OOC Info Seasonal Rules and Regulations


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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

Moderator: Gossamer

Seasonal Rules and Regulations

Postby Vice on June 1st, 2014, 8:43 pm


Magistrate Lorana Lorak

✥ A General Overview ✥

While most cities maintain a retainer of laws and consequences that remain constant throughout the ages, this is not so in Kenash. There is a balance crafted between the twelve ruling bodies in Kenash, called the Dynasties, which surrenders an extent of power by base per season. Most consider it odd that the laws of the city change on such a regular basis, but for the Dynasties, it has always been so. Laws are meant to preserve the peace as well as maintain the balance of power between the twelve Dynasties, to ensure that an amicable atmosphere remains within Kenash proper, though much of the time, this is not the case. Some Dynasties express frustration or dissent at certain laws, taking offense to their creation, others willingly and readily accept them, but they are, at least at the surface level, obeyed without fail. After all, without order, Kenash would be lost in the wreckage and trifling squabbles that befall other cities. The City of Excess and Pleasures is beyond such pitiful occurrences, and the Dynasties perpetuate this notion.

One would think, at first glance, that this is strange, but, for the Dynasties of Kenash it is and always has been the way. It is how order is maintained and how power is cycled, and to them, there is no other method that could work. By setting the position of Magistrate upon a rotation, it allows each Dynasty to have their chance at power and a voice within the city that is constant. Furthermore, by understanding that each Family will have its season to rule, the likelihood that any one Family would push to dominate the others firmly remains a fantasy instead of ever becoming a reality. It is as simple as not wanting to tip the proverbial apple cart for fear of retribution.

✥ Autumn 514 AV ✥

As the colors of Spring fade and make way for Autumn's glow, the office of Magistrate is passed to the Dynasty of Doctors. Changes are made immediately, to the favour of the public.

The House of Lorak is distinctive, the Vantha of Avanthal making their home in the city of excess. Some say that the house is touched by Rak'keli, and the majority of the family make up the finest medics and Healers that Kenash has to offer. A great variety of products, including cotton and by extension, clothing, come out of Lorak house and their Kenash-based businesses and the Dynasty, like the rest of their peers, trade in a wide variety of base products, which includes herbs which are grown and tended to by slaves and cultivated for processing by the sons and daughters of the family.

The Current Rules and Regulations of Kenash, as Drafted by Magistrate Lorana Lorak and Witnessed by Clerk Zorane Lorak, for the Autumn Season, Five Hundred and Fourteen Years After the Valterrian

NOTE: The following rules and regulations are applicable in the City of Kenash and any outlying lands not owned by one of the twelve Dynasties of Kenash. These laws may or may not be recognized within the boundaries of a Family's plantation. It is the responsibility of each Head of Household to effectively communicate any variations to both visitors and, more importantly, the Magistrate's Office. In regard to the Magistrate, the communication of variations must be achieved in a timely manner and in writing, to be kept on file for future reference and retained until further notice. Failure to do so may result in a sizable fine.

