Placeholder [Rearing Stallion] Being Social is Good Right? (Sissena)

Ferrin and Sissena meet at the Rearing Stallion, on a more calm afternoon.

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[Rearing Stallion] Being Social is Good Right? (Sissena)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on November 5th, 2015, 3:52 am

Fall 515 AV Day 52

The winds are starting to brew up a nice and chilly afternoon. Making whatever leaves that passed over the walls flow along with the busyness of people walking about. Ferrin ended up being one with the crowd. Now being used to the pushing and shoving, but with Ferrin and his strength some keen eyes are able to not provoke Ferrin. If they manage to intercept his path.

After a tick or so, Ferrin reached a somewhat familiar building. Where the front door has been positioned was where Ferrin stood, well not in the same spot obviously. He stood facing it taking a note from memory to see if this place was the right place for a steaming meal and blazing fire. Sure enough, the sign hanging above the door revealed a painting of a horse with fading colors in the background.

Ferrin pushed open the door and surprisingly found quietness about the room. The bartender looked up at the door and waved to Ferrin happy that he has another customer to satisfy for today. "Come on over, I think I've seen ya before haven I?" He chuckled. Remi, the cook here. She's wonderful with the foods. She can make anything out of everything.

Her meals will twist your taste buds. Making the flavors feel more sensational while the taste lasted. "Hello, so what do you have for today?" Ferrin asked with a warm and hearty smile. As he sat down on a stool in behind the counter. "Ferrin right? Well Remi has for use a nice and tasty beef soup with a roll on the side."

Ferrin started fishing out his coins, "Do you still drink wine Ferrin?" Ferrin nodded and smiled. Then returned his search of coin in his pockets. Finally he found what he needed. Whatever change needed to be distributed the coins suffered m shifted it's size and shape into Silver Mizas or Gold Mizas. "Here ya go. 1 Gold Miza for the wine and here are 5 Silver Mizas for the meal."

The smell of the broth is making Ferrins stomach rumble and grumble. Demanding for the exquisite foods. The bartender happily obliged, taking the coins of off Ferrins hands. The bartender grabbed a glass and began to pour liquid contents into the glass. "Ah here ya' go Ferrin, fresh from the bottle." He chuckled a small laugh. Ferrin managed a smile.

"Thank you." The bartender handed him the glass. "And I'll go tell Remi about your order. Be back in a bit." The man hurried off, and Ferrin almost felt alone in this tavern. He's just simply wishing that he can have someone to talk with. He took a drink of wine.

Scanning around the room nothing interesting is happening. It felt good though, being in a peaceful building for a change. And it made Ferrin feel somewhat better about himself as well. Ferrin isn't quite sure of what will happen next. Just sit until the ticks pass by. And drink some wine, of course.


"Pavi" | "Common"
Last edited by Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on November 24th, 2015, 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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[Rearing Stallion] Being Social is Good Right? (Sissena)

Postby Micah Frostfawn on November 10th, 2015, 7:36 pm

Sissena disliked two things with utmost vehemence: cold weather and crowds. Unfortunately, the recent chilly winds had swept her into the Rearing Stallion only to face a smattering of other customers. Sure, it was far from being a bustling crowd, but Sissena had hopefully expected to find the tavern empty. Which, in hindsight, had been simply foolish. She should have realised that several others would have had the same idea as her to escape the depressing closeness of the city walls by fleeing into a drinking establishment.

Not that Sissena even drank alcohol. But nevertheless, she sidled into a chair to the side of the tavern and allowed herself to slump onto the cushioned seat. A waitress wearing a plain dress and a bored expression ambled over. "We have beef soup tonight." She said with little enthusiasm.

"Yes, please." Sissena murmured, fishing the necessary coins out of her purse. She typically disliked dining out, and as the half-Symenestra continued on with her dietary request, her aversion only grew. "But please make sure there is no meat, just the broth."

The waitress stared at her blankly, clearly waiting for some sort of punch line or explanation that, frankly, Sissena withheld bitterly. If her custom was so painful or irritating, she would make damn sure that the server would say so honestly. Finally, the younger woman gave a solemn nod and added, "D'ya want any wine? Ale?"

No, she did not want any alcohol, but nevertheless she accepted the cold offer, Sometimes it was just easier to go along with the norm, even if Sissena ordering wine was comparable to a whore buying a chastity belt: pointless and bad for business.

