Completed A Tale of Two Eypharians [Part II]

The second encounter between Brea and Rhydian, albeit the first encounter between Luke and Rhydian.

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A Tale of Two Eypharians [Part II]

Postby Rhydian Lamoze on July 8th, 2022, 1:00 pm

4th of Summer, 522 A.V.
The Children's Pavilion

After having waited several hours for the daily lessons of the children to come to an end, Rhydian had decided that now might have been a good time to head on back towards the Children's Pavilion. Once had had arrived within the open area, Rhydian would immediately begin to try and track down the young Eypharian girl that he had spoken to hours earlier. "Hm... She has to be lingering about here somewhere. There are already kids milling about the pavilion after all." The fact that he was already having trouble finding the Eypharian had left the man a bit worried. Had he done something to upset her during their last encounter? Was she going out of her way to avoid him now? It wouldn't have been too surprising if that had been the case but he was seriously hoping that that wasn't what was going on.

"Come now, Brea, you know that there isn't necessarily anything wrong with being adopted at some point. Even if you are brought home with another member of the settlement, I am sure that they are going to allow for you to come back here and spend time with all of your friends at the Pavilion. There isn't anything that is suggesting otherwise, right?" Not certain what it was that was going on, Rhydian would begin to follow after the source of that voice. He had recognized the voice as Michaela's and had even been aware of the fact that she had been speaking with Brea. Given that he had come out here just to speak with her, Rhydian had no real trouble with going after her to make sure that everything was going to be okay.

It wouldn't take very long before Rhydian had actually managed to track down the source of the voices. Standing off to the side, within the pavilion, had been three individuals at the moment. The first two had been people that he would easily recognize from the last time that he had been out here but as for the third individual? Well Rhydian simply couldn't place who this child had been or where it was that he had known the boy from. "But Miss Michaela, there isn't anything suggesting that that won't happen either! We don't know some of these people or what they intend on doing with us when they bring us home!" It was clear that Brea had been fully prepared to defend herself in this situation but before she could continue on, the boy that had been standing with her would reach out a single hand and lightly squeeze Brea's shoulder. He would than gesture with his eyes that someone had been closing in on their conversation. This would naturally allow for Brea to take note of the fact that Rhydian had finally made his re-arrival.

"Ah, Mr. Lamoze, perfect timing. Let me ask you, if you were to adopt one of the children here than what is it that you intend on doing with them? Would you simply bring them in as apprentices or as family? Do you perhaps have some kind of ulterior motive behind your being here lately?" Having been hit with such a thought provoking conversational bit, Rhydian couldn't help but take an unconscious step back. This was something that the Eypharian had thought long and hard about in the time that he had been away from the pavilion. A small gulp of saliva would be taken by the Eypharian before he would eventually decide to speak up. "Well.. If I'm being honest? I guess that you could say that I just want to build a family... I understand all too well what it is like to grow up without a family around and to be considered a bit of a social outcast." The Eypharian would than gesture to himself with all six of his hands. "Honestly, I just want to make sure that these kids don't have to live to kind of life that I had. They all deserve to be as happy as can be and I guess that I would really only want them to come with me so that they can hopefully live that kind of life alongside others. It's... not easy feeling lonely."

Even as Brea had listened to the words that Rhydian had decided to share in this moment, she couldn't quite say that she had fully allowed herself to trust the man yet. The possibility that this man had been lying and had only wished to grow close to her so that he could hurt her had still lingered about within the young Eypharian's mind., The thoughts themselves were most assuredly not great... but at least Rhydian was slowly working his way through her defenses. Albeit completely unintentionally, through his blunt nature, Brea had begun to allow for the older Eypharian's story to take hold over her small heart. "Why is it that you ask, Michaela?"

