Flashback Through the Eyes of Death and Fire

I should have died... but I didn't. I don't know why I didn't.

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The vast mountain range of Kalea is home of secret valleys, dead-end canyons, and passes that lead to places long forgotten or yet to be discovered.

Through the Eyes of Death and Fire

Postby Keiran Scarlet on August 1st, 2015, 4:42 am

Keiran Scarlet
17th Day of Winter, 509 AV
"Keiran! Let's fly over the Moonlight Escape before heading over to the Camps!" she screamed over the rush of the winds at him. Image

Auburn hair flailing behind her, lit softly by the moon and stars above them, as they flew a couple chimes before the rest of the group. Keiran never did see anything so beautiful as when she smiled up at him from Fenirri. The golden glow of her eyes as they pierced his unique hazel ones and the way her body moved so fluently as she waved him to follow her. IT was moments like that he could never forget.

"Race you down, Alrya!" Keiran exclaimed with a smile as he sped Skalori passed Fenirri. The giant eagles playfully nipping at each other as they dueled for their rule in the sky.

The two pairs soared silently into the clearing, maintaining their hunting instincts and keeping their senses pointedly outward. Keiran arrived first, dismounting Skalori as he began walking towards the shimmering lake. He stared into the deep waters as they reflected the moon back on itself for only a tick before Alrya was behind him. Wrapping her arms around his waist as he enveloped her hands in his own.

"You cheated." she said teasingly, squeezing him a bit. Keiran couldn't see her, but he knew she had that small smile she had when no one was looking.

"I didn't cheat," he said grinning, turning around in her embrace to kiss her on the forehead gently, "I just took a head start."

She didn't respond with words, but shook her head as she drew her arms around his neck and brought their lips together. The sweetest embrace that always made unimaginable oaths in the silence. Keiran's fingers traced the curve of her neck as her own glided down to the small of his back. For a moment, the only sound became the music of the lake behind them. It was for that moment, their favorite soundtrack.

Keiran looked up for a moment and saw that Skalori and Fenirri were nestled together against the one of the larger trunks a few paces away. Their gear resting neatly on either side of the saddles they adorned. Knowing they were safe, he gently pulled Alrya down to the grassy floor and laid down beside her. With her nestled into the crook of his shoulder, they stared up at the evening lights. Content smiles twitch happily with desire to taste each other again.

Keiran closed his eyes and let his mind drift into the area round them. He heard the rustle of their eagle's feathers as it mixed to the lullaby of the grass. The way the leaves of the towering trees along the mountainsides matched the symphony with the howling winds above them. Small drops of rain played the baseline and the river sang the harmony to the chorus their hearts were playing. Nothing was stirring around them, and as the rain fell a little harder he smiled; Alrya loved the rain almost as much as he did.

He sat up, kissing a gently dozing Alrya on the cheek just enough to get that soft smile in response. Walking to the edge of the clearing, Keiran went to the bush that carried small white flowers on their branches. He pushed into the bramble a bit to find one he liked, keeping a flickering eye on the darkness that leered just beyond.

With the rain falling, he couldn't smell very well which could have cost him the chance at any game that was roaming just beyond the edge. However, he had hoped to get at least a glimpse of prey. Shaking his head at the attempt, he pushed a bit further and caught the dim light of a beautiful flower. Its pedals were still full of new blossoms and lightly coated in the mist from the rain. Smiling, Keiran wrapped a couple fingers around its stem and nicked it from its place.

Something caught him in the stomach, swift and hard. Knocking him from his feet and onto his back, ripping the breath from his lungs. A sharp scream behind him made him reel on himself, watching in horror as the environment around them became suddenly alive. Barreling on a collision course for where Alrya was scampering to her feet.

A thump beside his head shook Keiran back into the situation as he gazed up at a towering figure made of moss, leaves, and other things. Dreadfully beady eyes glared down on him. Raising a fist, or what could be called a fist, into the air, the being drove it towards the earth faster than Keiran would have guessed possible.

Rolling away and to his feet only just in time before it made contact with the ground, Keiran reached for the small dagger he had strapped to his boot. Another ear splitting blow smacked into his side, and tendril like fingers gripped his ribs. Before Keiran could even react, he was thrown clear across the clearing before smashing into the now muddy ground below. Except it wasn't all mud, and mud didn't have tinges of red in it.

Terrified Keiran searched the clearing as he struggled to get his feet under him and breathing under control. He found Skalori and Fenirri furiously battling four large monsters, tearing into their bodies with huge talons. Behind them, Alrya was in a match against three more. Her talon blade was stained in darkness and her side shared the resemblance. Her eyes flickered over to Keiran for an instant.

