To Assist the Undead (Vann Ezra)

Summer 2 512 AV- Room 201B- In where Rayage hires a personal assistant

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To Assist the Undead (Vann Ezra)

Postby Rayage on June 3rd, 2012, 9:36 pm

The classroom was empty, the rows upon rows of chairs in Rays lecture hall were void of any presence, and the only thing moving in the room was the nuit. Papers were stacked neatly, but nevertheless covering his desk, making it so he was careful where he laid his hands. He was reading, yes, reading the garbage that the university provided to its students in the form of textbooks. Alchemy 101 was a joke, and in more than one way. Though it may be trivial to the nuit who had many years of experience within the field of alchemy, it may be a treasure cove of knowledge to the beginner. That is where its value lie, for the beginner. For anyone remotely capable in alchemy the book would be but trash, maybe worth a few miza sold, or perhaps it would make a good fire?

The nuit was waiting, he had sent out word that he would like an assistant. Yes, an assistant to do, or at least help with, all the boring and mundane work that he didnt want to do. Perhaps this fellow knew a thing or two about magic, or even better, about alchemy. He didnt have any real requirements, no real specifications in mind, only that the assistant do what is asked. That was it. How hard could it be?

Today was the scheduled day of meeting and so far no one showed up. Was he really going to have to actually look for a suitable assistant. He hoped not. Letting out a noise akin to a sigh, the nuit let his thoughts get the best of him and he set down the book, carefully marking the page where he left off by bending one of the corners. Quill was also in hand. It seemed that the nuit intended to make the book better by editing it himself, probably explaining more clearly or expanding on the subjects. Words and whole paragraphs were crossed out and many different notes were written the margins of the book. It would be clear that the nuit didnt have any patience for incompetence.
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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To Assist the Undead (Vann Ezra)

Postby Vanness Ezra on June 5th, 2012, 6:49 am

Ezra stalked through the University, eyeing each numbered door as he past it. He had been on his way to Marcels Magical Supplies in search of a particularly rare and expensive book on Animation when he had overheard a conversation about the University. Apparently the Alchemy teacher there was in need of an assistant. The job was the perfect opportunity, as Ezra had been thinking about taking a lesson or two in the subject.

As an animator himself he wasn't quite sure what use he would be, but he needed a job desperately if he wished to make any semblance to a living. Frowning he slid his hands into his pockets, walking with his shoulders hunched. He had left his trusty side-kick, a Jivatalus Ghost Dog named Zip, at his home, a cottage on the fringes of the sprawling city, knowing the dog would not be permitted to accompany him into the University. He was surprised at how exposed and vulnerable he felt without the mutt trotting beside him, barking in excitement at every new smell or sound.

A plaque on one of the doors caught his eye. Room 201B. If he remembered correctly, which he was certain he did, that was the room the receptionist had directed him too when he had enquired about the availability of the job. Stepping forward he knocked on the door and twisted the handle, stepping into the silent classroom.
Last edited by Vanness Ezra on June 8th, 2012, 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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To Assist the Undead (Vann Ezra)

Postby Rayage on June 6th, 2012, 2:46 pm

Then again, was incompetence so bad? If the alchemist was this simple in his theory then it just left room for the other alchemists to shine. Why again did he even bother to edit such work? It went into detail about complex theories, going on like a fool, when only the basic concepts will get you furthest. Adding complexity isn’t anything special, especially when the same thing could be done in a simpler manner. This author surely didn’t understand, and in a way that is why Ray picked this book for his class to read. He chose two actually. One was simpler than the other; he would be interested to see how his students react to each work. This one was defiantly foolish. Perhaps even novices could see that? He hoped one of them would get it right…

Two knocks interrupted his thoughts as he set the quill to sit in the inkwell. Finally. Was this going to be his new assistant or would it be someone else. How fate likes to play cruel jokes. Time and fate both have a warped sense of humor; the nuit is able to enjoy it all upon reflection on the past. Irony is a subject that comes up often in his memory. Raising his head he watched the door as it opened. The man who entered wasn’t a student of his, or if so his memory was failing him.

”Welcome.” he raised his voice to meet the others, ”Come in.” he waved him in, motioning to a set in front of his desk, ”Have you come with a question or perhaps you are here for the job?” he asked. It wasn’t uncommon for students from other classes to come in and ask Professors questions. If this was the case he wondered who recommended him. The alchemist stayed in his seat, waiting for a response. ’If it is about the job,” he started, ”Its about time someone showed up. I was about to give up hope.” he grinned, hope was something he didn’t hang onto. ”Can you tell me why you think yourself qualified to assist me?” he asked, watching him walk over to the desk.

