12th of Spring, 516 AV
A strong, chilly gust pushed through the gaps of the wooden walls, and woke Chrysa with a shudder. Despite her attempts to wrap herself deeper in the bedclothes, her body warmth was not enough to settle her back into sleep. So it was with a weary sigh that she sat up and surveyed her small hovel. For all she knew, someone could have entered in the night and taken her things to leave her none the wiser. But the room wasn’t any barer than it usually was, and her pack was still safely hidden under the floorboard by the hearth.
Nothing was touched. As if she was supposed to be thankful that the thieves decided to only take Glaurea’s bed only weeks ago.
With another sigh, she pulled herself out of bed and quickly changed into her dress and corset. She continued her usual routine, idly thinking where she would try her business for the day. The Den was definitely out, especially as she was now independent in her business. No way would she step into Stumble Alley or Robern’s Reaches, either. She didn’t want to even imply an association with those petching fools. Not when she was still seeking out the Night Eyes. And if she dared step into Slaver’s Row, no doubt she would end up a slave herself. She had no one who would miss her, after all. She could just disappear, easily. Perhaps near the Gated Community, or Riverside? There were brothels there, and so there would be the risk that she’d be caught and beaten for daring to compete against them. Again.
Chrysa glanced over at the stiletto barely peeking out underneath her cloak. She’d have a better chance to get away with fewer bruises, at least, especially if she kept to the alleys far from the brothels. The Simpering Seacow did have some decent alleys to do her business. Well, decent as they come in Sunberth. She tugged on her boots, draped her cloak across her shoulders, and tucked the stiletto underneath the folds of fabric. So, it was decided. She would make her way over to Riverside, set up her business behind the Seacow. Stick around until the sun started touching the horizon. Head home. Pausing briefly to grab for some food to eat on the way, she stepped out into the chilly air and started for Riverside.