"Focus on them!" Keiran bellowed as loudly as his lungs could manage, running as fast as he could to where Skalori and his gear were. Behind him, the other two monstrosities followed in pursuit. He dashed past one of the three engaged with Alrya, allowing his eyes a brief second to overlook her status. He didn't need long to know that she was badly hurt.

"Skalori, hang on!" Keiran yelled over the roar of the battle, ripping his talon blade from its sheath on the eagles side. Skalori turned his head towards him so that one magnificent gold eye gazed at him intently. Keiran understood his partner more than anyone, and that look meant he would be fine. They only needed moments, and Keiran was charging the other way, ready to intercept the two following him before they reached Alrya.

The ground around them was thick with mud and dark splotches that splurted from the enemy when their blades plunged into them. The rain came down in torrents now, and their breaths came out in rasping gasps as the oxygen became more humid.

Keiran shook his head, training his eyes on the next attack. Ducking under another critical blow, he swept right and separated the limb from the body. Dousing himself in blackness. Alrya made the same motion, and almost simultaneously stabbed the creature in the belly, ripping skyward as the thing crashed to the earth.

Breathing heavily, Keiran wiped his brow before peering back into the fog of the rain.

"Keiran..." Alrya whispered slowly.

"Yeah... I know." he answered. All he could see were the shadows.

"Nari" | "Common"
Last edited by Keiran Scarlet on August 6th, 2015, 12:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Keiran Scarlet
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Through the Eyes of Death and Fire

Postby Keiran Scarlet on August 2nd, 2015, 11:49 pm

Keiran Scarlet
Keiran turned his head towards where their Wind Eagles were clearing away the remnants of more unlucky enemies. The spasms of the vines that made up their bodies still littered the muddy floor around them. Black mixing with sickening ease into the ground.

Are you and Alrya okay? Skalori spoke into his mind as Keiran walked back stepped back towards his partner. Reaching up, he unhooked his short bow from where it was strapped on the saddle and grabbed a handful of arrows from the quiver. Holding the arrows firmly in his firing hand near the rear end of the shaft. His eyes never leaving the dark wall of approaching shadows nearing them from the edge of the clearing. They were surrounded now.

"We need to get out of here." he spoke firmly, avoiding answering about Alrya before drawing an arrow. Pinpointing the twinkle of moonlight caught in the eyes of his enemy, he sighted down the shaft of his weapon until it was nigh perfect. Squaring himself off as the weight of the bow locked into firing position, leaving Keiran's body taught in preparation for the release. A breath later, and the arrow shot passed Alrya in a flurry before splitting the air in front of them. A moment passed, and the creature roared venomously as the projectile found its target. He drew another arrow as he thought about Alrya, who was backing up to join him and their friends. She was hurt, and it was evident she was far from managing well. Pride however would never let her submit to those wounds, and he would not defile that pride by making her sound weak. He let another arrow fly as the enemy increased their pace, another scream echoed over the low roar of the oncoming wall.

Then let us be off-- Skalori started, but it was cut off by a horrible shriek as a few daring foes slammed themselves into his side. Sending him skirting into Fenirri, talons and feathers flailing. Another scream and something that felt like a crunch echoed in his mind as he moved. Keiran ducked the onslaught of his Eagle's tumble, rolling to the side before coming up on a single knee and elevating his bow to shoulder height, rotating his chin over his shooting arm and squaring off to fire a couple of blind shots. Hopefully they would keep the enemy from moving up on them to fast, but he doubted it. He looked around, ensuring the safety of his friends. Skalori picked himself up quickly off Fenirri and snarled at his attackers. Fenirri however, did not move to do the same. Instead, her eyes were locked in a haunting stare of horror and disbelief just behind them.

Following her gaze, Keiran's eyes fell upon the moment he would never forget. He felt his heart wrench into two, his soul shattered within his chest. The very foundation of everything he was shifted into the sight of Alrya, at the mercy of their enemies, laying on the floor with her eyes glued to his own. she must have been knocked away by Skalori's talons as blood trickled from her mouth, and her eyes fought to stay open against the gravity of her wounds. Black eyes however, were wide, shining... and hungry for the blood to come.

Keiran couldn't move fast enough, stutter stepping towards her just as fists the size of his chest rammed into Alrya's body. The sound, tore at Keiran's psyche, stole the breath from his lungs. He lost himself in every emotion that blood could carve into a man. The world around him faded into a dull bell as out of the corner of his eye, which was still transfixed on Alrya's destroyed body, saw Fenirri charge the wall of dark murderers.

ALRYA! Keiran screamed in unison with Fenirri as he took off after her, trailing behind her tail feathers as she dove into the wall of darkness, ripping and tearing into everything she could get her talons into. The enemy was wrought with hunger for more blood, and drove their thorned fists into her sides. Soon, Keiran couldn't tell what was mud and what was blood anymore as more and more of the enemy that had surrounded them got their taste of Wind Eagle blood.

