How to deal with skunks (Kreig)

Kreig finds a strange little animal rooting through garbage on one of his morning walks. How will this encounter end?

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How to deal with skunks (Kreig)

Postby Kit on February 7th, 2012, 7:32 am

4th Winter, 511 - 7th Bell

Early morning was the best time to wander around this part of the city. However loud the humans were at night, they usually fell asleep by this point. Kit roamed around the streets, nibbling the occasional bit of discarded edible things. He knew better by now than to try to actually go inside the buildings to eat; he'd been chased out enough times to not want to risk getting whacked with a broom anymore.

He had figured out, however, that the buildings with the most food tended to leave some of it at the ends of some alleyways. These were always hidden far away from where the big stompers liked to walk, but Kit had found their secret hiding places, feeling quite proud of his cleverness. He dug into the pile of human leftovers, enjoying the feast immensely.

He didn't notice until it was too late, but he heard the big thumps of a stomper behind him! He tried to find a way to flee, but the alley was a dead end.

A trap! These fiendish stompers! They set a trap for me! They baited me with food and cut off my escape! Well I'll show them not to mess with me. They'd better stay away, or else! These thoughts raced through his head and his tail raised up, displaying his anxiety.

Turning to face the threat, he could barely make out a the tall, blurry shape of a lone stomper. He hissed in warning, arching his back to make himself appear large and threatening. Every muscled tensed, every sense alert, Kit waited to see what the stranger would do.
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How to deal with skunks (Kreig)

Postby Kreig Messer on February 9th, 2012, 11:36 pm

'Such a cold morning' Kreig thought as he shuddered, grasping his coat tightly as the cold wind blew ' Take a morning walk I thought, good for the body I thought ' He complained to himself as he walked absentmindedly through the streets of Sunberth , since birth he's lived in this city of vice and the worst thing about it was the winter weather ' Cold and miserable' He thought to himself. He suddnely stopped as he heard an odd hissing sound . Looking down he noticed an interesting looking critter ' A skunk......' It took a few minutes for the fact that he was staring at an angry looking skunk, one that looked really.....un-intimidating and rather.....adorable " D'awwwwwww, A skunk." He gently knelt down a small distance away for the small creature, as to not be on the receiving end of it's defense mechanism which drenched all in an odor that a rotting corpse could have no hope in competing with " Why is such an adorable little creature in a place such as this?" He asked to no one in particular as he gave a gentle smile to the small creature
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"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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How to deal with skunks (Kreig)

Postby Kit on February 12th, 2012, 10:30 am

Kit was slightly relieved when the stomper decided to stay back and stop being so tall. The tone in its voice was calm and non-threatening, so Kit stopped hissing, although he remained on edge. Also, unlike most skunks, this one happened to understand Common, so he realized the stomper knew what Kit was, and so was probably wise enough not to mess with him. Kit also realized he'd been asked a question, and he felt compelled to answer in some way. He dove back into the garbage heap and came out munching on something edible, a bit of leftover fish.

Since the stomper still had not gone away, Kit began to be curious, so he approached the stomper to get a better look at it. Like most stompers, this one was covered in soft-things, instead of fur. Trusting the stomper's fear of Kit's musk to keep him safe, he boldly walked right up to it and began tugging on its outer soft-thing. When the soft thing did not immediately come free, Kit chittered in disappointment.
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How to deal with skunks (Kreig)

Postby Kreig Messer on February 12th, 2012, 1:20 pm

'Good, it seems to have calmed' He thought as he watch scurry away and pull out a scrap of food, which pretty much explained his question "Heh, I see...scrummaging for some food. The skunk then let go of the leftover fish it was holding and approached Kreig curiously' I guess since it doesn't look angr.." He let the thought trail as it observed him, then suddenly tugged at his sleeve as if it tried to take it off but then let go in disappointment "Heh, sorry little guy. My jacket is not something to eat"He said just looking at it some more , then tugged slightly at his own coat " This keeps me warm, don't want to die of cold, now would I?"
Feeel thy wrath!!!!

"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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How to deal with skunks (Kreig)

Postby Kit on February 14th, 2012, 7:30 pm

The stomper - no, it wasn't really stomping anymore, might as well call it a human - the human was different from most. He hadn't chased Kit with a broom, and so far seemed to have no intention of harming Kit in any way. Kit was able to relax and let down his guard, and when that happened his playful and curious nature took over. With his tail perked up, he looked directly into the human's eyes, wondering if the human could really be so silly that he thought Kit didn't know the difference between food-things and soft-things.

