[Verified by Luminescence] Moritz Craven

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Moritz Craven

Postby Moritz Craven on April 10th, 2019, 12:03 am

Moritz Craven


Race: Kelvic (Okomo)
Gender: Male
Birthday & Age: 1 Spring 519 (X seasons = X years human equivalent)- See Plotnotes document listing timestamp/range and rough human age equivalent. 4 Years Old as of 1 Spring 523, next birthday 1 Spring 524.

Birthplace: Lhavit

Appearance: (basic appearance will stay the same, but due to his drastically increasing age will state only general physical attributes and expected end state once fully matured)

As a child Moritz is gangly. Large for his age in overall size, but thin of body. This reflects as much in his animal form, as his Okomo body seems to be growing quite quickly, but not putting on the full weight and denseness as quick as he is putting on size.

In his human form he also seems to move with less coordination, still trying to grasp the human form which only recently began to walk and carry on such motion. His Okomo form seems a bit more regular in its movements, but then that makes sense as Okomo can walk and move about almost as soon as they are born.

Both Forms:
-As of 1 Winter 520 Moritz was initiated into Pathfinding, at which point his eyes were altered. This displays in both of his forms. Once initiated his eyes visibly show the signs of being an Iraso. A sunburst pattern of contrasting color rims his pupils and can glow prominently when his Iraso Vision is in use.

-As of 25 Winter 521 Moritz received the 1st Mark of Wysar- Evantia.
-This appears as a blue flame burning brightly with a strange glow on the back of his neck.
IC thread received: here
OOC Challenge thread award: here

Human Form:
(Expected Full Grown)
Height-6 foot 2 inches
Weight-200 pounds
Eyes- Black Horizontal Pupils(similar to goat eyes), with white sclera.
Hair- Large Streaks of Pastel Pink (roughly 1/3 of head) and Purple (roughly 2/3 of head) with a few black spots across the top.
Additional Human form Kelvic Features- Thick Bones, particularly Skull.

Kelvic Form:
Okomo- Major Features- Skyglass horns, hooves, and bones, pastel gradient pelt.
(Expected Full Grown traits-Roughly Horse sized)
Height-64 inches from hoof to shoulder
Weight- 1,100 lbs
Horns- upward spiraling skyglass horns - blend of pastel pink and purple that glitter and glow with the same phosphorescence as the city of Lhavit.
Eyes- Black horizontal Pupils(similar to goat eyes), with white sclera-
Pelt- Large Streaks of Pastel Pink (roughly 1/3 of pelt) and Purple (roughly 2/3 of pelt) with a few black streaks on his face.
Last edited by Moritz Craven on September 8th, 2023, 2:27 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Moritz Craven
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Moritz Craven

Postby Moritz Craven on May 25th, 2019, 11:09 am

Moritz Craven
Character Concept

Moritz is an Okomo Kelvic, born under the parentage of his mother Madeira Craven and his father Allister in Lhavit.

As with any Okomo he has a proper amount of pride (I mean he's an Okomo, its just being self aware to have pride), a natural curiosity (so tell me again why I cannot climb that? Oh, you meant I should not climb that.... So why is that?), and as with any youth a need to expand himself.

He knows that he has a limitless future, and that once he is grown... Oh what a power he shall be! But until then, he'll work on the warmup aspects of being an excellent and mighty Okomo.

Character History

Not much history due to his age, Moritz has lived his entire life in Lhavit residing with his parents at Infinity Manor. Any language skills he has were gathered from one resident or another.


Fluent Language: Common
Last edited by Moritz Craven on June 2nd, 2019, 5:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Moritz Craven
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Moritz Craven

Postby Moritz Craven on May 25th, 2019, 11:17 am

Moritz Craven

Master: 76-100
Logic:84(84 XP)-Master
Observation:100(100 XP)-Master (maxed)

Expert: 51-75

Competent: 26-50
Acrobatics:34(10 SP+24XP)-Competent
Cooking:28(27 XP+1SP)-Competent
Endurance:33(33 XP)-Competent
Interrogation:37(37 XP)-Competent
Meditation:28(28 XP)-Competent
Pathfinding:44(44 XP)-Competent
Persuasion:31(31 XP)-Competent
Rhetoric:45(45 XP)-Competent
Socialization:49(49 XP)-Competent
Unarmed Combat:31(5 SP+26XP)-Competent

Novice: 1-25
Acting:2(2 XP)-Novice
Animal Husbandry:6(6 XP)-Novice
Arcanology:12(12 XP)-Novice
Architectrix:10(10 XP)-Novice
Astronomy:1(1 XP)-Novice
Bodybuilding:7(7 XP)-Novice
Boxing:5(5 XP)-Novice
Climbing:6(5 SP+1XP)-Novice
Copying:2(2 XP)-Novice
Detection:5(5 XP)-Novice
Foraging:10(10 RB)-Novice
Hosting:1(1 XP)-Novice
Housekeeping:2(2 XP)-Novice
Hunting:6(6 XP)-Novice
Intelligence:6(5 SP+1XP)-Novice
Intimidation:2(2 XP)-Novice
Investigation: 12(12 XP)-Novice
Juggling:1(1 XP)-Novice
Land Navigation:22(5 SP+17XP)-Novice
Leadership:2(2 XP)-Novice
Mathematics:1(1 XP)-Novice
Medicine:1(1 XP)-Novice
Mountaineering:5(5 SP)-Novice
Negotiation:7(7 XP)-Novice
Organization:6(6 XP)-Novice
Philosophy:20(20 XP)-Novice
Physics:2(2 XP)-Novice
Planning:24(24 XP)-Novice
Psychology:4(4 XP)-Novice
Running:16(5 SP+11XP)-Novice
Seduction:2(2 XP)-Novice
Spiritism:10(10 XP)-Novice
Stealth:7(7 XP)-Novice
Storytelling:20(20 XP)-Novice
Subterfuge:11(11 XP)-Novice
Tactics:13(13 XP)-Novice
Teaching:15(15 XP)-Novice
Tracking:15(15 XP)-Novice
Weapon(Composite Longbow): 7(7 XP)-Novice
Weapon(Dagger):10(10 XP)-Novice
Weapon(Tiger Hook Gauntlet):4(4 XP)-Novice
Weapon(Tiger Hook Sword):3(3 XP)-Novice
Wilderness Survival:15(5 SP+10XP)-Novice (Mountains)
Wrestling:5(5 SP)-Novice
Writing:4(4 XP)-Novice

starter :
Acrobatics:10(10 SP)-Novice
Climbing:5(5 SP)-Novice
Foraging:10(10 RB)-Novice
Intelligence:5(5 SP)-Novice
Land Navigation:5(5 SP)-Novice
Mountaineering:5(5 SP)-Novice
Running:5(5 SP)-Novice
Unarmed Combat:5(5 SP)-Novice
Wilderness Survival:5(5 SP)-Novice (Mountains)
Wrestling:5(5 SP)-Novice
Last edited by Moritz Craven on August 4th, 2023, 1:16 am, edited 60 times in total.
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Moritz Craven
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Moritz Craven