Word Count: 822
Total Word Count: 822

Last edited by Rhydian Lamoze on July 8th, 2022, 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A Tale of Two Eypharians [Part II]

Postby Rhydian Lamoze on July 8th, 2022, 1:16 pm

Parts of the ghost had wanted to further discuss why it is that she had asked that particular question of Rhydian but she hadn't wished to throw Brea under the bus. The truth behind the matter though had been the fact that Brea and Michaela had spoken briefly after the lessons had ended about why it might have been that Rhydian had taken such an interest in the young Eypharian. Naturally this conversation had developed into the several fears that Brea had held about interacting with another of her kind but that was precisely what had led Michaela to ask Rhydian the aforementioned question in the first place. In the eyes of this former headmistress, Rhydian hadn't seemed to have been here for an apprentice or anything of the sorts. It had been quite clear to her that Rhydian had come out to The Children's Pavilion in search of companionship with another member of his own race. This was clearly something that both of these Eypharian's had struggled with and as such, Michaela had simply wished to show the two of them that they didn't have to be worried.

"It's nothing that you should have to concern yourself about. So! It seems quite clear to me that you are hoping to spend a bit more time here getting to know our resident Eypharian. While I don't quite mind such a thing, would you perhaps be willing to do so within the confines of the pavilion for the time being? Dear Luke here," she would say as she would gesture to the boy whose hand had previously been resting upon Brea's shoulder, "seems to want to spend the day with Brea. He is a sweet boy, I assure you! Just a bit of non-vocal. All around though, he gets along quite well with all of the children and I am sure that you will come to love him just as much as we all do."

In his eyes, Rhydian had been completely fine with this. As long as he was able to develop any sort of connection with Brea. Rhydian was sure that things would work out for him. He had truly wished to spend more time with the only other member of his race that he had ever met and if that meant spending time with another child than so be it. "R-right, of course, that is completely fine with me..!" Taking a brief moment to recollect himself, Rhydian would gesture one of his six hands out towards Luke. "My name is Rhydian, Luke, and it's real nice to have you along with us today. Is there anything in particular that you guys would like to do now that classes are over?" Brea didn't really have an answer for the Eypharian but that was because she had still been stewing over this entire thing. Whether or not she could trust Rhydian was up in the air at the moment but right now, she was beginning to feel as though her own feelings were being discredited.

Word Count: 505
Total Word Count: 1,327

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Rhydian Lamoze
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A Tale of Two Eypharians [Part II]

Postby Rhydian Lamoze on July 8th, 2022, 1:36 pm

With the two that he had been interacting with just now really saying anything in response to what they would like to do, Rhydian would uncomfortable begin to scratch at the nape of his neck. Conversation was already difficult as it was and now he was having to deal with a complete and utter lack of it amongst himself and two children. The whole thing had left the Eypharian feeling as though there was something wrong with him but that was okay in his eyes. If there was something that was left to be desired that he was just going to have to continue to work on himself.

"Right, well uh, I guess that I can always show you guys a bit about my job and stuff now. I know that it may not seem like all of the fun but maybe you guys will find it interesting?" It was a long toss of an attempt but there wasn't really much else that he could think to say or do in this moment. Taking a moment to reach into his backpack, Rhydian would go on to produce his a mesh bag that had held the entirety of his clam diggers toolkit. "You see, my job in Syka is that of a pearl diver. That being the case, there are a few things that I have to do overall. First and foremost, in order to be a pearl diver like myself, one would have to work on several ways to ensure that they were able to hold their breath. That and that they would have the ability to swim! Getting the chance to swim all day long has truly been a blessing thus far and it really goes a long way towards increasing my own skill several times over."

Taking a moment to now reach into the mesh bag, Rhydian would go on to produce a clam shovel, a clam tube, an oyster knife for cleaning clams and a rasp for keeping the shovel, knife and tube sharp. "What... is all of that stuff?" Rhydian was actually just about to get to all of this so he didn't quite mind the question that was being asked of him. It wouldn't take all that long for him to go through the motions of explaining what each of the items had been and just what their purpose had been in the work process. "I know that this might not sound like the most fun job outside of all of the swimming but I really do feel like the swimming is the best part of the whole thing. If you guys would like, I wouldn't mind taking you all out to the beach with Michaela's permission." Although he wouldn't say anything verbally in response, Luke had begun to nod several times over to the older Eypharian upon hearing that he would be willing to take them to the beach. Even Brea could be found slightly bobbing her head along in agreement with the possibility of the idea. There weren't too many people that had lived out on the Falyndar Region that didn't like swimming.

