Just another day? (open)

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Just another day? (open)

Postby Lorcan on January 25th, 2011, 8:53 pm

Lorcan looked at her again, she looked so cold and tired, it was strange because a moment ago she seemed a lot better. He had no idea how this could've happened and didn't care much for it either. As Lorcan expected she moved closer towards him but instead of just holding onto his hand she linked in with him completely and got very close to him. Probably because she was cold... Or because she wanted to put a knife between his ribs, so he breathed in deeply awaiting a knife... and felt nothing. Once again he was proven wrong and once again he still didn't feel like he completely trust her. Though in a city like Ravok, could you really trust anyone? He trusted Dervish with his life, but that was about the only person he could ever trust that much. In Ravok you always had to watch your back.
As got very close their skin met in between and he could feel her's being very cold. He looked at her with a look of pity, "That is true... we should probably get moving," after which she leaned on him some more, which strangely enough warmed Lorcan up a little, perhaps her internal body heat was still there. After a moment of bewilderment he tried to make a step but hesitated because she was still looking down at her feet, "Lead the way" She said with clattering teeth, while looking up at him. So he decided to make the step he wanted to make, then another and then another. Pulling her with him as she seemed too tired to move.
This whole situation, dragging someone with him to his home, reminded him of a time Dervish had gotten so drunk he could barely move his legs. Lorcan had gotten to the bar to look for Dervish, but he was nowhere to be found. He looked around but didn't find him, until he searched the kitchen, in the back of which Dervish was laying. He looked more closely and saw that he was laying there in a puddle of his own sick and blood. He had pulled Dervish from out of there and pulled him home, which was just like this.
But at the same time different, because this time it was a weird new girl instead of a familiar old friend. So he kept pulling her forward, wondering why she was so tired, but he didn't ask. He didn't want to seem rude or intrusive, not yet anyway. Instead he just remained quiet, half walking half dragging her with him, staying silent while the wind rushed around his ears and the moonlight illuminated their path. Actually, aside from both their breathing there wasn't much sound to be heard, apparently it was later then he thought. He'd really have to hurry, because the likely hood of an ebonstryfe coming around we're increasing. So he started dragging her a bit quicker...
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Just another day? (open)

Postby Aello on January 26th, 2011, 12:29 am

Aello pressed her entire body into Lorcan as he led her towards his house. He seemed to practically drag her, now that the wave of exhaustion was beginning to overcome her, slowly but steadily. She was finding it increasingly difficult to press onwards, her legs steadily growing colder, and numb, her eyes constantly fighting to stay open. Eventually, she just gave in and let Lorcan do all the work, he seemed strong enough.

The wind whirled all around them, howling like a hungry pack of wolves. Aello shivered, wolves scared her a little bit, alright they scared her a lot. But at least it was only the wind right? Aello thought, as she moved even closer to Lorcan, partially out of fear, partially because she was so darn cold, as he led her through the night. "It is pretty out though," Aello commented, forcing her head up to look at the stars, "they're like little beacons of hope way up there in the sky.... way up...." Aello's voice trailed off, she was more than likely too tired and out of it to make sense, "floating..."

Suddenly, Lorcan stopped dead in his tracks. Aello looked over at him tiredly. A doorway stood in front of them. "This your place?" she asked as her face fell onto Lorcan's shoulder, and the moonlight shimmered down on each of them, giving each of their faces a ghastly glow.

