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Akasja seeks out Naiya for help in acquiring winter gear

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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Seeking Warmth [Naiya]

Postby Akasja on December 16th, 2015, 11:53 pm


2nd of Winter, 515 AV

Tightening the wolf cloak about her shoulders and neck, Akasja readied herself to leave her tent. Upon arriving at the winter grounds with the rest of Endrykas, Akasja had again set up her space near the River Flower. This time she had made extra precautions to weatherproof her shelter. It had taken the full first day to complete the majority of these tasks, but Akasja was satisfied with her work. There were no drafts in her home, other than when she opened the tent door...

Akasja steeled herself as she tucked her coin purse away. She made one last mental run-through of the supplies she would be purchasing; more than anything, Akasja required warm clothing immediately. Her boots were still in good condition, but they could not handle the snow they now faced. Her legs were, as of late, chilled and rosy from the elements, as the cloth that comprised her trousers and skirt was certainly not meant for weather like this. And she would not forget to buy gloves, those she could wear while working or hunting. If it were not for the wolf pelt that she had brought with her from Eyktol, Akasja imagined that she would have been food for scavengers long ago.

Slipping out into the day, Akasja was relieved that the warmth from her tent had stuck with her. Beneath the golden wolf pelt, Akasja felt completely undisturbed by the cold air, at least for the time being. The snow continued to fall, but there was beauty to it. It made the world so quiet, and there was not too much wind to force her body into shivers. Akasja marched unsteadily through the campgrounds, snow sticking to the bottoms of her boots. Still, she took the time to greet any familiar Drykas as she went. She grew more and more familiar with them, and their languages, as the days passed. It was mightily relieving.

Only a few chimes went by before Akasja reached the Dawnwhisper Camp. Here she sought to meet with Naiya, the talented and well-known young seamstress. Pausing outside their home, Akasja wondered if Shahar would be around. She had not spoken with him in a long time, and their initial meeting had been less than glamorous. Regardless, he had guided her unscathed to Endrykas, as promised. He was a man of his word -what few of them he spoke.
"Naiya," Akasja called gently in Common. "Are you here?"
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Seeking Warmth [Naiya]

Postby Naiya on December 17th, 2015, 4:25 am

Naiya crept through the grass, body low, close to the ground where she would be harder to spot. She slid her foot forward, only just above the ground, shifting her weight from her back leg to the front, ready to freeze at the softest sigh of grass, the first creaking of dry wood, the crunch of snow beneath her toe. Forward she went, slow, patient.

There. She found her prey, the spotted hide appearing through the swaying grass. She pulled her foot in, shifting slowly so that she was prepared to pounce. She dropped her weight back, lifting her hands in preparation to grab hold of her quarry.

A sound nearly worthy of the title 'roar' sprang from her lips ans she lept forward, putting all her strength into the pounce that directed her at her prey. She barreled through the air, only barely remembering to keep her arms directed at the spotted hide that was her target.

Her battle cry had startled the creature, freezing her in place for a moment, but not quite long enough, so when Naiya landed with a heavy thud it was with hindquarters in her grasp rather than shoulders.

Banti yowled dramatically, flopping on her side to better bat at her assailant with heavy paws. A shout of triumph escaped Naiya's lips, undeterred by the heavy but otherwise harmless blows of her prey.

She crawled, careful of where her hands landed, where her face was, she did not want to be hurt by a stray paw or harm the feline more than she already was. The cat at hand, Naiya hunched her shoulders to protect her head as she examined the feline's front legs and chest, she had gotten tangled in the rope of one of the tents and when Naiya found fur and blood on the rope later, she knew she needed to check the creature said traces belonged to.

Banti chewed on Naiya's arm, her teeth sharp, and uncomfortable, but more an insistence that she disliked what Naiya was doing than an attempt to hurt her. She ignored the teeth, the one free paw that still batted at her body. She examined the path of the rope, twined around the paw in her hand, the rough material having torn the skin, but not done too much damage otherwise.

She plucked through fur, seeking any wound that looked like it needed attention. One of the lines was muddy, and Naiya wrestled a wet rag from the edge of her boot where she had stashed it after her first attempt to examine the cat had been thwarted. She used the cloth, icy cold now despite it's initially hot water, and washed away the mud, gently plucking the big chunks out before smoothing the rest away with her cloth.

Another soulful yowl left the hunting cat's lips, an impressive feat considering Naiya could still feel teeth on her arm. She plucked a bug from the cat's fur, smashing it between her fingers before removing her weight from the struggling cat.

Banti jumped to her feet with a huff, darting away from Naiya's soothing hand. Before the woman could go on to apologize to the cat, Banti lifted her lips in earnest, hissing a warning at something that had Naiya spinning on a heel and ducking back into the cover of the grass.

"Naiya," an unfamiliar voice called in the language that was not Pavi, "Are you here?"