Postby Moritz Craven on May 25th, 2019, 11:19 am

Moritz Craven
Lore of Location:Infinity Manor (SP)
Lore Proper Pride of an Okomo (SP)
Logic: reasoning it out
Madeira: the reason to wear clothes
Lore of communicating needs
Lore of the compulsion to protect
Endurance: pushing through exhaustion
Acrobatics: leaps and bounds
Lore of the responsibility of handling ones strength and size
Lore of barding
Lore of a simple explanation of snow
Clothing: unnecessary and impractical
Madeira: insists he be clean
School: a place of learning
Logic: inferring words with context clues
Navigation: following landmarks
Intimidation: meeting a stare
Madeira: hits with words
Lore of the distinction between Kelvic and Human
Observation: the properties of snow
People: Kyra Shallon
Kyra Shallon: ex Shinya
Moritz's basic uses for cooking
Izo: Cooking instructor of the academy
Cooking: How to stay clean while cooking
Cooking: How to wear an apron
Cooking: Basic ways to handle a knife
Cooking: Importance of respecting a knife
How a knife feels in ones hand for the first time
Cooking: How to properly clean a potato
Moritz's apron does not magically produce potatoes
Izo: Likes to engage his students in lessons
Cooking: Importance of keeping clean and dirty water separate
Planning: Grouping like tasks to save time
Cooking: Using the first cut to make a flat surface
Cooking: How to peel a potato with a knife
Cooking: Function of a colander (draining)
Cooking: How to grip a knife for cutting and peeling
Cooking: Cleaning by feelings textures
Introduction to Pathfinding
Pathfinding: Users are called Iraso
Pathfinding: Initiation changes the eyes appearance
Pathfinding: Practiced via Iraso vision
Pathfinding: Eyes glow when Iraso vision used
Pathfinding: Has lots of verbs/nouns that are similar
Pathfinding: About Following Paths
Pathfinding: Lets one see Djed
Everything has Djed
Pathfinding: Things/People leave behind Djed remnants
Pathfinding: Iraso vision makes Djed remnants visible
Pathfinding: Like following Djed crumbs
Pathfinding: Allows Initiation on Animals
Pathfinding: Enhances Minds of Animals Initiated
Pathfinding: Initiation comes with Risks (Blindness, mind alteration)
Pathfinding: More risky the less skilled the Initiator
Pathfinding: Initiation alters and affects the recipients eyes Djed
Aja: Does not forget her mistakes
Aja: Does not abandon her friends
Personal Magic: Draws on the practitioners Djed
Pathfinding: Is a Personal magic in that it draws on the users Djed
Pathfinding: Less Djed intensive magic type
Morphing: Is a Personal magic like Pathfinding
Morphing: Uses magic to change ones body and form
Pathfinding: Experiencing its Initiation
Pathfinding: Initiation through the eyes
Pathfinding: Start by learning to turn Iraso sight on/off
Pathfinding: Once more skilled easy to turn on/off
Meditation: Calming ones breathing to start
Meditation: Using for magic visualization
Pathfinding: Seeing with Iraso vision for the first time
Pathfinding: Iraso vision a sight atop normal sight
Pathfinding: Depth and Brightness to Djed
Pathfinding: People's Djed is deeper/brighter than animals
Observation: Okomo Have Better Noses
Socialization: Wearing Shoes to Fit In
Endurance: A Real Warrior Does Not Quit
Tactics: Preparing for Counter Attacks
Acrobatics: Roll With the Impact
Tactics: Don't Give Energy to Your Opponents
Hook Sword: A Defensive Weapon
Hook Sword: Hilt is the Only Part That's Not a Weapon
Practicing With Wooden Weapons
Acrobatics: Rolling on One Shoulder
Acrobatics: Stretching Before and After a Workout
Philosophy: Multiple Types of Truths and Lies
Never a Craven Like Moritz Before
Fighting is Not the Same as Hurting
Philosophy: Helping Both Family and the City
Kyra: Moves in a Blur
Arcanology: What is Djed?
Alvadas: Ruled by Ionu
Ionu: God of Trickery and Illusions
Arcanology: Djed is Strongest in the Soul
Writing: A Silent Language
The Common Tongue Alphabet
Original Holiday: the Fall of Lies
Planning: event conception
Organization: keeping a group project in line
Leadership: public speaking
Land navigation: reading a crude map
Lore of childish love notes
Land Navigation: navigating by landmarks
Location: Koten temple
Koten Temple: Zintilla's temple
Lore of the concept of a soul
Lore of the cycle of life and death
Lore of a first kiss!
Meditation: Picturing Djed as Water
Meditation: Picturing a Pit of Djed in ones center
Meditation: Picturing Djed as a web throughout the body
Pathfinding: Possible uses in the Dark
Pathfinding: Like building a new muscle
Pathfinding: Patches and breaks common at lower skill
Pathfinding: Distinguishing a paths Djed Signature from another
Pathfinding: Moritz own Djed Signature
Pathfinding: With skill &/or time can tell details from a Path
Pathfinding: Aja's Djed Signature.
Cold Iron: Better than Steel-lesser than Isurian Steel
Cold Iron: Not Magical
Cold Iron: Also known as Cold Steel
Location: Azure Market- Has Leather and Clothe goods
Location: Azure Market- Blue Painted place
Ghosts: Explaining what one is to the uninitiated
Pathfinding: Difficult in heavily trafficked areas
A dream and then not a dream
A Vision of Morwen Missing
Morwen: To Die if not freed
Morwen: Searching for lost grandson
Morwen: Winter missing with her
Morwen: Goddess of winter
Magic gateway in a jungle
A falling frgament of star
Pathfinding: Trying (and failing) to use to track a star fall
Tracking: A Star Fall
Reasoning through navigation
Finding fallen Skyglass from a Sky fall
Signs of a moving ghost
Julan Crag: An exuberant young ghost
Empathy for over questioning
Practicing by playing
Pathfinding: Julan Crag's Djed Signature
Meditation: Changing ones visualization
Pathfinding: Not possible to visually explain
Tracking a Ghostly child
Pathfinding: Techniques for dead spots in trails
Pathfinding: Tracking a trail up a wall
Ghosts: Don't move or fall the same as living beings
Pathfinding: Ghosts blinking possibly unrelated to gaps in a trail
Gaining a new ghostly pal
People more spread out in parks than markets
Pathfinding: Working out dead spots systematically
Pathfinding: Telling apart one known and one unknown trail
Interrogation: Bombarding with questions and info
Park with a pond fully of squishy things in Lhavit
Interrogation: Watch for questions not answered
The dead don't need to breath
Investigation: Honing in on avoided topics
Philosophy: Is killing an undead killing?
Interrogation: Giving out options
Philosophy: The concept of privacy versus safety
Interrogation Not letting the subject change the topic
Intimidation: Using an Okomo's size and yell
Accepting a hard decision
A pair of swords as a birthday gift
Gifted swords engraved with Ancient tongue words
Ancient Tongue: Roza Isikai-Faith in Death, Pond Abase- Life in Balance.
A pair of cold iron blades imbued with a mothers soulmist
A scabbard with an unusual dual scabbard arrangement
Pathfinding: Possible to be initiated by an animal
The difference of a lie and a joke
Explaining a vision to ones mother
Explaining Pathfinding to a non-Iraso
Auristics: A magic that lets one see auras
Aura- a corona of energy given off by djed
Receiving a not cursed bracelet as a gift
Pathfinding: Moritz mothers djed stronger than his teachers
Not cursed bracelet lets one feel peoples need you touch
Pathfinding: Djed density may relate to magic mastery
Explaining a vision of Morwen
Persuasion: Logic and emotion can be used to argue
Getting distracted by ones own metaphors
Madeira: Weighs her sons life higher than a gods
Gods: Forces of nature not people
Persuasion: Convincing with a barbed tongue
Socialization: Hugging an upset person
Agreeing to come home in exchange for leaving
Madeira Craven: Marrying Chiona Dusk
More tears doesn't always mean worse
Sometimes woman marry woman
Madeira Craven's Djed Signature
Location: The Tidepool Bar
Salsa: A vegetable dish with peppers, tomatoes, onions, and garlic
Cooking: How to hold a paring knife
Cooking: How to hold a chefs cutting knife
Cooking: How to chop and dice
Hosting: How to hold a tray
Cooking: How to cut out the core stem of a tomato
Cooking: How to peel and cut an onion
Cooking: Onions need to be cut under water else it affects eyes
Hosting: How to carry a tray
Cooking: How to peel and cut garlic
Aja: Understanding and Attentive
Aja: Making a promise to survive, prepare, and commit
Teaching: Practicing by repetition and drilling
Pathfinding: Initiation should wait until user is skilled
Pathfinding: Can gain information about the trail layer
Pathfinding: Initiation steps and procedures
Pathfinding: Initiation things to avoid
Pathfinding: Initiation a balance of duration and intensity
Location of the Dusk Tower Within Lhavit
Dusk Tower: Instructs in Auristics and Spiritism
Dusk Tower: Run by the Dusk Family of Lhavit
Lhavit: Founded by three families/lineages
Young Kelvics outgrow clothes
Auristics: Lets you see and interpret Auras
Auristics: Auras can tell you a lot about a person or object
Auristics: Auras are djed given off by things/people
Djed: Energy that makes up the universe and everything
Djed: Makes both thoughts and substance
Spiritism: When a body dies their astral body replaces their physical body
Spiritism: Soulmist is what ghosts are made of and what replaces their body
Spiritism: Low level Spiritist should use their own blood
Spiritism: Any blood can be used not just the Spiritists
Spiritism: Using ones own blood makes a purer product of Soulmist
Spiritism: More skilled users can make good soulmist from others blood
Spiritism: More skilled users can imbue Soulmist with the skill and abilities of the bloods source
Spiritism: Basic soulmist recipe is three ingredients from three different sources and blood.
Spiritism: Soulmist recipe- egg, cheese, and flour.
Spiritism: When extracting blood avoid fingers and palms
Spiritism: Should draw blood from thin skinned areas such as back of the hand, wrist, cheeck, ankle, etc.
Spiritism: Place soulmist materials in your mouth and chew
Spiritism: Soulmist made by killing and harvesting a piece of ones “soul” temporarily (grows back)
Spiritism: When making soulmist must believe that the dough is a part of you
Spiritism: When making soulmist soak your “Soul” into the soulmist dough inside you
Spiritism: Once the soulmist material in your body is a part of you sever it
Spiritism: Made soulmist is the outer edges of a soul without a vessel just like a ghosts
Spiritism: Know soulmist is done by the chill
Spiritism: Soulmist is off white and faintly luminous
Spiritism: Soulmist can be used to repair or strengthen a ghosts soulmist
Spiritism: Soulmist can be used t imbue into weapons, tools, or armor to attack or repel ghosts
Spiritism: Can find a skilled user and make soulmist from their blood to give a ghost that skill
Spiritism: Perhaps ones own blood is stronger/purer as it is of ones own djed?
Spiritism: Visualizing ones own blood as a part of oneself
One can have too vivid a mental picture
Meditation: Picturing oneself as a pool of water
Spiritism: Pictuing making soulmist as mixing and cutting off water
Spiritism: Making soulmist an exercise in meditation and concentration
Spiritism: Beginner soulmist decays quickly and cannot be used to imbue
Spiritism: More skilled users can change their appearance to a ghost
Spiritism: More skilled users can use Soulmist to Lie
Spiritism: First success at making soulmist
Meditation: Picturing oneself as a tree
Spiritism: Need at least three unique sourced ingredients but can have as many more as desired
Spiritism: Only rules of soulmist is at least three unique sources and can be made into a dough like consistency
Spiritism: Ghost absorbs soulmist by touching its “body”
Spiritism: Spiritist made soulmist is a part of them and so they still have some control over it
Spiritism: If the soulmist maker doesn't will it to be a part of the ghost then they cannot absorb it
Spiritism: Once a ghost absorbs the soulmist it is no longer a part of the maker but a part of the one who absorbed it
Spiritism: Soulmist consent once given cannot be taken back
Spiritism: After soulmist production a Spiritist practices possession
Spiritism: Possession is having another soul take over ones body
Spiritism: Possession is unpleasant as trauma
Spiritism: Through repeated practice with possession will harden to it and will be able to fight it
Spiritism: Along with weapons and armor more skilled Spiritists can make safe zones
Spiritism: More skilled users can imbue themselves to touch a ghost
Spiritism: The Lie- lets a Spiritist disguise themselves as other people using soulmist
Spiritism: After training can make souldarts
Spiritism: After training can perform graceful possession
Spiritism: More skilled users can commit evocation- transporting a ghost instantly from anywhere in the world to you
Spiritism: More skilled users can use Dusting
Spiritism: Master users can use Evocation on a soul from the Ukalas where the Gods are
Spiritism: Blood used in Soulmist for activation- one drop will do
Spiritism: How much soulmist you can make at once is dependant on your skills as a Spiritist
Spiritism: Ghosts djed decays and is inert on death
Spiritism: Making soulmist makes this same transformation of djed as death for a ghosts djed
Spiritism: Initiation as a Spiritist
Spiritism: Greater efficiencies as one becomes more skilled- Output increases while input the same
Spiritism: Mixing soulmist with a candle to attract ghosts
Acrobatics: Faux Roll Technique
Alric: Ill Educated On Magic
Alric: Strange Man
Eyris: Goddess Of Knowledge & Wisdom
Magic: A Tool Not A Destiny
Outpost: The Hanging Gardens
Outpost: The Water Gardens
Pipe Smoke: Disgusting Stench
Power: Defined By The User
Smoke Inhalation: Unwise
Sunberth: Anarchic City
Sunberth: Hates Mages
Acrobatics: Best Practised Somewhere Soft
Acrobatics: Don’t Over-Extend Stretches
Acrobatics: Hand Stand
Acrobatics: Stand Alone & Combat Skill
Acrobatics: Stretching Techniques
Acrobatics: Tuck & Roll
Alric: Odd Jobs Man
Alric: Thief
Skyglass: Divine Material
Skyglass: Lhavit Specialty
Sunberth: As Far East As Can Be
Sunberth: Enslaves Kelvics
Teaching: Acrobatics Basics
Cooking: Dicing & Preparing a Pineapple
Cooking: Salsa Types & Ingredients
Cooking: Stripping A Spicy Pepper
Cooking: Variety of Peppers
Pepper Oil: Do Not Rub Anywhere On Person
Butchery: Blood Draining
Butchery: Carcass Cleaning
Butchery: Disembowelling
Butchery: Starting Incisions
Cooking: Dry Rubbing A Carcass
Cooking: Salting A Carcass
Cooking: Descaling A Fish
Cooking: Fish Cooking Methods
Cooking: Fish De-Boning
Cooking: Fish Gill & Fin Removal
Cooking: Gutting A Fish
Cooking: Washing A Fish
Kina: Appearance of each Kina denomination
Location: Piramba’s Pet Shop
Fai Piramba: Appearance & mannerisms
Moritz: The horror of meat
Kalean Spicecoat: Appearance
Naymon: Moritz’s Kalean Spicecoat dog
Stretching to prepare for training
Unarmed Combat: Ready stance
Combat: Different weapons for different ranges
Unarmed Combat Types: Punching & kicking, boxing, wrestling & grappling
Unarmed Combat: Be aware of your opponent’s range
Unarmed Combat: Jump kicks are useless
Unarmed Combat: Blocking a string of punches
Tiger Hook Sword: Use all parts of the weapon
Tactics: Changing fighting style/weapon to stay unpredictable
Alice Weaver: Ghost
Ghosts: Basic Abilties
Lhavit: The Dovecote
Miza: Creation & Function
Paul: The Map Guy
Possession: How It Feels
Possession: Voluntary Experience
The Keiss: Basic Knowledge
The Outpost: Basic Laws
The Outpost: Xyna’s Domain
Xyna: Goddess
Xyna: Creates Miza
Acrobatics: How to do a cartwheel
Acrobatics: Engage all your muscles to balance
Acrobatics: How to do a wall-supported handstand
Lhavit Location: Hunter’s Guild
Long Stan: Appearance & mannerisms
Liard: Appearance & mannerisms
Lhavit: The Misty Peaks
Tracking: Understand the animal you are looking for before you can find it
Tracking: Wild boar print
Aja: Appearance & mannerisms
Aja: A Witch
Moritz: The feeling of moral conflict
Moritz: Wants to do good
Alice Weaver: Illogical Ghost
Bandages: Uses
Cravens: Broken Family
Ghosts: Fascinatingly Irritable At Times
Ghosts: Why Linger On?
Lhavit: City Of Balance
Medeira: Strong-arming Mother
Mortar & Pestle: Uses
Philosophy: Idealism
Spiritism: Ghost Sense
Spiritism: Making Soulmist
Sunberth: City Of Chaos
The Outpost: Courtyard Cantina
The Outpost: Kalskan Fountain
Truth: It Is Truth
Not worth conversing with a lying curse
Best to start with training weapons over live blades
Visualizing a weapons path
Visualizing a weapon hitting its mark
Follow through/power on a throw is important
Calming and focusing before a throw helps
Not breathing during a throw helps
Pathfinding: Different djed from living tree versus dead items wood
Pathfinding: Following the trails of a thrown object
Physics: Thrown weapons land lower than they are launched from
Physics: Thrown weapons are pulled down as they move
Physics: Aiming a thrown weapon higher than the target to adjust for falling
Physics: Many complex variables to a thrown object
Building on past mistakes to improve
Considering ones entire body when throwing
Adjusting on known differences on training versus real weapons
Running: How to maintain pace
Running: Runner's stitch
Running: Jogging across a sandy beach
Running: Using momentum to turn
Running: Alternating between controlling your breathing and gait
Cooking: Destemming a pepper
Cooking: Dicing peppers for salsa
Alcohol impairs critical thinking
Alcohol can give courage
Alcohol dims perception
Alcohol can make you sick
Naadiya: misses Waddrass
Naadiya: Dislikes spicy food
Naadiya: Lives at the Protea Inn
Wysar: A gaze that looks through you
Wysar: Quite toned and fit
Wysar: Came to test Moritz mettle
Divine aware of things without being present
Wysar: Prefers actions over empty words
A simple test to take- endure
Wysar: Beyond skilled in combat
Investigation: Trying to piece together a fighting technique
Wysar: Could destroy a foe if he wished
Unarmed combat: Using a foes energy against themselves
Unarmed combat: Conserving your own energy by using your foes
Unarmed combat: trapping a foe by pretending to be vulnerable
Endurance: Pushing through pain and tired
Unarmed combat: Using emotions to throw people off their game
Moritz: Weak and unskilled but keeps on trying and improving
The decisions of the divine are quite complicated
The bigger the power the bigger the impact of actions
Running: The Importance of Stretching Before A Run
Running: Using Lap Markers
Tazrae: Mannerisms and Appearance
A Dream of bears and Okomo's tea party
Meditation: Trying to ignore distractions
Meditation: Using visualization to focus
Philosophy: Bending like grass
Philosophy: Changing as needed and changing back
Philosophy: What is green
Meditation: Making a safe place within ones mind
Meditation: Helpful in learning to control ones djed
Meditation: Makes it difficult to keep track of time
Meditation: Difficult to clearly picture too much at once
Meditation: Visualizing complex structures
Meditation: Building elements one at a time
Meditation: Visualizing moving through a mental construct
Meditation: Repeating things to better visualize
Meditation: Visualizing things not done
Meditation: The mental drain of doing nothing
Charging a Homefinder Token on a Sykan Bungalow
Storytelling: Telling ones life to a sentient house
Philosophy: Feeling bad for not feeling bad
Psychology: Understanding thoughts and feelings by explaining a memory
Architectrix: Initiation lets you speak to Architectrix
Architectrix: Communicating emotions easier than words
Architectrix: Initiation by inserting a piece of Architectrix
Architectrix: Initiate called Archi Mage
Architectrix: Newer users less able to communicate
Architectrix: Building infected with Architectrix magic called an Architectrix
Architectrix: Architectrix create new Architectrix by placing a piece of themselves in it
Architectrix: Piece to create new Architectrix must be offered willingly
Architectrix: Aware of the things around them and in them
Architectrix: Need land and room to grow or expand
Architectrix: Can grow or add to its structure over time or if it wants or needs to
Architectrix: Can be fed energy by an Archi mage to speed up growth
Architectrix: Can change over time but not freely
Architectrix: Newer users unable to use all abilities like feeding Architectrix energy
Interrogation: Using one question to lead to the next one
Architectrix: New Architectrix grow mentally over time and by interacting
Architectrix: New Architectrix learn to speak from talking and listening
Architectrix: Grow into their structure over time
Making a promise to an Architectrix
Architectrix: Accepting a seed to infuse a new one
Taking a moment to have fun among sadness
Feeling the love of an Architectrix
A dream of a forested bow assassination
Preparing a composite longbow for usage
Bow usage: Need to properly grip the arrow and bowstring
Bow usage: Practicing form without an arrow
Bow usage: The impact of breathing
Moritz: Needs lots of practice plus trial and error
Measuring success off the same goal and start
Bow usage: Working on a bow stance
Bow usage: Holding a second arrow while firing a first
Discovering your bow has some magic abilities
Sinaetri: Verusk dancer and Wysar marked
Trying Evantia for the first time
Evantia: Lets the user predict others movements
Wysar: God of Integrity, Conviction, and Discipline.
Wysar: Does not want his mark used to steal or commit crimes
Evantia: Must hone through discipline
Evantia: Lesser skilled users can be fooled
Evantia: Seeing something coming does not mean you can react in time
Boxing: Legs about movement and defense
Boxing: Arms about offense and defense
Boxing: Taking a simple beginners stance
Boxing: The upright stance
Boxing: Crouching defensive stance
Boxing: Rolling or moving with a blow
Boxing: Making a simple weaker jab
Boxing: Using your legs and hips for a proper punch
Evantia: Figuring out which blows will or wont hit
Boxing: Using a cross punch
Boxing: Crosses stronger but more open
Boxing: Hooking a hook
Boxing: Hooks better up close or grappling
Boxing: Performing an uppercut
Evantia: May help in training by seeing before action
Boxing: Long limbs means more reach but also bigger target
Spiritism: Making a kebab based soulmist recipe
Hunters on a long trip mean less supplies needed
Axle: Son of a Caravan hunter
Anders: Father of Axle and a caravan hunter
Tracking a deer
Using Pathfinding to assist mundane tracking
Pathfinding: Sensing the djed trail of a male deer
Wilderness Survival: Finding the best path through foliage
Finding a destroyed caravan
Experiencing the same day again
Shadow Dog can see and vanish in the dark
Planting seeds to avoid repeating mistakes
The trade off between stealth and stability in footing
Hunting: Using a dog to assist in taking down wounded prey
Noting details on a second time living a day
Moritz: Rage at injustice
Tactics: Using surprise to attack superior numbers
Experiencing killing for the first time
Experiencing being killed for the first time
Coming to terms with repeating a day
Taking advantage of a repeating day
Subterfuge: Obfuscating by telling the partial truth
Pathfinding: Attempting and failing an initiation
Pathfinding: Feeling for that sense of completion in an initiation
The difference between a fight and a battle
The numbness of killing in battle
Taking the same mans life twice
How to keep a focused mind amid battle
Experiencing the pain of losing a hand
Pathfinding: Failing an initiation partially
Taking advantage of your Kelvic nature for artifice
Pathfinding: Following a groups trail
Wilderness Survival: Figuring out a path between two points
Medicine: Cleaning your hands before tending a wound
Medicine: How to bind a wound with a bandage
Medicine: Too much pressure stops blood flowing to a limb
Negotiation: Using secrets to negotiate from a place of power
Pathfinding: Initiation requires both the right amount and concentration of djed
Prepwork important for initiations
Pathfinding: Successfully initiating a dog
Subterfuge: Acting as a decoy for an ambush
Endurance: Trying to push past exhaustion
Akalak: boys who love to fight
Akalak: Possibly of some relation to Wysar
Unarmed Combat: Fighting using minimal energy
Wysar: Sets stipulations with his mark
Wysar: Speaks of vigilance & discipline
Making an oath to Wysar
Socialization: Easier to feel confident in a known setting
Pathfinding: Sensing a gender from someones djed
Pathfinding: Evalynn's Djed Signature
Coworkers think Moritz doesn't have any friends
Land Navigation: Finding a new spot using a vague map and directions
Relief of meeting a friend rather than falling into a trap
Teaching: Beginning a lesson by gauging your students starting point
Caspian: Easily knockover-able
Caspian: Open to taking advice in training
Teaching: Importance of focusing on the lesson
Caspain: Doesn't like being touched
Teaching: Changing a lesson to address a question
Caspian: Lives in Sunset Quarters
Caspian: Willing to help if needed
starter :
Lore of Location:Infinity Manor (SP)
Lore Proper Pride of an Okomo (SP)
Last edited by Moritz Craven on August 4th, 2023, 1:12 am, edited 47 times in total.
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Moritz Craven
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Moritz Craven