She did not have to wait long for her forlorn waitress to return to her table, armed with a bowl of soup and a glass of red wine. After briefly sifting through the soup with her spoon in search of any solid pieces of food (three bits of carrots, a potato chunk and several pieces of stringy beef), Sissena began to eat. She did so quietly and politely, with manners that had clearly been well ingrained in her.
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[Rearing Stallion] Being Social is Good Right? (Sissena)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on November 11th, 2015, 12:22 pm


Ferrins sat upon his stool alone, thinking hard of his personal affairs. The young man had somehow ended up back in the present, by a sound of a wooden door opening and closing. He looked around the nearly empty room. And soon he noticed a particular face that looked new...

Ferrin maybe thought that he can give her a bright and welcoming introduction. He grabbed his glass of wine and began to start walking too the young lady. His sword belted to his side and all at least warning off all the dangerous customers within the complex to stay away from this man.

It didn't take long Ferrin managed to reach the table where the young lady was standing. "Aye Ferrin!" Ferrin turned around. The bartender seems to be busy with the preparations of the meal then.

"Will it hurt to talk to this lady?" After she looks more stunning and divine than as deceiving and uncharacteristically undesirable.

Ferrin neared the young lady while finishing his clear glass of red wine. Ferrin did not know why he took his glass with him, but maybe he wanted to drink something to keep him occupied.

Ferrin stood near the edge of the table as casually add be could. "Excuse me..." His words trailed off by the lost of thought. And now he regained his ability to speak as he found the missing words.

He cleared his throat, signifying that this introduction was a redo of course. "Hello, is anyone sitting here? You look a bit... Lonely?" Ferrin asked curiously.

He sat there wondering if this lady really wants to be alone? What did she she expect? Every or most of the taverns here in Syliras;is either busy or just starting to become busy. So one man or another might talk to her, send who would be better than Ferrin?

After all what could go wrong?

"Pavi" | "Common"

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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[Rearing Stallion] Being Social is Good Right? (Sissena)

Postby Micah Frostfawn on November 11th, 2015, 9:36 pm

Her immediate reaction was a wince, as if she had been kicked in the gut or a drink thrown over her face. But Sissena, ever the one to keep up appearances, managed to slap a smile on her lips that she hoped could be interpreted as bashful rather than a grimace. "No, please sit." As he did just that, Sissena cringed yet again. Maybe she had been too keen in her acceptance. He might not ever leave her alone now. She had heard stories of half-drunk men who spent their nights in a tavern talking the ear off complete strangers, offloading their inner most thoughts that should, in her poised opinion, be kept under mental lock and key.

But this young man did not seem drunk. In fact, he seemed almost... pleasant. His demeanour was friendly, his face welcoming. But still she kept her guards up and her attention wary. In fact, Sissena had even abandoned her soup since the young male had sat down. She had also heard equally distressing stories of drugs being slipped into drinks and food -- in fact, such cases were common in her line of work.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a raucous group of men who tumbled into the tavern, already clearly half-drunk. They laughed at and loudly jeered the people they walked past, and Sissena found herself quite relieved that the other chair at her table was now occupied.

"I'm Sissena, by the way." She proffered, extending her hand across the table to shake his. After her rather formal greeting, Sissena returned to the soup, spinning her spoon within the murky liquid in search of any questionable powder or pills. Her stomach rumbled with hunger, but paranoia and a career dealing with crime made Sissena abandon her food once and for all.

Instead, she focused on the painful task of making small talk with a stranger: a part of humanity that was far from Sissy's comfort zone. She considered how she socialised with her clients, in order to get them to trust her to tell them their stories and crimes. "So. What do you do for a living?"
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[Rearing Stallion] Being Social is Good Right? (Sissena)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on November 12th, 2015, 3:14 am


Ferrins facial expression showed a sort of surprised look. She agreed to Ferrins inquiry to let him sit across from her. The young hunter noticed that she didn't have a lot of beef bits within her bowl of soup.

Ferrin assumes that she might be dieting herself for some reason. She looks perfect now the way she is. Or maybe it is a stage of some sort? Humbly accepting to sit down. He thought for a few quick moments of what he will say.

"I'm Sissena by the way." The young lady said. Sissena now that is an even more stunning name that fits with this interesting and curious character. "Glad to meet you. I'm Ferrin." Ferrin smiled warmly.