A woman, black eyed and wrapped in the fur of a wolf. It was not unlike the wolf Naiya wore over her blue cloak, the vest she had sewn from the pelt adding extra warmth to her winter gear.

Unsure greeting shaped her form as she rose from the grass, wondering what had brought the woman to her home. "Hello" Naiya's common was growing more comfortable with use, and she found she had more and more reason to use it, especially with Seirei, helping the woman to learn pavi, to understand the signing that was so important. Interest, curious, inquiry "I am Naiya, can I help you with something?"

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Seeking Warmth [Naiya]

Postby Akasja on December 18th, 2015, 1:20 am


After Akasja called out, the thought struck her that perhaps she should feel around for any movement in the air. Just as she allowed herself to focus and lightly extend her fingers forward, she felt a sharp movement ahead, although it was vague and almost out of the reach of her sensors. Akasja furrowed her brow and looked slightly past the Dawnwhisper pavilion and among the tall, snowy grasses.

There, a woman with bright-red hair stood slowly to her full height. There was something in the grasses near her, something Akasja could not fully see, though it seemed to be a fairly large animal. The Drykas woman did not appear at all worried about its presence. Instead, she greeted Akasja in Common, which put the Chaktawe woman at ease.
"I am Naya, can I help you with something?" she inquired.
Without skipping a beat, Akasja found herself signing a message of Greetings, want help. These were some of the most commonly used signs that she needed daily at the River Flower. By now, these terms came easily to her.

Akasja began to walk towards Naiya, her expression pleasant, but her senses still on alert. She was not sure what the animal beside the Drykas woman would do at her approach, so she made sure to move carefully and steadily.
"I am Akasja," she explained. "I work with Pearl Blackwater at the River Flower."
After moving forward a couple yards, Akasja stopped in her tracks. She did not want to seem overbearing or pushy on Naiya's property.
"I live here since one year," Akasja continued, keeping her voice gentle and posture casual."Your husband Shahar bring me here, to Endrykas." She freed her hands from the fur cloak again, then added, "He is a good man. I hope he is well." Many thanks, gratitude.

Akasja paused, gauging Naiya's reaction to her words thus far. She felt like she had given a lot of information at once, and perhaps Naiya needed a moment to process it. Yet Akasja felt the chill of the ground seeping mercilessly through the soles of her boots. She needed to discuss what she had come for.
"It is too cold for me now. I hear you make excellent clothing. I need many things for winter."

Reaching under her fur cloak, Akasja felt around for the leather coin purse and untied it from her hip. The weight of the cold metal felt almost heavy in her outstretched palm.
"I pay you what you need," Akasja said, then lowered the purse to her side.
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Seeking Warmth [Naiya]

Postby Naiya on December 18th, 2015, 4:35 pm

Greetings, the returning of the sign was nearly unconscious, but it did make her slightly more comfortable, the woman had at least some understanding of Pavi, which meant she'd been around a while. The woman approached, shouting across the grass was never a good idea, but Banti quickly hunched, a quiet hiss the welcome she offered the stranger. Naiya held out a hand steady she told the feline, not a command to stop, but to stay in readiness without further action. She trusted her companion to watch and listen, and she would act if the situation changed. Her initial dislike of people, however, was something she had to frequently remind the cat not to act on.

The next words she spoke further soothed Naiya, likely her intention, but a relief all the same. She was a doctor, or perhaps something akin to one as Amunet was.

"I live here since one year," Akasja continued, bringing further information to light, with a tone clearly meant to be soothing, careful, "Your husband Shahar bring me here, to Endrykas. He is a good man. I hope he is well." Naiya looked out across the sea, in the direction said husband had left to not so long ago.

"He is well." Naiya assured both the other woman and herself. The pause in their speech allowing Naiya to look more closely at the other, her clothing was thin beneath the pelt she wore, light materials, suited for the summer. Before Naiya could comment further the woman shifted, speaking once more.

"It is too cold for me now. I hear you make excellent clothing. I need many things for winter." She shuffled beneath her cloak, pulling a leather purse from her side, "I pay what you need."

Naiya nodded, understanding the request. She was not so unsure any longer, the woman had said all the right things, she knew Pearl, the Watchman's wife, she knew Naiya's own husband.

Tentative welcome shaped Naiya's shoulders, talk of cold reminding her that she too was chilled, more because she was damp from her washrag and rolling in the snow with Banti, who seemed to have forgotten her upset with Naiya in light of the stranger's arrival.

"Come, we'll seek the warmth of the pavilion," She bid Akasja follow, less wary than she had been before. She strode past the outer fire, dropping the rag in the bowl of what was surely now cold water. Normally this was where she would have settled company, but with a pavilion true now, she was less put-off by welcoming a stranger in. The small fire of the first chamber was meant just for such things, guests, and business.