  • The Magistrate has the final say in all cases, complaints, inquiries, and requisitions placed before them, as well as any related matters.
  • The Magistrate does not have the authority to overturn a ruling from the previous administration unless irrefutable evidence is submitted to the Magistrate's Office, at which time, the current Magistrate is obligated to review said evidence and act accordingly.
  • The Magistrate has the authority to modify any of the rules and regulations contained within this document, at any time during their term, with the exception of this and the above two articles.
  • Citizens of Kenash who are a documented member of one of the twelve Dynasties of Kenash are exempt from the rules and regulations contained within this document, with exceptions to laws related to commerce. Any violations committed by a member of a Dynasty will be handled, in private, by the Head of Household, unless a Magistrate intervention is requested.
  • Citizens of Kenash who are classified as a freeborn, visitor or slave are subject to the rules and regulations of Kenash. Any violations committed by a freeborn or visitor will be handled by the Magistrate and/or a representative of the Magistrate's Office. This can include, but is not limited to: acts of violence including rape, damages to personal possessions and/or property including crops, livestock, and slaves, physical harm including dismemberment and/or death, disorderly conduct, theft, and verbal or written assault including death threats. Violations committed by a slave will be handled by the offended party and overseen by the owner of said slave. If an agreement cannot be met between the two parties, the Magistrate and/or a representative of the Magistrate's Office can intervene.
  • All slaves who are known to be part of the enigmatic Rujaro organization are to be captured and brought to the Magistrate at once, where they will face a public execution by whichever means is decided by the Magistrate and the public eye after an interrogation conducted by a Hypnotist.
  • Visitors to Kenash have thirty days to request and obtain Freeborn status from the Magistrate's Office and, in turn, must be branded as such. Failure to do so may result in either expulsion or enslavement, depending on the individual's health and abilities. Visitors are confined to the West Bank of Kenash unless in the company of a Dynasty member.
  • Freeborn found concealing or otherwise altering their brand will be expelled from the city. An exception to this rule is during the healing process, though concealing the brand afterwards is punishable by exile and amputation of the branded hand up to the forearm.
  • Slaves found tampering with their brand will be punished by means according to the will of their plantation overseer or their own Master.
  • Freeborn are permitted to bear arms within the boundaries of Kenash; however, the weapon should remain peace-tied until needed to defend either themselves or the city. Drawing a weapon without just cause is grounds for expulsion and confiscation of aforementioned weapon without due compensation.
  • Slaves are not permitted to bear arms within the boundaries of Kenash. This rule is without exception.
  • Freeborn are permitted to use magic within the boundaries of Kenash; however, it should be for occupational purposes only or when needed to defend either themselves or the city. Utilizing magic without just cause is grounds for execution.
  • Slaves are not permitted to use or be taught magic within the boundaries of Kenash; however, written approval from the Magistrate's Office can be obtained for select business ventures. Failure to provide proper documentation will result in the slave's execution.
  • Freeborn are encouraged to open, own, and/or operate a business, or obtain a position with an existing business or plantation within their first ninety days of living within the boundaries of Kenash. Failure to do so will result in a single warning, followed by expulsion from the city.
  • Slaves are not permitted to open, own, and/or operate a business within the boundaries of Kenash; however, written approval from the Magistrate's Office can be obtained for select business ventures. Failure to provide proper documentation will result in the slave's execution. The exception to this rule is a professional slave, who are to be registered with the office of the Magistrate.
  • There will be no grace period in relation to slave infractions. It is the owner's responsibility to train said slave to Kenash rules and regulations before they are released in public.
  • Oversized livestock, such as horses, are now freely permitted within the boundaries of the City of Kenash - beyond the traditional use of trade or service purposes - such as riding and training. Failure to properly maintain the livestock and any related excrement may result in a sizable fine. Racing within the city of Kenash is forbidden.
  • Amended 1st of Summer 514 by Dervain Sitai. No temporary structures will be permitted within Kenash city, with the exception of structures set for special events hosted by a Dynasty member. All visitors, guests, or Freeborn must establish a permanent address for the duration of their stay within Kenash.
  • Amended 4th of Autumn, 514 by Lorana Lorak. The slave trade is free enterprise and it to be ruled by no single entity. However, certain plantations may petition for a monopoly in the assemblage of a certain race or breed of slave and sale of them as slaves. Humans cannot be a monopolized race. (Claims as of the 10th of Autumn: Ackina - Kelvic slaves.)
  • Amended 15th of Autumn by Lorana Lorak. All buildings, squares, and properties within the city of Kenash must be fully renovated and maintained to aesthetic perfection. This is to be done at the owner's expense and failure to do so will result in a written warning for the first offense. Failure to comply after a written warning will result in a visually offensive property being levied and all assets within liquidated. All income generated in this fashion will be used to destroy the property and re-build it for a new purpose.

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Seasonal Rules and Regulations

Postby Vice on September 1st, 2014, 4:24 am


Magistrate Dervain Sitai

From Summer :
✥ A General Overview ✥

While most cities maintain a retainer of laws and consequences that remain constant throughout the ages, this is not so in Kenash. There is a balance crafted between the twelve ruling bodies in Kenash, called the Dynasties, which surrenders an extent of power by base per season. Most consider it odd that the laws of the city change on such a regular basis, but for the Dynasties, it has always been so. Laws are meant to preserve the peace as well as maintain the balance of power between the twelve Dynasties, to ensure that an amicable atmosphere remains within Kenash proper, though much of the time, this is not the case. Some Dynasties express frustration or dissent at certain laws, taking offense to their creation, others willingly and readily accept them, but they are, at least at the surface level, obeyed without fail. After all, without order, Kenash would be lost in the wreckage and trifling squabbles that befall other cities. The City of Excess and Pleasures is beyond such pitiful occurrences, and the Dynasties perpetuate this notion.

One would think, at first glance, that this is strange, but, for the Dynasties of Kenash it is and always has been the way. It is how order is maintained and how power is cycled, and to them, there is no other method that could work. By setting the position of Magistrate upon a rotation, it allows each Dynasty to have their chance at power and a voice within the city that is constant. Furthermore, by understanding that each Family will have its season to rule, the likelihood that any one Family would push to dominate the others firmly remains a fantasy instead of ever becoming a reality. It is as simple as not wanting to tip the proverbial apple cart for fear of retribution.

✥ Summer 514 AV ✥

As the colors of Spring brighten and intensify in the Summer's sun, so does the power turn from the Askara Dynasty to the Sitai.

The House of Sitai is an example of what Kenash is and will always be. A slave hold rife with addictive substances and pleasures,. The Sitai grow an assortment of crops to make their fortune, but their interests lie primarily in the auction and exchange of exotic slaves, a craft which they excel at. They are the owners of Kenash's one and only Auction house, and do their utmost to maintain their reputation as reputable slavers with superior stock. Many of the Dynasties seek out alliances with the Sitai, though there are some that have earned their scorn, as well.