One if the waitresses came with Ferrins' bowl of soup. And placed it carefully. Afterwards, she hurried off busy with taking orders. Sissena chose with calm words, "So. What do you do for a living?" Ferrin assumes that she might be somewhat comfortable around him.

Ferrin smiled heartily. "Well Sissena, It's nothing too confusing. I basically just go out and hunt for the city." Ferrin replied before taking a bite of his soup that with he scooped up using a spoon. A spoon crafted from steel by the hands of an excellent forger.

"What do you do Sissena? " Ferrin asked after wiping his face with a napkin and then putting it back on his lap.

OOCWhat I propose is that Sissena, you can post next. And then Gile you can post after. Then I'll post next and then it would be a cycle until the thread would feel as if it needs to be completed. Sorry for the length.

"Pavi" | "Common"

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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[Rearing Stallion] Being Social is Good Right? (Sissena)

Postby Micah Frostfawn on November 14th, 2015, 2:34 pm


Instinctively Sissena searched the name through the address book in her memory: an old habit from work. It was not unheard of for the same name to pop up every so often in certain circumstances: the same boy accused of pickpocketing, the same drunk who accosted young women and urinated in public. Thankfully, the name Ferrin did not accompany any unpleasant memories of criminals or thugs in her mind.

"I'm an attorney." She said with a shrug, hoping that her newfound companion would not ask more questions of her employment. There were two broadly common ways people reacted: they either begged for juicy details of some recent infamous crime (on which Sissena usually didn't work, but if she had, she would not share such information), or they demanded to know why the man who had robbed their distant relative had got away with it.

The latter cases were more difficult to deal with. Usually Sissena would smile tautly and give them some long-winded, jargon-filled answer that she might not even understand. But other times, in the instances of particularly brutal or grim crimes, all she could do was shrug gently and suggest that she had done what she was paid to do: to defend or prosecute as and when her services were necessary.

And so when Sissena asked, "do you come to this establishment frequently, Ferrin?" Her question was not out genuine interest, but rather a desire to quickly shift their conversation along.

Her honey-coloured eyed glanced to the wine glass that stood next to her bowl of soup. It was still untouched, and so carefully the half-breed slid the elegant glass towards the male. "And feel free to drink this, I no longer want it."
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[Rearing Stallion] Being Social is Good Right? (Sissena)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on November 15th, 2015, 3:41 pm


An attorney. Interesting occupation. Ferrin hasn't met people who work for the law in Syliras. Ferrin didn't really know what to ask of her. If he did it might seem like Interrogation, wouldn't it? Or maybe asking the questions would be just straight up annoyance.

With the expression revealed upon Sissenas' face. She looked a bit annoyed as Ferrin assumed. She then asked Ferrin, "do you come to this establishment frequently, Ferrin?" Come to think of it, Ferrin hasn't been here for too long. And it felt to him that he has had been coping well with this bustling and youthful city.

"Well, to be truthful with you. I have had just ventured to Syliras around mid summer." "How about you?" Ferrin took some nervous bites with his beef soup, one that reminded him slowly of, home.

Ferrin kept eating until Sissena passed down her cup of wine to Ferrin. "And feel free to drink this, I no longer want it." Ferrin surprised that she offered him a cup of wine, that looks well... Untouched, to put it this way. Or what it seems.

What's going on through that head of yours Sissena? Ferrin thought. She looks human, but something particular struck Ferrin in the eye, not literally obviously. Not only the facial expressions that she gives, but Ferrin took another glance at Sissena. Her appearance, isn't of... What's the way to place it? Perfect, natural, normal?

But anyways her features are not of the human culture. Her eyes tend to be yellow, almost near golden. Although she has a nice tan, her bones within her arms are noticeable. And Ferrin is just surprised that she basically offered him a free meal?

Isn't their a particular race that has a certain, natural dieting habit? Ferrin didn't want to get into a lot of detail. But he felt more comfortable if he didn't ask too much about her occupation. And her appearance knowing that ; girls and women seem to be offended easily or just seem to take it seriously when one asks or talks about their appearance. In a certain way where it might appear as offensive.

So Ferrin decides to push her appearance out if the situation, for now. Ferrin gregariously accepted the offer of her wine and her soup. But let's hope that he can manage to eat it all without having Ferrins' stomach burst. Ferrin hoped for the best though that she isn't trying to subduce him in any kind of way.

Hoping that it doesn't get too far either. After this glass of wine, Ferrin will go to water. Even though the wine has a savoury taste to it Ferrin feels its best to put aside the wine after this glass tonight.