OOCSorry this post is rather short, and kind of blah....
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Just another day? (open)

Postby Lorcan on January 27th, 2011, 7:12 pm

Lorcan had basically been dragging her the entire way. He couldn’t help but occasionally look at this tiny girl he found, observing her as she mumbled to herself, shivered and pushed herself against him to stay warm. He wondered who she was.. but he didn’t say anything. Apparently he was feeling patient enough not to bother her with his inquiries, which surprised even him. After a bit of walking and dragging he reached his house and pulled up the key. He pushed it into the lock and placed it at just the right location, after which he slowly turned it. Because it was so quiet he could actually hear the tumblers within the lock twist and turn as he turned the key. Eventually the lock clicked open and he pushed open the door. He then heard the girl speak, ”This your place?" She said it as if she was at the end of her sanity, or so it seemed to Lorcan. He was still completely oblivious as to why this girl had suddenly gotten delirious and had started mumbling. He was thinking to himself how weird it was that one minute she was just sitting and waving and the next she seemed half dead. He sighed and shook his head a few times, knowing he was probably not going to get much straight answers, instead he figured patience and time might do the trick. Even though he really wanted to ask her lots of things instead he simply exclaimed:
"Yeah, we're here." He pushed open the door, not really knowing whether Dervish could be in there or not, he’d said something about something being on his mind lately. He was very vague about it, which bothered Lorcan a little. Still, that didn’t say much about whether he’d be there or not, Lorcan figured he’d know soon enough.
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Just another day? (open)

Postby Dervish on January 27th, 2011, 8:04 pm

As the door creaked open, warm air and a mix of the smell of men and bad cooking greeted them. It felt familiar to Lorcan, and didn't seem discouraging although perhaps slightly off-putting to a stranger. The air wasn't particularily stuffed, because of a single window in the back of the house as well as thin old walls.

The room was six by six meters, a bunk bed with two levels covering most of the left hand wall. The wall opposite the door had a window in the right side, and a hole in the wall covered by a wooden slate on the east right-hand wall was another. The house also had a fireplace with a small but cozy fire burning in the middle, a small pile of timber next to it as well as a single cooking pot, holding a now-chilled soup with a few ingredients.
Placed approximately in the middle of the room but slightly to the right was a small table, and a pair of leather boots placed ontop of it. Following the boots up to their owner was Dervish. He sat slouched in his chair to the right of the table, wearing a white shirt and his breeches, his dark hair wet after what must have been a recent shower.
However, all of these things would hardly be the first thing the two of them noticed when they went inside, since Dervish was twisting a broad bladed dagger around in his hand absent mindedly. He was looking at the blade, and as they looked at him he made a sudden rehearsed movement. He threw the knife around, and caught the flat side of the blade coming down between three fingers. His arm bent backwards to the left, twisting slightly in behind his head. In a flurry of motion he brought it forward, the knife doing two quick twists in the air before embedding itself into one of the wooden bed posts with a dull thud, standing there gleaming, returning the light of the fireplace and the entering moonlight.

Dervish looked at the knife and the bedpost, which was filled with nicks from previous strikes of his throwing, a habit he'd grown to relax himself. He liked to sit and think while he played with his weapon, and even though the habit had in old times earned him a scar or two he didn't tend to make mistakes anymore. He looked up at Lorcan with a polite smile - Only to almost fall down and definetely losing his cool as he saw they had guests. He looked at Aello and Lorcan with an apologetic smile and spoke in a tired voice;"Sorry, hope I didn't startle you, it's an old habit of mine. I didn't know you were bringing a... guest, Lorcan? Should I leave? I am Dervish by the way." He said with the same smile, some humour glinting in his eyes, his slightly pointy teeth giving him a disturbing look. He was embarassed, but the fact Lorcan suddenly brought in girls from the streets was so very entertaining. What was he up to? At least it was good for hi-- Dervish' trail of thoughts was broken, as he suddenly noticed the girl he'd recently been in a bar fight with. The question was if she recognized him?
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Just another day? (open)

Postby Aello on January 27th, 2011, 11:50 pm

The only thing that Aello seemed to see, at least right away, was the fireplace that rested against the wall opposite from the door where she and Lorcan were standing. A small orange-ish red fire was crackling in the middle of the fireplace, shooting tiny sparks up towards the ceiling as it continued to dance across a small pile of logs, leaving a thin trail of ash, and blackened wood in its stead. Tiny wisps of smoke billowing out from the blackening pile of wood, circling the area just in front of the fireplace, only slowly pouring out through the top of the chimney. Aello smiled at it- warmth! she thought, as another cool breeze burst its way into the small room.

