Fall 80th, 491 AV
Lacerta had woken up from a deep sleep early in the morning. Syna's rising light, along with that created from her own transformation, had woken her and the other two women along with it. They were early wakers... you had to be, if 'serving'. Though that was the official word, it didn't entirely feel like that. She just felt like Rosa and Marie's helpful friend, rather than their slave. It was much nicer than being in the Rajor household, and... she could almost get used to this. Almost. She wasn't entirely sure if she liked it or not yet, though. She still wanted to get out of Kenash, get back on the sea. It had been years since she last sailed, and though being by Laviku was nice... it made her even more nostalgic. At least there was music... one of her 'room mates' was quite the singer, and would often hum, whistle, or just full out sing when no one was watching.
Pushing herself out of a sort-of comfortable bed roll, she dressed, before slipping out of the small room she slept in. It was her job in the morning to wake Rosa and Marie. Though one of the other slaves cared for a young child - she had to dress the kid - Lacerta simply opened the blinds, poked them, and 'fed' the women tea. She headed to the nearest kitchen and picked up a ready tray of the hot drink that a cook had prepared earlier. It always brought back memories, since she'd been on the giving end of such a trade back in Smokesend. Now, however, it was her job to simply carry the tray, and pour said tea. Though few people cared for two people at once, her mornings were managable, for one main reason: Rosa was an early waker, and Marie slept late. Most of the time when she visited the former, the Paille was already awake and reading. Marie, however, required a little more... enthusiasm.
When she entered Rosa's room, the Dynasty lady was just as she'd expected: sitting up in bed, reading her current book... something on philtering. Rosa had taken to the art, and had even bought herself an Alembic... though there had been little practical usage. "Morning" she greeted the woman as she entered, carefully ducking under the door frame, and attempting to keep the tray steady. It held a number of ceramic containers. A tea pot full of hot water, a cup with numerous tea leaves at the bottom contained in a wire sieve, and a pot for sugar and milk each. She carefully lowered the wooden board onto a small, bedside table, finding her extra height awkward. She picked up the pot, mentally remarking that it was a different one than usual. Normally, rose had simple white ceramic, with blue and silver accents at the top. However, today, the cup was mostly grey with a silver pattern filling most of the middle. The cup and pot matched, of course, though the change was an interesting one. Slowly and steadily, she allowed the clear liquid to pour onto the tea leaves, quickly filling the small cup with a darker, steaming, drink.
When it was full, she lifted the metal sieve out and allowed it to dribble over the tray. The volume noticeably decreased as she did so, allowing room for the later added milk and sugar. Once the drink was (relatively) perfect, she passed the hot cup to Rosa. The Paille took it with a nod, and began slowly sipping the tea. While the Ethaefal went to open the large and heavy curtains, the woman spoke. "Lacerta, have you checked on my sister yet?" When the sailor shook her head, the Dynasty lady sighed. "Of course not. You come here first. I feel like... Ugh, I don't know." She shrugged, pretty lips turned into an irritated scowl. The two were twins, and though they weren't the kind to always show some of those 'twin connections', they did turn up every once in a while... but never during Lacerta's time.
Leaving half a cup of tea on her table, Rosa slipped out of bed and into her dressing chamber. "I'll get dressed... then lets meet her for breakfast, alright? Just wait a moment..." Though her voice was calm, the Ethaefal was still concerned about the Paille. She always drank her tea... always. Today... she'd barely had anything. However, she didn't want to mention anything, instead deciding to wait and see how Marie was doing. The Stormwarden was usually fine, though her boisterous personality often got her into some strange situations... at least from what Rosa had told her. Even though she'd been here for half a year, the composer didn't know everything about the twins. However, in moments, Rosa was out of her room and ready to wake her sibling.
The scholar was dressed in a simple, pale blue dress, with a pair of slippers rather than any practical shoes. She wore only her usual silver necklace, and there was no makeup in sight... but the Paille wasn't one for makeup... that was a sister. Wordlessly, the pair moved through a few rooms and over to the adjoining door between the sister's suites. Though both of them seemed calm, Rosa's face had a slight stressed look to it, whilst Lacerta was twitching. She felt fine, really... it was just her companion's comments that had put her off. However, she trusted the Paille, and anyways... there was nothing wrong with worrying. They'd only find anything wrong if they just opened the door...
Only then did she realize that they'd been standing at the entrance for several moments, simply staring at the whitewashed door. Shaking her head to clear the mild confusion, the Ethaefal leaned forward and pulled it open, following Rosa inside. The room was mostly dark, with light blocking curtains stopping Syna's light from entering, even when the goddess was at her fullest. Noticing the darkness immediately, she went over to open the curtains, whilst Rosa went to wake her sister.