"What do you usually tend to find yourself doing? " Ferrin asked with a warm smile looking up at the young Sissena. Gathering her attention now. Silently praying for the Gods that she isn't playing some kind of attorney trick on him.


"Pavi" | "Common"

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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[Rearing Stallion] Being Social is Good Right? (Sissena)

Postby Micah Frostfawn on November 16th, 2015, 9:42 pm

She almost groaned at his innocent question: what do you usually tend to find yourself doing?

This was exactly why she did not drink, or even frequent taverns: casual chitchat such as this set her teeth on edge and made her skin crawl. She couldn't help but wonder what exactly the male was expecting as an answer to this question: oh, I tend to slit the throats of my lovers and then eat their livers in a ritual dedicated to my aquatic Gods. When I'm not doing that, I'm trying to backflip so many times in a row that I turn myself literally inside out.Did anyone truly provide an actually interesting reply to this question? Probably not: Sissy wryly anticipated that there were a lot of fluffed egos and statements out there.

She couldn't help it; Sissy snorted at her own drawling sarcasm. If only her own life were that interesting. "I tend to work late," she said simply, shrugging her shoulders and leaving her answer as simple as that.

It took almost two or three chimes of silence for the attorney to realise that her companion was probably expecting his question to be returned to him. She suddenly wished that she did drink wine, to make this painful conversation pass quicker. "So... what do you do in your free time?" Beneath the table, her hands quirked and rubbed tensely, bracing herself for his answer.

It wasn't that she was uninterested in him. In fact, Sissena was beginning to wonder that, if this male could put up with her briskness, he might make it to being classified as one of those near-extinct beings that she described as found acquaintances. He was inoffensive, almost painfully enthusiasm for conversation, but... nobody was perfect.

No, it wasn't the act of becoming familiar or close to another person that she disliked. More it was the mode of it all: that painful swapping of dull information over a table or bar. It was really none of her concern, or her interest, if a conversational partner enjoyed poetry or dancing, not until the point where they invited her to join them and she could escape from the horrors of the spoken word or tapping feet.

She shuddered. Perhaps there was something to be said about learning about the people one might later socialise with after all. If only people carried around with them notes of their passions or hobbies: life would be certainly more efficient.
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[Rearing Stallion] Being Social is Good Right? (Sissena)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on November 17th, 2015, 4:04 pm


Ferrin wasn't sure if this session of socialization isn't going so well, overtime talking to Sisena; his soups had ended up cold and unsavory now. A simple answer replied from the young looking female. I just work late. She told him.

"Well that isn't quite as intriguing as I thought." Ferrin thought to himself. It's hard to distinguish from this girls' appearance to her personality, although she is a kind being and all. Ferrin feels that Sissena could be forcing herself to chat with him. Was she sociable while she was younger, Ferrin wondered.

Ferrin doesn't intend to make judgments, but the way Sissena acts around him; it seems to Ferrin that she wills herself to come up with the courage to chat with Ferrin. Is Ferrin a bad person to talk too or is it that talking to Sissena was a bad decision. Ferrin expressed an expression of confusion and deep thought as if he is taking some sort of riddle quiz.

Then he remembered the question that Sissena asked of him. So... what do you do in your free time? This was her inquiry. Such a question reflected off of Ferrins'. Well Ferrin doesn't do much, besides training and hunting. "Well, I usually train in weapons; some days I go out hunting. "

Ferrin wondered how long this attorney has been in Syliras. Maybe she has lived here her whole life? Or maybe she is just on a case. "Do you live here, in Syliras Sissena?" Ferrin asked curiously. Added with a warm smile slowly finishing the glass of red wine that Sissena had handed to him.

Too bad that the soup turned cold, Ferrin enjoyed it.Maybe it wasn't fit for weather like this. He was pondering whether or not if he shall purchase another bowl, but he needs the money saved to rent a home; living in the Heralds Arms for a season is good enough for Ferrin. He doesn't work there, gladly, otherwise he would probably never get any sleep.

He thought about home; the memories taunt him making him feel guilt and displeasure for leaving his family when in a time where they needed him most. It was a risk that Ferrin wanted to take. And there is no turning back now; unless Ferrin would really want to ride all of those miles back hime?

OOCOn second hand Sissena, Gile backed out so we can post at normal speed. Just a heads up.

"Pavi" | "Common"

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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