Oryani was born in the North of Ekytol, into the Kalanu tribe in 493 AV. She lived there for three years, barely a child, with her mother and father. However, one Winter in 500 AV, she and her mother were captured by Drykas, with her mother instantly accepted into one of the pavilions of the Sapphire clan. Oryani was raised as one of the Drykas, and barely remembered her rocky homeland down South. Her mother was ‘wed’ to one of the pavilion members, eventually providing the girl with a half-brother five years younger than herself.
The pavilion they joined, by sheer coincidence, was one quite used to the Chatakwe race. They had a habit of taking in Chatakwe wives, and because of that, around half of the members wore the jet black eyes of full blooded or half Chatakwe, hence the name ‘Darkeye’. The first few years of her life there were calm and accepting, but when she was around six an odd sickness hit their pavilion. Majority of the Drykas there fell ill, and Oryani was no exception. However, she seemed to be hit harder than any of the other members, still in a feverish state for twenty days after all the others had recovered. Most of her group were prepared to ‘put her down’, as there seemed no hope of recovery, but just in time, it came… but not without side effects. The disease had rendered Oryani sterile, as well as with a weakened immune system. Ever since, she catches a minor cold of fever at least once a season, though sometimes more often.
Four years after that, at the young age of ten, Oryani met and bonded with her strider, gaining her Windmarks at a relatively young age. Khalitav, as the stallion was named, became her constant companion as the girl learned both Webbing, from her clan’s specialty, and how to use a carved short bow given to her after her bonding. Despite her proneness to illness, she was still determined to learn to protect the other Drykas, not just her own pavilion. After she was deemed skilled enough to join the Watch at age 18, she became a Ra’athi, apprenticed to a Zalok Yakhtai, and is still in training to this day.