”Where are my manners?” he sounded more sarcastic than sincure, ”I am Rayage, Professor of Alchemy at Zeltiva University. Nice to meet your acquaintance. May I ask your name?” he droned that off like a rehearsed list. It wasn’t a pleasantry more than it was a social obligation, and from the professors point of view it was useless. Whatever name you are called, you still are what you are. Aura is more accurate to a person than any name or label. This method, to Ray, was quite automated, as if a golem was saying it. ”If you have come here just with a question, please be quick. Im expecting to fill a job today.” There we go. Back in a circle once more. Where would this man pick up this scattered and quite broken conversation of assumptions and obligations?
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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To Assist the Undead (Vann Ezra)

Postby Vanness Ezra on June 10th, 2012, 4:42 am

Ezra entered the class room stiffly, eyeing the man behind the desk. There was a book open before him, and though Ezra couldn't make out what it said he could tell that numerous notes had been made in it.
"My name is Vann Ezra, though I would prefer if you called me by my family name in place of my given name. I am, in fact, here for the job." He stepped forward, stopping in front of the desk.

"I am competent in Animation, learned in Philosophy, writing and observation, all of which are good skills for an assistant to have." Ezra tilted his head, wondering if he was being to brazen. Mentally shrugging he shock the thought off and returned his gaze to the man before him, straight backed and hands folded behind his back.
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To Assist the Undead (Vann Ezra)

Postby Rayage on June 10th, 2012, 5:55 am

”Ah the job, well yes.” the nuit let his words trail off. It wasn’t because he didn’t know what to say or wasn’t prepared to deal with this situation. He knew full well what he was doing. Besides, what others don’t know cant hurt them… too much. It also helped not to look like you have planned everything out from step one. Oh no, that would get everybody’s attention and that is certainly what no one wants, especially a person like Ray.

Nodding at the list of skills that the person jumbled off, he made note of them in his head, ”Animation, not Alchemy?’ he asked, ”If that is the case why would you want to be helping me and not someone more attuned to your particular skill set? Hmm?” he asked, never bothering to shake a hand or anything. He didn’t believe in those kinds of formalities. ”How about this. Instead of me pegging you with questions left and right,” a smile crept on his face as if he liked this thought, ”why don’t you tell me why I should hire you? Besides those skills you have listed off…”

After the man would explain himself Ray would ask the questions, ”And what are you hoping to make, miza wise, this semester?” This is where the real bargaining began and small talk ended.
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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To Assist the Undead (Vann Ezra)

Postby Vanness Ezra on June 13th, 2012, 7:11 am

Ezra paused, composing his thoughts before he spoke. Why should he hire me?
"I am a hard worker." Ezra started, eyeing the Alchemist. "I am a fast learner and i am not easily distracted from the task at hand. I am willing to go to great lengths for knowledge and i have a proper education, unlike some." He nodded in conclusion.

The next question caused Ezra to frown. What am i hopping to make? He was not sure what such a job would usually pay and he did not want to ask for too much for fear of losing the possibility of the job all together, but then he did not want to ask too little either, for fear of being duped.

"I was hoping for something between 4 and 6 Gold Mizas?"
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To Assist the Undead (Vann Ezra)

Postby Rayage on June 20th, 2012, 2:08 am

The undead nodded ”Very well.” he said taking everything said into account. ”We will see how well you do this season, and I will give you pay based on that. Though you will start out earing 4 GM a day.” he explained, ”You may gain more or less depending on your actions this season. Such as if you do me a favor and are faithful in your duties I will consider giving you a bit extra.” he said.

”Does that sound acceptable?” he asked.

ooc :
Sorry for the short short post. Im just not sure what else will do. If you accept you can just do a quick post and consider yourself hired, and we will turn this in
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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To Assist the Undead (Vann Ezra)

Postby Vanness Ezra on June 25th, 2012, 7:33 am

OOCSounds good :)

The barest of smiles quirked Ezras lips. He nodded in agreement, straightening from the slouch he had subconsciously slipped into, quiet pleased. "Its agreed then. I look forward to working with you."

He did not step forward to shake the man’s hand, he preferred to avoid what unnecessary bodily contact that he could.
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To Assist the Undead (Vann Ezra)

Postby Paragon on July 7th, 2012, 7:20 am

Adventurer's Loot


Rayage's Loot :

Skill XP Reward
Interrogation +1

Lore: Vaan Ezra: Assistant

Items or Consequences: Vaan is now your assistant, costing you 4 gm/day

Vaan's Loot :
Vaan Ezra

Lore: Assistant to Rayage

Items or Consequences: You are now Rayage's assistant, paid 4 GM/Day

Short and sweet, achieved what it set out to do - if you have ANY questions or concerns about this grading, don't hesitate to PM me.
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