Hall of the Hammer

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Headquarters to Izurdin's Hammer and the entry point into and out of Sultros City, Sultros Citadel is the farthest most outsiders will ever travel into the Isurian Kingdom. Heavily fortified and intimidating to view, the Citadel is the mirror of Isur strength, endurance and patience.

Hall of the Hammer

Postby Gillar on January 27th, 2012, 6:43 am

Hall of the Hammer


A fortified structure surrounded by a stone wall topped with an iron fence, the Hall of the Hammer is the center of operations for Izurdin's Hammer. The stone walls are interrupted in places by guard towers. A gatehouse complete with heavy, reinforced portcullis, serves as the main entrance. On the other side of the wall lies a small courtyard. Unlike much of the rest of the citadel, the Hall's courtyard is devoid of decor; functioning primarily as a military location.

The Hall itself is the oldest structure in the New Kingdom. Built originally as a fortified outpost defending isurian workers as they constructed the rest of the citadel, the Hall has since taken on a dual role of military and memorial. A two-story structure, the Hall sports only small windows located just above eye level. A pair of statues carved in the likeness of members of The Hammer stand on either side of a set of heavy wooden doors. Past the doors lies the namesake of the structure, the Hall of the Hammer. Upon entering the Hall, visitors are greeted with an amazing sight. The walls of the Hall are covered in hammers. From floor to ceiling, there are countless tiny alcoves set into the walls. Each alcove holds a hammer and a name. These hammers represent an isur who has died as a member of Izurdin's Hammer over the past five centuries. Though hundreds of hammers fill the hall, there are still a large number of empty alcoves.

The floor of the hall serves as a museum. Important and influential items and symbols from throughout the last five-hundred years are displayed for all to see and remember. Breastplates worn and weapons carried by isurian heroes are set up in elaborate stands and racks. The skulls of terrible beasts conquered in the founding of Sultros are presented in glass cases. A number of other artifacts from ages past can be found in the Hall; a memorial to all the isur have gone through to get to where they are now.

A couple of hallways break off of the Hall while a set of doors at the back of the Hall lead to the Hammer's audience chamber. A set of stone stairs lead up to the second level of the Hall. There lie the chambers of the Steel and Iron Hammers and accommodations for influential visitors. Back on the ground level, down one hallway, one may also find the barracks for Izurdin's Hammer complete with dining hall and healer's post. Down the other, one may gain access to the Descent, the lift that offers entry and exit into and out of Sultros City below.

Steel Hammer
Steel Hammer

Name: Raigas Anvil Coglias
Race/Gender: Coglias Isur/Male
Skills of Note: Wrestling 95, Bodybuilding 75, Brawling 62, Weapon: Warhammer 65
Description: Raigas is the epitome of isurian military perfection. As a Coglias Isur, he is larger than most other isur and appears more like a masterworked statue than a living being. Raigas is not known for his social personality as he is all business. He lives and breathes isurian military procedure and operation. Disciplined without flaw, he often comes off as uncaring and preoccupied. To the contrary, Raigas cares immensely about his role as leader of Izurdin's Hammer and if he seems preoccupied, it is because he is focused solely on the protection of the Kingdom.
Iron Hammer
Iron Hammer

Name: Simas Fistfall Coglias
Race/Gender: Coglias Isur/Male
Skills of Note: Wrestling 75, Bodybuilding 65, Brawling 41, Weapon: Mace 60
Description: Simas is the second in command of Izurdin's Hammer. Almost as intimidating as Raigas, Simas is so only in appearance. He is much more open to conversation and social interactions than his superior though he can be quite formal when need be. Unlike Raigas, Simas often travels outside of the Citadel on missions to border and trading outposts where he also keeps in contact with the Bronze Hammers who serve him. Younger than Raigas, Simas is also expected to one day take the role of Steel Hammer when Raigas steps down.

Hall Guard
Hall Guard

Name: Varies
Race/Gender: Varies between Male and Female of all clans; mostly Coglias
Skills of Note: Wrestling 45, Weapon: Varies 30
Description: The Hall Guard are all members of Izurdin's Hammer tasked to protect the Hall and perform duties throughout the Citadel. They are distinguished by the added inscriptions on their breastplates that signify their position. Skilled in the use of a number of weapons, most of the Hall Guard wield shortswords or hammers though many rely on their metallic arms.


Name: Varies
Race/Gender: Varies between Male and Female of all clans
Skills of Note: Medicine 35, Herbalism 35
Description: Healers play an important role in The Hammer. They maintain the health of members of The Hammer while also serving in support roles during deployment to various parts of the Kingdom. The Healers bare extra inscriptions on their breastplates to signify their role.
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