Desperate Times Desperate Mesures (Private Don)

Val'pold and Don try and stop desperate Food theives.

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Desperate Times Desperate Mesures (Private Don)

Postby Val'pold Aurelius on June 23rd, 2012, 12:54 am

Val smiled at the knights who came to offer their help and get the prisoners away. Val’s blue eyes watched as the men were dragged away showing there sadness for their bad chooses in life. If they would have only tried to legally get food they wouldn’t be leaving who ever it was they were leaving.

The tall young man turned to look over at the older man. Slipping his blade back into its sheath he looked now at the man who had helped with the criminals. “It is a pleasure to help Ser Varius. I am Squire Val’pold Aurelius.” He also extended his hand and shock hands. It was a firm hand shake with out being one of these that was trying to crush the hand. His gaze was clear and bright as his hand shake was strong. He flashed a smile at the man.
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Desperate Times Desperate Mesures (Private Don)

Postby Don on June 23rd, 2012, 12:21 pm

A squire then. Don had not met many squires, even being the knight that he was. Many of the men he knew were knights, already past their squire days. He was a squire for only a short time himself, before receiving his knighting quest and joining the order as a full knight. Being a squire, in Don’s eyes, was far more difficult than being a knight. You had to do whatever your knight-master told you to do, whether it was sharpening their blade or kissing their feet. It was a crude, tiring duty, yet all was necessary to become a knight. This man had the character of a squire, and the mere way he carried himself showed Don that.

“Val’pold, a unique name. Are you from Syliras, squire?” Don asked, pulling his hand away from the handshake. The crowd had now dispersed, and people had gone back to their every day lives. He heard many ‘thanks’ as some people walked by, returning their thanks with nods and smiles.
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Desperate Times Desperate Mesures (Private Don)

Postby Val'pold Aurelius on June 27th, 2012, 8:38 pm

Val also drew his hand back from the shack and looked at the man before him. “I don’t know where I was born actually, my mother is the Knight Darisa Aurelius, she found me in the woods a long time ago. I am not sure exactly were my mother got my name.” He said with a small smile. He did like his name because as the knight said it had some originality.

“Do you want to help me return this food?” Val asked indicating to the sack that he was currently holding. He waited for an answer before asking. “Are you originally from the city?”
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Desperate Times Desperate Mesures (Private Don)

Postby Don on July 5th, 2012, 1:44 pm

”Born and raised.” Don replied as he took some of the weight from Val’pold, tossing the sack over his shoulder hastily. The attack was over, but the mess surely was not. There would be some cleaning up to do before Don could return to his routine, and even though he was not truly on patrol duty at the time, he felt obliged to do it. After all, he had put himself in the situation, now he had to stick it out. Cleaning up mess and returning sacks to stalls was not exactly the ideal thing he wanted to be doing during the day, though it was necessary all the same. He was a knight, a protector, a helper. He would do whatever he had to too keep the people pleased and safe.

“Both my parents were from Syliras, so I have lived here all my life. I have never been past the wildlands, as some say it is a dangerous place past those lands. With all this turmoil happening amongst Mizahar, I doubt I ever will. If I do, it will be for the Windoak, and whatever m’lord commands.”
Don explained as they began to walk towards the stalls the men had stolen the food from. Don could clearly identify them, as he had seen the screaming and shouting people when he appeared from the alleyway in the first place. They were yelling profanities and muttering curses, there was no way they were anybody but the victims.
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Desperate Times Desperate Mesures (Private Don)

Postby Val'pold Aurelius on July 7th, 2012, 7:53 pm

Val'pold handed over one of the sacks of food as he listened to Don explain about always living in the city. Val's Mother had always lived int he city and never really traveled beyond the wilds that surronded there lands. She didn't see a need to travel for fun because she felt her place was here in the city protecting the people who struggle for civilization. Val personally would like to see other parts of the world. Not a lot of traveling just a few places, and hope that when he became a full knight he might get assignments to see some of these other places. He realized thought that he would need to know more about politics though if he was going to get those types of assignment.

"I also haven't been beyond our outpost myself. I would be interested in seeing some of the other cities, but I would go were ever the knights sent me to serve best." He said with a smile. He started to return the food to the correct stalls to make sure everything was restored to its proper order. "I would like to try and help bring order to other places. That way we are able to better protect the city and its people."
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