Aello warily turned her head to look over her shoulder as the wind whistled, surrounding both herself and Lorcan in its ethereal blanket. Aello shivered, noticing that the open door must have been the culprit, she tiredly kicked the door shut, before returning her gaze to the contents of the room. There wasn't much, some windows, a chair, two beds, from what Aello could see. How quaint, Aello thought, as a man's head popped out from around the corner of the chair that was situated right in front of the fire. Dark brown eyes, dark hair, he seemed strangely familiar, but being so tired, Aello couldn't place the face right away. It took her a few minutes to realize that the man who called himself Dervish, was the same man she had fought in the bar a few weeks ago now. A sheepish smile made its way across Aello's face as soon as she had made the realization. "Hello again Dervish," she said tiredly, wondering if Dervish has shared anything that had happened at the bar with his roommate, and also somewhat happy to now have a name to put to a face.

"Cute place you two have here... you keep it fairly clean," Aello began, adding, "especially for two men," under her breath, knowing from experience, that for whatever reason, women always seemed to be far tidier than their male counterparts. She gingerly unhooked her arm from under Lorcan's, so as to not whack him in the face by mistake, and then proceeded to take a step closer to the fire, as though she were inviting herself in.

Aello's right hand was still wound tightly around the grip of her father's old bow, the knuckles still white, while the tips of her fingers with a blue-ish purple color, she still hadn't regained feeling in her hands, or in most of her body for that matter. "Mind if I get a little closer to the fire? I am still a little cold," Aello said with a shy smile, not bothering to wait for a response, she took a few steps closer to the fire, stopping by the chair to Dervish's left, she sat. She assumed the lotus position, resting her bag by the side of the chair to her right, and balancing the bow on the top of her knees, she stuck her hands out towards the fire, the back of her hands were facing her. They were a mixture of purple and white, and remained ice cold. She extended her fingers as far out and towards the fire as she could, smiling shyly, waiting for the flames to work their magic, and allow her to feel her own body again. "Hey Lorcan, why don't you come and sit by the fire? It is far warmer over here," Aello called, not bothering to turn to face Lorcan as she spoke, wherever he was at this point, being so mesmerized by the dancing flames.
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Just another day? (open)

Postby Lorcan on January 31st, 2011, 12:08 am

Lorcan gazed into the room, which was lit by the fireplace and saw his friend Dervish sitting at the table, playing with his knife. He stepped forward and dragged Aello in with him. He wanted to greet Dervish, but before he could say anything a knife flew into the bedpost, making a dull thud sound. Lorcan wanted to mention that this annoyed him, but figured there was no point to that. So instead he sighed, stepped further and smiled back at Dervish. "Sorry, hope I didn't startle you, it's an old habit of mine. I didn't know you were bringing a... guest, Lorcan? Should I leave? I am Dervish by the way." Before he could say or do much else Aello had closed the door by kicking it roughly, giving off a loud thud, after which she exclaimed, “Hello again Dervish”
Lorcan’s jaw dropped slowly, while his eyes were wide open… These two knew each other!? What were the bloody odds of this happening? Lorcan felt like yelling “how can this be!?” at the top of his lungs, but didn’t… apparently he was in his quiet mood again, plus he was too tired to make a big fuss. So he closed his mouth and shrugged internally, standing in front of the door staring sheepishly at the fire.
"Cute place you two have here... you keep it fairly clean," she started saying, and then she mumbled something Lorcan couldn’t quite make out along with it. She unhooked her arm from Lorcan’s and stepped towards the fire while he stared at her. This whole situation didn’t make one bit of sense. He felt this whole situation needed to be addressed, but instead he shrugged and sat down on the lower bunk, his bed. After that she sort of invited herself in, which didn’t bother Lorcan at all anymore, he was too tired and bewildered to bother himself with such things. He yawned and lied down on the bed, staring at the upper bed, getting warmer and warmer by the heat of the fireplace near them.
"Hey Lorcan, why don't you come and sit by the fire? It is far warmer over here,"
“I’m perfectly fine over here” He almost grunted out, obviously he wasn’t in the mood for chatter around the fire, instead he moved his hand up to the blade Dervish had thrown into the bed post and grabbed it tightly, wricking it out the wood, it took him a while because Dervish was quite skilled at throwing a blade… So it was embedded quite deeply into the wood. After he’d gotten it out he started examine it for faults nicks and other imperfections. Every time he’d find one he’d make a disapproving grunt, but didn’t say much of it. After a while of ignoring Dervish and Aello, and examining the blade up and down a multitude of times. he randomly got up again and asked, ”Say… how did the both of you meet anyway?”, interrupting anything they might’ve been discussing at the time. Staring at the both of them with Dervish’ blade clutched in his hand.
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Just another day? (open)

