Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Nidassasyae on December 5th, 2010, 5:21 am


Nidassasyae tilted her head to the side, watching Nehsmay run about like a small cub. Well, why not? The day was beautiful, the trees were shedding their leaves in a most unusual fashion, it was the perfect opportunity to play. Nidae laughed as her friend played in the leaves, running forwards to join her. Odd that it took a human girl to make a cub play.

The Kelvic picked up a red leaf, examining it closely. What a pretty color! Nehsmay's laughter and smiles started to infect Nidae, and soon the leopard started twirling about the leaves as well.

With a laugh, Nidae sat down in the pile of leaves, all the fear of the city had left her face. She looked like the cub that she was, worry and fear had disappeared.

Humans were silly enough, it was hard to imagine how they lived in such cramped quarters. She didn't hate them, only those that were slavers, Nidae simply just didn't understand humans. Though, with her human friend playing in the leaves with her, it occurred to her that humans were not too different than Kelvics. At least, they knew how to play and have fun. That was something she could relate to.

"What kind of game, Sel?" she called over to the Dhani, a big grin on her face.
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Seliarus on December 5th, 2010, 2:23 pm

The difference between the two cheerful girls, and the Dhani, was almost scaring. When the two ran in the leaves, and were all happy with that, Sel simply stoped to move, and without any other movements, stood there and waited for the two to stop playing with nature. No smile on his lips. Nothing. His cold gaze returning as one too many times before. His eyes closing for a moment, as he did let out a sigh. Strange how both of them were able to enjoy life with only a couple of leaves to touch. The Dhani felt like he doesn't really fit in the group. He was like the rain that made the children sad because they couldn't play anymore. Useless at this matter. But, he had no urge to run in the leaves. No urge to smile. No urge to even think about something positive. Nothing.

He pondered for a moment on how to explain the game of luck they should play. The only "game" that the Dhani liked to play, and didn't involve injuries. He didn't know why, but he liked to throw those dices since the day he managed to hold them. Made from bones. The touch was smooth, yet chilling. Yet none of the above at some other time. He couldn't even explain that. "We all throw sssmal cubes I have with me. And then count the dotsss. The one with the mosst dotss, winss." He said, trying to explain it to the Kelvic. She didn't know what a sword was, so he didn't know is she knew what a dice was. He thought, however, that the Vantha would know where's he aiming at.

But speaking of a game or not, the Dhani kept to his emotionless gaze, and even his words, while describing it, hadn't change a bit.
"Who knows? Life is like a roll on the dice. You can’t know if something is a good, or a bad roll until it already happened."

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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Nidassasyae on December 11th, 2010, 11:22 am


"Ooh, okay!" exclaimed the Kelvic, this was a very different kind of game. She'd never played something like this before. With her siblings, it was about who was the best at something. Nidae would usually lose, she was neither as smart nor as strong as her brother and sister. The fact that she could run fast didn't contribute much to this. Speed had nothing to do with throwing dice, nor games of strength or wit.

"Can we try your game, Sel? Can I see the cubes with the dots?" Nidae asked, peering up at the Dhani to see if he was holding the strange game pieces. The Kelvic fully expected to lose, but who cared? These were her friends, they wouldn't tease her about it. All in all, with the beautiful scenery and good company, it was a fine day to lose.
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Nehsmay on December 11th, 2010, 7:39 pm


Nehsmay smiled at her two friends and nodded hearing Seliarus' explanation of them game. She knew it, she had played it with her siblings in the past, during some blizzard that kept all of them locked inside the house for days without an end. She would love to play the game again and feel the magic of childhood.

"I know the game." She told Sel. "I used to play it in the past and would love to play it again. Let's make camp a few steps further in the woods and we can play there." There was a meadow a little further in the woods, perfect for having some fun.

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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Seliarus on December 12th, 2010, 8:06 am

The Dhani nodded in return. it seemed like the two wouldn't mind playing a dice game after all. He liked the game, because there was nothing but pure chance of wining or losing. That's why no competition is able to break free, meaning to arguing. That also meaning, no chances of him loosing his calm and munching on someone for that. Yes, dices were alright.

"Alright, let'sss move then." He said, looking at Nehsmay and nodding. He didn't mind to walk for a while more, so there were no complains. He did, however, reach to his backpack's side pockets, and pulled out a leather throwing cup. He held it up for Nidae to take, and if she would look inside, she would see a a set of dice with a four, eight, ten, twelve and twenty-sided dice, as well as two six-sided dice, all made from bones. "Thessse cubesss with dotsss...Are called dicesss. Be careful not to loossse them. They are sssmall, ssso it'sss a pain to sssearch for them."
"Who knows? Life is like a roll on the dice. You can’t know if something is a good, or a bad roll until it already happened."