Banti slunk along behind them, still unsure of the stranger, she watched her mistress's, taking her cue from Naiya's body language, but refusing to do so in a polite manner. There would be no mistaking the cat's distaste for the situation.

The interior of the pavilion provided immediate relief, the fire burning merrily within the tight confines of its stone enclosure. There was a rug on the ground, the only place to sit for the moment as Naiya had yet to make or buy cushions. It, at least, was thick, part of the wedding gift from her family. Despite the sparse decoration, there was no apology in Naiya's posture, she felt no shame for the slow growth of the pavilion.

She waited until the woman was settled, hanging a kettle of water, fireweed, and mint above the flames to warm, before seating herself a reasonable distance from the woman.

"You need winter clothing? What.." She searched for the word, "What items do you need?"

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Seeking Warmth [Naiya]

Postby Akasja on December 18th, 2015, 6:50 pm


Every one of Naiya's reactions put Akasja more at ease. After signing Greetings in response, Naiya had kept what now was clearly her animal at bay- Akasja was finally able to see, and hear, the feline in full. She was quite large, almost like the wild cats Akasja had seen in the Eyktolian deserts, or those sprawled at the feet of wealthy Eypharians. Akasja was respectful and wary of the cat, knowing both the damage they could cause and the strength of one's bond to their animals.
It also was good to hear that Shahar was well. Although Akasja barely knew him, he had been vital to her arrival in Endrykas. A woman married to him would probably be someone just as reliable and just as curious as he.

At Naiya's invitation, Akasja signed her thanks and slowly followed after. She felt that her use of Pavi with the woman came across as comforting instead of insulting, and hoped she would be able to use it enough to assure Naiya that she was indeed trying to bridge the language gap. The pavilion they entered was large, quiet, and warm. It was more than welcoming, and so relieving to be in after trudging around in the snow. Still, Akasja was well aware of the large cat following behind them. She appreciated Naiya's control of her animal. It was quite impressive, though a small part of Akasja's thoughts feared the cat's own instincts taking over without warning.

Akasja sat down gratefully upon the thick rug. She admired the glow of the fire dancing on the stone walls of the pavilion. It reminded her of the Gathering nights in Eyktol filled with dancing, food, and storytelling. As Naiya prepared a pot of water above the flames, Akasja began to press her hands on the sides of her boots, pushing warmth into her feet as best she could. The fire took care of the rest. After a while, Naiya sat down nearby.
"You need winter clothing? What...what items do you need?"

Akasja nodded in agreement, then looked down at her lap. The Common words would have to come to her now.
"Boots," she began slowly, touching her feet. "Warm pants and warm shirt. And please, some gl...gloves? I need with my hands, outside."

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Seeking Warmth [Naiya]

Postby Naiya on January 8th, 2016, 9:43 pm

Regret shaped her hands, "I can't tool leather into boots." Great apology, "But I can do the rest, and socks to keep your feet warm until you find boots."

Akasja was cold, that was fairly clear, and Naiya became even more grateful for the pavilion that was now her own. It hadn't yet been properly weather proofed, but it was better than a small tent, and the fire was quickly warming the open space.

She checked the water, looking for steam, but it hadn't warmed enough yet. She moved the kettle deeper into the fire, hoping to speed the process with hotter embers.

"I have wool, but common, better between or over other cloth." She explained, trying to plan the best way to approach the woman't request. "Perhaps a wool lined shirt? Fine wool pants to wear, the fine wool is more, but it will be more comfortable, warmer." The extra layers in the shirt would keep her core warmed, the fine wool would be warm and not itch. She could use the scrap wool from the pants to make socks, perhaps gloves too.

She took a moment to consider what she had and what she would need to buy, to replace her stores. The fine wool would cost three gold, the shirt would use perhaps two yards of linen, one of wool. That was perhaps ten and five silver. Four gold and five silver for material, unless-

"For the gloves, would you like wool, leather, or both? Wool is warmer, but the leather will help you grasp things." The leather would be perhaps five silver more. Five gold total, and the time to do the work.

She waited for the woman's preference, then offered her the price, tacking on a single gold miza for the work involved.

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Seeking Warmth [Naiya]

Postby Akasja on January 11th, 2016, 2:35 am


Akasja recognized Naiya's signs of apology. What the woman proposed next was still an excellent deal; she was willing to make Akasja clothing even though she couldn't make the boots. Well, that was fine. Akasja was still grateful. As Naiya adjusted the kettle, attempting to make it boil faster, Akasja felt a spark of warmth inside of her. This woman was kind.
"Yes," Akasja replied, "I would like the...socks...and pants and shirt out of...wool." Much appreciation. Many thanks. She would gladly pay what Naiya asked for that. As for the issue of the boots, Akasja decided she would head to the market after her meeting with Naiya and see what she could buy there. She would not go another day without them.