Postby Dervish on February 3rd, 2011, 6:59 pm

He could have hit him.

Lorcan was being a fool, or at least acting like one. If he liked this girl, why didn't he move over to her? Was he shy, or paranoid that Dervish had already "known" her? Dervish looked at both of them in turn. She appeared strange, confused, but most of all frozen. She was pretty, but obviously ice cold and freezing. Lorcan was such a fool sometimes..
He had laid down in the bed lazily, bringing her here only to let her sit alone by the fireplace?
Dervish leaned back in his chair, and looked at Lorcan with a very suggestive stare, nodding his head towards Aello when she wasn't looking and Lorcan was. Perhaps he'd take the hint, and sit next to her or give her a damned blanket. Opportunity presented itself, yet Lorcan was apparently throwing it away.

Whether Lorcan acted on Dervish' hint or not, a few moments passed and Dervish figured he'd speak about how he and Aello had met, or it'd hang in the air disturbing the whole night.

"I suppose I'm sorry about the bar fight, which I assume you remember. I don't even think you told me your name?" Dervish suddenly spoke to Aello, talking slowly and easily understandably;"It may not have been the most fortunate way to meet. One might say I'm Lorcan's bad side." Dervish smiled cheerfully as he got up and grabbed some more wood, putting it on the fireplace. This was such a strange situation, but quite entertaining.
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Just another day? (open)

Postby Aello on February 3rd, 2011, 7:21 pm

"Aello," Aello said, tucking a few loose strand of hair behind her ears. "And yes, I do remember, although I don't see the point..." Aello's voice trailed off as she stuck her hands out toward the fire again. Her fingertips were still cold, although they were starting to regain their feeling. The skin directly around her nails were purple, the skin below that red, and her knuckles, a pale white. She appeared sickly, in a way, or far too cold for words.

Aello wondered what the odds of meeting Dervish again were. Especially in this sort of setting. After all, it wasn't as though Ravok were a particularly tiny town where everybody knew everybody else and what they were all up to at any given time during the day. The town was fairly big, maybe, average. Maybe 14,000 people, Aello guessed, trying to determine the odds. But, being horrible at math, she failed to do so, and soon lost interest in her calculations. Aello shrugged, "and I suppose it's alright, people do need to take a swing at each other from time to time, don't they?" she asked Dervish, turning to him for a brief moment as she posed the question, and then back to the dancing orange flame.

