We Dream In Color But Live In Black And White (Liminal)

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

We Dream In Color But Live In Black And White (Liminal)

Postby Liminal on September 29th, 2010, 6:40 pm

Trelissa nodded soberly to Kavala. "If you wish to know him, then you will." Then the girl tilted her head, almost as if she was listening to something that Kavala couldn't hear.

"There is a time set aside for you," she said. "After the others leave, you'll be able to see more than I can show you right now. Can you do this?"

She waited for Kavala's answer, and then, whatever it was, the whole world dissolved around the Konti. Everything was lost amid a blinding flash of color...


Kavala's eyes fluttered open. She was lying on the ground, precisely where she had been before entering the Chavena. Her friends were around her, and Trelissa was beside her. The strange girl squeezed her hand once before releasing it.

"Is there another who wishes to see?" Trelissa asked quietly.
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We Dream In Color But Live In Black And White (Liminal)

Postby Kavala on October 23rd, 2010, 9:52 pm

ImageKavala knew there was a lot to take in - a great deal to think about. She needed time, for certain, to digest what she'd just witnessed and the concepts Trelissa had just introduced her too. The konti knew there was more to the world than simply just what met her eye. However, she had no warning that there was so much more and that everyone's past present and indeed future could be stored for all to see. It made her shutter slightly, for the past was something Kavala often tried to put behind her.

Regardless, she nodded. Always hungry for knowledge, she wanted to know more. She wanted to see the 'more' that Trelissa promised. Konti were long-lived and patient creatures for the most part though, so it was no hardship for Kavala to wait, nodding slightly, and allow for more time before asking her questions.

She had so many questions. Did animals have Chavi? Were these all the people that had ever lived? All of them? What about the Gods? Did they have their own?

But the questions were swallowed whole by the light. It flared, consuming everything, and even as her eyes clamped shut and fluttered open, she knew she was somehow back on the beach... somehow free of the inner world she longed to see more of. Kavala rolled, sat up, and blinked looking startled. She quickly glanced around, counting heads, and relaxed to see everyone was fine... still here. And not near the time had passed that she suspected had.

It was a hard transition, from past to present to future and then back to now. It left Kavala's mind a little dazed as she struggled to catch up and stabilize her thoughts.

NoteI went ahead and posted again because I'm not sure anyone else is going to post.

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  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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We Dream In Color But Live In Black And White (Liminal)

Postby Hatot on October 26th, 2010, 12:00 am

Hatot gazed over Kavala and Trelissa as they remained motionless for what seemed the longest time. He was content that he didn’t see Kavala’s expression chance to one of discomfort, pain or fear. He had watched her sleep several times, and knew the emotional ranges she had while in her dreaming state. The expressions she made now was one of simple content, her eyes shifting around rapidly underneath her shut lids, her breathing suggesting a sense of excitement.

Finally a exhaled breath of relief was soon released as Kavala began to stir, just before Trelissa’s question echoed into his ears. “If you would still allow, I would see what it is you showed Kavala.” Hatot said as he gave a slow bow of his head to Trelissa. “I can not say that I will understand what it is you have to show me, but I will say that I will make the attempt.”

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We Dream In Color But Live In Black And White (Liminal)

Postby Liminal on November 8th, 2010, 11:08 pm

Trelissa looked over to Kavala, but seemed to be satisfied that there was no need to say anything else at the moment.

Turning to Hatot, she said, "Then we begin," and reached out to touch his hand. Kavala would see the other side of her previous experience, as Hatot seemed immediately to fall asleep, as if he had been that way for hours.


"As I told Kavala, this is the Chavena."

The reeling display that greeted Hatot's eyes was as unfamiliar as could possibly be. Though he was obviously standing on something, its nature was unclear. Nothing, in fact, was clear -- there was only a dizzying array of shifting lights, which seemed to be specifically designed to induce a miserable case of vertigo.

"Each person who ever has lived has a Chavi...one of these strands. It holds every piece of information, every experience, every memory that any person has ever experienced, in all of their incarnations. I will show you."

The young woman reached out as if to grasp a series of linked blue circles. Then everything began spinning even faster, and Hatot would experience a brief feeling of nausea...


They were standing in what appeared to be a temple, on a polished granite floor. Moonlight flooded in through a series of high, circular windows; this was the only source of light. The architecture was spartan, and the building was empty.

Or rather, it was almost empty. There was a woman seated crosslegged on the floor in the center of the room; although her back was to Hatot, she was recognizable as Trelissa -- though, as Trelissa herself still stood beside Hatot, it wasn't the "real" version of her.

"There's a task for you, Priestess."

The voice seemed to come from everywhere, or nowhere. It wasn't loud, but it was...powerful. The hairs on the back of Hatot's neck would stand up automatically. The seated Trelissa, however, seemed not to be startled.