Well, there was only one way to educate the human (forgetting out of habit that Kit had the ability to turn human and speak himself). With a strange noise half-way between a chitter and a purr, he fearlessly climbed into the human's lap and tried to burrow inside the "jacket", his tail inadvertently tickling the human's nose.
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How to deal with skunks (Kreig)

Postby Kreig Messer on February 15th, 2012, 6:58 pm

When the skunk jumped into his jacket suddenly, it was safe to say what happened next was amusing " Woah, h-hey, that tickles" He said when the small thing was wriggling in his jacket, its tail tickling his nose illicit a proper response "O-oh D-D-De- ATCHOOO" He sneezed suddenly as he performed a dance that could only be called the dance of 'what the hell is going on?' "H-hey little guy, can you g-get out of there p-please?" he then grabbed the little bugger out of his jacked and then chuckled " Dira forbid little fella, you gave me quite the tickle, you realize , don't you?" he said as he gently put the little guy down "Hmmm.... Say, little guy. You mind keeping this brawler company for a small while? It'd be nice to have some company" He said as he looked around carefull " Though I'd have to sneak you into my room..." He said , thought for a bit and tehn opened his jacket slightly" Get in here, the jacket is bulky enough to sneak you, thought it might get stuffy in there"
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"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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How to deal with skunks (Kreig)

Postby Kit on February 17th, 2012, 3:28 am

Kit was slightly confused; first the human pulled him out of the warm place, then told him to get back in. He almost decided to leave the confusing man behind, but the idea of having free run of a stomper dwelling without being chased out by a broom was compelling. He was curious what made stomper dwellings so great that they were so zealously defended.

He bounded back into the human's lap and again burrowed into the coat, but this time he turned himself around so that his nose was sticking out. He nestled closer to the warmth of the human and settled in for the ride. Kit was a clever skunk, and he understood that the human was going to carry him to the stomper dwelling.
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How to deal with skunks (Kreig)

Postby Kreig Messer on February 17th, 2012, 8:38 pm

"Okay little one, don't make any noise" He said as the little skunk snuggled inside Kreig's Jacket, He made his way back to the Pig's Foot tavern, carefully avoiding getting too close to anyone as to make sure they don't notice anything was unusual. Suddenly he was stopped by one of the tavern goers that Kreig was familiar with " Oy, hold it right there Kreig. Why are ye back so soon? Usually you ain't back till early noon"

"Oh, why hello there Kermil. Er....Well, I don't exaclty feel in tip top shape today so I thought I'd lazy about in the comfort of my own bed" Kreig lied, he wasn't much of a liar as evident by Kermil's facial expression

" Oh come of it ye git" He said quietly " You got something in that coat of yers , don'tcha? An' from the looks of it its a small critter, whatcha trying to sneak in? A cat?" He said with a small grin

"W-why yes. Do keep it a secret, I don't want to get into trouble with you-know-who. If you do I'll buy you a drink later come nightfall" Kreig said nervously, hoping that cat excuse would work and that his little friend didn't mind much being called a cat

"Deal, but it'll have to be tomorrow, I got to work tonight Considerin' me Mizas aren't exactly abundant at the moment" Kreig nodded and slightly waved goodbye to Kermil as he lucidly made his way to his room. Entering the room, gently closing and locking it, Kreig gave a sigh of relief as he pulled out the skunk and placed him on the bed.

"Well, here we are little guy. Home sweet home" He said with his arms wide, the room itself was quite simple, a small table with a jug of water and a cup next to it and plate with a half eaten potato. Next to the table a simple wooden chair and another smaller table next to the bed with an unlit candle and bundle of Kreig's everyday necessities nicely tucked in a corner. There was also a storybook lying on the bed that was apparently quite old and didn't look to belong to Kreig, probably there to keep the guests entertained "Feel free to roam around and such" He said as he sat next to the creature, removing his gauntlets' and placing them on the table next the the bad.
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"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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How to deal with skunks (Kreig)

Postby Kit on February 18th, 2012, 6:34 am

Kit had stayed very quiet and still while being smuggled in, but as soon as the human let him go, he was eagerly exploring the new environment. There were strange smells everywhere! The ground under his feet was squishy and hard to walk on, but oooh it was sooo soft! He spent a few seconds just rolling and wriggling around. He could get used to his bed being this soft.

But enough of that, there was so much more to investigate! An old, musty smell was coming from an object next to him. When he went for a closer look, he noticed strange symbols that he vaguely remembered to associate with words before promptly losing interest.

A few moments of waddling brought him to the table next to the bed. He sniffed at the strange objects, trying a nibble of one or two, but none of them seemed edible, so he lost interest in those as well. The table wasn't much bigger than Kit, so as he was trying to turn around to get back to the bed, his paw fell on empty air, and he tumbled to the floor, scattering the human's belongings with his flailing attempts to regain his balance.

He got up and shook himself, checking for damage. It hadn't been that long a fall, and he didn't feel particularly injured. He thought about continuing his investigations, but the only food-smell in the room was coming from above him, and he'd never be able to get up there. Suddenly feeling playful, he waddled over to his new human friend, sniffing at his feet and looking up at him.
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How to deal with skunks (Kreig)

Postby Kreig Messer on February 18th, 2012, 8:11 pm

Kreig only chuckled as he saw the little guy move about the room, curiously looking at his belongings and the things that did not belong to him. When the little guy stopped, looking at the table that had a plate with a half-eaten potato. Then it curiously turned around and sniffed at his feet "I get the feeling you want something little friend" He said carrying the small creature in his hands and approached the table with the the half eaten potato and placed him. Kreig grabbed the nearby chair and sat down, looking at the skunk "I wonder if I should think up a name for you , can't keep calling you little guy forever" He leaned back on the chair and thought for bit, what name would suit such a cute yet highly curious creature "Ah, how about Mushakes? Its not an actual word, but I think it fits you said " He said quickly leaning forward as he looked at the little guy.
Feeel thy wrath!!!!

"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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