The gloves were equally important. Naiya offered Akasja a choice of material, and the answer came easily to the Chaktawe.
"Leather, please," Akasja answered. "I need warm, but I also need to hold my things, my weapons. And leather help my hands when I work with my horse."

Naiya listened, then offered her price of five gold, plus one gold for her labor. Six gold total was a very fair price.
Akasja again signed her appreciation. "You help me very much. Your price is good." She paused in thought, then looked carefully at Naiya's face. The Drykas woman had been nothing but kind and generous. Akasja was not using her money for anything besides herself and her horse, and if it would help this woman and her family, she would give Naiya more than she had asked. "I pay you ten gold. Six not enough. You help me very much."
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Seeking Warmth [Naiya]

Postby Naiya on February 20th, 2016, 7:24 pm

"If you insist." Naiya acquiesced, her reluctance to charge the woman tempered by the understanding of the harsh season to come and her own families need.

With a businesslike nod, Naiya rose, "Please wait here, the fire is warm and you still look cold." Apology, desire to be of more help, "I need my..." She searched for the word in common but came up blank. "Tool for finding size", measuring tape.

She ducked back out into the brisk air, moving quickly to the wagon and digging out her sewing kit. She brought the whole thing with her, hoping to make less trips out into the cold. When she returned, she found Banti had been creeping closer to the woman, attempting to make friends afterall.

"May I measure you, to make sure the clothes will fit?" She inquired holding out the measuring tape and her hands to reinforce her harmlessness.

She waited for the woman's assent, then began to measure, careful to tell her each change before she made it. First the length of her hands, then her wrist, the length of her arms, how big around they were. The size of her shoulders, torso, waist, hips. The list continued, as Naiya was careful to make sure that her clothing would be just right.

She was quick, but the process took time, enough that the kettle began to cry its warning. With a smile Naiya finished taking measurements, careful note them down in her book.

"The tea is done, if you have time to linger for a cup?" She offered turning to the fire to remove the kettle and the lid to quiet the shrilling noise.
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Seeking Warmth [Naiya]

Postby Akasja on February 22nd, 2016, 1:18 am


Akasja was pleased to have Naiya accept her payment. She reached into her satchel and removed ten gold Miza, handing them to Naiya with a grateful nod. She was pleased with this transaction, and trusted the Drykas would do quite well with her clothing.

As Naiya stepped away to find her measuring tool, Akasja waited as instructed, happy to do so. Although Naiya had left the room, her hunting cat had not. It stared at Akasja with interest, then began to take a few steps toward her in a slow, calculated manner. Akasja watched the cat closely, noting that its body language was not one of aggression. It didn't look to be hunting her, either, but was merely interested in who Akasja was. The cat's ears were pricked forward, its nose and tail twitching in curiosity. Still, Akasja knew to remain calm and relatively unmoving. She clicked her tongue gently at the cat, letting it know she was interested, too.

Upon Naiya's return, Akasja was eager to be measured.
"Please," Akasja agreed, upon Naiya's request. She stood as asked, waiting for Naiya to gather all the information she needed. As Naiya's tasks neared completion, the kettle began to screech. Akasja felt a shiver run through her. Tea would be perfect.
"Yes, I stay," Akasja said softly. And why not? The home was warm and the company was much appreciated. "You need me"

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Seeking Warmth [Naiya]

Postby Naiya on April 26th, 2016, 2:56 pm

Naiya was grateful for the woman's offer, but she thought it best to let her sit beside the fire where she could warm, she was clearly not yet comfortable. “Thank you, I am nearly done anyway.” She told her, pouring the hot liquid into two large ceramic mugs.

She had only a very little sugar, but plenty of milk, so she ducked quickly into the kitchen to fetch the items. She placed them before the woman, invitation in the shape of her shoulders as she settled herself beside the fire as well.

My cat, her name is Banti. She is never happy when strangers come, but she warms up quickly.” She toke the time to explain as the cat worked closer to the woman, finally seeking attention. If Akasja let the feline in close to sniff at her hair and clothing, she would settle beside the woman happy to be bathed in attention.

Naiya waited until the woman was done fixing her own tea before she added a splash of milk to her own. The spice of the fireweed would be complimented by the creaminess of the milk. She let the mug warm her hands, considering how she would best make the clothing for the woman across from her.

I have to go to the market to get some cloth before I can complete your clothing, I think if I go in today I can have them ready for you by this time tomorrow. Do you want to borrow something warmer to wear until then? I think I have a spare tunic and some thick socks.” Her offer was made with thoughts of Pearl in mind, it would serve both herself and Pearl well if Akasja spoke well of them after the exchange, and Naiya always was looking to expand her connections to the people of the city. Having friends among the Drykas was important, and if this woman became her friend, all the better.

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