The Current Rules and Regulations of Kenash, as Drafted by Magistrate Dervain Sitai and Witnessed by Clerk Rosamay Sitai, for the Summer Season, Five Hundred and Fourteen Years After the Valterrian

NOTE: The following rules and regulations are applicable in the City of Kenash and any outlying lands not owned by one of the twelve Dynasties of Kenash. These laws may or may not be recognized within the boundaries of a Family's plantation. It is the responsibility of each Head of Household to effectively communicate any variations to both visitors and, more importantly, the Magistrate's Office. In regard to the Magistrate, the communication of variations must be achieved in a timely manner and in writing, to be kept on file for future reference and retained until further notice. Failure to do so may result in a sizable fine.

  • The Magistrate has the final say in all cases, complaints, inquiries, and requisitions placed before them, as well as any related matters.
  • The Magistrate does not have the authority to overturn a ruling from the previous administration unless irrefutable evidence is submitted to the Magistrate's Office, at which time, the current Magistrate is obligated to review said evidence and act accordingly.
  • The Magistrate has the authority to modify any of the rules and regulations contained within this document, at any time during their term, with the exception of this and the above two articles.
  • Citizens of Kenash who are a documented member of one of the twelve Dynasties of Kenash are exempt from the rules and regulations contained within this document. Any violations committed by a member of a Dynasty will be handled, in private, by the Head of Household, unless a Magistrate intervention is requested.
  • Citizens of Kenash who are classified as a freeborn, visitor or slave are subject to the rules and regulations of Kenash. Any violations committed by a freeborn or visitor will be handled by the Magistrate and/or a representative of the Magistrate's Office. This can include, but is not limited to: acts of violence including rape, damages to personal possessions and/or property including crops, livestock, and slaves, physical harm including dismemberment and/or death, disorderly conduct, theft, and verbal or written assault including death threats. Violations committed by a slave will be handled by the offended party and overseen by the owner of said slave. If an agreement cannot be met between the two parties, the Magistrate and/or a representative of the Magistrate's Office can intervene.
  • All slaves who are known to be part of the enigmatic Rujaro organization are to be captured and brought to the Magistrate at once, where they will face a public execution by whichever means is decided by the Magistrate and the public eye after an interrogation conducted by a Hypnotist.
  • Visitors to Kenash have thirty days to request and obtain Freeborn status from the Magistrate's Office and, in turn, must be branded as such. Failure to do so may result in either expulsion or enslavement, depending on the individual's health and abilities.
  • Freeborn found concealing or otherwise altering their brand will be expelled from the city.
  • Slaves found tampering with their brand will be punished by means according to the will of their plantation overseer or their own Master. Consequences are varied but can extend to maiming or execution.
  • Freeborn are permitted to bear arms within the boundaries of Kenash; however, the weapon should remain peace-tied until needed to defend either themselves or the city. Drawing a weapon without just cause is grounds for expulsion.
  • Slaves are not permitted to bear arms within the boundaries of Kenash; however, written approval from the Magistrate's Office can be obtained for select business ventures, such as the crafting of and/or selling of arms, or if the slave is being utilized as a personal guard. Failure to provide proper documentation will result in the slave's execution.
  • Freeborn are permitted to use magic within the boundaries of Kenash; however, it should be for occupational purposes only or when needed to defend either themselves or the city. Utilizing magic without just cause is grounds for expulsion.
  • Slaves are not permitted to use magic within the boundaries of Kenash; however, written approval from the Magistrate's Office can be obtained for select business ventures. Failure to provide proper documentation will result in the slave's execution.
  • Freeborns are encouraged to open, own, and/or operate a business, or obtain a position with an existing business or plantation within their first ninety days of living within the boundaries of Kenash. Failure to do so will result in a single warning, followed by expulsion from the city.
  • Slaves are not permitted to open, own, and/or operate a business within the boundaries of Kenash; however, written approval from the Magistrate's Office can be obtained for select business ventures. Failure to provide proper documentation will result in the slave's execution.
  • There will be no grace period in relation to slave infractions. It is the owner's responsibility to train said slave to Kenash rules and regulations before they are released in public. If a slave is punished in a manner that lowers their value due to the slave's own infraction of the rule, then it is the owner's responsibility for improper training of the slave.
  • Oversized livestock, such as horses, are now freely permitted within the boundaries of the City of Kenash - beyond the traditional use of trade or service purposes - such as riding and training. Failure to properly maintain the livestock and any related excrement may result in a sizable fine. Racing within the City of Kenash is forbidden.
  • Amended 1st of Summer 514 by Dervain Sitai. No temporary structures will be permitted within Kenash city, with the exception of structures set for special events hosted by a Dynasty member. All visitors, guests, or Freeborn must establish a permanent address for the duration of their stay within Kenash.
  • Amended 1st of Summer 514 by Dervain Sitai. All transactions involving the purchase or exchange of slaves must be handled within the Kenash Auction House. Failure to do so will result in confiscation of purchased slave and placement into the following slave auction.

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