Name: Kaljia Lynint
Race: Human
DoB: The 91st Day of Spring, 478 AV
PoB: Kenash, The Cyphrus Region
Title: Head of Household of Silverbite
Skills: Animal Husbandry 73; Poisons 56; Leadership 40; Intimidation 30; Wilderness Survival: Swamp 28; Politics 23
Gnosis: N/A
Additional Info: Kaljia wasn't always the leader of the Lynint Family. Once, she was nothing more than a messenger for the former leader, a hired hand both ignored and watched closely. At the time, the only animals the Family used were birds and small mammals, but Kaljia was the first to find and train young crocodiles to guard her things. Eventually, she managed to earn herself into the good graces of the leader, overshadowing his own children in importance, and revealed a startling amount of understanding in how to lead and to reinforce feelings of obedience in one's subjects. She became the heir, earning a good few enemies, and when the former leader died she rose up to lead immediately.
Her take on things drastically changed the way the Family functioned and how they did business. Under her management, the Family gained footing and acquired more land and business as a result. They expanded their choice of animals to the many reptiles Kaljia had found interesting and useful. She takes credit for the Family's newfound glory. Her rivals have faded into obscurity, but they plot in secrecy.
Sugar Cane is a crop that Silverbite pulls out regularly. This sweet crop grown in flooded patches are perfect for the swamp climate of Kenash. On top of that, Silverbite houses several exotic species of birds, reptiles and mammals.