[Verified by Gossamer] Oralie

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Postby Oralie on November 18th, 2021, 11:25 am

Name: Oralie (Or)
Race: Kelvic, Ocelot
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 5th Summer, 518AV
Age: 3 (appears early 20's)

Place of Birth: Syliras
Current Location: Syka

Human Height: 5'6
Ocelot Height: 43cm at shoulder
Ocelot Length: 85cm, + tail of 45cm
Ocelot Weight: 12kg

Positive: Loyal, Dilligent, Observant
Negative: Anxious, Timid

Languages: Common (Fluent), Tukant (Poor)


physical appearance
As a human, Oralie is neither tall or short, standing at a respectable five feet, six inches. Her most distinguishing feature are her eyes. They are fairly large and round, coloured a beautiful shade of honey, with pupils that are sometimes a little too narrow for a normal human. Her gaze can be intense, though it is often aimed at the floor so not many are subject to it.

She has a tangly mop of long blonde hair, the colour muddled through with shades of brighter gold and darker, almost brown lowlights. If someone is lucky enough to spot her smiling wide enough, they may notice her canines are a little more pointed than is usually expected. Her skin is tanned, even after spending her life mostly indoors, and her hands are rough thanks to her work.

Though Oralie is fairly slender, she has definite muscling akin to a dancer. Where some can be bulky, she is lean and lithe, a testament to her agility as a cat and allows her to move with a light grace.

As an Ocelot, Oralie wears a beautiful tawny coat that pales to cream on her undersides. Striking black markings decorate her fur, with small spots on her head and limbs that turn to open bands and rosettes over her body. Rounded ears sit above large round eyes, the same shade of honey as her human ones, and she has a pink nose.

character concept
Oralie is a quiet and subdued individual. It is difficult to get her to speak at any sort of length, and harder still to hold her gaze. It is easy to tell that she was sheltered and intimidated, never being allowed to be her own person. There is an aura of nervousness around her, even more so now that she is away from Syliras and out in the big world. She is both in awe of, and overwhelmed by almost everything and everyone she meets.

Beneath all of her twitching and avoiding, there is a glimmer of the person that she is meant to be. Her eyes hold an intelligence and intensity. Her mouth occasionally twitches as if she wants to smile. With some gentle coaxing it is entirely possible that a friendly, curious young woman may emerge to confidently reclaim the life that should be hers.

racial abilities
As a Kelvic, Oralie can shift between a human form and that of an Ocelot. Each form is as comfortable as the other, and the shift is almost instantaneous.

As an Ocelot, she enjoys enhanced vision and hearing due to the species tending to hunt during the night. These things carry over to her human form, though they are not as acute as when she is a cat.

Last edited by Oralie on January 2nd, 2022, 8:28 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Oralie on November 20th, 2021, 11:52 am


Oralie was born in Syliras in the Summer of 518 av. Very quickly her parents were horrified to discover that she was a Kelvic and they quietly arranged to sell her to a craftsman of some worth. They felt that this way, they could be rid of any potential guilt as he had the money to take care of her while still finding use for her. Unfortunately for Oralie the craftsman had no intention of treating her like a person of worth, and she was quickly collared and put to work running his errands.

Outwardly it appeared that Oralie was a quiet and hardworking assistant, whereas in reality she was nearly always hungry, tired and afraid of being beaten. After a while she was allowed to assist in the pottery workshop, and through keen observation she started to pick up a little skill herself.
As she proved herself to be more useful she was allowed to have three hours to herself one day each week where she could do what she liked as long as she stayed within the city walls and returned home in time for her evening chores. It was during these hours that she met a young man, a baker, since they both frequented the park. Oralie spent her time there in an attempt to feel closer to her Kelvic self, for she had not shifted once since she was a baby.

The pair became friends, and after a while the young man had come up with a plan to get Oralie out of Syliras. He arranged to have her smuggled onto a boat and eventually Oralie found herself in Riverfall.
She spent a little time in the city of the Akalak, and heard talk of a settlement not too far away by the name of Syka. It was said it was a small place, very new and was welcoming to anyone. Oralie was still nervous that her master would find her again, so she managed to find passage on a boat. In the meantime she tried to prepare herself a little for independent life, buying a weapon and a few lessons with coin she obtained through selling the silver collar she had still been wearing when she arrived.

With the sandy shores of Syka waiting for her, Oralie hopes that she can live a life free of fear and figure out who she is supposed to be.

post creation

Last edited by Oralie on November 20th, 2021, 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Oralie on November 20th, 2021, 11:53 am

gnosis & religion

Oralie has two marks of Luminance, the Gnosis of Priskil.