Postby Moritz Craven on May 25th, 2019, 11:20 am

Moritz Craven
1st Mark of Wysar- Evantia.
-This appears as a blue flame burning brightly with a strange glow on the back of his neck.
IC thread received: here
OOC Challenge thread award: here
1st Mark :
The singularly marked individual can expand an Evantia Aura and begin sensing the motions and movements - even intent - of the person within the Aura. The Aura’s range spreads out from the individual at its center to upwards of fifty feet. Processing time is slow for the marked individual initially, but within a season of working with an Evantia Aura or through continued practice, a marked individual can easily anticipate the movements of those within the aura. At first, one on one combat is the strongest most easiest to read. Gradually, as seasons pass, more opponents can be added and anticipated as the wearer of the mark grows accustom to the increased perception. The rule of thumb for this gnosis is simple. Add one opponent carefully sensed and perhaps anticipated for every season the gnosis is in active use. These opponents still need to be within the aura’s influence to be sensed. True intent is very difficult to sense at this level unless the marked has held their mark for years and is comfortable using the Evantia Aura.

For example: An individual with one gnosis mark from Wyser who’s worn that mark for a year and practiced faithfully with wholehearted dedication can track at the top end four individuals at the end of one year.

Special Abilities
Time’s Paradox- Received after 10 Fall 522- OOC Award Post
Detail :
The power of the figurine that trapped you in its grasp has permanently affected your body. As the loop ended and time returned to its normal flow, you notice something remarkable. Your metabolism has slowed in shocking ways; or at least that is how it seems. These effects are subconscious and do not require conscious thought or action in order to work. The OOC reason is that your body retains a sliver of power from the figurine and thus certain aspects of it are constantly resetting. You will find that any affects from poisons will take twice as long to set in. This also means that you will take twice as much alcohol to get drunk. Any physical wounds you may suffer will bleed twice as slow; making recovery and healing take half as long. Light wounds will not bleed; while they may still cause discomfort, light wounds will never be more than a mild annoyance. Your breathing is slowed as your body’s need for air is reduced. This means you are able to hold your breath for an extended period of time. Without other forms of aid, you can hold your breath for five minutes. Hair, finger and toenail growth is slowed. The need to urinate and defecate is slowed.

Time’s Pebble- Received after 10 Fall 522- OOC Award Post
Detail :
While tossing a pebble in a river will not stop its flow, it can cause a minor disruption on the surface. The loop in time created by the figurine has caused you to be something like a pebble in Time’s River. You very existance creates small, temporary disruptions in the flow of time out of your control. Examples of these disruptions include flames like those of a candle or torch will seemingly freeze in place, a plant may spontaneously flower or a fruit ripens rapidly or a cup of water might evaporate in seconds. These effects are generally minor and do not always occur; they are quite random and not overly frequent. You may also disrupt some aspects of the flow of time around you with conscious effort. This is related to your skill in meditation. Even if not directly engaged in the art of meditation, one who is skilled in it tends to have much greater focus of mind than those who do not. This greater focus allows you to direct minor manipulations in time. Some examples, if you are performing a physical feat of acrobatics that requires balance and agility, you are able to better feel the right timing for your movements as your body instantly aligns with just the right timing. If you are cooking, you can employ this ability to alter flavor of a meal by changing the ingredients through minor manipulations in time in order to achieve the best possible taste. If you are in physical combat either unarmed or with a weapon, your movements are just a bit faster or if necessary, a bit slower, to give you a bit of an edge. How this translates is that for every skill level you have in meditation, you gain a +5 bonus to any skill you possess at the time. This bonus can only be applied to a single skill once per thread. If this bonus would push your skill to the next level, then the results fall within that increased level.

Meditation L1 = +5 bonus
Meditation L2 = +10 bonus
Meditation L3 = +15 bonus
Meditation L4 = +20 bonus
Last edited by Moritz Craven on November 5th, 2022, 11:31 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Moritz Craven
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Moritz Craven

Postby Moritz Craven on May 25th, 2019, 11:24 am

Moritz Craven

-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
-Shoes, sandals (Dark black leather)- Acquired here

-Mortar and Pestle- Purchased here-Dark grey stone

Weapons/Combat related
-Weapon Harness- Bought here
-Gift from his mother-Paid for by Madeira
>Pair of Cold Iron Tiger Hook Swords (20 ki X 3 (CI)= 60 Ki each, X 2 = 120 Ki)-Infused with soulmist by master Spiritist (permanent)- One still in original state, one now fused into magic item/gaunlet (Cauldron- See below)
>Dual Tiger Hook Swords Scabbard (4 ki)

-Weapon Purchase
>Dagger X 2 = 4gm
>Dagger (wooden practice) X 2 = 1 gm
>Throwing Dagger X 2 = 2 gm
>Throwing dagger (wooden practice) X 4 = 1 gm
>Dagger Scabbard X 4 = 8 gm

-Weapon Purchase
-Longbow, Composite- 100 gm
>Made from laminated horn, wood or bone and built with a recurve, meaning that the bow remains bow-shaped even when unstrung. Able to fly farther and with more impact than a regular longbow.
-OOC Prize Award
Magic on Bow :
-Silent Strike – The weapon is completely silent in its use. No matter what it hits or how hard it hits it, the weapon will never make a sound. It is as if an aura of silence surrounds the weapon’s surface making it mute. Constant effect.

-Transformer - Transforms into a mundane item of clothing or jewelry upon command.

-Off-World Material - Made of extraordinarily rare materials from another world. Enhanced durability and greater capacity for further enchantment - plus you get to pick what the material looks like. (Made of the bone/horns of an offworld creature)

-Longbow Arrows (20) - 1 gm
-Bow Case- 20 gm
-Quiver- 20 gm
>Used to hold arrows; quivers are made from leather, bark, wood and furs. Usually worn strapped to the back of waist or sometimes to a saddle if the archer is mounted.
-Archer's Arm Guard- 1 gm
>A single leather cuff covering most of or the entire forearm of the archer. Protects their skin from the bowstring.

Heirloom: N/A due to age.


Location: Sunberth

Sunberth House and 1 Acre of land near the coast near the Dust Bed Ridge
>Purchase Here
>Location post here

City- 1,000 gm/acre
+Waterfront- 300 gm/acre

Bath (Simple)- 200 gm 200 sq.ft.
Bedroom (Simple) X 2- 350 gm 400 sq.ft. X 2 = 700 gm 800 sq.ft.
Common Area (Simple)- 250 gm 400 sq.ft.
Cottage, One-Room (Elaborate)- 1,000 gm 400 sq.ft.
Kitchen (Simple)- 800 gm 400 sq.ft.
Patio/Deck, Stone (Elaborate)- 500 gm 400 sq.ft.
Training Room- 1,000 gm 400 sq.ft.

Total Building = 4,450 gm X .75 (new at once) = 3,337 gm 5 sm
Land = 1,300 gm for 1 acre plot city land overlooking the coast
Total cost- 4,637 gm 5 sm

Total size- 3,000 sq.ft. (less than 7% of an acre)

Front entrance the common area, with entrances to hallways for a pair of bedrooms on either side. At the back leads further into the training room. On the left is a cottage with an attached bath. On the right is the kitchen. And at the rear of the building is an attached covered patio looking out towards the coast.

-Piece of an Architectrix infused structure- received here
Last edited by Moritz Craven on July 18th, 2023, 12:08 am, edited 36 times in total.
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Moritz Craven
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Moritz Craven

Postby Moritz Craven on May 25th, 2019, 11:25 am

Moritz Craven
Special Items

Twilight Star(not in same form- See below Cauldron item, Item changed with Gauntlet as of 21 Winter 521)
Secret :
After the peak of the Winter Solstice, a star always appears in the southern sky that shines brightly for only one single morning. It appears at the twilight when the sky first starts to lighten and vanishes as Syna climbs into the sky and chases the light of all the stars from the sky. In the olden days, before the Valterrian, the star was called Vastimi which loosely translates into the Ancient Tongue as "Offspring". Due to its name, it has long been assumed it shines in some sort of remembrance or honor of one of Zintila's children.

Astronomers claim the behavior of this object means it isn't truly a star, but is something far different; something unknown. While it briefly shines, Vastimi gives off sparks that fall to Mizahar in the form of true Skyglass. Skyglass, a material crafted by magic, is not found in nature. Traditional skyglass is transformed by the Constellations using Akarni, from meteorites that fall to Mizahar's surface. Pre-formed Skyglass only comes from Vastimi and only on one day of the year... The Winter Solstice. These incredibly precious items are called Twilight Stars.

Finding a Twilight Star is considered incredibly lucky and a blessing from the Gods. Twilight Stars are often passed down through families because they are rarely destroyed despite their fragile appearance. Looking like a carved three-dimensional crystalline star the size of an average man's fist, these beautiful objects have multiple uses. Hung in sunny windows as sun catchers, these stars often can fill a room with a rainbow of refracted light, even on a cloudy day.

Lofted in the high peaks of a ceiling, these Twilight Stars glow in the darkness and gently illuminates space all around them. They make lovely luminaries that can light up an entire room or guide a lost traveler in the dark of night home.

A third and often overlooked value to the twilight stars is that if one person holds the star and thinks about how they feel about something, another person can reach out and touch that star and clearly and truly see what the other person is feeling. These stars are precious, traded frequently within black markets and in back alley deals.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability:
>1- Sun catcher- refracted light- Not yet
>2- Illuminate in darkness- When received
>3- Feeling sharing- Not yet

Charm Bracelet-
Secret :
Each of you will acquire in thread through finding or being gifted a charm bracelet. The bracelet can be as masculine or feminine looking as you'd like. It is your choice on how it appears. However, it is indestructible and cannot be removed once you put it on.

-Small metal bracelet, a charm bracelet, a series of tiny dark metal links forming into a circle on his wrist.
-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability:
>1- Indestructible- Not yet
>2- Cannot be remove- When received

Open Circle Charm:
Secret :
An Open Circle Charm similar to the letter 0 - This charm will give you a sense of someone's immediate need whom you touch. That need might be food (and what type), comfort, shelter, or just rest. It might give you a sense that someone needs someone to unburden their thoughts on. It might reveal to you that someone is lost and needs to find their way home. Your thread was about meeting needs and finding ways to do so while not having similar needs yourself. I thought it fitting.

-Circular shaped charm similar to the letter 0.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability:
>- Gives Moritz a sense of someone's immediate need when he touches them- Later in thread acquired (full detail in spoiler).

Oddly screaming half melted face Charm:
Secret :
A small trinket shaped like an oddly screaming face half melted is acquired by your PC. This trinket can be suspended by a thong and used as a necklace, or added to another pre-existing magical item such as a charm bracelet. This item, when worn, immediately alerts the wearer if something such as a person, place, or thing is an Insid or having been to or originating from the Insidious Realm. Owning this item allows the PC to understand what the Insidious Realm is and what it contains. This understanding happens through dreams, having someone tell the pc, etc. The choice is yours. The item cannot be sold, traded or gifted. This understanding grants the wearer a + 25 to resisting any sort of influence an Insid Creature or Item might apply to someone such as hypnotism or seduction. Many many cursed items have come from the Insidious Realm so your PC is more apt to not fall prey to these items and their sometimes all but sentient influence.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC [url]here[/url]
-Learned of Secret Ability: Not yet

Combat Presence Charm:
Secret :
Moritz trinket is a charm for his charm bracelet. It takes the form of a small purple metallic disc, with a simplistic partly open eye engraved on one side and a simplistic fist engraved on the other.

Combat presence sense-Moritz can sense other beings (people, animal, etc) combat presence as it compares to his own. If he ran into a person with no combat skills picking up a weapon for the first time he would likely sense little to no combat presence, whereas if he ran into a master swordsman with multiple high level combat skills he would sense a powerful combat presence from them.

While he would also know roughly how their combat presence compared to his own this can be a bit more vague, though clear large differences in their combat presence higher or lower are easier to detect.