"How may I serve?"

The voice came again. "You are to visit a group of people in Riverfall. They are of interest to me. You will approach them, state your purpose, and invite them to visit the Chavena with you. You are capable of doing so?" It was phrased as a question, but it was the sort of question that admitted of only one answer.

"Yes, I am."

Trelissa's answer came quickly, but her voice trembled audibly. When the disembodied speaker answered her again, it was more tenderly.

"You are afraid."

Trelissa bit her lip. "It's my first time. And I'm a Guardian, not a Speaker. There are no songs for me to sing or play, nothing for me to protect. It's different."

The voice filled the room with warmth. "Remember, this is your family. You will be watched and guided. You will not fall, priestess."

Trelissa rose. "All right then." She sounded more sure now. "What should I know about these people?"


Everything shimmered again, and when Hatot could see clearly again, he was standing with Trelissa in a white room that was perfectly empty.

"It's not exactly what I showed Kavala, but it's perhaps more helpful to you," Trelissa said quietly. "That's my chavi, right before I came to visit you."

She seemed a bit uncertain what to say next, but she paused to give Hatot space to say or ask anything that he might wish.
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We Dream In Color But Live In Black And White (Liminal)

Postby Kavala on December 13th, 2010, 8:15 am

ImageKavala watched quietly carefully overseeing the two prone forms. She almost took a guardian position watching the sound asleep forms to the exclusion of the everyone else around the fire. Others could have chosen to take the walk with Trelissa, but no one had stepped forward other than Kavala and Hatot. The Konti wondered why exactly that was. It was fascinating to have someone show you a whole new world, one that was all around you, yet one you could never see.

The Chavena. Kavala was excited about it. She wasn't fully aware of what it meant, having something that gave form and name and housed the recorded lives of everyone who ever lived and would live.

In a way it reassured Kavala that there was more to live than death. It was also scary to think that someone could find her Chavi hundreds of years from now and know everything about her life if they looked deep enough.

Yes. It was a lot to take in, so Kavala sat quietly, guarded her thoughts, and friends, while she absorbed a whole new reality.

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  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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We Dream In Color But Live In Black And White (Liminal)

Postby Hatot on December 18th, 2010, 10:54 pm

Hatot stared slowly lowered himself into a crouch, feeling slightly disoriented by the waves of colors and sights that flooded his visions. His vision told him there was nothing but light and emptiness surrounding him, yet his sense of touch told him he was standing on solid ground. He fought the urge of nausea, but at the same time it almost felt as though he himself had nothing to expel, like his own body itself wasn’t comprised of solid mass either. He had been hit with so many different and conflicting stimulations at once and so suddenly that it became overwhelming even for him.

The sound of Trelissa’s voice was the thing that snapped his focus back as a frown crossed his features, listening to her explanation. “Sounds a little invasive.” Hatot said as he forced himself into a stand again. “Looking into the past, being able to observe every detail of anyone who is alive or ever lived. Garnering such information would be temping, almost intoxicating to some.”

As Hatot slowly stood up, he felt a heavy hand fall along his shoulder. Turning to look to the source, he was suddenly greeted with a large, heavy blue fist that caused his body spin half way around before dropping to a knee. “Holy hell, that felt real, as though I were in control of our body.” Radris suddenly said as he looked down to his fist, rubbing his knuckles a little with his free hand. “This place is a little surreal.”

“Radris!” Hatot said standing sharply standing up as he thrust his fingers into Radris’ sternum, causing him to wince as he stumbled back. “What the hell?”

Radris started chuckling as he rubbed his stomach for a long moment. “Don’t get your under garments into a twist.” Radris said as he stepped up beside Hatot, looking around. The dark brother’s gaze then fell to Trelissa for a moment. “So, anything good showing?”

Trelissa then reached up, manipulating little blue circles. Both Hatot and Radris then felt a slight tinge of nausea hit them again as their sight was onslaught with a rapid blur of spinning colors. “Ugh, if I throw up in here, does it affect anything?” Radris then punned as he folded his arms in front of him.

The scene then began to play out before their eyes, as Hatot and Radris watched in silences, both of them observing with blank expressions on their face. Soon it all ended and they were back to visions of where they first started. Hatot slowly dropped his gaze to Trelissa as she began to explain the scene that had just played out. “It explains that your origins for coming to us is true.” Hatot then said, giving a slow nod before he looked around again.

“But why is this God so interested in us though?” Radris then inquired, looking to Trelissa. “I mean, I know we’re all pretty except for Hatot, but what makes us special?”

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We Dream In Color But Live In Black And White (Liminal)

Postby Liminal on January 19th, 2011, 12:03 pm

If Hatot's double self was in any way unexpected to Trelissa, she didn't show it. And it wasn't until they were in the white room that she answered any of the comments or questions directed toward her.

