Djed and magic related questions

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Djed and magic related questions

Postby Misaele Lulmir Hoarfrost on August 21st, 2017, 3:06 pm

Iolara Lyada wrote:Physically, sound is produced by a material vibrating through a medium such as air, or by something moving faster than the speed of sound (such as lightning or a really fast plane). So I don't think air would be able to create sound independently (unless it's being used to induce vibration like with the flute), but it could probably be manipulated to affect the propagation/intensity of a given sound.

Yes, of course
So, it could be possible, for example, shouting while generating res and turning it into air, in order to produce a louder shout?
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Djed and magic related questions

Postby Iolara Lyada on August 21st, 2017, 4:59 pm

I think that would be more doable, but I'm by no means an expert on Reimancy, so take my suggestion with a large chunk of salt :)
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Djed and magic related questions

Postby Prophet on August 21st, 2017, 8:46 pm

Audius - Rhaus gnosis - is specified as the ability to manipulate sound.

Please do not cross over into that realm with your RP. Also- in order for you PC to even BEGIN to think about affecting his sounds and environment with air reimancy, he has to learn how things work.

Until you meet other races or read/hear about them, you don't know they exist.

I also noticed you chose Intelligence as a starting skill. Just to clarify, this is all about intelligence gathering (spycraft) and not mental acuity.
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Djed and magic related questions

Postby Misaele Lulmir Hoarfrost on August 21st, 2017, 9:31 pm

Yes, of course
And don't worry, I wasn't thinking of making Misaele manipulate sound as the first thing he did with air reinmancy. He's just at novice!
I just wanted to know if it was possibile, that's all.
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Djed and magic related questions

Postby Gillar on August 23rd, 2017, 4:58 am

I have always viewed Reimancy as dealing with the core, base elements. One uses their own personal djed to attract and/or manipulate the four base elements. So when it comes to those elements, manipulating the element of air involves things like gusts of wind, balls of compressed air that explode on impact, sucking the air out of a given space, creating air bubbles in an opponents blood (higher level), creating updrafts for hovering and with greater levwls and control allowing short bursts of flight. Fore would allow turning djed into fire with djed serving as the fuel, extinguishing flames and increasing their size and heat. Water would create water, find water and attract water. Earth would allow for shaping of stone abd and creating stone.

When you start combining, you get things like heating or cooling the air with air, fire and water. Heating or melting stone with earth and fire. Creating lightning with air and water. Creating ice with water and air. Rudimentary sound maybe with higher levels of control of air but it would be like amplifying sounds like roaring dlames or crackling lightning. Those gnosis abilities that specialize in elements or in things like sound will allow for far greater control and manipulation. Also, gnosis doesn't suffer from overgiving which I feel is almost COMPLETELY ignored when it comes to magic use.

When you start combining reimancy elements, it becomes VERY strenuous so if you start adding things like prolonged sound affects beyond a simple amplified whoosh, roar or crash, you are in danger of overgiving depending on your skill level. Complex sound creations and alterations by themselves using air reimancy would be dangerous at best due to the sheer amount of djed manipulation required. That is why the gnosis is a better bet for that sort of thing.
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Djed and magic related questions

Postby Misaele Lulmir Hoarfrost on August 23rd, 2017, 6:28 am

Oh okay thanks
I think I have now a better understaning of reinmancy limits in general
Thanks to everyone who answered!
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