This is activated by directly focusing on a being, and so requires him to be aware of someone to sense their presence, and they must be within eyesight.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: Yes
-Met requirement (50k words in season) to keep permanently: Yes

New Spring 522:

Four-Leaf Clover Charm: (1 Use Summer 522)
Secret :
This small plant charm looks exactly like a four-leaf clover. Three times a season, it can be used to add a +20 on someone’s luck-type dice rolls.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: Not yet

Honeybee Charm:
Secret :
This detailed charm allows you to be immune to the stings of insects.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: As acquired

Snake Fang Charm:
Secret :
This fang-shaped charm can be incredibly dangerous but also highly affective. When touched to a weapon or any other object such as a door knob or the inside of a goblet and saying the word ‘envenom’. The item becomes coated with snake toxin from an eyelash viper. The toxin will not harm the wearer of the charm, but will affect anyone or anything touched with or touching the item as if they were bitten by an eyelash viper. The user can remove the toxin from the item by retouching it a second time and using the word ‘purify’. If a weapon is treated, it will continue to envenomate anyone it comes into contact with before it is ‘purified’. Ie. The venom will not wear off over time.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: As acquired

Bent armed cross Charm:
Secret :
This charm is a charm of refreshment. When you are extremely fatigued, you can activate this charm and your mental and physical energy levels will return to their normal well-rested state as if the wearer has never been fatigued. This charm can be used once per ten-day period.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: As acquired

Messenger bag Charm:
Secret :
This charm looks exactly like a tiny metal messenger bag. It can hold the contents of a standard leather messenger bag of 13" height x 18" width x 5" depth. All the wearer needs to do is touch items with the charm and the charm will store the items within the charm safe from all harm. Once the charm is ‘full’ to capacity, it will stop absorbing items it touches. All the wearer has to do to retrieve an item is to think of it and it will appear in their hand.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: Yes- as acquired

Snake Charm:
Secret :
A small snaked-shaped charm with jeweled green eyes. This charm allows you to sense the proximity of any serpent to you within 100 feet. This works with snakes and Dhani alike. It gives you a mental awareness of where that snake is and what sort of snake it might be.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: As aquired

Worn Leaf Charm Charm:
Secret :
This charm looks like a wavey slightly rumpled tattered autumn leaf. However, it protects the wearer from sudden hard falls at high velocity. Instead of falling based on their weight and speed, the charm allows the wearer to fall as if they were a light gracefully shed autumnal leaf.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: As acquired

Animal (Ixam) Charm:
Secret :
This charm takes the shape of its representative animal and allows you to appear as a friend or ally to any animal you come across big or small. If you have a good working relationship with an animal you are in close contact with day to day, you will be able to understand this animal's feelings in an empathic sort of way. If the animal is happy, sad, etc... you will know that immediately. You might not understand the cause of it, but you will know the feeling. This is not telepathy. You pick the animal...ie dog cat snake. One type of animal per charm.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: Sort of as acquired

Animal (Dog) Charm:
Secret :
This charm takes the shape of its representative animal and allows you to appear as a friend or ally to any animal you come across big or small. If you have a good working relationship with an animal you are in close contact with day to day, you will be able to understand this animal's feelings in an empathic sort of way. If the animal is happy, sad, etc... you will know that immediately. You might not understand the cause of it, but you will know the feeling. This is not telepathy. You pick the animal...ie dog cat snake. One type of animal per charm.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: Sort of as acquired

Animal (Bird) Charm:
Secret :
This charm takes the shape of its representative animal and allows you to appear as a friend or ally to any animal you come across big or small. If you have a good working relationship with an animal you are in close contact with day to day, you will be able to understand this animal's feelings in an empathic sort of way. If the animal is happy, sad, etc... you will know that immediately. You might not understand the cause of it, but you will know the feeling. This is not telepathy. You pick the animal...ie dog cat snake. One type of animal per charm.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: Sort of as acquired

End of Spring 522 charms

Button-up One-Piece Outfit:
Secret :
This grey silk outfit is made to cover the entire body from the ankles to the neck and to the wrists. A series of six buttons run down the front. When one puts this outfit on and buttons it up, a small black patch appears over the left breast. On the patch, the name of the wearer appears. The outfit provides protection from hostile ghost possession as if they had a Spiritism of 10 points. If the wearer already has knowledge of Spiritism, it acts as a +10 when resisting possession. The outfit also allows the wearer to touch ghosts. This ability does not translate to weapons. If a ghost were to come into possession of this outfit, it adds +10 to their materialization skill.

Follow Up Note- The outfit will indeed adjust with growth. Also, it will adapt to your kelvic form in a rather unique way. When you transform into animal form, the outfit will be absorbed into your body; leaving a random pattern of grey stripes in your fur. It will also convey its abilities to your animal form; no patch with the name of course. You will never have to worry about being naked between transformations as long as you have the suit on before taking animal form.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability:
>Melding when shifting into kelvic form- When acquired.
>Name tag- When acquired.
>Ability to touch Ghosts- not yet.

A firefly in a Jar:
Secret :
This is a small jelly jar that will easily fit in ones pocket. It doesn't need any maintenance - like food or water - and will remain alive indefinitely. However, if the owner of the jar is out somewhere lost, and releases the firefly from the jar... the firefly will lead them home day or night, flying slow enough for them to follow. To the owner, the firefly is clearly visible, to everyone else the jar looks empty. Only the owner can see the firefly and only the owner can follow the firefly. The firefly will only lead the owner to the place it considers its residence. Once released, the firefly will lead the owner home only ONCE and then will vanish once the owner is safe.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC [url]here[url]
-Learned of Secret Ability:


Cauldron Item- Sand Gauntlet/Star:
-Appears as a blueish-green gauntlet that will effectively protect Moritz arm from any sort of cuts and punctures, which can be retracted into the star or expanded back out to cover his limb. (usable in either form)
-At will, a twin pair of blades about eighteen inches long will slide from the back of the gauntlet becoming an extension of his arm. They end in hooked blades and have retained the soulmist permanent properties. (only usable in Human form)
-His Twilight Star is now shrunken to thumb sized, embedded in the back of his left hand, and its light/color changes based on Moritz mood.
-Emotional state will get broadcasted to all the sea creatures within a two hundred foot radius if he enters the sea.
-Twilight Star in the back of Moritz hand will glow enough to illuminate him in a 20-foot radius if he raises his arm up towards the sky and lets it be unencumbered.
Secret :
A Twilight star, fresh sand from a Sykan beach, a lump of Okomo hair, cold iron tiger hook sword infused with soulmist, and finally sea water from the Suvan Sea.

As you add these ingredients to the Cauldron in your dreams, you see them blend together at the bottom of the cauldron in a swirl of tiny bluish-green particles. It's as if all the items were torn apart and separated into micro-ingredients. Instead of liquid in the cauldron, the bottom is filled with a sort of kinetic sand that takes on a life of its own. The Twilight star is the only thing that does not dissolve and instead seems to shrink into itself and becomes roughly the size of your thumb.

You will feel compelled to reach in with your non-dominant hand as if attempting to dig through the sand to see what's left. When you do this, the Twilight Star will embed itself in the back of your non-dominant hand while the kinetic sand will swirl up your arm to adhere to your arm like a second soft flexible layer of skin. The sand will then sink into your body and become one with it.

You will notice that while the Twilight Star is always visible, the gauntlet the sand forms is not. It seems to recede and retract back into the twilight star when unwanted or unneeded.

Upon concentrating on it, the sand will emerge from your skin and Twilight Star and form a blueish-green gauntlet that will effectively protect your arm from any sort of cuts and punctures. At will, a twin pair of blades about eighteen inches long will slide from the back of the gauntlet becoming an extension of your arm. They end in hooked blades and have retained the soulmist permanent properties.

You will also notice immediately that the color of the twilight star will always reflect your mood... scared, angry, curious... and if your body and any part of this arm along with it are submerged into the sea, your emotional state will get broadcasted to all the sea creatures within a two hundred foot radius.

That means if you become scared, the star will take on a fearful color, and all the sea life around you will become fearful and skittish. You will have to experiment with your emotions and note the color of the twilight star to determine what the various colors mean. If you are happy, the sea creatures around you will be happy. If you are scared, most of the sea creatures will be scared. In this way, the user can protect themselves from attacks such as hungry sharks by being scared and thus scaring the sharks away.

In addition to the transmission of emotions, the Twilight Star in the back of your hand will glow enough to illuminate you in a 20-foot radius if you raise your arm up towards the sky and let it be unencumbered. To activate this all you must do is will the light into being.

This gauntlet will only come off at your death. It will exist on you with your okomo form and human form. The Okamo form can utilize the gauntlet's abilities just like the human can, though the blades cannotbe summoned while wearing the gauntlet in the Okomo Form.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability:
>Shrunken Twilight Star embedded in back of left hand- When acquired
>Twilight Star change color with emotion- When acquired (basic only- that change)
>If Moritz body and any part of this arm along with it are submerged into the sea, his emotional state will get broadcasted to all the sea creatures within a two hundred foot radius- Not yet.
>Twilight Star in the back of Moritz hand will glow enough to illuminate him in a 20-foot radius if he raises his arm up towards the sky and lets it be unencumbered. -Not yet.
>Kinetic sand- second soft flexible layer of skin/Into a Gauntlet- When acquired
>Gauntlet can recede and retract back into the twilight star when unwanted or unneeded- When acquired
>Sand will emerge from skin and Twilight Star and form a blueish-green gauntlet that will effectively protect the arm from any sort of cuts and punctures.-Partial- Know can emerge it, not how protective.
>At will, a twin pair of blades about eighteen inches long will slide from the back of the gauntlet becoming an extension of the arm.- When acquired.
>Gauntlets hooked blades have retained the soulmist permanent properties- Not yet.
-New Ability- Blessed by Yahal (not yet IC)
Description :
Mortiz, you got your banked point and a Yahal mark on your Sand Gauntlet. The mark will add an aura of protection that can be seen with auristics. The item will now be protected from divine harm specifically from Chaon and Kirvas usages against the item. Against the wearer of the item, the defense becomes a +10 bonus to defend/saving throws. However, while wearing the gauntlet you are going to be subjected to incredible physical and mental pain (to the point you will pass out) if you attempt to lie or do anything dishonorable such as fighting with someone, stealing, cheating, unprovoked violence, or breaking into a place you know you don't belong or are unwelcome.
-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC [url]here[url] not yet

Red Velvet Gloves:
Secret :
These velvet gloves are impossible comfortable and provide amazing grip. When first worn, the gloves will adjust to fit and may remain in their natural shape or take that of hand wear that is appropriate to the environment/region where they are acquired. When worn, the gloves make things feel lighter than they really are and allow for the picking up and carrying of a single item that weighs twice as much as the average amount of weight the person could normally pick up and carry without undo fatigue and weakness. For example, the average human may be able to pick up and carry 50 lbs for at least some amount of distance. The gloves allow for 100 lbs to be lifted and carried with mild exertion. This does not grant increased strength for anything other than lifted and carrying. Thus striking, throwing, squeezing, etc., are not affected. The gloves grant a +10 to endurance while worn.

-Red velvet gloves- adjust to fit Moritz- turn into red leather gloves.
-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: Not yet

Black Leather Boots:
Secret :
These leather boots are made with amazing craftsmanship. Depending on whether the wearer is male or female, the boots may have buckles and straps and/or eyelets and laces. When first putting on the boots, they may remain in their thicker, heavier natural form or they may take a form more appropriate for the environment/region they are acquired. Perhaps they become black sandals with a silver buckle or a pair of moccasins with laces. They will always be black however and once their form is taken, it can’t change. When worn, the wearer will find they are able to walk on uneven surfaces with greater ease and can find balance where footing would otherwise be precarious. They give the wearer a +10 to acrobatics for the sake of balance and movement on otherwise difficult to traverse surfaces.

-Black leather boots- With buckles and straps- Remains as black leather boots.
-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: Not yet

Black Leather Belt with Gold Buckle :
Secret :
This leather belt is a size-fits-all and comes complete with a buckle made from woven leather and gold. When worn, the belt grants the amazing ability to alter the wearer’s size for the sake of fitting through openings that they would otherwise be too large to fit through. The belt can only shrink a person to half their original size in order to pass through an opening relative to that size decrease. This is done by cinching the belt which in turns activates the ability. Once the wearer passes through the opening however, the belt returns them to their original size. Also, while worn, the belt grants a +10 bonus to Escape Artist.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: Not yet

Bottomless Miza Purse of Exchange:
Secret :
Inscribed across the inner lining across the top of this purse are the words. “For the well traveled, long may your journeys be” in gold stitch. It appears to be made of a soft, brown felt with a gold stitch drawstring that is used to keep the purse closed when not in use. This purse is unusual for two reasons. One is that it can store an unlimited amount of mizas or other coinage depending on your region. The second is that it can automatically convert their coins to whatever is demanded at that particular moment. Note that this does not fabricate coins out of thin air so if they do not have enough mizas to make the exchange the pouch will do nothing so no trading copper rimmed mizas for kina.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: As acquired

Homefinder Token:
Details :


This ancient token is a remnant from the days of Alahea and a time when Aquiras still lived. Most of Alahea's monarchy and VIPs carried these charged tokens as a sort of backup security measure to keep them from being kidnapped or finding themselves in a life-or-death situation. Their crafting is a complete secret though scholars of Arcanology suspect Homefinders are tokens of Masterwork Magecrafting with an obviously added spark of divinity. Popular theory says they were all made by Aquarias' last living champion who was also a Master Magecrafter.

When held between one's forefinger and thumb, and the word 'home' spoken, one is magically transformed to what one charged the homefinder with as being 'home'. The transfer is instantaneous and is not affected by time, space, geography, or magical restraints. The transfer is painless and instantaneous.

When being charged, a homefinder can be 'tuned' to consider any number of places home. That home might be a person's actual home, an escape bolt hole, a high mountain clearing, a cave deep in the woods, a best buddies' cardboard shanty, anywhere the user can think of as ' home'. The user must be intimately familiar with the place they tune the homefinder to as home... meaning they must have been physically present in the place they select the homefinder to call home. The only possible way around this 'must have been to a place physically' is as if someone employes a Dreamwalker to walk them through someone else's memory which they then can take on as their own.

Homefinders are powerful magic items with an endless potential for use.

The Homefinder can only hold one charge and one targeted 'home' at a time. Once used, it must be recharged to be used again. With each 'recharge' the 'home' location can change based on the whim of who is doing the recharging.

Homefinders can be essential in the need to escape captivity or return the person who owns it to that person's 'home'. Their uses are 'unlimited' but they must be charged before each use. In olden times, when the world was still new to Humans, Homefinders were often deployed by Explorers who got themselves hopelessly lost or in dire survival situations as a last ditch effort to return home - mostly in shame.

These tokens are rarely found charged and are dangerous to use with an 'unknown' charge. They can be 'overwritten' by recharging them with a new charge (as if they'd been used) if discovered or acquired. Then, once used, they must be recharged. A charging will require a 2.5K word thread on meditating about 'home' for anyone who is a novice at meditation. Competent meditators require a 1k word thread to recharge a Homefinder. Those with Expert in Meditation require only a 500 word thread (or section of a thread) where they are recharging their homefinders. Master meditators need only a few moments of concentration on 'home' to recharge a Homefinder.

