by Dallen on February 13th, 2014, 2:38 am
"You speak your heresy so easily, you of course cannot know the greater purpose here. The trial set for this one and the greatness of her destiny in the arms of Rhysol. You defame his name with your own slander and lies, but that is fine as you will serve him as well, little man." Dallen shook his head, and looked the mage directly in her cold, proud eyes. "Slander? Lies? Heresy? Last time I checked, that was Rhysol's domain. So technically, wouldn't I be honoring your dark ruler by saying such?" Withdrawing his hand from the orb, Dallen stood straight up, brushing off light dust. A light glimmer appeared around his torso, and he seemed.. more defined. Not more muscular, just more... crisp. The gleam in his eyes was an even more piercing blue, and his vest was an even deeper red. Standing tall, his eyes were filled with naught but disgust.
"I am not a mere proponent of chaos, you fool, I am touched by the very blood of chaos. He welcomed me into his arms when no other could or would, he saw my strength and fostered it. You cannot possibly understand that connection. This is what you can have, Dhani, if you but give of yourself to him." Taking one step forwards, Dallen shook his head and swung his arm in a cutting motion, slashing the air. "Hm. So you accepted the God of Darkness because you had either daddy or trust issues. That's simply stupid. Not even pathetic, because I would've sympathized with you then." Pulling a steel dagger from his belt, behind his back, Dallen held the heavy, weighted metal hilt, wrapped in leather so that he could strike with the pommel. After all this happened, Dallen still didn't want to kill anyone. Strange, Dallen mused, One'd think that after all this senseless carnage....
"You picked the wrong time to meddle human. I am not some defenseless woman that needs saving. If you can't tell, I can more than handle myself. I will not be made a fool of again. Here and now you will die. No one will look for you. No one will mourn you. You will not be missed. You are just a weak and feeble meat sack. Only living a few years compared to the hundreds of years my people live. I pity you." Smiling mockingly, Dallen shook his head. "You pity ME? I, the one who will be a better person in my 'short' years in this land than you ever will, if you continue like this. How do you think your people will treat you, Snake? " Dallen spat out the last word, signs of pity erased from his face at her words. "I'll find that if I die today, I'll live better than you ever will, in your long, lonely years as an outcast from your people." Pointing at the mage, Dallen said to the dhani, "You realize that if you reject them by killing me, you'll end up like her? A void, an endless hole, one that can never be filled, not truly." As she drew herself up, Dallen smiled sadly. "If Rhysol is what you want, then who am I to stop a lost soul from living a life of emptiness? Go, take your destiny." As she launched herself at him, Dallen twisted to the right, barely sidestepping. "Any last words, human?" Dallen laughed bitterly. "I need none. My memory won't be what I want it to be, but that's fine. Are most really that scared of being forgotten by their loved ones that they feel that they must say something poignant for them to remember?" Lashing out with the pommel of his dagger, Dallen tried to hit the dhani woman in the temple, attempting to daze her or knock her unconscious.