The CS moding, framing, editing, and making it look awesome = Copyrights; Nidassasyae Iskedarst
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Nidassasyae on December 12th, 2010, 10:11 pm


Nidassasyae nodded in agreement, a meadow seemed a far more perfect place to play than out here. She started to follow her companions, but stopped when Sel held out some sort of leather container. Nope, this couldn't be one of those cubes, perhaps it held the cubes inside?

Fascinated, the leopardess gingerly took the cup from Seliarus and looked inside. There were the cubes! How odd, most seemed to be different shapes, not cubes. There were two cubes though, that at least verified her guess that these were the objects that Seliarus had spoken of.

"Dice? Wow, we'll play with these?" she almost squeaked in excitement. Cubs liked toys, though usually of the 'I'm going to gnaw on this 'till it breaks" variety. This was different. For one, you couldn't actually gnaw on the tiny cubes, you'd probably choke. She was very interested in this game that required such delicacy to play. Nidae nodded when he told her not to drop them. In the day, her eyesight wasn't very good, so searching for the tiny objects in the grass wasn't very appealing.

Carefully, she carried the throwing cup with her towards the meadow. Nidae sat down and crossed her legs, setting the throwing cup in front of her. "Are there rules to your game? Who goes first?"
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Nehsmay on January 1st, 2011, 5:41 pm


Nehsmay walked a bit further then threw her stuff on the ground and collapsed near them."Phew...finally silence." she grinned as she twirled a leaf between her fingers marveling at its copper beauty. She hadn't seem so many pretty colors before leaving Avanthal. There white, ice blue and green covered the place.

"I usually lost at this game." Nehsmay smiled softly "My siblings used to say I have the worst luck in the world... then again perhaps it's true." She got up and took her place on a rock, glancing at Seliarus."Are there any additional rules we should know about?"

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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Seliarus on January 1st, 2011, 6:31 pm


The Dhani sat down as well, on the place where there still was some space for him. He closed his eyes for a moment, and listened. Rules? There were no rules in luck. Then again, there were no rules in life. He slowly opened his eyes, as he pointed at the throwing cup in front of the Kelvic. "You throw the dicesss...Count the dotsss...Whoever hasss the mossst in sssome roundsss...Winsss." He simply said, because there really was nothing else to add. So he wasn't going to do anything complicated." The one who losssessss... Hasss to do a tasssk the winner ssselectsss."He then added. Just for the sake of being polite and friendly. If they are going to play, and pass some time with it, he could as well try to make it not so boring for the two. Not that he would die if they were bored, but, hey, the two allowed him to travel with them. He should show some gratitude. Evil snake being, or not.

He would once again eye the cup, and then sigh. He thought he explained clear on what the rules are, so there was nothing else to do but too, start. For a moment, he closed his eyes again.
"Who knows? Life is like a roll on the dice. You can’t know if something is a good, or a bad roll until it already happened."

The CS moding, framing, editing, and making it look awesome = Copyrights; Nidassasyae Iskedarst
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Nidassasyae on January 3rd, 2011, 3:45 am


OOCI'm assuming that he means to throw all the dice? If not, let me know and I'll edit my post :)

"Oh, alright then," nodded Nida, peering at the dice in the cup. She placed a hand on the opening in the cup, shook it, then placed it facedown onto the ground.

"Here goes nothing," The Kelvic lifted the cup off the ground, leaving the dice in a little cluster. She was silent for a few moments, adding the numbers slowly and carefully on her fingers. Her eyes narrowed as she looked down at the markings carefully, trying to add up the sum. The sun was bright out, it was the most difficult time of day for her to try and stare at tiny markings.

"Thirty... thirty seven," The Kelvic finally said.

OOC= Can we wrap this up soon? Let's do some fun threads in Zeltiva! :D
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Nehsmay on January 3rd, 2011, 11:10 am


Nehsmay sighed content and took her turn at throwing the dice. She small cubes rolled on the ground before settling down .
"Thirty." She counted "You've outnumbered me, Nida." she smiled and rolled back on the grass and waited for Seliarus to roll the dice.

She smiled softly and closed her eyes enjoying the blissful peace and quiet of the wilderness. Slowly, not really noticing she started to doze off.

OOC= I'm all for wrapping this up

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