Homefinders can be bought, sold, gifted, or stolen. They will retain the last charge they held until they are either used or recharged in an 'overwritten' situation.

Homefinders are exempt from coupons, requests after this challenge, or as wishes. They must be acquired in thread along with all the lore above that is associated with them. Players have until the end of the season to acquire these, or they loose the ability to acquire them.

Homefinders awarded in this contest come 'used' or 'uncharged' and must be charged for their first use.

Restrictions :
Updated/Added 2/13/23- Homefinders can only return a PC to their CURRENT DOMAIN. This could include any number of areas throughout that Domain - different buildings, locations in the domain's wildlands, etc... but you cannot change Regions, Cities, or even cross-time periods. If a PC happens to be in a different domain than their 'home' domain via accident, violence, magic, etc... the Homefinder Token will return them to their home domain even if they are outside their 'home' domain. PC's must decide what domain is their home domain and reside there before charging the Homefinder. It is perfectly acceptable for a PC to MOVE to a new domain, consider that new domain their new 'home', and recharge the homefinder accordingly. However, Homefinder Tokens will never be able to transport them back to a previous 'home' outside of their current home domain.

Usage :
-Homefinder Token- This is a small golden coin that can be strung on a necklace, charm bracelet, or a multitude of ways. It's worn with a partially obscured rune on it that shimmers with chatoyancy much like semi-precious gemstones such as labordite.
-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: here
>Charged Currently: No
>Current Charge Thread: N/A
>Current home Domain: Sunberth

Twin torques:
Secret :
-These metal torques always come in pairs, and are meant to be worn by close friends and/or lovers. When worn by a pair of individuals that share a close relationship with one another it enables the pair to know the direction the other one is from them, and roughly how far because the torque will get warmer the closer one gets, but only while they are concentrating on the other person. If one of the pair feels like they are in danger, it will alert their counter part, and give a brief idea of their direction without the partner having to concentrate on the other person however they will have to do so after if they wish to continue tracking them. These torques when worn for the first time will change aesthetically to fit the wearer’s taste, but only for the first time, after which the change is permanent.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: As acquired

Dreamglaze Gems :
Secret :
-These beautiful bits of blown glass appear to capture bits of an otherworldly scene within them, and tend to glow at night if one has spent a good bit of time out in the sun. When worn on a necklace or bracelet they grant the user and increased clarity to meditation +5, and if worn at night while the wearer is sleeping, vivid dreams that the wearer will be able to remember for a few chimes after waking up in the morning. However there is an additionally property that can be unlocked for those with the time and patience to. Doing so however will take more than a little bit of experimentation as it will require looking into the gems depths while meditating until one can almost see the pattern moving, and then that night it must be worn while sleeping. What happens after that is that they will have a dream the likes of which they have never had before in which they will interact with those who have also unlocked the gem’s ability, and whom are also currently sleeping. This will function just like they had met them in person regardless of distance but the setting is always the same. A small study with a fireplace, and bookshelves lining every wall. If one had a fancy to, one could try to find a book to read off of this wall but only one, because if they try to take another they will awake from the dream instantly. (How this is going to work is if you want to find a book in this study, you must contact a storyteller first to determine its availability, and then roll for it in chat. For instance a mundane book of poetry would be a much lower roll than something exceptionally more rare like Kelvics of Kalea so contact your local storyteller to figure out what needs to be rolled.) One can achieve this effect once every thirty days, and can activate it by meditating on the gem again.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: As acquired

Silas’s journals of the mundane- Massage:
Secret :
Before he wrote the magical journals that he posthumously became famous for, Silas Wordsmith made his mark by writing on a wide variety of topics which made him popular with tradesmen and socialites alike. Surprisingly, these journals were accurate and detailed about the topics they covered which eventually lead to quite a few of them entering circulation at the time. Silas Wordsmith’s secret? He hired people to do most of the writing for him. Of course he did the grunt work for the first few books he put out, working out interviews and the like but he found that took too much time from his magical studies and born with a proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, he did what came naturally and let others do the dirty work while he took all the credit. He promised exposure, but in the end no one remembers any of the original authors of these tombs but there are quite a few of them floating about.

Unlike his magical journals, these books are much more personable, a minor magical gimmick he used to sell to the wealthy who wanted to indulge their curiosity of what the lower classes were up to with their tradeskills. These books have a limited mental capacity. They are able to greet, remember the names of the people they interact with, and make small talk but little more than that. They are also observant of common commands like shut up, which they will obey until asked to speak again. These journals only cover one skill, and they do so in a detailed, and organized manner that is very straight to the point. They do not cover any magical skills, and do not contain any pre-val lore. Some might find the reading in these journals rather dry unless of course they are interested in learning about the skill, of which they will likely find it very interesting. Please also note that when it comes to some of the more physical skills, like running or boxing, these journals were written like an interview while tradeskills like pottery or tanning lend themselves to being laid out more plainly.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: Not yet

Quill of the Cuari
Receiving :
The memory eventually fades and your character blinks a few times before it all ends. They find themselves holding the quill.

Before your mind returns to the present; outside the confines of your memories, you glance down to see the quill in your hand. Along with all of the other thoughts that may dance around in your mind at that point, you are presented with a few glimpses of the past revolving around the quill.

An understanding begins to form in your mind as memories, not your own, related to the quill. Centuries ago, before the Valterrian, Qalaya, Goddess of Memory and Writing, gifted her most devoted followers with a very special quill. This quill, a feather once belonging to an ancient, now extinct bird known as a Cuari, was granted a special blessing.

Known as the Quill of the Cuari, this feather would allow those who held it to venture into their own memories as if they were reliving them in person. The details, feelings and overall atmosphere of the memories relived could then be put to parchment. This would ensure that the history could be recorded in greater detail thus preserving the past to be passed on to future generations.

The quills, numbering 12 in all, were gifted to the most devoted followers of Qalaya. Unfortunately, the Valterrian happened and many of the quills became lost. Over the course of many years, some of the quills were recovered from various locales. A few of the quills, touched like so many things by the Valterrian, were altered in a rather unexpected way.

These particular quills allowed the bearer to not only revisit their memories and experience them in immense detail, but they allow the bearer to edit said memories. In effect, the person can change, in their mind, the experiences they have lived through.

What does this mean for your character?

Effects :
1/3-Memory Rewriting- What it means is that 4 times per season (4 threads), you can essentially rewrite a memory of something that happened to your character. While this will not change the actual events that happened in the past, it will change how your character feels, thinks or otherwise acts in response to those past events. Did your character experience some trauma that has had lasting effects on them into the present day? The quill will allow you to change how you remember that event and how you feel in the present day. Did someone hurt you? You can change how you remember it. The feelings will become real. Maybe you forget the person who hurt you altogether. Did you experience something in your past that scared you so much that you can't face it in the present day? Maybe now you change the memory of that event so that you conquered that fear in the past and you now no longer worry about it.

The quill allows you to edit your memories, 4 per season, so that you physically and mentally feel different. The quill cannot change the actual past but can change how you remember it and how you respond to it in the present day. You can't gain skills or items from the use of the quill no matter how hard you may try as the quill only affects your memories.

2/3-Memory Recall- The quill also retains its power to allow you an enhanced recollection of your past memories. Once the quill is used on a particular memory, you find yourself able to recall it in storytelling, writing, artwork or other forms of expression in detail that is nothing short of awe-inspiring to those who hear, see, read or otherwise experience it. As far as quantitative terms are concerned, your character gains a +10 to writing, storytelling or other artistic related skill immediately following the use of the quill to relive a memory. This bonus applies to a single action/work immediately following the use of the quill.

3/3-Miza Bonus- Your quill will have veins of gold and a single vein of silver running up and down the shaft. You will find, in the most random moments, you remember where you placed a gold miza. This essentially grants you a total of 76 mizas every season simply through remembering where you misplaced them. Simply having the quill in your possession grants this.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC at end of challenge
-Learned of Secret Ability: Through challenge

Small Cosmetic Bag:
Description :
This purple velvet cosmetic bag has a new cosmetic or hair item that materializes in it once per day. If it is not retrieved, the item does not reset. But if say a jar of lipstick appears and is removed, the next day eye khol might appear. It will rarely be the same cosmetic or if it is, the shade will be drastically different. The cosmetic item may be application-type cosmetic items such as face powder puffs and eyeshadow brushes. The items from the bag do not vanish, though all the product can be used from their containers.

These items will appear in your person's possession magically or on their vanity or by their favorite smoking chair.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC via challenge
-Learned of Secret Ability: Not yet
Last edited by Moritz Craven on April 2nd, 2023, 10:48 pm, edited 31 times in total.
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Moritz Craven
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Moritz Craven

Postby Moritz Craven on May 25th, 2019, 11:26 am

Moritz Craven
Companion Related

-Dog purchase here
>Female Kalean Spicecoat (Cinnamon colored)- Naymon- 30 kina
Kalean Spicecoat :
Info from entry on Piramba's Petshop-

Kalean spicecoats are medium-sized dogs and have long, thick fur as well as curled tails; made for snow and colder climates, they do well in mountainous regions. Their fur ranges in colour from cinnamon to deep red, which is what inspired their names. Kalean spicecoats make excellent hunting and tracking dogs and, should the terrain permit it, are also good for sledding. They are very loyal and generally obedient dogs.

>Animal grooming kit 10 kina
Animal Groomers Toolkit :
Entry from Price list under toolkits.

This toolkit contains a set of brushes, combs, scissors, a couple rolls of string and specialized soaps for grooming domesticated animals.

>Leash (Medium) 1 kina
>Leather collar (Large): 5 kina


Traveling Companion- Julan Crag

  • Name: Julan Crag
  • Race: Ghost (Formerly Human)
  • Date of Birth: 15 Spring 500 AV
  • Date of Death: 90 Winter 507 AV
  • Place of Birth/Death: Lhavit
  • Title/Occupation: The Bored Ghost
  • Skills: Materialization 10, Possession 10, Soulmist Projection 10
  • Gnosis: None
Personality/History: :
Born just after the start of the fifth century beyond the Valterrian, Julan was raised into a small loving family. His father was a cook, his mother a woodworker, and so often he was watched over by his slightly older sister while they worked.

A small dark haired boy, Julan always seemed a bit small for his age, but not drastically so. Growing up in fact the boy was average. His family never wanted for much, but did not have an excess of money either. He enjoyed going out to play, making up games, and once he went to school he enjoyed his work and playing with his new friends and classmates. He did not excel at any particular class, eking out a passing grade but not going much beyond that in any class.

Overall he was quiet, unassuming, and normal, but for the smile that so often graced his face while playing. Playing was his true love, the act was what he truly cared for not what the game was or who he was playing with.

His dreams were small. Passing school, taking on a trade, and having a normal job like his parents. This dream of average life though was cut short when due to an unfortunate accident his life ended.

Not that this seemed to bother Julan much, since he simply got up and tried to continue playing his game, only noticing something was wrong when the other children ran off screaming. For while he had gotten up he had left his body behind, and was now a spirit.

How exactly the boy died is not something he often talks about, unless he truly trusts the person and is truly pressed on the point. However those who know him from before he died point out that Crag was not his surname before, which leads people to assume the new name might relate to his death and that some morbid sense of humor inspired the boy to take on the new term as his second name.

Since his death Julan has spent most of his time continuing his old habits. Playing games, sometimes a small prank here or there, and trying to find children to play with. Unfortunately not many people reciprocate, not enjoying having a ghost try to play with their small child, having a possessed rat crawl into their bed at night, or having someone hide their left shoe unexpectedly.

He knows he is dead and does not seem overly bothered by it, though he isn't very good at tracking how long. His main wants seems to simply be to find some more friends and play some more games before he passes on. A tricky thing, seeing as he is now a ghost. That and his rather odd sense of humor which seems to have developed since he passed.

While not openly violent his small tricks and pranks can escalate when ignored, often willing to go to great length to break up the tedium when he is bored, and he has had to be chased off by a spiritist a few times in his un-life due to not getting the hint his "companions" are not interested in playing. This generally ends in him moping off for awhile, until his boredom overcomes him and he seeks out a new companion.
Last edited by Moritz Craven on May 1st, 2022, 11:00 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Moritz Craven
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Moritz Craven

