Unfurling Greenery (Nate)

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Herein lies the realm of dreams, where dreamers who are scattered all over the world in the physical can come together in the mysterious world of dreams. Remember, unless one is a Dreamwalker, there is no control over dreams. Ever. Anything can happen, and by threading a dream, you are subject to whomever can walk dreams and the whims of Storytellers.

Unfurling Greenery (Nate)

Postby Tinnok on August 5th, 2014, 2:53 am

She watched him keenly. Her plan was sound, that creature's own pride would get the best of it, and he would be there to take advantage of it.

Her cries of pain had not been genuine, but the look of horror and fear when it grabbed Nate and began constricting its vice grip upon his neck was. Her fingers were on her dagger again, golden orbs twisted in fury as it loomed and insulted her. Her mouth opened and closed, half just wanting to speak to Nate, to tell him it was alright, half to scream and curse again at the foul creature, who spoke with the lisp of a Dhani, the face of a Myrian, and the strange twisted grasp of some old long dead tree.

Then it happened, the cold glint of steel went up into the skull of the creature, and Tinnok's brow uncreased somewhat. The creature was dying, that she didn't so much care about. Instead her gaze was focused on Nate's blue face, watching tick by tick as every last drop of oxygen was wrangled from his lungs by the very foe to which he had just slain.

There was an explosion of the smoky substance that seemed to make up the creature, its ripped tongue dissolving, limb by limb sinking into the earth. The half breed, worn and weary once again from events that were not real...not in the realm she would return to when waking, scrambled across the loamy soil to arrive at Nate's side, hands weaving over his chest, ear falling against it.

"Please male, please no." This whispered in fervent Myrian. Then in Common, "Nate? Nate...."

He didn't respond, but there was a relief felt from Tinnok then as her head and neck rose and fell with his breathing. He was alive, simply unconcious. She leaned back getting a look at him. She ran a single finger along the gash on his leg, watching as the injury seemed to mend itself following the trail of her finger. One by one she erased his injuries, tracing light lines over his tanned and muscled flesh, breathing even. He looked so peaceful sleeping there, it was almost a shame to wake him...

"I bet you wouldn't even mind..." She smiled, a finger twitching over the worn end of his belt, flicking the work leather.

When Nate woke he would find himself back at the edge of the water, any signs of rot and death vanished from their previous encounter. Tinnok, her back to him, was poking at a small crackling fire gently, shifting the already gleaming embers, to ward away the encroaching night bells to come.

"Feeling better Nathanial?" Her voice held a sharp edge of sardonic humor, but when her eyes glanced over her shoulder, washing over him with an enjoyable scrutiny, there was nothing but genuine concern behind them.

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Unfurling Greenery (Nate)

Postby Nathaniel Ankah on August 5th, 2014, 1:43 pm

Nate didn't even want to think about the conundrum of being unconscious in a dream. Didn't that mean you woke up? Or was there yet another plane to slip to? Could you come back? Questions and musings besieged him and he winces in... somewhere.

Dark and quiet and endless. Like a tomb but utterly without pain. He cold t even muster the fear he knew he should have felt. His body was all around him and he could control it, move it, but... remotely. Like he was operating a puppet rather than living.

What happened?

He replayed events. The smoke monster. The bloated daemons. The fight, Tinnok... Nate's final stand and his last spat curse before his lungs were choked clean of air and he went... here.

Could you die in a dream?

Nate wasn't fated to find out. Something rumbled and shook the airless void he found himself, and a comet like a distant sun appeared. Tiny, so much so he had to squint; but screeching towards him and getting brighter, until he had to hold a hand up-

-and he did have one. He was still alive. He opened his mouth but then the white light swamped everything-

He heard the woman speak.

The jungle. Tangled green and trickling water. Humidity that seeped into your pores and heat that soaked them. Nate braced himself for the pain of waking but... nothing. He looked about himself and saw the gouges and slashes and bruises and petching arrows were all gone. Barely even a mar to his flesh...

Dream worlds. They don't need such petty things are "logic".

"Much... depending on whether or not this is-"

The suspicious grousing died when he saw the look on her face. Dry and mocking as her words were, stark relief and aching concern poured from those weird eyes. Nate didn't have to question any further... either what had happened to him, or if they'd met before

He stood, and grinned at the firmness back in his legs, stretched his arms and relished the strength coursing through them. The grin was dopey and joyful and reflected back at him by the Bonobos. They'd returned (their bloody tree, after all).

"I... Am..."

Gods, it felt fine to be alive. Even trapped in his own mind, nations from home... but triumphant. Victorious. And feeling all the more exhuberent for it. His green eyes slid to her and a smirk unlike the shy, polite ones he'd given her before shone at her.

"... ravenous..."

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Unfurling Greenery (Nate)

Postby Tinnok on August 26th, 2014, 4:21 pm

She crouched over her fire, still not entirely sure how had she had crafted it so quickly. Yellow eyes stared contentedly at his form as he rose, stretched, got his bearings once more. She was a bit at a loss, however, as with what to do with that devious smile he flashed at her, eyes filled with ill intent, his gaze hovering over her. She wasn't precisely the type to just leap into a male's arms (minus that time when she had been pumped up on adrenaline and drink), but despite the energy that she knew crackled between them, her mind even within the dream focused on the practical before the fun.

"Well if you're hungry, I have some fish..." She knew that wasn't what he meant, well...she was almost certain that wasn't what he meant, but gone again was the confident warrioress, replaced with a girl who didn't quite know how to deal with boys, nevertheless full grown men. She had three of the fish set aside, one already gutted that she fastened on a sharpened stake and placed over the fire. "Would you mind gutting those two?" Here she set aside removing things from her pack, one a large round fruit which she cracked open with her dagger hilt and began to mash the fruit in the middle until it was a pulp she spread over the fish, hopefully giving it a bit of extra tang.

Two other sharpened sticks lay ready for the other fish, and the half breed shifted so her legs were folded, watching Nate intently as he worked. She glanced at the sky to see the first stars poking out above them and something in her gut shivered with anticipation.

oocSo sorry for the delay!

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