[Shimoje] Hairbreadth Escape

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[Shimoje] Hairbreadth Escape

Postby Shimoje on April 2nd, 2016, 3:02 am


But I have no hair

I tend to be a very active guy, and I enjoy a variety of different things. Among writing and sharing valuable moments with friends I also enjoy mountain hiking, biking, running, playing video games, giving massages, taking pictures, and various other things really! I am currently in the Military as Active Duty Army and before that I was a Sous Chef, and worked in the hospitality industry for 11 years. I joined the Army to correct some past mistakes and to also gain enlightenment about myself. A lot of stuff happened and so I ended up joining.

I write poetry in my down time, and I like to share it also. I take criticism about -anything- openly, and I always look to improve myself.

Feel free to comment or to share some writing of yourself with me should you want. You can post freely in this thread, and if you are interested support me as I go through the motions of life.

I might also post some pictures and various other stories on here as well!

Speech Thoughts

Shortly after departure of the Tipsy Wench, a deeply held secret started to show itself as Shimoje's mental stability started to become more clear. His hand will bear the mark of Lykata and glow with a symbol of Lormar.


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[Shimoje] Hairbreadth Escape

Postby Shimoje on April 2nd, 2016, 3:05 am


Covered by the Clouds

So I sat dreaming in the night,
The night, covered by the clouds.

A damaged rose lay beside me,
the thorns were cut, leaving the scars,
velvet petals white enough to reflect the stars,
shadows of thorns gone, black as night,
the night, covered by the clouds.

My sorrowful eyes closed,
as a swift movement whispered by,
at first it sounded like the wind,
though, I only heard my lullaby.

Dreaming of an ocean,
the water's pulse flowed rapid
pounding against the shore,
carving each rock pure.

A storm sounded it's beacon,
the thunder rumbled on,
and it began to pour.

The storm devoured where I once found love,
the shore where I walked with another,
it was something I couldn't bear to think of,
so, I had to let go, we were no longer together.

The tears flowed in the night,
the night, covered by the clouds.

I woke in the night,
and ran to the shore,
darkness sang the same tune,
the closer I came to view my sight.

The tears stormed on,
eyes filled with my once found love,
my soul crumpled to the sand,
sitting, I looked up to find -
my sweet moon,
singing in the night,
the night, covered by the clouds.

The damaged rose was lost, but
what once was gone, is now found, in the night,
the night, covered by the clouds.

Speech Thoughts

Shortly after departure of the Tipsy Wench, a deeply held secret started to show itself as Shimoje's mental stability started to become more clear. His hand will bear the mark of Lykata and glow with a symbol of Lormar.


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[Shimoje] Hairbreadth Escape

Postby Shimoje on April 2nd, 2016, 3:08 am

Last edited by Shimoje on May 29th, 2016, 3:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Shortly after departure of the Tipsy Wench, a deeply held secret started to show itself as Shimoje's mental stability started to become more clear. His hand will bear the mark of Lykata and glow with a symbol of Lormar.


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[Shimoje] Hairbreadth Escape

Postby Shimoje on May 1st, 2016, 1:43 am


Speech Thoughts

Last edited by Shimoje on May 29th, 2016, 3:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
Shortly after departure of the Tipsy Wench, a deeply held secret started to show itself as Shimoje's mental stability started to become more clear. His hand will bear the mark of Lykata and glow with a symbol of Lormar.


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[Shimoje] Hairbreadth Escape

Postby Shimoje on May 6th, 2016, 3:17 am


Time to hunt the good stuff.

So negativity seems to creep out of all aspects of a post-apocalyptic world. This site is amazing and though the post-apocalyptic world has its own downfalls and negativity to it, I prefer to take a positive approach to things!

I have enjoyed every facet and corner of Mizahar so far, and will continue to do such! I really like the people here and I hope to continue to bring positive thoughts and creativity to the site!

Today I was talking with a number of people from the site and got to know them on some personal levels, and I must say that we all have our differences and our own social takes on things. Today some good things happened, and some bad things happened. I can at times be patient but my overall nature always tells me to "Go, Go, Go!" I can be very enthusiastic and have a very unique work ethic. I prefer to act.

It is just who I am, and I can't deny that it can be annoying. I enjoy having a very far reaching affect to others, and in turn hope to inspire others to act through mine.

So my three hunt the good stuffs today:
The thread "Storehouse Massacre" became ready to be played today! We got a good following I think, and plenty of skilled players that are involved in it. I wish it could allow more, but perhaps this will just be the start of a great thing!

Today I got to relax and listen to some blues while talking to Mizahar people!

Two new cities are about to open and they have very awesome STs!

I've fallen in love with Mizahar, and I hope others share my aspiration to see this site grow to it's fullest potential. I hereby promise that as my characters grows in this post-apocalyptic world, as will I try to continue to make the site grow!
Speech Thoughts

Shortly after departure of the Tipsy Wench, a deeply held secret started to show itself as Shimoje's mental stability started to become more clear. His hand will bear the mark of Lykata and glow with a symbol of Lormar.


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[Shimoje] Hairbreadth Escape

Postby Shimoje on June 15th, 2016, 1:19 am

Title and Date

Secret :
Yep that is me!

So yesterday I went hiking and mountain climbing! It was a great time. Me and two of my buddies went to a place called Castlewood Canyon State Park. It is a very beautiful place, and has some very good climbs. Among those some are very sketchy though. On one I nearly slipped and fell from very high, but I didn't want to fall so I resulted in clinging to the sharp rocks instead. Cut up my left hand, but aside from that I am fine!

The journey started out at the western part of the park; and there is a bunch of stuff and places to visit and sight see. However, I couldn't exactly do all of that. We were out climbing since 1000am and didn't stop till about 1800. It was a great time, and of course aside from my friends I brought my other friend - whiskey. Though, I didn't even really drink it that much. We were having far too much fun just climbing. A few were some great adrenaline! As we worked our way up the mountain there were various climbs that challenged us.

Secret :

I look so bad in that picture! haha... Well, after that climb we sort of made our way to a canyon. It was beautiful
Secret :

After that we came across a boulder face that would challenge us all, and this one of the funner ones. You had to scale across it to get to the other side... This was also the one I managed to slip on -

Secret :

After a few moments hiking I went on ahead. Take a look at this crazy crack I used!

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Why hello down there! Struggling a bit?

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Anyways, once we got to the very very top a very strange thing happened. About 20 birds of prey came out to greet us. They were flying above out heads and circling around. I think they were a type of vulture but couldn't tell. I don't know too much about birds. Anyways, they got close enough for me to get some awesome pictures! I managed to get one timed awesomely with the moon in the background.

Secret :

Alright - for those who enjoyed the pictures I will share the full album with you! Here is the link! Google Album Link
Shortly after departure of the Tipsy Wench, a deeply held secret started to show itself as Shimoje's mental stability started to become more clear. His hand will bear the mark of Lykata and glow with a symbol of Lormar.


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