She was given her first during her time as a servant in Syliras. Oralie had always been deeply faithful to Priskil since learning about her at around a year old from the Temple of All Gods. She would regularly pray to the Goddess in order to cling onto hope that one day she would be free from servitude to live her life her own way.

Her second came when Priksil visited her once she had safely arrived in Syka after escaping. Oralie was feeling lost, with no sense of purpose. Priskil walked and sat with her for a while, coaxing the ideas of wanting out of the Kelvic until Oralie realised that she wanted to help others like the Goddess had helped her. Priksil then told Oralie all about Aquiras and the Order of Radiance, which spurred Oralie to vow to help her make the sleeping God whole again. As a result of this, Priskil gave her a second mark.

It is on her left palm, and appears as a golden vortex of softly shimmering lines. With the addition of a second mark, the vortex appears more complex with more depth.

1 Mark: Marked
The user can generate a mild glow, usually from the palms of their hands, though only for a few minutes at a time. This glow is about equivalent to a torch and may give some courage to those affected by fear and negative emotions. The user can strengthen any source of artificial light and feel the presence of any kind of light, even beyond walls and obstacles.

2 Marks: Favoured
Light can now wrap around the user's body as a halo. This light is comforting for good-aligned creatures and can act as light armor protecting the mark bearer or someone he designates by touch, though not both at the same time. The halo looks frightening to weak-willed evil creatures. The gnosis user can transmit feelings of hope to those who see his light. He gains minor darkvision, as he needs very little light to go by.

Priskil is, and will always be, Oralie's favoured Deity. The Goddess of Radiance holds the most special place in her heart. Since Priskil's visit to Syka, Oralie also now considers Aquiras on her level, even though she has never met the God. She has taken her Goddesses quest on as her own, and will do anything she can to help restore his heart.

Since finding herself in Syka, Oralie has begun to consider other Deity's more deeply. Caihya and Kihala especially, are two that seem to be in the very essence of the settlement. Syna and Laviku are another two whose work the Kelvic is starting to see in the everyday also.
Last edited by Oralie on January 23rd, 2022, 1:29 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Postby Oralie on November 20th, 2021, 11:53 am


Skill XP Total Proficiency
Acrobatics +1 +1 2 Novice
Animal Husbandry +1 +1 2 Novice
Body Building +2 +1 +1 4 Novice
Cleaning +3 +3 6 Novice
Cooking +2 2 Novice
Endurance +2 2 Novice
Foraging +1 1 Novice
Herbalism +1 +1 2 Novice
Hunting 10rb 10 Novice
Interrogation +1 +1 +1 +4 + 1 8 Novice
Investigation +1 1 Novice
Observation +5 +3 +3 +4 +5 +2 +3 25 Novice
Philosophy +2 2 Novice
Planning +1 1 Novice
Pottery 20sp 20 Novice
Running +2 +1 3 Novice
Scavenging +1 1 Novice
Socialisation +5 +3 +2 +5 +1 +5 +2 23 Novice
Weapon: Shortbow 10sp +4 14 Novice
Wilderness Survival * 20sp +3 +2 25 Novice



Animal Husbandry: Wrapping animals tightly in towels calms them
Animal Medicine: Checking birds for obvious injury
Archery: Finding your dominant eye
Archery: Correct stance
Archery: Correct grip
Archery: Finding an anchor point
Body Building: Unloading A Cargo Ship
Cleaning: Sand gets everywhere in Syka
Cleaning: How to turn down a room
Cleaning: Finishing touches to make a room feel fresh
Cooking: Making a cooked breakfast
Cleaning: Mopping floors
Cleaning: Changing bed linens
Herbalism: Mint and lemon balm make an energising tea
Herbalism: Ginger and lemongrass tea is energising
Pottery: Clay must be centred before being worked (sp)
Pottery: Arms must be anchored to work on the wheel (sp)
Scavenging: Finding A Lost Chest
WS: Proper Attire For The Jungle
WS: Jungle Very Wet/Rain Protection Required
WS: Machete For Chopping Through Jungle
WS: Sleep Off The Ground
WS: The Contents Of A Survival Kit
WS: Making a firepit
WS: How to start a fire
WS: Different types of wood for a fire
WS: A fire for food vs a fire for warmth
Alric: Appearance and mannerisms
Alric: A mage
Florentin Arcadius: After Taz and Alric
Indigo: Appearance and mannerisms
Juli: Appearance and Mannerisms
Mathias: Appearance And Mannerisms
Mathias: Founder of Syka
Nesra – Potter At The Commons
Randal Zor: Appearance and mannerisms
Randal Zor: Founder of Syka
Self: Worries about Tazrae
Self: Thinks of Syka as home now
Self: Nervous in new places
Self: Wants to make Mizahar a better place
Syka: Port And View From The Sea
Syka: The Commons - Layout And Location
Syka: The Bungalows – Appearance And Location
Syka: The Ranchos - Layout And Location
Syka: The Swine Swells – Location
Syka: The Communal Kiln
Syka: Safe From Thievery
The Protea Inn – Layout And Location
The Outpost: Find it through the Dovecotes
The Outpost: People come from all over Mizahar
Watchtowers: Black Rock & Taloba
Aquiras: Heart Removed
Aquiras: Priskil’s Lover
Food: Melons – Taste & Appearance
Food: Mango – Taste & Appearance
Food: Oranges – Taste & Appearance
Freedom: Transforming Without Fear
Ocelots: Live In The Jungle
Ocelots: Markings help camouflage in the jungle
Ocelots: Excellent at climbing trees
Ocelot Form: Craves The Jungle
Ocelot Form: Enhanced Senses
Priskil: My Hope & Strength
Priskil: Appearance to Oralie
Priskil’s Task: Get Stronger
Priskil – Accepted In Syka
Syka – Runs On Barter System
The Order of Radiance
Last edited by Oralie on March 17th, 2022, 8:35 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Postby Oralie on November 20th, 2021, 11:54 am