Postby Moritz Craven on October 27th, 2020, 12:10 am

Moritz Craven
-0 Kina
(No starting money due to age)
(Seasonal Expenses covered by parents due to age)
+400 Kina (earned here- see link to challenge reward)- Running Total 400 Kina
-30 kina- Kalean Spicecoat - Running Total 370 Kina
-10 kina- Animal grooming kit- Running Total 360 Kina
-1 kina - Leash (Medium)- Running Total 359 Kina
-5 kina - Leather collar (Large)- Running Total 354 Kina
-2 topaz kina- Shoes, sandals - Running Total 353 Kina 8 Topaz Kina
-5 topaz kina- Tracking lesson (fall 520)- Running Total 353 Kina 3 Topaz Kina
+400 Kina (corrected on next page to 400) here-Received IC here- Running Total 753 Kina 3 Topaz Kina
+800 Kina here-Received IC here- Running Total 1,553 Kina 3 Topaz Kina
+300 Kina here-Received IC here- Running Total 1,853 Kina 3 Topaz Kina
-5 kina - Weapon Harness- Bought - Running Total 1,848 Kina 3 Topaz Kina
-Exchange to Miza- Running Total 1,848 gm 3 sm
(parent paid seasonal expense- Spring 521 last paying for)
-210 gm travel costs- (140 days X 1.5 gm/day)- Running Total 1,638 gm 3 sm
>Travel costs Lhavit to Syka Spring/Summer 521- roughly 140 days- 1gm/day fare+1 gm/2 days of rations or .5 gm/day =1.5 gm/day total costs.
+200 gm here- Running Total 1,838 gm 3 sm
+200 gm here- Running Total 2,038 gm 3 sm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Summer 521)- Running Total 1,903 gm 3 sm
-100 gm- Bungalow Rent (Summer 521)- Running Total 1,803 gm 3 sm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Fall 521)- Running Total 1,668 gm 3 sm
-100 gm- Bungalow Rent (Fall 521)- Running Total 1,568 gm 3 sm
+273 gm- Summer 521 Wages (3gmx91=273GM)- Running Total 1,841 gm 3 sm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Winter 521)- Running Total 1,706 gm 3 sm
-100 gm- Bungalow Rent (Winter 521)- Running Total 1,606 gm 3 sm
-16 gm- Dagger/Scabbard Purchase- Running Total 1,590 gm 3 sm
+276 gm- Fall 521 Wages (3gmx92=276GM+1xp cooking seasonal)- Running Total 1,866 gm 3 sm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Spring 522)- Running Total 1,731 gm 3 sm
-100 gm- Bungalow Rent (Spring 522)- Running Total 1,631 gm 3 sm
+200 gm- Obtained here- from 200/1400 gm- contest-Running Total 1,831 gm 3 sm
+364 gm- Winter 521 Wages (4x91=364 GM)- Running Total 2,195 gm 3 sm
+1,200 gm- Obtained here- from 1200/1400 gm contest- Running Total 3,395 gm 3 sm
-142 gm- Bow/items Purchase- Running Total 3,253 gm 3 sm
-4 gm- Clothing Purchase for Evalynn here- Running Total 3,249 gm 3 sm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Summer 522)- Running Total 3,114 gm 3 sm
-100 gm- Bungalow Rent (Summer 522)- Running Total 3,014 gm 3 sm
-172 gm 5 sm travel costs- (115 days X 1.5 gm/day)- Running Total 2,841 gm 8 sm
>Travel costs Syka to Sunberth by boat/caravan Summer/Fall 522- roughly 115 days-
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Fall 522)- Running Total 2,706 gm 8 sm
-19 gm- Fall 522 Rent (54 Fall - 91 Fall)- Running Total 2,687 gm 8 sm
>(Private Room, common - The Drunken Fish - 5sm/day X 38 days= 19 gm)
+2,310 gm- Obtained here from contest and contest- Running Total 4,997 gm 8 sm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Winter 522)- Running Total 4,862 gm 8 sm
-46 gm- Winter 522 Rent- Running Total 4,816 gm 8 sm
>(Private Room, common - The Drunken Fish - 5sm/day X 92 days= 46 gm )
+76 gm- Quill of the Cuari Effect (Winter 522)- Running Total 4,892 gm 8 sm
-1 gm- Mortar and Pestle Purchase- Running Total 4,891 gm 8 sm
+273 gm- Fall 522 Wages (3x91=273 GM)- Running Total 5,164 gm 8 sm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Spring 523)- Running Total 5,029 gm 8 sm
-45 gm 5 sm- Spring 523 Rent- Running Total 4,984 gm 3 sm
>(Private Room, common - The Drunken Fish - 5sm/day X 91 days= 45 gm 5 sm)
+76 gm- Quill of the Cuari Effect (Spring 523)- Running Total 5,060 gm 3 sm
-4,637 gm 5 sm -Land/Housing Purchase- (Spring 523)- Running Total 422 gm 8 sm
+276 gm- Winter 522 Wages (92X3=276 GM)- Running Total 698 gm 8 sm
+637 gm- Spring 523 Wages (91X7=637 GM)- Running Total 1,335 gm 8 sm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Summer 523)- Running Total 1,200 gm 8 sm
+76 gm- Quill of the Cuari Effect (Summer 523)- Running Total 1,276 gm 8 sm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Fall 523)- Running Total 1,141 gm 8 sm
+76 gm- Quill of the Cuari Effect (Fall 523)- Running Total 1,217 gm 8 sm
+637 gm- Summer 523 Wages (91X7=637 GM)- Running Total 1,854 gm 8 sm
-Inactive Winter 523- Running Total 1,854 gm 8 sm

Kina-Topaz Kina-Jade Kina
Gold Miza-Silver Miza- Copper Miza

gm- hefty coin- around 2 inches across, made of stone and metal

Banked Quest points:
Last edited by Moritz Craven on March 4th, 2024, 2:11 am, edited 28 times in total.
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Moritz Craven
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Moritz Craven

Postby Moritz Craven on May 1st, 2022, 10:58 pm

Moritz Craven
Thread List
Fall 523
7 Fall 523- A Friend of not a Friend- Nayato-

15 Fall 523- A Meal to Meddle- Lance Windhelm-

Continued 15 Fall 523- A Meal to Meddle: pt 2- Lance Windhelm-

21 Fall 523- A Home for Herbs- Maya Frostfawn-

27 Fall 523- Lets get to Stabbing- Evalynn-

Summer 523 :
1 Summer 523- A Home Found-Caspian-

1 Summer 523 Continued- The Training Room- Caspian-

5 Summer 523- A Lost Day Dawned- Maya Frostfawn-

7 Summer 523- Closer to Home I- Arch thread-

14 Summer 523- birth of child-
>A Town Troubled III- Job thread-
>A Town Troubled IV- Job thread-

Spring 523 :
1 Spring 523- A Tour a Town- Caspian-

7 Spring 523- A Town Troubled I- Job thread-

9 Spring 523- A Town Troubled II- Job thread-

15 & 18 Spring 523- A Home Found I- Home acquisision-

55 & 91 Spring 523- A Home Found II- Home acquisision continued-

Winter 522 :
2 Winter 522- A Memory Re-Membered I- Challenge-
-Continued- A Memory Re-Membered II- Challenge-
-Continued- A Memory Re-Membered III- Challenge-

5 Winter 522- Homefinder Syka to Lhavit- A Home Returned II
>Charge- Done 5 Winter 522
-Continued 5-6 Winter 522- A Long Lost Tale I- Animal Husbandry 2, Arcanology 1, Architectrix 5, Interrogation 4, Logic 3, Pathfinding 1, Persuasion 2, Philosophy 1, Planning 2, Psychology 1, Rhetoric 5, Socialization 2, Storytelling 2, Storytelling: Telling ones life to a sentient house, Philosophy: Feeling bad for not feeling bad, Psychology: Understanding thoughts and feelings by explaining a memory, Architectrix: Initiation lets you speak to Architectrix, Architectrix: Communicating emotions easier than words, Architectrix: Initiation by inserting a piece of Architectrix, Architectrix: Initiate called Archi Mage, Architectrix: Newer users less able to communicate, Architectrix: Building infected with Architectrix magic called an Architectrix, Architectrix: Architectrix create new Architectrix by placing a piece of themselves in it, Architectrix: Piece to create new Architectrix must be offered willingly, Architectrix: Aware of the things around them and in them, Architectrix: Need land and room to grow or expand, Architectrix: Can grow or add to its structure over time or if it wants or needs to, Architectrix: Can be fed energy by an Archi mage to speed up growth, Architectrix: Can change over time but not freely, Architectrix: Newer users unable to use all abilities like feeding Architectrix energy, Interrogation: Using one question to lead to the next one.

-Continued 6 Winter 522- A Long Lost Tale II- Architectrix 5, Logic 2, Persuasion 4, Psychology 2, Rhetoric 4, Running 1, Architectrix: New Architectrix grow mentally over time and by interacting, Architectrix: New Architectrix learn to speak from talking and listening, Architectrix: Grow into their structure over time, Making a promise to an Architectrix, Architectrix: Accepting a seed to infuse a new one, Taking a moment to have fun among sadness, Feeling the love of an Architectrix, Reward: Piece of an Architectrix infused structure.

10 Winter 522- Homefinder Lhavit to Sunberth-A Home Returned III
>Charge- Done 10 Winter 522

15 Winter 522- Sunberth Cooking III- Job thread-

Continued 15 Winter 522- Sunberth Cooking IV- Job thread-

Fall 522 :
1 Fall 522- A Shift of Fall- Evalynn-

10 Fall 522- A Repeated Day -Challenge series-
>A Repeated Day Part I-Challenge- Detection 1, Hunting 2, Pathfinding 3, Stealth 3, Tracking 3, Wilderness Survival 3, Hunters on a long trip mean less supplies needed, Axle: Son of a Caravan hunter, Anders: Father of Axle and a caravan hunter, Tracking a deer, Using Pathfinding to assist mundane tracking, Pathfinding: Sensing the djed trail of a male deer, Wilderness Survival: Finding the best path through foliage, Finding a destroyed caravan.
>A Repeated Day Part II-Challenge- Hunting 2, Investigation 1, Logic 2, Pathfinding 2, Planning 2, Stealth 3, Tactics 1, Tracking 3, Unarmed Combat 1, Weapon(Composite Longbow) 2, Weapon(Tiger Hook Gauntlet) 1, Wilderness Survival 3, Experiencing the same day again, Shadow Dog can see and vanish in the dark, Planting seeds to avoid repeating mistakes, The trade off between stealth and stability in footing, Hunting: Using a dog to assist in taking down wounded prey, Noting details on a second time living a day, Moritz: Rage at injustice, Tactics: Using surprise to attack superior numbers, Experiencing killing for the first time, Experiencing being killed for the first time.
>A Repeated Day Part III-Challenge- Detection 1, Investigation 1, Logic 3, Pathfinding 1, Persuasion 2, Philosophy 1, Planning 2, Rhetoric 1, Subterfuge 2, Tactics 1, Unarmed Combat 3, Weapon(Tiger Hook Gauntlet) 3 , Coming to terms with repeating a day, Taking advantage of a repeating day, Subterfuge: Obfuscating by telling the partial truth, Pathfinding: Attempting and failing an initiation, Pathfinding: Feeling for that sense of completion in an initiation, The difference between a fight and a battle, The numbness of killing in battle, Taking the same mans life twice, How to keep a focused mind amid battle, Experiencing the pain of losing a hand.
>A Repeated Day Part IV-Challenge- Acrobatics 1, Detection 1, Endurance 1, Hunting 2, Investigation 1, Land Navigation 3, Medicine 1, Negotiation 2, Pathfinding 3, Persuasion 2, Philosophy 1, Planning 4, Rhetoric 2, Stealth 1, Storytelling 2, Subterfuge 2, Tactics 1, Tracking 2, Unarmed Combat 2, Wilderness Survival 3, Pathfinding: Failing an initiation partially, Taking advantage of your Kelvic nature for artifice, Pathfinding: Following a groups trail, Wilderness Survival: Figuring out a path between two points, Medicine: Cleaning your hands before tending a wound, Medicine: How to bind a wound with a bandage, Medicine: Too much pressure stops blood flowing to a limb.
>A Repeated Day Part V-Challenge- Acting 2, Animal Husbandry 1, Investigation 3, Land Navigation 2, Leadership 1, Logic 1, Negotiation 1, Pathfinding 2, Persuasion 1, Philosophy 1, Rhetoric 1, Storytelling 2, Subterfuge 3, Tactics 1, Unarmed Combat 2, Wilderness Survival 1, Negotiation: Using secrets to negotiate from a place of power, Pathfinding: Initiation requires both the right amount and concentration of djed, Prepwork important for initiations, Pathfinding: Successfully initiating a dog, Subterfuge: Acting as a decoy for an ambush.

35 Fall 522- Arrive in Zeltiva by caravan end of day

36 Fall 522- Leave Zeltiva by boat in morning

54 Fall 522- Arrive in Sunberth by boat end of day

57 Fall 522- A Bottle Brewed- Caspian-

59 Fall 522- A Redone Reunion-Alric-

60 Fall 522- Sunberth Cooking I- Job-

61 Fall 522- Sunberth Cooking II- Job-

64-65 Fall 522- Yardwork- Caspian- Acrobatics 2, Land Navigation 1, Logic 1, Persuasion 4, Philosophy 1, Planning 1, Rhetoric 3, Socialization 1, Tactics 1, Teaching 5, Unarmed Combat 2, Coworkers think Moritz doesn't have any friends, Land Navigation: Finding a new spot using a vague map and directions, Relief of meeting a friend rather than falling into a trap, Teaching: Beginning a lesson by gauging your students starting point, Caspian: Easily knockover-able, Caspian: Open to taking advice in training, Teaching: Importance of focusing on the lesson, Caspain: Doesn't like being touched, Teaching: Changing a lesson to address a question, Caspian: Lives in Sunset Quarters, Caspian: Willing to help if needed.

74 Fall 522- A Home Returned I- Meditation 5, Psychology 1, Meditation: Visualizing complex structures, Meditation: Building elements one at a time, Meditation: Visualizing moving through a mental construct, Meditation: Repeating things to better visualize, Meditation: Visualizing things not done, Meditation: The mental drain of doing nothing, Charging a Homefinder Token on a Sykan Bungalow, Charged Homefinder Token (Sykan Bungalow).

90 Fall 522- Homefinder from Sunberth to Syka-
>Charge- Done 74 Fall 522

Summer 522 :
1 Summer 522- A Taut Bow I-

2 Summer 522- A Taut Bow II- Bodybuilding 3, Endurance 2, Weapon(Composite Longbow) 5, A dream of a forested bow assassination, Preparing a composite longbow for usage, Bow usage: Need to properly grip the arrow and bowstring, Bow usage: Practicing form without an arrow, Bow usage: The impact of breathing, Moritz: Needs lots of practice plus trial and error, Measuring success off the same goal and start, Bow usage: Working on a bow stance, Bow usage: Holding a second arrow while firing a first, Discovering your bow has some magic abilities.

5 Summer 522- Along the Cobbles- Evalynn-

5 Summer 522 Continued- Along the Cobbles II- Evalynn-

8 Summer 522- Of Blood and Mist- Land Navigation 2, Meditation 1, Planning 1, Socialization 1, Spiritism 1, Spiritism: Making a kebab based soulmist recipe.

12 Summer 522- A roll of sand -Askalynn-

15 Summer 522- A Coin Earned-

18 Summer 522- A Test of Fists- Wysar-

23 Summer 522- A Packed Letter- Letter-

26 Summer 522- Of Tales and Blades- Crylon-

30 Summer 522- Leave Syka by boat in morning

31 Summer 522- Arrive in Riverfall by boat end of day

32 Summer 522- Leave Riverfall by boat in morning

76 Summer 522- Arrive in Syliras by boat end of day

77 Summer 522- Leave Syliras by caravan in morning

Spring 522 :
1 Spring 522- Of Life and Blades VII- Job Thread 1-

5 Spring 522- Of Life and Blades VIII- Job Thread 2-

10 Spring 522- A Cursed Tenday Indeed- Open group thread-

12 Spring 522- Liar Liar- Alric-

14 Spring 522- Who Goes There?- Evalynn-
>14 Spring Continued- Tough Love Training- Evalynn- Acrobatics 2, Endurance 1, Land Navigation 1, Pathfinding 2, Persuasion 2, Rhetoric 1, Seduction 2, Socialization 1, Storytelling 4, Subterfuge 4, Teaching 1, Unarmed Combat 1, Weapon(Dagger) 4, Socialization: Easier to feel confident in a known setting, Pathfinding: Sensing a gender from someones djed, Pathfinding: Evalynn's Djed Signature.

15 Spring 522- A Thrown Blade I- Juggling-1, Logic- 2, Observation- 2, Pathfinding- 2, Physics- 2, Weapon(Dagger)- 5, Not worth conversing with a lying curse, Best to start with training weapons over live blades, Visualizing a weapons path, Visualizing a weapon hitting its mark, Follow through/power on a throw is important, Calming and focusing before a throw helps, Not breathing during a throw helps, Pathfinding: Different djed from living tree versus dead items wood, Pathfinding: Following the trails of a thrown object, Physics: Thrown weapons land lower than they are launched from, Physics: Thrown weapons are pulled down as they move, Physics: Aiming a thrown weapon higher than the target to adjust for falling, Physics: Many complex variables to a thrown object, Building on past mistakes to improve, Considering ones entire body when throwing, Adjusting on known differences on training versus real weapons.