"Nari" | "Common"
Last edited by Keiran Scarlet on August 6th, 2015, 12:25 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Keiran Scarlet
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Through the Eyes of Death and Fire

Postby Keiran Scarlet on August 3rd, 2015, 2:26 am

Keiran Scarlet
Keiran ran faster, now in shock as he watched another of his friends get torn to shreds. Before he could make it over there, Skalori caught the back of his katinu and yanked him away from the fray.

"Let go Skalori!" Keiran yelled, pleadingly and commanding. Emotions tearing him apart as he stared in horror at the scene of black and red unfolding before him. The throbbing echoes of Alrya's name as it poured from Fenirri's mind racked his soul.

There's nothing more we can do! They're dead, Keiran! Get a hold of yourself! Skalori answered unyielding. Keiran could hear the torment that rippled through his partners mind as well. His own emotions pouring through his words with their telepathic bond. He hated all of this, hated how he was so helpless. His eyes traced the floor beneath the onslaught of darkness ravaging Fenirri's body. The echoes of her mind were gone now, but the lingering traces of her countenance flitted through their minds.

As the threads of her mind vanished from the clearing, Skalori and Keiran watched silently as the wall of black and red and feathers circled them. Keiran settled down to face the fact that they could all die here.

"Skalori." Keiran spoke gnelty, drawing his bow again.

He sensed his friends emotions coursing through him. He knew neither of them would leave the other. It was to late to try and escape, they wouldn't have the momentum to get high enough to out range the creatures attacks. There was no turning back now, he could almost hear the grins flashing underneath the shadows of his enemies tangled faces. Their beady black eyes laughing in the moonlight.

Sorry, Keiran. Skalori spoke gently as he swept Keiran up with his talon, slamming him into his breast. The movement caused a ripple of reaction in the darkness surrounding them as their opponents charged the duo. Skalori quickly fell to the ground, covering Keiran with his massive body. Keiran screamed as his short bow shattered into his side, pushing his head up into Skalori's feathers to stay out of the mud suffocating danger.

"Skalori!" Keiran cried over the roars of his friends pain, the thumps of thorn riddled fists tearing into his body, and the rain that fell like acid around them. Keiran called out Skalori's name again and again. Pleading with him to release him, to let him fight alongside him. Except he wasn't fighting, and Keiran was helpless against the weight of his friend.

As Skalori's will began to fade, he felt his weight sink into the muck further. His feathers became rich with crimson and the torrent of blood filled Keiran's mouth with sickening metallic taste as he fought to keep his head above the mud. Tears streaming down his face were lost against the blood that cased him like a mask of absolute pain. Screaming until his voice broke, and he could feel the trickling of his own blood as he choked on it.


Keiran didn't know how much time had passed. The ticks trickled by and the chimes felt like little individual infinities. Keiran no longer heard the sounds of anything, and the weight around him was motionless. The threads connecting him to his partner, his friend, the second half of his soul.. were gone. Ripped away into the void of darkness that housed all death. Now Skalori took up residence in their halls.

After an immeasurable amount of time, Keiran felt movement above him. The darkness that surrounded his entrapment was breached with blinding light. Hands picked up out of the muck, vague shadows against the white of the world. He whispered his friends name's, maybe it had been a dream. He heard the mumbles of people talking around him.

"Skalori... Alrya... Fenirri..." he croaked in something weaker than a whisper. No response answered him, and he was lifted into the air. He felt weightless and helpless, unaware of anything. The world was a mixture of white and black that flickered with the rise and fall of his all to heavy eyelids. It was a moment, he heard, as clearly as if he had said it himself.

"What of the others?" a voice echoed.

"Dead," was the answer, "Get him to Wind Reach."

Keiran didn't know what it was that came next, or how to explain it. Immediately following however, Keiran felt the brush of lips against him, and the all to familiar feel of the warmth that let him know Skalori was near him. It wasn't happy, it was just goodbye.

He wanted nothing more than to be going with them.


"Nari" | "Common"

Shatter | Break | Breath
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Keiran Scarlet
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Through the Eyes of Death and Fire

Postby Estrellir Konrath on August 13th, 2015, 9:50 am


Keiran Scarlet

Riding: Wind Eagle +1
Sword: Talon +2
Bow: Short +1

Keiran & Alrya: Perfect couple
Being attacked at Moonlight Escape
Seeing Alrya die
Losing one’s Wind Eagle


Kudos… the way you portrayed such intense pain and sorrow really got to me! You didn’t state what kind of animal they were attacked by, otherwise I would’ve given you a lore related to that too. PM me with any questions or concerns!
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