4 Spring - 516 AV - Some Shady Alley - Sunberth
"I thought you just needed a map. That's what I got told. Just go see you and you'd tell me what needed mapping. That's what your friend said. Also I don't think a man that big should be named Little Pete."
Irony sometimes went over 'Chras head.
"We do need a map, we do, and I hear you know how t'keep yer mouth shut. We just need a livin' map is all."
"I don't even know what that means."
"We need y'there, t'update things if'n they change, to make sure our man stays in th'know, y'ken?"
The man, known as Cheese for reasons it was best not to ask if you liked your internal organs to stay internal sighed, rubbing his temples. He was used to working with idiots though. He dealt with Little Pete after all. Those two had probably got on just fun. They both spoke idiot.
"Right, Lil Pete told you about our.. friends right? Them with the blue sashes?"
"Yeeeees, he said they were bad'n liked raping people and didn't pay for whores like civilised people'n stuff."
"Right. Thas true. We've got a guy who's gonna deal with'em. We need you to sketch out where they are though so's he knows where t'go and don't get blind-sided. Then you stay there while he's workin' so y'can keep him updated while they move aroun'. 'Cause if we get you to put the Blue-Sashes on th'map and then they move, well th'map ain't accurate any more is it?"
"I guess not.. So.. I just make sure he knows where the Blue sashes are moving to?"
"Yer, that's it. Keep 'em from gettin' shanked from behind, y'ken?"
"I guess so.."
"Awright, go get drawin'. Our other man'll meet you at th'entrance t'the Tent City when the suns goin' down."
"How will I know who it is?"
"We'll tell 'im t'be recognisable a'right?"
This was all getting very complicated. She'd just wanted to draw some more birds eye view pictures. Ah well. This conversation seemed to be over, so she left, going to scavenge some bark and charcoal as well as to stash her clothes before she started mapping.