[Stone Gardens] Walking Amongst the Stones (Open)

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Stone Gardens] Walking Amongst the Stones (Open)

Postby Ash'eny on May 13th, 2011, 6:11 pm

Ash'eny took a step closer, dare he be bolder? He would. Those reddened cheeks of hers, burning with... with what? Embarrassment? Desire? Passionate daydreaming? She was young, but was she truly naive? Ash'eny reached out and took her hand in his hands and smiled, almost shyly a if touching her was bringing out the childish lover in him as well. Ash'eny was thoroughly enjoying this moment, for whatever reason it was, he was enjoying it. Her hands, Ash'eny though the felt, were calloused, a sign that she was in fact working towards knighthood. Dangerous catch this one was, with his own choice of profession considered, and it liked it. Hell, if she was serious and would allow a single chance for the rogue to take her heart, Ash'eny just might try because of their situations. Thief by night, supportive lover by day. They could work the same hours, return to each other the same time (assuming Ash'eny didn't get locked away or anything unfortunate like that). It was a game, and the stakes kept growing, becoming more and more irresistible to him.

"I do not the the promise of your heart now, just a promise that I might, someday, have an attempt at stealing it and making it my own." Ash'eny pulled her hand, placing it over his chest as if to show the young woman the pulse of his heart. "Dangerous as it is, I have skipped a heartbeat for you. I have lost count of seconds passed, chimes that have come and gone, and I do not know if a bell has been claimed, but I don't care." Ash'eny closed his eyes as he held his hands on hers, on his chest. "I am afraid. If my body aches in joyful agony just to see you, to feel your hand. What might become of me if I did claim you? Would my heart stop? Would your kiss kill me?" He opened his eyes again, making it obvious that he was looking at her lips. "And I could die happy, but you have made your choice. You have a duty to perform, a goal to reach out and snatch from the stars. I would not be the one to stand there and be your obstacle." Ash'eny inhaled slowly as he lowered her hand back to her side.

"I will let you know me, I will permit you to do whatever it is you wish, if you will forgive me in advance for not being as perfect as the one standing before me."
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[Stone Gardens] Walking Amongst the Stones (Open)

Postby Jaelyn Baroth on May 13th, 2011, 7:55 pm

Jaelyn's breath caught as Tolby reached out and took hold of her hand. It wasn't that she'd never touched hands with a man before, but this was so very different from all the time spent training and working with her fellow Squires, Pages, and Ser Raynard. All of them Jaelyn had seen as companions or mentors, no different from herself. Tolby was the first person she had ever really thought of as a woman thinks of a man.

As Tolby began to speak again, and placed Jaelyn's hand against his chest there was nothing else in the world but the two of them. Jaelyn's heart pounded in her ears, and yet somehow the sound didn't drown out a single one of the sweet words that Tolby was speaking to her. Her entire face was now a brilliant red, even her ears. When he mentioned a kiss, and looked at her lips her heart outright stopped, her eyes wide with the thought he might kiss her right then and there.

Instead he finally released her hand, and the world faded back into existence around them. Jaelyn opened her mouth to speak, but no words would come out at first. How could she possibly respond to all of this? Swallowing several times she finally managed to softly say, "I... You are being far too kind to me. I am far from perfect, in fact I have many failings," she gave a small shake of her head, "I have dedicated my life to becoming a Knight, so I know little else, and I am not even that exceptional of a Squire."

"You, on the other hand," Jaelyn said with a pleasant smile to Tolby, "Are a man who has overcome an unfortunate birthplace to arrive here in Syliras," she gave a soft little laugh, practically a giggle, "And are very skilled with words. I am sure that you have plenty of other admirable talents."

She wanted to do something, to show some reflection of the affection he had been showing her, but she was afraid if she did then she wouldn't be able to stop herself. As sweet as Tolby was being she couldn't go down that path, not yet at least. Taking a few slow breaths she struggled desperately to regain her composure, "Maybe... we could meet some other time and start getting to know each other more? I should return to my training soon..." her voice held a hint of reluctance, but it would probably be for the best to go now and try to calm down away from Tolby's charming words.
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[Stone Gardens] Walking Amongst the Stones (Open)

Postby Ash'eny on May 13th, 2011, 10:21 pm

Ash'eny smiled, he was despicably pleased with himself for being able to perform such a devious thing, and he knew he wouldn't be able to stop. He bowed his head, sure he could have easily kissed her, loved her, but that would have complicated things, perhaps undermined his wicked intentions. Someday, perhaps, he would be able to do these things, and she could be convinced he was genuinely in love with her, rather than this disgusting game he had created. But, he had a visage to hold up. A mask of righteousness, an appearance of noble intentions, he had to appear as good of a person as she wanted him to be. "Perhaps you are not perfect then, but I am convinced you are perfect for me. I have broken from my roots, and I admit my past is filled with guilt and many wounds." Ash'eny

"I would be overjoyed to see you again, but I must say 'no'. At least, not until you are who you want to be. If knighthood is your calling, I will find you when it is yours." Ash'eny inhaled slowly, exhaling the same and smiled weakly. It was all a facade, but a simple one. But yes, she was probably right, it was about time to part. Hanging around a Knight-to-be in the open was probably a little dangerous, foolish even. "I'll find you." And with that, Ash'eny replaced the hood over his head and walked away, exiting the Gardens and disappearing into the flow of the Syliran Population.
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[Stone Gardens] Walking Amongst the Stones (Open)

Postby Jaelyn Baroth on May 14th, 2011, 4:04 pm

Jaelyn had the feeling she had said something wrong as Tolby gave his farewell. It might have felt like she was floating in some dream before, but as she watched him walk away and vanish into the crowd it felt more like she had fallen all the way down to the hard and rough ground of the Stone Garden. She wanted to say something to him, anything to return just a fraction of the kind words he had given her, but her mind was blank. Finally, after he had long vanished into the crowd, she softly offered, "Goodbye Tolby... I look forward to seeing you again."

Giving a soft sigh she left the Stone Gardens herself. Her mind might be a bit unfocused, but it was time to get back to her training. She had a lot of work to do before she was ready to be a Knight, and the sooner she worked on that sooner she would see Tolby again. She wasn't sure if she could love him or not, but she was definitely willing to give him a chance.
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[Stone Gardens] Walking Amongst the Stones (Open)

Postby Secret on July 16th, 2011, 4:33 pm



Jaelyn Baroth

Skill Gain Notes
Rhetoric 4
Observation 1
Meditation 1
Detection 1
Philosophy 1
Interrogation 1

Knightly Duty: Receive Flattery with Humbleness
Knightly Duty: Defending the Dead's Honor
Rejecting a Romantic Offer

A nice insight into the personality of Jaelyn.

Gregory Braklin
Skill Gain Notes


Appeared to have disappeared, no reward earned


Skill Gain Notes
Horsemanship 1

Very Slight Improvement in Reading Common

Also appeared to have disappeared, minor reward


Skill Gain Notes
Rhetoric 4
Acting 3
Subterfuge 2
Observation 2
Seduction 2
Philosophy 1
Interrogation 1

Real Names Aren't Really Important
Flirting Doesn't Always Get The Girl
A Healthy Debate is Good For The Soul

Love the insight and intrigue Ash'eny brings to the thread. Why haven't any of my PCs met him yet? ;p Well done Sir.
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