"Looking into the Chavena is a great power," she said simply. "Some are not disciplined enough to use it. And all who can are feared by those who cannot."

She brushed pink hair away from her eyes. "I don't know why Nysel is interested in you, of a truth. He...he doesn't share all his reasons with me. He said come, and I came."

There was nothing in her face or posture to indicate that she was doing anything other than telling the simple truth. She shrugged softly. "We should go back."

Then the room and everything in it seemed to disintegrate. There were daggers of color, and an odd rushing sound...


Slowly, Hatot's eyes opened. Everything was as it had been before. Trelissa looked carefully at the Akalak, and then over to Kavala.

"You have seen." She paused, and then said it again more forcefully.

"You have seen."
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We Dream In Color But Live In Black And White (Liminal)

Postby Kavala on February 1st, 2011, 7:01 pm

ImageKavala waited quietly while the pair was still prone. There was not much for her to do other than guard them from the sea and any possible intrusion. So Kavala kept her eyes vigilant and scanned both the sea and the beach, keeping watch while her friends were away in the Chavena. Kavala had new words, new know ledges, and it gave her a lot to think of. She hungered for more exposure, more contact with that place deep inside and wondered if she could find it on her own.

She doubted it, no matter how hard she desired to see more of the chavi.

All she could do was wait and watch, hopeful that both Hatot and Radris would come back unscathed and that their new friend, Trelissa, would tell them more about why she was here. Kavala waited a long time, so long perhaps that their other friends eventually got up and wandered off. But she wasn't about to abandon her vigil. She kept watching, hoping, waiting... until finally Hatot sat up along with his guide.

"I have seen." The Konti agreed, then stated quietly. "I want to see more.. do more... be more in that world. Is it possible?" She asked.

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  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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We Dream In Color But Live In Black And White (Liminal)

Postby Hatot on February 3rd, 2011, 1:42 am

Hatot blinked, his eyes seeing the real world once again as the flame of the campfire danced in front of his vision. It started as a blurred vision into clear vision as if he had been waking from a dream. So much he had seen in such a short time. It had all been so surreal for a dream, so much so that Hatot felt an ache in his jaw.

He looked over to Kavala first, a certain weariness in his gaze. It was as if he had been trying to determine whether or not he was still dreaming, or awake. When Trelissa stated what had been accomplished, and Kavala soon expressed her desire to see more, Hatot blinked for the first time, reaching up to rub his eyes a little. A slow breath was taken, as Hatot dragged his hand down along his face.

Soon, his gaze fell upon Trelissa. “It is true, a door has been opened for us.” Hatot then said, adding his desire to see more with Kavala’s. “Once opened, many I imagine, wish to step inside.”

“You stated the God of Dreams did not reveal why he sent you to us aside from the fact that he was interested in us.” Hatot then continued, folding his legs as he sat in a more relaxed posture. “But the question of our dreams, the reveling of the dream world to us and what it can do? It is a test, is it not? A test of our character.”

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We Dream In Color But Live In Black And White (Liminal)

Postby Liminal on February 8th, 2011, 5:48 pm

Trelissa's gaze shifted from Kavala to Hatot and back again. A small puff of wind blew her hair down over one eye.

"More things are possible than...than most people know," Trelissa said quietly. "And I know that Nysel does nothing for those who would follow him without testing them. Beyond that...well, I'm the Guardian. I'm not the Wayfinder, or the Guide, and I don't know much about the other tests people go through. I think they're individual though, for each person."

She reached out her hands to Kavala and Hatot. "It's time," she said, grasping their fingers with her own...


They were in the whirling, multicolored void again, its dizzying vastness folding around them. This time, however, Trelissa didn't pause. She reached out and touched a shape like a thousand interlocking diamonds, and momentarily, everything went black again...


They were standing in front of a building that almost defied description. It seemed to be composed entirely of light, a kaliedescope of colors that changed from moment to moment. It was as if someone had taken the entire Chavena and built a temple out of it. It emanated a strange combination of etheriality and power.

The ground on which Kavala and Hatot stood was a field covered in grass. It extended in all directions as far as the eye could see, with not so much as a shrub to break up the landscape. The effect was surreal, even for one who had spent time in the Sea of Grass.

There was a gate to the building, which stood open, though it was impossible to tell what lay beyond. Trelissa stood in front of it, pink hair now pushed behind her back, her odd instrument held in both hands.

"Now this one, this is a test I understand," she said, seemingly to herself.

Then she fixed her companions with a stare that bore little trace of her previous softness. "What you want...what you're looking for is in there," she said, indicating the gate with a brief nod of her head. "But I can't let you go through. I'm the Guardian, and this is my task."

It was an oddly incongruous statement, given that Trelissa was the one who had brought them here. But she seemed determined, and there was no indication that this was some sort of joke.
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