It was a barrage of movements and lectures. Ones that Seyp had encountered several times over during his short years thus far, growing up as a male within Taloba. It was these instances that he knew it was one of those times he didn’t say anything. The questions were rhetorical, the statements and tone were what mattered, that as well as the firm grabs and stinging strikes of discipline.
Seyp soon stood up, gripping the book in his hand for a moment.
“I will see you tomorrow then.” Seyp said as he slowly slipped the books into a pouch at his waist.
“Will I have to climb up again tomorrow, or will visiting you be less of a physical challenge?”After she answered, whether it was a quipped response to his quipped question, or a simple stern slap again for the question in the first place, Seyp soon made his way to the door. It wasn’t a difficult process for him to begin making his way home. His first movement would be leaping from the ledge of Asheera’s tree house, landing along the larger branch a few feet below. He quickly kept with the motion, jumping down to the next branch before a backwards leap was given, gripping a final branch, swinging his body around before falling the final ten feet to the ground.
A slow exhale was given as he took a moment there along the ground to catch his breath. The day had been a little more exhausting than he had cared to emit. Using Auristics would make it worse, but it would also keep him aware of the predators. In the end, Seyp likely had less fear than he should have of traveling the jungles, but he had been doing such with his parents since he was five years of age. He was, by no real means, a sturdy Myrian warrior, but his own experience so far coupled with Auristics to sense dangers allowed Seyp to often avoid it.
It would take less time for him to get home than it did for him to reach Asheera’s tree house. And when he stepped inside his home, Syna just dipping below the horizon, both of his parents had questioned where he had been, and the wounds he had acquired. Neither one technically supported his decision to delve into reimancy, but considering the fact that he was still level headed, and had a book involving glyphing showed them that they had raised him with better intelligence, and was something he could handle. His mother had been more resistant in the matter, but in the end, she to chose not to force him to reveal who had been teaching him, rather trust her son’s own judgment, and trust he would come out stronger for it.
Seyp had simply spent the next bell eating a rather large dinner, before finally heading to his bed and slipping into with his book on Glyphing. He had spent maybe fifteen chimes before fatigue had finally overtaken him, and forced him to close his eyes and fall into a deep sleep. His dreams had been a mix of the days events with one exception, his rez had been a dark color, almost appearing like a gem of sorts. The dream alone, when waking, was almost enough to cause him to begin forming Rez again. Rather than try, however, he took a moment to breath in deeply, clear his mind by thinking of simply expanding his knowledge, of learning. It always eased his nerves to contemplate how he would learn more.
When he had finished, his nerves settled and mind focused, he once again began reading over the book on glyphing. He read over the simple aspects and benefits, reviewing what he had read the day before so he was sure he wouldn’t miss anything. He began reading more thoroughly on Focus, and soon lead on to the Barrier, Trigger, Path and Switch. In the end, he had decided to start off small, much to the book’s suggestion, and took out a vial of paint and paint brush. He had used them a couple of years earlier to practice drawing Malediction circles when his father had begun teaching him such. Dipping the brush into the paint, Seyp opened his left hand, facing his palm upward. Slowly, using the same care he would drawing a Malediction circle, Seyp began painting along his hand, working curves and strait lines, moving slowly and meticulously. It took him close to a half of a bell to finished, continuously wiping away blotches of paint that he felt unsatisfactory, painting over it again when he felt necessary.
The next bell and a half would be spent moving over Taloba, finishing off his daily errands and training. When it was finished, Seyp immediately began to make his way back to Asheera’s home. It took him the same time making his way to Asheera’s home as it had to get home from there. He had managed to make this journey without the use of Auristics this time around, as he opted to save his djed for his training this time around. When he had arrived, he once again made his journey up the tree, his feet moving slowly over the surface of the deck outside. It was a forgone conclusion in Seyp’s mind that she already knew he was there, even to the point that he almost felt as though she had been watching him throughout his morning in Taloba as well, ensuring that he did not practice further. All the same, he called out her name, announcing his arrival before he stepped inside.