60 Fall 522
Heading down from the kitchen, Moritz made his way out of the Drunken Fish. One of the slaves Father Manowar had come to tell Moritz said proprietor wanted him, and so he was now heading outside to meet him. He was unsure what he wanted, but so far from having met him the man seemed nice enough and good... At least by Sunberthian standards. Since Moritz both lived and worked at the Drunken Fish the man made sure to look out for Moritz, though admittedly he did make sure to work the Kelvic hard and get his moneys worth.
Once he was outside he found Manowar talking to a man who was hauling a deceased deer body along across his shoulders. "A, Moritz, there you are. If your going to be cooking here, you need to meet this fellow here. You'll be taking his deliveries sometimes to. Only way to get food around here that is decent is to have a source, and to buy in bulk. So I tend to buy a whole animal from this fellow who hunts outside the city. Why don't you check it over, inspect the wares, since you'll need to learn to do that as well."
Moritz nodded, stepping closer and inspecting the dead animal. Using his hands he looked it over and moved it around to get a good view, and to try and take in the details that were of import. The first thing he noticed were the wounds, one in the side where a arrow had hit, and another wound in the head were clearly another arrow or something had struck and likely killed the beast... He could also see its neck was slit, but he supposed that was to drain the blood. Lifting it up a bit he could see the man had lightened his load by draining all of the blood before coming into the city, which explained that wound...
Looking now at the deer as a whole he tried to focus on more specific details. It seemed to be a buck, based on the horns, though one was missing partially... Also while it was a sizeable buck he would not exactly call it heavy... It was not scrawny, not skin and bones, but he had certainly seen more filled out ones.
"Seems decent enough. Not too cut up. Bit on a skinny size for a buck though... Otherwise seems healthy enough."
Father Manowar nodded along in response, eying the man. "My thoughts exactly. Can't be expecting full pay for a light buck now can we?"
With that said Father Manowar and the hunter traded words back and force, before in the end some coins were exchanged and a gesture was made to Moritz. "Go ahead and bring it up to the kitchen Moritz, I'll show you how to prep it now that I've bought it. And you, get me a nice and fat one next time alright? And maybe that will make up for this skinny thing. I won't give full pay for this sorta stuff."
With that the hunter nodded and passed the carcasses off to Moritz, who hefted the beast over his own shoulders as the other man had and moved off to carry the weight across his body more easily. As the other man let go Moritz felt the weight drop on him, but after a moment he pushed through and was able to carry it well enough.
WC: 573