A small carved wooden figure of a big cat. Oralie's only friend made it for her in reference to her Ocelot form and gave it to her right before he helped her board the boat from Syliras.
Slave clothing (SP - shirt, pants, cloak, shoes)
- 2x sets of undergarments
- cream isuas skirt
- pink isuas top
- jewel green isuas blouse
- leather sandals
- cream & yellow patterened isuas dress
- bikini
- woven wide-brimmed hat
- 2 x moss green isuas pants
- beige isuas shirt
- tan isuas shirt
- 2x short hair scarves (moss green & yellow)
- high leather boots
- leather belt
- rain slicker
- 2x waterskin
- backpack
- waterproof rucksack
- wooden comb
- wooden brush
- soap
- razor
- balanced rations (1 week's worth)
- 1 eating knife
- flint & steel

- Shortbow + quiver + arrows
- Machete

- hammock
- 50ft coil of hemp rope
- camo tarp
- bedroll
- insect repellant
- sunscreen

- survival kit (first aid kit, 2 snares, simple tent, small compass, fishing lien, 6 fishhooks, 2 candels, needle & thread, knife, blanket)
- extra bandages
- water additive

- food preservation kit (salt, sheets, sawdust tool, jars & misc supplies)
- fishing kit (tackle, cord & bait)
- fishing pole

magical items

Red Velvet Gloves :
These velvet gloves are impossibly comfortable and provide amazing grip. When first worn, the gloves will adjust to fit and may remain in their natural shape or take that of hand wear that is appropriate to the environment/region where they are acquired. When worn, the gloves make things feel lighter than they really are and allow for the picking up and carrying of a single item that weighs twice as much as the average amount of weight the person could normally pick up and carry without undo fatigue and weakness. For example, the average human may be able to pick up and carry 50 lbs for at least some amount of distance. The gloves allow for 100 lbs to be lifted and carried with mild exertion. This does not grant increased strength for anything other than lifted and carrying. Thus striking, throwing, squeezing, etc., are not affected. The gloves grant a +10 to endurance while worn.

Earned during 2021 Holiday Challenge and Found here. The first time Oralie wore the gloves, they changed to leather and come a palm-width over her writsts.

Magic Pinecone :
A pinecone decorated with gold paint. When tossed in a nearby empty space, it will instantly transform into a 10-foot-tall fir tree that is roughly 5 feet in diameter at is widest. The tree comes complete with a small metal base that holds it in place. Great for creating shade or atmosphere. This can be done once a day and the tree will last for 12 bells before returning to the form of a pinecone. A single item, occupying no more than 12 inches of any dimension, if placed under the tree, will be stored within the tree when it returns to the form of a pinecone. When the pinecone becomes a tree again, the item will appear under it.

In Syka, the pinecone is actually a coconut and will transform into a palm tree.
Earned during 2021 Holiday Challenge and Found here. Oralie does not yet know what this does.

Floating Red Globe :
A large red marble that when tossed in the air will float 5-feet from the owner. It provides a red light as bright as a torch. If moved away from the owner, it will float toward them, following them. If prevented from moving, the globe will softly drop to the ground and go dark. Once per day, the globe can disperse fog within a radius of 60 feet.

Earned during 2021 Holiday Challenge and Found here. Oralie has discovered the items properties.

