OOCSorry for the late reply. It will probably be like this for a bit.
Everything she had been dreading had happened. Her sapphire/sky blue eyes, now wide with astonishment, were staring right into the soul of Viper as he darted out of his tunnel and into the arena to escape the flames, somewhat like she had done. Though in this form, anyone could see that see that she was nervous and anxious. This form had no 'poker face' and there was no hiding it. The constant way she shifted her weight, the way er ears were pinned back, her flaring nostrils; they were all signs of the adrenaline coursing through her body and the fight or slight responses kicking in once more.
They came closer to one another in the arena before the onslaught began and they announced the beginning of the show the damned had been waiting for all along. Perhaps that was what the little maze thing was as well; just another part of the show. Maybe they were projecting their lost and worried experiences somewhere throughout the arena in which they showed a preview of the contestants to incite the crowd even more. While she was contemplating this, her body language was defensive but intimidating. It was pretty much giving off the impression that she would stand her ground and more if it came down to it. It was weird how things were working right now. Would she had done this in real time? Probably not. Was it happening now? Yes, as a matter of fact, it was.
Septimus was studying her new enemy with a hard and scrutinizing eye trying to pinpoint weaknesses physically and analyzing what he had said to maybe attack him mentally since it was apparent his flickering and narrowed eyes were doing the same. She felt like she was being inspected at a livestock auction for the smallest flaws in which a picky buyer wouldn't buy for a miza. It was a different and certainly not normal feeling. But he hesitated for a second and Septimus could see that. He was actually contemplating something beforehand. Or was this all another strategy to play her like a chess piece in this game the damned demon creatures found amusing at the cost of lives?
Her eyes wandered to her sword still docked on his hilt. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea telling him to grab her sword. She probably should have just left it where it was to rust and eventually be covered by dirt or whatever this hole of the damned had to cover it with. She didn't feel it right to for one to fight with another's weapon. It was kind of hurtful to her pride but something deeper as well. Septimus had grown a weird kind of sentimental bond with it set aside from the fact that it was her father's as well! Seeing it in someone else's hands it wasn't right.
They were both cut and bruised from the events that had occurred before the arena and now Septimus saw this. Septimus had the obvious advantage with unarmed combat if she could loose the sword. You're all ears, eh? Septimus was all ears as well, but the Void if there was a way around this. She surely wasn't going to die without a fight. It wasn't honorable in some ways. To her pride for the most part. And it would more than likely cause them both great discomfort with the fact they were fighting against each other. They were both close allies that had risked and saved one another's lives countless times in the maze.
Septimus shifted into her nude human form in which being Kelvic she had no problem with. It was just another form, another shape. Septimus pulled her sword out of the sandy ground in which it had been thrusted into. She ran her hand along the hilt then gently ran her index finger over the large fire forged blade "There are no exits. There are no ways of getting out of here." ]
Everything she had been dreading had happened. Her sapphire/sky blue eyes, now wide with astonishment, were staring right into the soul of Viper as he darted out of his tunnel and into the arena to escape the flames, somewhat like she had done. Though in this form, anyone could see that see that she was nervous and anxious. This form had no 'poker face' and there was no hiding it. The constant way she shifted her weight, the way er ears were pinned back, her flaring nostrils; they were all signs of the adrenaline coursing through her body and the fight or slight responses kicking in once more.
They came closer to one another in the arena before the onslaught began and they announced the beginning of the show the damned had been waiting for all along. Perhaps that was what the little maze thing was as well; just another part of the show. Maybe they were projecting their lost and worried experiences somewhere throughout the arena in which they showed a preview of the contestants to incite the crowd even more. While she was contemplating this, her body language was defensive but intimidating. It was pretty much giving off the impression that she would stand her ground and more if it came down to it. It was weird how things were working right now. Would she had done this in real time? Probably not. Was it happening now? Yes, as a matter of fact, it was.
Septimus was studying her new enemy with a hard and scrutinizing eye trying to pinpoint weaknesses physically and analyzing what he had said to maybe attack him mentally since it was apparent his flickering and narrowed eyes were doing the same. She felt like she was being inspected at a livestock auction for the smallest flaws in which a picky buyer wouldn't buy for a miza. It was a different and certainly not normal feeling. But he hesitated for a second and Septimus could see that. He was actually contemplating something beforehand. Or was this all another strategy to play her like a chess piece in this game the damned demon creatures found amusing at the cost of lives?
Her eyes wandered to her sword still docked on his hilt. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea telling him to grab her sword. She probably should have just left it where it was to rust and eventually be covered by dirt or whatever this hole of the damned had to cover it with. She didn't feel it right to for one to fight with another's weapon. It was kind of hurtful to her pride but something deeper as well. Septimus had grown a weird kind of sentimental bond with it set aside from the fact that it was her father's as well! Seeing it in someone else's hands it wasn't right.
They were both cut and bruised from the events that had occurred before the arena and now Septimus saw this. Septimus had the obvious advantage with unarmed combat if she could loose the sword. You're all ears, eh? Septimus was all ears as well, but the Void if there was a way around this. She surely wasn't going to die without a fight. It wasn't honorable in some ways. To her pride for the most part. And it would more than likely cause them both great discomfort with the fact they were fighting against each other. They were both close allies that had risked and saved one another's lives countless times in the maze.
Septimus shifted into her nude human form in which being Kelvic she had no problem with. It was just another form, another shape. Septimus pulled her sword out of the sandy ground in which it had been thrusted into. She ran her hand along the hilt then gently ran her index finger over the large fire forged blade "There are no exits. There are no ways of getting out of here." ]