A Whiff of Forgetfulness (Haeli)

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

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A Whiff of Forgetfulness (Haeli)

Postby Rowan Morealis on January 3rd, 2014, 9:14 pm

ImageWinter 8, 513 AV

It was an unseasonable cool morning on the 8th, clouds moved in low to steal the light from the sun and cast the entirety of the Dry plaza into a perpetual late afternoon. Rowan was in his office, staring at a small stack of written requests and information on ghosts from the beginning of the season. Two bells had passed before he realized that he had never gone past the first of the inked requests on his stack.

Instead, his fingers had drummed a beat on the top of his desk so hard that the ends were numb and small spiderwebs of muted pain wrote themselves up through his flesh and down his fingers. Today had been quiet. No shadow darkened his doorway with news of the dead reaching up from shallow graves. Reaching up he pushed a hand over his face, pausing and slapping both cheeks. His work mocked him, staring up from the desktop with mute expectation.

"Damn it." Rowan muttered, pushing the papers aside. It had never been hard before, this job. Minor business troubles, new ghosts with old problems. But the autumn last had been slow...too slow. He could feel his father's cane against his back,the curl of disapproval on his lips. Fool boy. Fool son.

No. He stood roughly and pushed himself away from the desk with so much unexpected force that he knocked his chair aside. The noise of the wood clattering was shockingly brutal and Rowan leaped away from it instinctively. Landing awkwardly, all bent posture and wheeling arms, he joined his chair on the ground of his office. Muscles clenched and unclenched in his neck, but he did not rise immediately. Instead he stared at the ceiling and counted the cracks where paint had dried unexpectedly and caught fissures in the muggy Kenash air.

Imagine it, he, Rowan Morealis, lying on the floor of his own establishment as if he had keeled over. Any of his family would have laughed, save Dimeer, his father, only scowling and tapping his damnable cane. Rowan straightened and sat up, shaking the groggy from his head and finally righting the chair, pushing it into his desk. The whole shop was nothing but memories and shivers today, so he took his jacket and stepped outside, closing and locking the door.

Not that he expected customers today, but at the least he could hope for a comfortable stroll before entertaining exorcisms again.

Briefly he considered visiting the Lorak doctor and talking out what was on his mind. But that was only a brief thought, quickly dismissed. A dynasty brat afraid of business, how laughable, and he certainly didn't want any word spread to diminish his sales. Instead he passed the clinic, swamp moisture glinting off his polished boots, and walked toward Fire Island. Word on the street was a new Freeborn was opening a shop in the ruins of the old Syliran outpost. As a child, he'd played in those ruins at pirate king and knight versus bandits. The structure was a testament to older times, and Kenash held it in the same regards one might expect a city to hold a monument...so then it was surprising a Freeborn had purchased the land to build. Perhaps the Magistrate had hoped the new resident would have cause to tidy it up...maybe...well, it wasn't his business anyways.

What was it she was supposed to be selling, anyways? Potions? Plants, Herbs of some kind? He remembered the man who told him about it, but not what it was that he'd been told. Shaking his head, Rowan muttered to himself one of his father's old lessons. Always remember, simply that, as if a little forgetfulness was the worst thing in all of Mizahar.

Mostly without realizing it, Rowan found himself in front of Haeli's shop. He waited outside it a moment or two, looking up at the imposing collection of stones that jutted from the earth and then striding through the front door.

"Knock, Knock!" he called out as he did, "This place open for business yet?"
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A Whiff of Forgetfulness (Haeli)

Postby Haeli on January 3rd, 2014, 9:16 pm

Truth be told, Haeli had no idea if she was open for business or not. Half her things were still in boxes and half of them were only wandering around looking for homes at this point. The witch had about as much organizational skill as a kitten who routinely tangled itself in a skein of yarn, so to her, things were progressing nicely. To an outsider, the shop looked like it had been hit by a whirlwind or perhaps one of the notorious blows that screamed up the Cyphrus coast after developing in the warm waters of the Suvan in the early spring and summer.