17 Spring 522- Ghosts, Goats, and Guys- Alice-

18 Spring 522- Even Darkness Must Pass- Shiress-

22 Spring 522- Let's Go Shopping- Evalynn-
Continued 22 Spring 522- Let's Go Shopping pt. 2- Evalynn-

25 Spring 522- A Knotted Dream- Meditation: 4, Philosophy 2, A Dream of bears and Okomo's tea party, Meditation: Trying to ignore distractions, Meditation: Using visualization to focus, Philosophy: Bending like grass, Philosophy: Changing as needed and changing back, Philosophy: What is green, Meditation: Making a safe place within ones mind, Meditation: Helpful in learning to control ones djed, Meditation: Makes it difficult to keep track of time, Meditation: Difficult to clearly picture too much at once.

28 Spring 522- A Treaded Trail Part I-

50 Spring 522- The 5th Tenday of Spring, A shot in the dark- Open group thread-

58 Spring 522- The Sweet Science of Violence- Antelokes- (Evantia/Spar)-

65 Spring 522- Overboard- Cleon-

Continued 65 Spring 522- Overboard II- Cleon-

72-75 Spring 522- A Wobble a Warble-

88 Spring 522- Blistering Calm- Group/Curse thread-

Winter 521 :
10 Winter 521- The Tenday Of Trinkets- Trinket receiving thread-

21 Winter 521- A Dream Woken- Receive Nano Prize thread-

25 Winer 521-A Beachside Bout I (Holiday Challenge)- Acrobatics- 2,Endurance- 3, Investigation- 1, Logic- 1, Rhetoric- 1, Unarmed Combat- 3, Wysar: A gaze that looks through you, Wysar: Quite toned and fit, Wysar: Came to test Moritz mettle, Divine aware of things without being present, Wysar: Prefers actions over empty words, A simple test to take- endure, Wysar: Beyond skilled in combat, Investigation: Trying to piece together a fighting technique, Wysar: Could destroy a foe if he wished, Unarmed combat: Using a foes energy against themselves, Unarmed combat: Conserving your own energy by using your foes, Unarmed combat: trapping a foe by pretending to be vulnerable, Endurance: Pushing through pain and tired, Unarmed combat: Using emotions to throw people off their game, Moritz: Weak and unskilled but keeps on trying and improving, The decisions of the divine are quite complicated, The bigger the power the bigger the impact of actions.

-Continued- 25 Winter 521- A Beachside Bout II (Holiday Challenge)- Endurance 3, Socialization 1, Unarmed Combat 3, Endurance: Trying to push past exhaustion, Akalak: boys who love to fight, Akalak: Possibly of some relation to Wysar, Unarmed Combat: Fighting using minimal energy, Wysar: Sets stipulations with his mark, Wysar: Speaks of vigilance & discipline, Making an oath to Wysar.

35 Winter 521- A Beachside Bound- (Running/Holiday prize award)-

45 Winter 521- Of Life and Blades V- Job Thread 1

48 Winter 521- Of Life and Blades VI- Job Thread 2

62 Winter 521- An Arbor Abounds- Taz/Or-

68 Winter 521- Chance Meetings- Alric-

71 Winter 521- A Dance of Fists-Evantia/boxing thread- Acrobatics 1, Boxing 5, Endurance 1, Socialization 1, Sinaetri: Verusk dancer and Wysar marked, Trying Evantia for the first time, Evantia: Lets the user predict others movements, Wysar: God of Integrity, Conviction, and Discipline, Wysar: Does not want his mark used to steal or commit crimes, Evantia: Must hone through discipline, Evantia: Lesser skilled users can be fooled, Evantia: Seeing something coming does not mean you can react in time, Boxing: Legs about movement and defense, Boxing: Arms about offense and defense, Boxing: Taking a simple beginners stance, Boxing: The upright stance, Boxing: Crouching defensive stance, Boxing: Rolling or moving with a blow, Boxing: Making a simple weaker jab, Boxing: Using your legs and hips for a proper punch, Evantia: Figuring out which blows will or wont hit, Boxing: Using a cross punch, Boxing: Crosses stronger but more open, Boxing: Hooking a hook, Boxing: Hooks better up close or grappling, Boxing: Performing an uppercut, Evantia: May help in training by seeing before action, Boxing: Long limbs means more reach but also bigger target.

72-73 Winter 521- A Beachside Meeting- Naadiya- Running + 3, Endurance +3, Socialization + 5, Cooking +2, Rhetoric + 3, Lores: Running: How to maintain pace, Running: Runner's stitch, Running: Jogging across a sandy beach, Running: Using momentum to turn, Running: Alternating between controlling your breathing and gait, Cooking: Destemming a pepper, Cooking: Dicing peppers for salsa, Alcohol impairs critical thinking, Alcohol can give courage, Alcohol dims perception, Alcohol can make you sick, Naadiya: misses Waddrass, Naadiya: Dislikes spicy food, Naadiya: Lives at the Protea Inn.

87 Winter 521- A Thrown Fist- Tazrae- Running +2, Endurance +1, Pathfinding +1, Socialization +1, Interrogation +1, Rhetoric +1, Running: The Importance of Stretching Before A Run, Running: Using Lap Markers, Tazrae: Mannerisms and Appearance

Fall 521 :
1 Fall 521- Focused- Isaac-

2 Fall 521- A Peculiar Door- Sevris-

5 Fall 521- A Whole New World-Alric- Acrobatics - 2, Arcanology – 4, Endurance - 2, Interrogation - 3, Logic – 5, Navigation – 2, Observation – 4, Rhetoric - 3, Socialization – 5, Tactics - 3, Teaching – 4, Weapon: Unarmed - 3, Acrobatics: Faux Roll Technique, Alric: Ill Educated On Magic, Alric: Strange Man, Eyris: Goddess Of Knowledge & Wisdom, Magic: A Tool Not A Destiny, Outpost: The Hanging Gardens, Outpost: The Water Gardens, Pipe Smoke: Disgusting Stench, Power: Defined By The User, Smoke Inhalation: Unwise, Sunberth: Anarchic City, Sunberth: Hates Mages.
-Continued- 5 Fall 521- A Whole New World Pt II-Alric- Acrobatics – 5, Endurance – 1, Interrogation - 4, Logic - 5, Observation – 4, Rhetoric - 2, Socialization - 5, Teaching - 5, Acrobatics: Best Practised Somewhere Soft, Acrobatics: Don’t Over-Extend Stretches, Acrobatics: Hand Stand, Acrobatics: Stand Alone & Combat Skill, Acrobatics: Stretching Techniques, Acrobatics: Tuck & Roll, Alric: Odd Jobs Man, Alric: Thief, Skyglass: Divine Material, Skyglass: Lhavit Specialty, Sunberth: As Far East As Can Be, Sunberth: Enslaves Kelvics, Teaching: Acrobatics Basics.

7 Fall 521- Of Swine and walks- Tazrae-

8 Fall 521- The Eyes Have It-Zach-

12 Fall 521- A Walk of Weapons-Ari'Ellin-

23 Fall 521- A Run a Beach-

31 Fall 521- The Eyes Have it II- Zach-

39 Fall 521- Of Life and Blades III-Job Thread 1- Body Building – 2, Cooking – 5, Endurance – 2, Interrogation – 1, Observation – 3, Organization – 1, Butchery: Blood Draining, Butchery: Carcass Cleaning, Butchery: Disembowelling, Butchery: Starting Incisions, Cooking: Dry Rubbing A Carcass, Cooking: Salting A Carcass.

45 Fall 521- Of Life and Blades IV-Job Thread 2-Cooking – 5, Interrogation – 1, Observation – 3, Organization – 1, Cooking: Descaling A Fish, Cooking: Fish Cooking Methods, Cooking: Fish De-Boning, Cooking: Fish Gill & Fin Removal, Cooking: Gutting A Fish, Cooking: Washing A Fish.

Summer 521 :
10 Summer 521- A Reminiscence A Dream-

70 Summer 521- Arrive morning in Syka-

73 Summer 521- Of Life and Blades- Job Thread 1- Graded- Cooking +5, Weapon: Dagger (changed from Knife) +1, Hosting +1, Planning +1, Endurance +1, Location: The Tidepool Bar, Salsa: A vegetable dish with peppers, tomatoes, onions, and garlic, Cooking: How to hold a paring knife, Cooking: How to hold a chefs cutting knife, Cooking: How to chop and dice, Hosting: How to hold a tray, Cooking: How to cut out the core stem of a tomato, Cooking: How to peel and cut an onion, Cooking: Onions need to be cut under water else it affects eyes, Hosting: How to carry a tray, Cooking: How to peel and cut garlic.
>73 Summer 521 Continued- Of Life and Blades II- Job Thread 2- Cooking – 5, Endurance – 2, Housekeeping – 2, Observation – 3, Cooking: Dicing & Preparing a Pineapple, Cooking: Salsa Types & Ingredients, Cooking: Stripping A Spicy Pepper, Cooking: Variety of Peppers, Pepper Oil: Do Not Rub Anywhere On Person.

Spring 521 :
Morning 1 Spring 521- A Born Day Marked- Madeira- Graded- Animal Husbandry 2, Interrogation 3, Logic 5, Observation 5, Pathfinding 4, Persuasion 5, Philosophy 4, Planning 2, Rhetoric 5, Socialization 4, Storytelling 5, Accepting a hard decision, A pair of swords as a birthday gift, Gifted swords engraved with Ancient tongue words, Ancient Tongue: Roza Isikai-Faith in Death, Pond Abase- Life in Balance., A pair of cold iron blades imbued with a mothers soulmist, A scabbard with an unusual dual scabbard arrangement, Pathfinding: Possible to be initiated by an animal, The difference of a lie and a joke, Explaining a vision to ones mother, Explaining Pathfinding to a non-Iraso, Auristics: A magic that lets one see auras, Aura- a corona of energy given off by djed, Receiving a not cursed bracelet as a gift, Pathfinding: Moritz mothers djed stronger than his teachers, Not cursed bracelet lets one feel peoples need you touch, Pathfinding: Djed density may relate to magic mastery, Explaining a vision of Morwen, Persuasion: Logic and emotion can be used to argue, Getting distracted by ones own metaphors, Madeira: Weighs her sons life higher than a gods, Gods: Forces of nature not people, Persuasion: Convincing with a barbed tongue, Socialization: Hugging an upset person, Agreeing to come home in exchange for leaving, Madeira Craven: Marrying Chiona Dusk, More tears doesn't always mean worse, Sometimes woman marry woman, Madeira Craven's Djed Signature.

3 Spring 521- A Roll of a Coin- Ayosel- Graded- Intelligence 1, Interrogation 1, Logic 2, Mathematics 1, Meditation 1, Negotiation 1, Observation 3, Pathfinding 2, Persuasion 3, Philosophy 1, Rhetoric 1, Socialization 1, Cold Iron: Better than Steel-lesser than Isurian Steel, Cold Iron: Not Magical, Cold Iron: Also known as Cold Steel, Location: Azure Market- Has Leather and Clothe goods, Location: Azure Market- Blue Painted place, Ghosts: Explaining what one is to the uninitiated, Pathfinding: Difficult in heavily trafficked areas.

3 Spring 521 Continued- Nearer the sky- Ayosel- Graded- Endurance 1, Interrogation 4, Intimidation 1, Investigation 5, Logic 5, Meditation 1, Observation 5, Pathfinding 4, Persuasion 4, Planning 1, Philosophy 2, Running 1, Socialization 1, Tracking 2, People more spread out in parks than markets, Pathfinding: Working out dead spots systematically, Pathfinding: Telling apart one known and one unknown trail, Interrogation: Bombarding with questions and info, Park with a pond fully of squishy things in Lhavit, Interrogation: Watch for questions not answered, The dead don't need to breath, Investigation: Honing in on avoided topics, Philosophy: Is killing an undead killing?, Interrogation: Giving out options, Philosophy: The concept of privacy versus safety, Interrogation Not letting the subject change the topic, Intimidation: Using an Okomo's size and yell.

5 Spring 521- Just Asking for a Spar- Calven-

10 Spring 521- A Chop a Mix II-

14 Spring 521- A Waved Hand-

15 Spring 521- A Waved Hand II-Graded- Meditation 2, Observation 3, Pathfinding 3, Persuasion 1, Rhetoric 1, Storytelling 1, Aja: Understanding and Attentive, Aja: Making a promise to survive, prepare, and commit, Teaching: Practicing by repetition and drilling, Pathfinding: Initiation should wait until user is skilled, Pathfinding: Can gain information about the trail layer, Pathfinding: Initiation steps and procedures, Pathfinding: Initiation things to avoid, Pathfinding: Initiation a balance of duration and intensity.

21 Spring 521- Leave Lhavit-

Winter 520 :
1 Winter 520- A Trail Traveled Part III- PF- Observation: 1, Socialisation: 2, Philosophy: 1, Aja: A Witch, Moritz: The feeling of moral conflict, Moritz: Wants to do good.

1 Winter 520 Continued- A Trail Traveled Part IV- PF- Graded- Arcanology 2, Interrogation 2, Logic 4, Meditation 1, Observation 1, Pathfinding 1, Rhetoric 1, Socialization 1, Introduction to Pathfinding, Pathfinding: Users are called Iraso, Pathfinding: Initiation changes the eyes appearance, Pathfinding: Practiced via Iraso vision, Pathfinding: Eyes glow when Iraso vision used, Pathfinding: Has lots of verbs/nouns that are similar, Pathfinding: About Following Paths, Pathfinding: Lets one see Djed, Everything has Djed, Pathfinding: Things/People leave behind Djed remnants, Pathfinding: Iraso vision makes Djed remnants visible, Pathfinding: Like following Djed crumbs, Pathfinding: Allows Initiation on Animals, Pathfinding: Enhances Minds of Animals Initiated, Pathfinding: Initiation comes with Risks (Blindness, mind alteration), Pathfinding: More risky the less skilled the Initiator, Pathfinding: Initiation alters and affects the recipients eyes Djed, Aja: Does not forget her mistakes, Aja: Does not abandon her friends, Personal Magic: Draws on the practitioners Djed, Pathfinding: Is a Personal magic in that it draws on the users Djed, Pathfinding: Less Djed intensive magic type, Morphing: Is a Personal magic like Pathfinding, Morphing: Uses magic to change ones body and form, Pathfinding: Experiencing its Initiation, Pathfinding: Initiation through the eyes, Pathfinding: Start by learning to turn Iraso sight on/off, Pathfinding: Once more skilled easy to turn on/off, Meditation: Calming ones breathing to start, Meditation: Using for magic visualization, Pathfinding: Seeing with Iraso vision for the first time, Pathfinding: Iraso vision a sight atop normal sight, Pathfinding: Depth and Brightness to Djed, Pathfinding: People's Djed is deeper/brighter than animals.