"I.. guess that that might be a fun thing to do in the future. Luke seems to be all for the idea and I am sure that many of the other kids would want to come with us too. Especially Darcy" Slowly coming around to the idea of maybe opening up more with this older Eypharian, Brea would attempt to be more vocal about things. "That's good! And we can even go shopping together for all kinds of fun swimming things like a pair of fins and perhaps some swimming goggles. I already own a pair of the fins for myself but I would definitely be willing to get you guys some as well. Oh! And you guys can come along with me when I go to interact with and feed the Ixam! They seem like such interesting creatures and I would love it if I could get one for my fam-... Ahem. For the family that I am hoping to build.." The older Eypharian's gaze would than avert itself away from the children as he would begin to ponder over just what kind of family he could build out here.

Word Count: 711
Total Word Count: 2,038

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A Tale of Two Eypharians [Part II]

Postby Rhydian Lamoze on July 8th, 2022, 1:55 pm

Hoping that he could find a way to further develop the bond between them and the enjoyment that they had been having together, Rhydian would decide in a spur of the moment that he had wanted to rush on out and acquire a few purchases for the next plan that he would have for the night. "Oh! I just had a wonderful idea! I think that I'm going to rush on over to the mercantile to see if there are any particular goods that I can acquire for today. If I can scrounge up some delicious foods while I am out there, I am sure that we can use those foods to bribe the Ixam to like us!" The fact that he had essentially been speaking on buying the affection of this creature honestly hadn't come across as the best thing in the world to Brea. Even with that being the case though, she could understand the logic behind it when it had come to a Jungle Ixam.

"I mean... sure. That much makes sense, yeah. I take it that you'll work your way back on over here at some point? Or are we going to be seeing you another time?" Wishing that he could spend everyday around people that had made him comfortable, Rhydian wouldn't have to spend a single moment thinking of an appropriate response to the questions that were posted to him. "Oh, I'll definitely be back shortly. There may be a few things that I'll have to get, and I guess that I'll also have to make a quick stop back at my room at the Protea Inn, but I promise to be right back. There is nothing to worry about when it comes to that."

The older Eypharian couldn't help but smile at the two individuals that had been resting before him. A younger Eypharian that had been much like himself and her non-verbal, seemingly human friend. Thus far, Rhydian had been enjoying himself with the two of them. Despite the age differences, it felt nice to speak with people that he could get along with. In time he would go on to develop further relations with people his own age but for now he would have to settle with the only other Eypharian around. Someday he had hoped to save up enough Mizas to acquire a stable abode for himself. Once he could acquire such a place, the Eypharian would have no troubles speaking with Michaela about adopting some of these children. His goal was to give them the home that he had so desperately wanted when he was a kid. Hopefully, in time, he would be able to accomplish it.

Knowing that he is going to be making his way back to The Children's Pavilion later in the day, Rhydian would begin to stand up. "I know that I really only spoke about myself but... Whenever you guys are comfortable with it, I would love to hear about your stories. I feel as though I can relate to some of you on a more personal level than I can with most. I.. I really want to ensure that you guys are able to live the happiest lives that you guys deserve." Once he had gone and said his piece, Rhydian would begin to depart from The Children's Pavilion. There were things to be done and he was intending to get as many of them out of the way at once as he can.

Word Count: 580
Total Word Count: 2,618

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Rhydian Lamoze
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A Tale of Two Eypharians [Part II]

Postby Gossamer on August 28th, 2022, 3:30 am


Rhydian –

Socialization +5, Observation +2, Interrogation +2, Teaching +2, Psychology +2

Brea: Reservations About Being Adopted, Luke: Appearance And Mannerisms, Luke: Non-Verbal, Teaching: Describing Pearl Diving To Children, Psychology: Getting Kids Interested In Activities

Comments: You used the term ‘throwing Brea under the bus’… careful with that in your writing in a fantasy setting.

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