The fire was growing steadily warmer, and was chipping away at the block of solid ice Aello had imagined surrounded the tips of her fingers. After all, how else could her fingers grow to feel so darn cold? she wondered as she stretched them out even farther towards the fire. She then glanced over her shoulder, Lorcan was still sitting on the bed. "Hey Lorcan, are you sure you don't want to come and sit by me? It's far warmer over here, surely you must be a little chilly over there?" Aello paused. "I don't bite, promise," she added.
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Just another day? (open)

Postby Lorcan on February 6th, 2011, 2:33 pm

Lorcan glared at Dervish when he suggestively stared at Lorcan, he had no idea what it’d meant but he knew it probably didn’t mean anything good. Instead he just looked at the freezing girl by the fireplace. She just wanted a warm place right? Though it was weird that she just suddenly collapsed when he was around, was she trying to get somewhere with him? Was she interested in him? What kind of madness was that!? He was a red haired smith, or well… apprentice, but still! He was fairly muscled, was she attracted by that? Why did she do this to him, what’d he done to her that she tortured him like that.
He was completely out of it, staring at her back which occasionally shivered, but not as frequent. Then suddenly out of nowhere she turned her head which caused Lorcan’s heart to jump up, she had noticed him staring. “Oh no this is bad shes gonna assume that I but wait maybe” In his mind he kept going like that until the moment she exclaimed: “ Hey Lorcan, are you sure you don't want to come and sit by me? It's far warmer over here, surely you must be a little chilly over there?" Then she paused, it was probably just a few seconds but in Lorcan’s mind it seemed like an eternity. She wanted him to sit there, with her. She even seemed to care about his wellbeing, or something. It was so confusing for Lorcan he had no idea what to do or where to start, all he could do was stare at her and look stupid, after this eternal agony she continued speaking: "I don't bite, promise," She didn’t bite… Lorcan knew that, women aren’t scary, they aren’t raw material… They’re a finished product which keeps changing over and over, they aren’t something you can just hammer away at and bash them into the right shape. You had to court them, or something, somehow. To him it was all confusing and he’d rather just stick with his hammer and forge, but alas the situation didn’t allow for this, so he breathed deep, grabbed the blanket off his bed and walked over to the fire. Once he was over there he quietly held out the blanket to her. With a sheepish look on his face, with which he looked at her and examined her face, it was … comely… After she took the blanket and wrapped it around herself he sat down on the ground next to the fire and gave Dervish a “Now what the hell am I supposed to do”-look. Though Dervish would probably interpret this quite differently, quietly he sighed and hoped Dervish wouldn’t make the whole situation even more awkward.
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Just another day? (open)

Postby Dervish on February 8th, 2011, 6:52 pm

Dervish didn't sit back in his chair immediately but warmed his hands very close to the fire. He'd thrown a few bigger pieces on the dying fire, and they slowly started turning black as the small flames licked up around them like yellow and orange dancers, flying swirling inbetween each other.

He looked at Lorcan approaching Aello, and went over to his chair again, sitting down and leaning far back into it, as well as himself. His hair fell in front of his eyes, and he looked into the fire as he sat there. He wasn't sure how he felt about having a guest. On one hand, he didn't care. If she was here, it didn't really make much of a difference.

And then again it did. Where would she sleep? Would she stay? What would she eat? All of these petty questions presented themselves as if they were paramount or needed be answered now. Dervish shook his head and took out his second knife and a small gray whetstone from the table next to him. He placed the whetstone on his thigh and inspected the blade of the knife, running his thumb along the edge carefully, feeling for nicks or imperfections. The metal was cold, but the feel of it and the familiarity of the handle instilled a calm in him.

Who was she? His blade had a blunt spot around the end, perhaps from striking metal. Dervish took up the whetstone and slowly slid it along the flat side of the metal, the stone on metal giving off a grinding but not particularily unpleasant noise. It might be, depending on habits and personality.
Dervish looked over at the two of them as he let his hand continue it's movement across the blade. He'd quickly fallen into a rhythm, and then slithering noise echoed through the room with only a momentary pause. He'd never know if he never asked;"So... What are you doing in Ravok, Aello? And what do you do?" He asked and looked up, wiping hair away from his eyes with the back of his hand and looking up at the her with a curious smile. His dark brown eyes reflected the firelight, but were now filled with peaceful question rather than the rage she'd seen at the bar.
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