1 Winter 520 Continued II- A Trail Traveled Part V- PF- Logic 3, Meditation 2, Observation 2, Pathfinding 5, Planning 1, Meditation: Picturing Djed as Water, Meditation: Picturing a Pit of Djed in ones center, Meditation: Picturing Djed as a web throughout the body, Pathfinding: Possible uses in the Dark, Pathfinding: Like building a new muscle, Pathfinding: Patches and breaks common at lower skill, Pathfinding: Distinguishing a paths Djed Signature from another, Pathfinding: Moritz own Djed Signature, Pathfinding: With skill &/or time can tell details from a Path, Pathfinding: Aja's Djed Signature.

8 Winter 520- Math and Minding- Arcinia-

10 Winter 520-

21 Winter 520- A Vision of a Falling Star- (Holiday/Vision)- Graded- Astronomy 1, Land Navigation 3, Logic 4, Meditation 2, Observation 4, Organization 1, Pathfinding 3, Planning 1, Storytelling 1, Tracking 1, A dream and then not a dream, A Vision of Morwen Missing, Morwen: To Die if not freed, Morwen: Searching for lost grandson, Morwen: Winter missing with her, Morwen: Goddess of winter, Magic gateway in a jungle, A falling frgament of star, Pathfinding: Trying (and failing) to use to track a star fall, Tracking: A Star Fall, Reasoning through navigation, Finding fallen Skyglass from a Sky fall, 1 Twilight Star.

21 Winter 520 Continued- A Vision of a Falling Star Part II-

23 Winter 520- A Hide, a Peek- (Ghost Challenge/PF)- Graded- Detection 1, Interrogation 1, Logic 5, Meditation 2, Observation 3, Pathfinding 5, Persuasion 1, Socialization 1, Storytelling 2, Tracking 3, Signs of a moving ghost, Julan Crag: An exuberant young ghost, Empathy for over questioning, Practicing by playing, Pathfinding: Julan Crag's Djed Signature, Meditation: Changing ones visualization, Pathfinding: Not possible to visually explain, Tracking a Ghostly child, Pathfinding: Techniques for dead spots in trails, Pathfinding: Tracking a trail up a wall, Ghosts: Don't move or fall the same as living beings, Pathfinding: Ghosts blinking possibly unrelated to gaps in a trail, Gaining a new ghostly pal.

31 Winter 520- Talking and Telling- (Vision Discussion)-

Fall 520 :
Morning 1 Fall 520- A Turned Hand- Unarmed combat: 4, Observation: 2, Tactics: 3, Weapon – Tiger hook sword: 2, Endurance: 3, Stretching to prepare for training, Unarmed Combat: Ready stance, Combat: Different weapons for different ranges, Unarmed Combat Types: Punching & kicking, boxing, wrestling & grappling, Unarmed Combat: Be aware of your opponent’s range, Unarmed Combat: Jump kicks are useless, Unarmed Combat: Blocking a string of punches, Tiger Hook Sword: Use all parts of the weapon, Tactics: Changing fighting style/weapon to stay unpredictable.

1 Fall 520- A Coin Earned- Observation: 4, Socialisation: 2, Animal Husbandry: 1, Kina: Appearance of each Kina denomination, Location: Piramba’s Pet Shop, Fai Piramba: Appearance & mannerisms, Moritz: The horror of meat, Kalean Spicecoat: Appearance, Naymon: Moritz’s Kalean Spicecoat dog.

5 Fall 520- A Ghost a Gaze- Autumn-

10 Fall 520- A Chop a Mix-Graded- Cooking 5, Detection 1, Logic 2, Planning 2, Observation 4, Moritz's basic uses for cooking, Izo: Cooking instructor of the academy, Cooking: How to stay clean while cooking, Cooking: How to wear an apron, Cooking: Basic ways to handle a knife, Cooking: Importance of respecting a knife, How a knife feels in ones hand for the first time, Cooking: How to properly clean a potato, Moritz's apron does not magically produce potatoes, Izo: Likes to engage his students in lessons, Cooking: Importance of keeping clean and dirty water separate, Planning: Grouping like tasks to save time, Cooking: Using the first cut to make a flat surface, Cooking: How to peel a potato with a knife, Cooking: Function of a colander (draining), Cooking: How to grip a knife for cutting and peeling, Cooking: Cleaning by feelings textures.

31 Fall 520- Two People walk into a Bazaar- Alice Weaver- Arcanology – 2, Interrogation – 5, Logic – 5, Meditation – 2, Observation – 5, Socialization – 5, Spiritism – 2, Alice Weaver: Ghost, Ghosts: Basic Abilties, Lhavit: The Dovecote, Miza: Creation & Function, Paul: The Map Guy, Possession: How It Feels, Possession: Voluntary Experience, The Keiss: Basic Knowledge, The Outpost: Basic Laws, The Outpost: Xyna’s Domain, Xyna: Goddess, Xyna: Creates Miza.

35 Fall 520- The Depth of Information- Caspian-

40 Fall 520- A Turned Hand Part II-Meditation: 1, Acrobatics: 3, Observation: 2, Planning: 1, Bodybuilding: 1, Endurance: 1, Acrobatics: How to do a cartwheel, Acrobatics: Engage all your muscles to balance, Acrobatics: How to do a wall-supported handstand.

45 Fall 520- Dining With the Dead- Alice Weaver- Interrogation – 5, Logic – 5, Meditation – 2, Observation – 5, Philosophy – 3, Rhetoric – 5, Socialization – 5, Spiritism – 4, Alice Weaver: Illogical Ghost, Bandages: Uses, Cravens: Broken Family, Ghosts: Fascinatingly Irritable At Times, Ghosts: Why Linger On?, Lhavit: City Of Balance, Medeira: Strong-arming Mother, Mortar & Pestle: Uses, Philosophy: Idealism, Spiritism: Ghost Sense, Spiritism: Making Soulmist, Sunberth: City Of Chaos, The Outpost: Courtyard Cantina, The Outpost: Kalskan Fountain, Truth: It Is Truth.

55 Fall 520- A Trail Traveled- Observation: 2, Socialisation: 1, Negotiation: 1, Lhavit Location: Hunter’s Guild,
Long Stan: Appearance & mannerisms,
Liard: Appearance & mannerisms.

65 Fall 520- A Trail Traveled Part II- Observation: 4, Tracking: 1, Running: 1, Acrobatics: 1, Bodybuilding: 1, Lhavit: The Misty Peaks, Tracking: Understand the animal you are looking for before you can find it, Tracking: Wild boar print, Aja: Appearance & mannerisms.

Summer 520 :
10 Summer 520- A Design of a Holiday- Challenge- Graded- Observation: 1xp, Writing: 2xp, Planning: 3xp, Organization: 3xp, Leadership: 1xp, Original Holiday: the Fall of Lies, Planning: event conception, Organization: keeping a group project in line, Leadership: public speaking.

35 Summer 520- A Dream of a Walk-Octarus- (Dream/Sleepwalk thread)-

40 Summer 520- Where do people go- Challenge- Graded- Observation: 5xp, Land Navigation: 2xp, Logic: 2xp, Land navigation: reading a crude map, Lore of childish love notes, Land Navigation: navigating by landmarks, Location: Koten temple, Koten Temple: Zintilla's temple, Lore of the concept of a soul, Lore of the cycle of life and death, Lore of a first kiss!

54 Summer 520- Spiritism 101-Madeira- Graded-Arcanology 1, Logic 5, Meditation 2, Observation 3, Rhetoric 1, Spiritism 3, Socialization 1 Storytelling 1, Location of the Dusk Tower Within Lhavit, Dusk Tower: Instructs in Auristics and Spiritism, Dusk Tower: Run by the Dusk Family of Lhavit, Lhavit: Founded by three families/lineages, Young Kelvics outgrow clothes, Auristics: Lets you see and interpret Auras, Auristics: Auras can tell you a lot about a person or object, Auristics: Auras are djed given off by things/people, Djed: Energy that makes up the universe and everything, Djed: Makes both thoughts and substance, Spiritism: When a body dies their astral body replaces their physical body, Spiritism: Soulmist is what ghosts are made of and what replaces their body, Spiritism: Low level Spiritist should use their own blood, Spiritism: Any blood can be used not just the Spiritists, Spiritism: Using ones own blood makes a purer product of Soulmist, Spiritism: More skilled users can make good soulmist from others blood, Spiritism: More skilled users can imbue Soulmist with the skill and abilities of the bloods source, Spiritism: Basic soulmist recipe is three ingredients from three different sources and blood, Spiritism: Soulmist recipe- egg, cheese, and flour., Spiritism: When extracting blood avoid fingers and palms, Spiritism: Should draw blood from thin skinned areas such as back of the hand, wrist, cheeck, ankle, etc., Spiritism: Place soulmist materials in your mouth and chew, Spiritism: Soulmist made by killing and harvesting a piece of ones “soul” temporarily (grows back), Spiritism: When making soulmist must believe that the dough is a part of you, Spiritism: When making soulmist soak your “Soul” into the soulmist dough inside you, Spiritism: Once the soulmist material in your body is a part of you sever it, Spiritism: Made soulmist is the outer edges of a soul without a vessel just like a ghosts, Spiritism: Know soulmist is done by the chill, Spiritism: Soulmist is off white and faintly luminous, Spiritism: Soulmist can be used to repair or strengthen a ghosts soulmist, Spiritism: Soulmist can be used t imbue into weapons, tools, or armor to attack or repel ghosts, Spiritism: Can find a skilled user and make soulmist from their blood to give a ghost that skill, Spiritism: Perhaps ones own blood is stronger/purer as it is of ones own djed?, Spiritism: Visualizing ones own blood as a part of oneself, One can have too vivid a mental picture, Meditation: Picturing oneself as a pool of water, Spiritism: Pictuing making soulmist as mixing and cutting off water, Spiritism: Making soulmist an exercise in meditation and concentration, Spiritism: Beginner soulmist decays quickly and cannot be used to imbue, Spiritism: More skilled users can change their appearance to a ghost, Spiritism: More skilled users can use Soulmist to Lie, Spiritism: First success at making soulmist, Meditation: Picturing oneself as a tree, Spiritism: Need at least three unique sourced ingredients but can have as many more as desired, Spiritism: Only rules of soulmist is at least three unique sources and can be made into a dough like consistency, Spiritism: Ghost absorbs soulmist by touching its “body”, Spiritism: Spiritist made soulmist is a part of them and so they still have some control over it, Spiritism: If the soulmist maker doesn't will it to be a part of the ghost then they cannot absorb it, Spiritism: Once a ghost absorbs the soulmist it is no longer a part of the maker but a part of the one who absorbed it, Spiritism: Soulmist consent once given cannot be taken back, Spiritism: After soulmist production a Spiritist practices possession, Spiritism: Possession is having another soul take over ones body, Spiritism: Possession is unpleasant as trauma, Spiritism: Through repeated practice with possession will harden to it and will be able to fight it, Spiritism: Along with weapons and armor more skilled Spiritists can make safe zones, Spiritism: More skilled users can imbue themselves to touch a ghost, Spiritism: The Lie- lets a Spiritist disguise themselves as other people using soulmist, Spiritism: After training can make souldarts, Spiritism: After training can perform graceful possession, Spiritism: More skilled users can commit evocation- transporting a ghost instantly from anywhere in the world to you, Spiritism: More skilled users can use Dusting, Spiritism: Master users can use Evocation on a soul from the Ukalas where the Gods are, Spiritism: Blood used in Soulmist for activation- one drop will do, Spiritism: How much soulmist you can make at once is dependant on your skills as a Spiritist, Spiritism: Ghosts djed decays and is inert on death, Spiritism: Making soulmist makes this same transformation of djed as death for a ghosts djed, Spiritism: Initiation as a Spiritist, Spiritism: Greater efficiencies as one becomes more skilled- Output increases while input the same, Spiritism: Mixing soulmist with a candle to attract ghosts.

88 Summer 520- A Memory's Requiem- Quest-

Spring 520 :
10 Spring 520- Z is for Zintilla- (A, B, C's)-Graded- Observation +2, Copying + 2, Writing + 2, Writing: A Silent Language, The Common Tongue Alphabet.

15 Spring 520- A Walk to War- Madeira-Graded- Acrobatics + 3, Arcanology + 2, Endurance + 4, Interrogation + 2, Logic + 3, Observation + 5, Running + 1, Philosophy + 2, Tactics + 2, Socialization + 1, Unarmed Combat + 2, Weapon: Hook Sword + 1, Observation: Okomo Have Better Noses, Socialization: Wearing Shoes to Fit In, Endurance: A Real Warrior Does Not Quit, Tactics: Preparing for Counter Attacks, Acrobatics: Roll With the Impact, Tactics: Don't Give Energy to Your Opponents, Hook Sword: A Defensive Weapon, Hook Sword: Hilt is the Only Part That's Not a Weapon,Practicing With Wooden Weapons, Acrobatics: Rolling on One Shoulder,Acrobatics: Stretching Before and After a Workout, Philosophy: Multiple Types of Truths and Lies,Never a Craven Like Moritz Before , Fighting is Not the Same as Hurting,Philosophy: Helping Both Family and the City, Kyra: Moves in a Blur,Arcanology: What is Djed?, Alvadas: Ruled by Ionu,Ionu: God of Trickery and Illusions, Arcanology: Djed is Strongest in the Soul.

Winter 519 :
8 Winter 519- The Art of Raising Cravens- Madeira- Graded- Climbing: 1xp, Logic: 5xp, Observation: 5xp, Negotiation: 2xp, Rhetoric: 4xp, Navigation: 1xp, Intimidation: 1xp, Socialization: 1xp, Lore of a simple explanation of snow, Clothing: unnecessary and impractical, Madeira: insists he be clean, School: a place of learning, Logic: inferring words with context clues, Navigation: following landmarks, Intimidation: meeting a stare, Madeira: hits with words, Lore of the distinction between Kelvic and Human, Observation: the properties of snow, People: Kyra Shallon, Kyra Shallon: ex Shinya.

15 Winter 519- Ice and Grit- Ennisa-

Summer 519 :
30 Summer 519- The Okomo Festival- Madeira, Amelie- Graded- Observation: 5xp, Logic: 4xp, Running: 2xp, Endurance: 1xp, Acrobatics: 2xp, Logic: reasoning it out, Madeira: the reason to wear clothes, Lore of communicating needs, Lore of the compulsion to protect, Endurance: pushing through exhaustion, Acrobatics: leaps and bounds, Lore of the responsibility of handling ones strength and size, Lore of barding.

60 Summer 519- Better Homes and Hauntings- Group-
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