she have me.” she frowned as she realised she couldn’t recall her mothers age. Her father would have scolded her for forgetting that if he had stuck around for a decade longer than he had.
As the boy spoke more Ari’Ellin listened intently, interested in learning about this new place that he called Syka. It wasn’t a place that she’d heard the name of before, but the idea of a newer place that was not an actual city but some sort of settlement mixed in with a jungle was exciting to her. It seemed a little scary too, but the idea of being somewhere with that few people, in her mind that meant that it would be easier to actually do something and be recognised for it. But then that also meant mistakes would be easily attributed to the perpetrator and it would be harder to hide behind others.
“Very small... I sure you meet everyone soon. When small important know people, then can easy find help when need, yes? Do you like more or less than Lhavit? How find Syka? Are people good to talk? Or do you think hard?” she questioned, looking at the odd boy again. “Syka sound interesting. Different life, different... erm… struggle. You go because want change, or different thing? And all Syka speak common?” she asked more questions, wanting to try to learn more about the place. “Oh and many building, or not so many? What made of? And how get things. If newer and small, it hard get special things. Is that why at Outpost? Thing hard get in Syka?”
“No, maybe too… bad shape? For pack. Maybe not fit well because bad shape. Not like book.” she nodded in agreement with the man, before thinking. “Neck thingy to carry? Like necklace? Neck thing maybe dangerous? If get stuck can… can…” she gave up trying to find the word and instead opted to show the man instead, hoping he could give the word she was looking for. Gently she placed her thumb and forefinger either side of her neck. “Like this, but squeeze. No breath. So neck thingy to carry be not safe, no? Shoulder maybe more safe>”
“Bolts? Pointy things…” she mumbled to herself, trying to remember the word should she need it later. “I think need see harness know. I not know what harness look like, so… maybe need something. Bolt holder maybe easy make too? If get harness can take to sewing person, and they sew something hold bolts?” she half mused aloud for her own benefit and half for Moritz’s input on her thoughts. He seemed to be sensible and logical than she was, and he seemed to know at least a little more than she did about any weapons. “Or is important to buy at same time? I not normally buy this things.” she sighed and shook her head. She’d never realised exactly how much she would have to consider buying just to be able to conveniently carry a weapon to try hunting with. She hummed softly, her eyes looking over the different stalls just to see what they had, trying to get an idea of what the weapons harnesses could look like.
She could see a few cases for weapons as they walked past, but all of those looked more like storage to protect whatever was in them, rather than something meant to make carrying the weapon a little easier whilst not being too restrictive. Shaking her head, she exhaled as she looked over everything before returning her gaze to the tall boy.
Word Count1575