71st of Spring, 513AV It was the strangest building in Kalinor, stranger even than the empty portion of the city that waited to be filled. Yet the haunting here was different, it seemed forbidden, even to a Symenestra or maybe it was more like a grave for those soon-to-be-dead. And wasn’t that an appealing thought? Getting there was no picnic either, requiring much more effort, and scaling than swinging from the silk roads. One could not even imagine how a non-symenestra could get there, and for a chime Sosicly felt strangely in awe of those who maneuvered around the city without help. The surrogates would not be so lucky. There was no escape, as pretty as the inside of their prison may be it was a prison with a lock on the outside. To some of them it was a place worse than death. To Sosicly it was hope. These women, cattle, surrogates, and whatever other names befitted them would give her people life in a literal sense. But upon meeting some who worked there, seeing the empty parts of the city, and hearing the ever loud protests of the Esterians she had wanted to see for herself. She needed to see. Entering the Nest was like entering a dream. Silk curtains decorated everywhere, sofas and chairs creating tents everywhere with the heady, and overpowering vapors making the Symenestra woman dazed. It did nothing for her lungs, wheezy breaths, and the lack of air that seemed to come with every inhale brought on a smattering of panic. For a chime she only stood, watching the silk spin, and feeling the pressure that started in her head then bleed everywhere else. When her common sense did kick in and she managed to take normal sized breaths, the harsh breathing not going to change unless the incense did. It was stifling, truly only a pretty holding cell. As she gathered herself up properly seen an attendant approaching, likely wondering why she was even there. He would have to get in line for that answer. Reaching to her ever present knapsack with her handy-dandy writing tools, she held up a hand to forestall any questions while she wrote. It took what seemed to be a bell for her to figure out what to write, flashing the attendant an over-exuberant smile. I am Sosicly, Krova and I am here to meet a surrogate. Can you escort me? |