Things were getting placed, placed again, and placed yet a third time as the witch wandered around setting up displays and making the place more at home. To her, home was the swamp, deep in the heart of it, so she was taking some of that and bringing it inside. Already completed were the wall washed with paint tinted to match the suede green of the world outside Kenash's city gates. Incense burned that was tinged with cedar and yew, a scent for a man or for war, which was what Haeli was figuring she was fighting.

When the stranger came knocking, she stepped out from behind a tall stack of boxes and offered him a smile. The girl had forgotten her shoes that morning, and there were would have been bits of mud still lodged between her toes except that she came back via the beach and the sand had scoured her feet clean. The dress she wore was barely decent, worn thin, and with one arm sporting a hole most likely from a branch tearing or ripping at it. Her blondish brown mass of straight hair was a tangled mess down her back. She honestly looked like she'd rolled in the dirt and enjoyed every minute of it. There was nothing ladylike or modest about her, from the ragged hemline being too high in her skirt to the thin material that left absolutely nothing to Rowen's imagination since she was back lit by the sun streaming in through an open window. The only thing that was remotely interesting about the urchin of a girl was the obvious gnosis crawling up one of her ankles in an elaborately patterned cypress tree entangled with vines and wrapped with a crocodile.

Haeli herself was humming a tune, one she'd heard in the Night Market a few days ago and was utterly unaware of how lacking she would look to a Dynasty dandy. Nor did she really care. But what she did like was the fact that someone new was in her shop, someone she hadn't met before, and because of that she waltzed forward, and smiled.

"Hi there. Can I help you find anything?"
She said. What the girl should have said instead was something more to the effect if she could help him find his way out of the mess if he were to step one foot in the the chaos of her store. But she did not. Her eagerness to have company was overwhelmingly obvious on her animated face.
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A Whiff of Forgetfulness (Haeli)

Postby Rowan Morealis on January 6th, 2014, 8:52 am

To say he was surprised would be an understatement. The truth of the matter was that the moment he shadowed her doorway, his expectations had been roughly brutalized and left to die. The inside of his once favored playing place was strewn with pots, plants, boxes, and items. Was this shop not opened last season? He seemed to remember being told it had, but surely with the sorry state it was in, it couldn't be more than a few days old...at least.

Personally he couldn't imagine what sort of pitch the dirty girl had given that might have convinced the Kenash officials to sell her the land she now made her home and business in, but undoubtedly she must be some sort of master negotiator. He hung there in the portal, barely holding himself straight by placing both hands on either side of the doorway for support. What would have been the first step into the cataclysm of a shop hovered there, incomplete, as if he was bracing himself against air.

Admittedly the twisting designs up her leg drew his attention, but it was the third thing he had noticed. First was the mess and her state of being, second was her choice in clothing (even clean, he couldn't imagine that on anything less than a house slave), and finally the tattoo. While he might admit the last of the list was at least vibrant enough to pass as society suitable, the rest of her was anything BUT Kenash.

Unless by Kenash, one was referring to the swamp. Just the swamp.

"I..." He bit his own tongue and withdrew his answer. Even in the face of this travesty in presentation, he had to remember his own place. Although his business was sagging since the pitiful returns of last year's sales, he was still noble born...and should take care to mask his contempt with a facade of polite charm.

"I daresay," he started with a polite smile, "I almost asked if it was YOU who needed help finding something." He indicated the mess, taking a step backward to exist solely in her doorway. "It seems as though you you're in a bit of a reorganization?"