Ornament of Peaceful Relations :
This small blue glass orb has a gold cap attached to it with a metal hook sticking out of it. When hung in a room inside a building, all who enter that room will find it difficult to engage in conflict while remaining inside the room. This effect is nullified if the owner of the ornament engages in conflict first.

Earned during 2021 Holiday Challenge and Found here. Oralie does not yet know what this does.

Ornament of the Vigilant Father :
This small yellow glass orb has a gold cap attached to it with a metal hook sticking out of it. When hung in a room inside a building, the owner of the orb can detect any non-magically concealed intrusion within the building as a whole. This takes the form of the orb creating the sound of a person knocking on the door with a unique series of knocks. These knocks will even wake the person if they are asleep. The person will not know the exact nature of the intrusion; only that there is an unwanted intrusion within the building.

Earned during 2021 Holiday Challenge and Found here. Oralie does not yet know what this does.

Ornament of Cheerful Song :
This silver flecked glass orb has a gold cap attached to it with a metal hook sticking out of it. When hung in a room inside a building, the owner of the orb can whistle a whimsical tune and the orb will respond by producing a random bit of music that fills the room. The music is always something that the owner will find soothing or even cheerful and will continue until they whistle again. After listening to the music for 6 bells, the owner will gain a permanent bonus of +5 to a single music skill of their choice.

Earned during 2021 Holiday Challenge and Found here. Oralie does not yet know what this does.

Lump of Coal :
Upon first glance, this simple lump of coal doesn’t appear to be anything special. However, when held and while close to someone doing something naughty, it will begin to feel warm. The closer the naughtiness is to the one holding the coal, the hotter will get until it is noticeably hot even if gloves are worn. The exact nature of the naughtiness is unknown as is the exact location. It can detect naughtiness within a 50-foot radius of the person holding it but tracking down the direction is trial-and-error. Moving in different directions so that the stone will get warmer and avoiding directions where it gets colder is how the tracking works. Using the stone grants a +5 bonus to tracking while it is in use.

Earned during 2021 Holiday Challenge and Found here. Oralie does not yet know what this does.

housing & work

Oralie is currently staying and working at the Protea Inn.


purchase in out total
Starting coin 100gm - 100gm
-housing +500gm - 600gm
Pre-purchases - -51gm 549gm
Clothing etc - -54gm 495gm
Jungle supplies - -32gm 87sm 462gm 13sm
Seasonal expenses - -135gm 327gm 13sm
Winter wage -board 153gm - 480gm 13sm
Last edited by Oralie on April 11th, 2022, 4:42 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Postby Oralie on November 20th, 2021, 11:56 am

thread list



date title summary status
1 once upon a curse [x] The Veronica brings curses to the denizens of Syka ongoing
3 lullabyes [x] Oralie meets the newest guests of the Protea - Cleon and Faye complete
4 wine please [x] Oralie, Cleon and Faye try and work out what is happening to them ongoing
5 aural explorations [x] Alric shows Oralie some auristics ongoing
10 a cursed tenday indeed [x] Syka meets and the residents share their curses -
14 feline frolics [x] Randal takes Oralie into the jungle so she can go climbing as an ocelot solo
55 fruits for a fiveday [x] Oralie, Naadiya, Randal and Artik go foraging. ongoing
59 cursed conversations [x] Oralie meets Shiress and the pair do some digging on the curses ongoing
60 cloudy imaginings [x] Cleon and Oralie drink and discuss their curses ongoing

winter 521
date title summary status
2 a new life [x] Oralie arrives in Syka graded
2 is there anybody 'inn'? [x] Oralie meets Tazrae. complete
10 the tenday of trinkets [x] Oralie, Tazrae, Ialari and Moritz select their trinkets. Ongoing
14 of gifts and guardians [x] - ongoing/mod
18 the art of archery [x] Indigo takes Oralie for an impromptu archery lesson graded
20 lessons by firelight Oralie meets Randal graded
34 supplies for adventure [x] Oralie buys equipment for going into the jungle and finds a strange chest on the beach graded
36 luminous heart i [x] (Holiday Challenge) Oralie finds her purpose. complete
36 luminous heart ii [x] (Holiday Challenge) Oralie finds her purpose. complete
42 spick and span job thread solo
62 an arbor abounds [x] Oralie, Tazrae and Moritz set off to find Caihya's Arbor Ongoing
72 stepping up [x] job thread graded
73 relief and rest [x] Oralie waits for Taz to return home after her ordeal. complete
73 a delivery [x] Oralie delivers Tazrae's letter to Alric graded
76 a is for... [x] Taz teaches Oralie and Bree to read Ongoing
81 so you want to go into the jungle [x] Randal takes Oralie into the jungle solo
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