He might have ended on the question, certainly he should let her respond...but curiosity drew him forward faster than she could answer, "And who are you, exactly? Not to be rude, but you do do not appear much like any of the other merchants and owners I have come to expect in Kenash."
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A Whiff of Forgetfulness (Haeli)

Postby Haeli on January 7th, 2014, 5:45 pm

Because the man started to speak, paused, then rethought his initial comments, the witch smiled. It wasn’t one of the smiles the refined of Kenash practiced with varying degrees of snide condemnation or thinly veiled tolerance or intolerance. But it was one of those beautiful kinds of smiles a child might display at an unexpected joy that had perhaps descended on their life unexpectedly. It was the smile of someone unspoiled by the harsh reality of the world, which was indeed a rarity in the swamp city. Lips curved, perfect white teeth flashed, teal eyes lit up, and her body softened almost instantly from its wary curious stance. Haeli smiled with her whole body. There was no other way to describe it.

“You ask that as if just my name will not satisfy you.” Haeli remarked, tilting her head to one side and studying his body language. She shook her head slightly, and some of the tangles fell from her hair. It was the kind of hair that had a smooth silky texture to it that wasn’t easily contained in a leather wrap, a tangle, or even molded well by the wind. It had a mind of its own, and with another shake it was almost smooth.

That still didn’t make up for the attire or dirt.

Haeli decided the stranger was a big male, not the tallest for sure, but under his clothing he looked and moved as if he were fit. Her eyes swept down his clean face and well groomed hair. A flash of a ring on his finger caught her gaze and she recognized it as symbolizing the people from Blacksugar, the big house she’d seen only from a distance. She noted his footwear, trailing her eyes back up his body to his face, and spotted the laugh lines hiding behind the seriousness of his expression. So, he wasn’t a predator – she decided immediately – and he wasn’t in the mood to bite. Her examination wasn’t conducted behind any premise or posture. It was an open fully uninhibited gesture carried out in the open so he knew, without a doubt, she was looking him over.

He was polite too, something she appreciated since Kenash had given her a crash course in snobbery in the days she’d moved in.

“Come with me.” She said suddenly, decisively, and turned to retreat among the stacks of boxes and cartons with yet another grin. Haeli didn’t wait for him, but her scent – a touch of exotic lily and spice – remained in her wake. If he’d played at the abandoned fort as a child, he knew its layout and confines. That she’d chosen this space as a retail shop was not without merit, no matter how disorganized the place was. However, he would know the fort was made up of more places and more rooms. So as the girl wove her way through the half finished displays she stepped out past the retail space and revealed a whole different world.

It was one giant very scientifically organized lab beyond the retail space. Everything had its place and there was equipment all over. But inso far as that, there were living things all over too. Plants grew up the sides of walls and across ceilings, some flowering, but all thriving. A snake coiled near the ceiling, hanging out in a sunny spot in front of a window in the crook of a tree that had been carefully potted and encouraged to grow INSIDE the lab. The creature appeared to be of the incredibly poisonous type, notorious for their bad tempers. The tree itself was heavy with lemons, something rare in the winter in Kenash. There was a stoked fire crackling happily, keeping everything warm even as some sort of infusion boiled on a hearth giving on pleasant masculine scents.

There were shelves of candle molds, rows of hanging incense already applied to thin sticks, and wild birds that didn’t seem to mind the fact they were in someone else’s home almost everywhere. There were projects in various stages of completion, all meticulously monitored and cautiously carried out. Through an open arch he could see what looked like a huge storehouse of huge gallon sized jars of dried herbs, hanging herbs, and even vials of powders held in smaller quart jars. It looked like an apothecary’s storehouse.

A sweeping stairway lead upwards and from what he could see from below, more vines grew but there was an elegant wash to the walls and a glimpse of silk that hung from a big ring in the wall, sweeping downward, perhaps as insect netting over a sleeping arrangement. He could also see the pattern of light dancing off the walls upstairs, indicating another heart.

And the smell… everywhere the place smelled incredibly good - like far off places and dreams beyond the swamp. Some of the scents changed as he’d moved through the facility, and some had gravitated towards him, as if clinging to the girl. She offered him yet another smile, spun around slightly, and then met his gaze.

“I am Haeli. This is who I am.” She said sensibly, letting her world speak for herself, rather than the retail space near the door.
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