[Job thread 1] Summer 518AV
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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]
Moderator: Morose
by Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 15th, 2018, 4:22 pm
61st of Summer 518AV
The Midnight Gem
Kelski hasn’t returned from the market the night before. And it was so very much unlike her. Suffice to say that Aer’wyn wasn’t just worried for his dear Kelvicc friend. The anxiety about her safety had began to eat at his sleep mercilessly.
A bean of an early morning beam of gold woke the Akalak from the few hours of unrest he managed to get. Glistening lashes parted ways for the light brother’s eyes to confirm that he was indeed still in the Midnight Gem. That the dream he had lived for the better part of the season was slowly turning into a nightmare and there was nothing he could do about it. In Kelski’s absence somebody had to see to her business and continue the days as usual. And on this occasion, that privilege had befallen him.
Streathing out his spine with a nod click of each vertebrae, Aer’wyn yawned loudly. A familiar rumble of the stomach accompanied the morning routine.
Sliding out of bed, becoming slowly, sluggishly aware of every single muscle in his body, the Akalak situated himself on the floor. Legs crossed with his feet pointing up to the ceiling. The posse caused a familiar tension in his thighs as the muscle stretched. Closing his eyes once more, Aer’wyn breathed in though his mouth and out of his nose like his father taught him when he was just a tiny babe. It steadied his heart beast. Meditation was far easier an accomplishment in the morning when the mind, still dulled by the night’s visions, was far easier to mould. Focusing deeply on the deed inside his body, feeling out it’s flow though his core, Aer’wyn cleared his mind and and assumed a state of enough peace of mind that he could begin the same magic ritual that he so often did when something around the Midnight Gen needed to be done. Something that required more than one arm.
In the nude, with the remnants of sleep still lingering like stars on his midnight skin, his back perfectly straight and muscles relaxed, he began to draw on the deed in his left limb, the adjacent shoulder and pectoral muscle. Very very slowly, he focused on shifting the djed downwards, elongating the blue mass until the desired length was reached. By the power of great focus of his mind, he formed inorganic bone material beneath midnight blue skin. At the end of the bones, joints and sockets would fit together and splinter off into thick, stumpy fingers. The akalak split his deed to form individual muscles, ending in tendons to attack them to the bones, hold them together. He paid attention at the wrist, the knuckles, each individual finger in turn, starting from the thumb and ending with the little finger. And once satisfied that he morphed the internal structure of his hand correctly he flexed those fingers just incase, to double check each was working correctly as it should.
It took a long time, this magic of his. Morphing was neither easy nor quick and hastened work was shoddy work. Much like jewel crafting, morphing was an art of a sort. And so Aer’wyn devoted nothing but his entire attention to the task, loosing himself in it.
Word count: 540

Aer'wyn Grisghul - I'm blue, dabu-di dabu-da...
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- Joined roleplay: June 15th, 2018, 2:43 pm
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by Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 15th, 2018, 4:37 pm
Once the internal working of his left arm were complete, he began working on the external appearance of what till now looked a little bit like minced meat wrapped in blue sausage casing. He thickened the skin, allowed a fine mesh of deed hair to sprout from it around his forearm. Certain veins he popped up though the skin, accenting his muscles. He created tiny valleys of wrinkles around the knuckles and webbing of his palm where skin bent naturally, using his other hand as a model for perfection’s sake even though he did this so many times that he knew the lines of his hand like …. The lines of his hand. The fine details took the most time but eventually a near perfect Akalak arm was morphed, down to the tiniest detail of his finger prints. But as Aer’wyn raised his hand to inspect his handiwork one last time, there was a knock on the door.
“Aer. Kelski isn’t back yet. What should we do?” The familiar voice of Ebon called from the other side of the door. Though at this point in their friendship Aer’wyn hid little else than Vel from the Kelvics, they still respected his privacy in the morning. Odd, that from creatures that rarely wore any clothing in the first place.
The Akalak thought for a moment. He wasn’t in the mood to do anything other than worry of sleep but alas it was a job and somebody had to do it. “Get the shop ready, Ebon. I’ll be down in a moment.” He called warmly, raising his voice a little so that the keen ears of the night lion could hear him from the other side of the wood.
“Alright. If you say so.”the Kelvic replied. “By the way I made you some breakfast. I hope it’s alright. I’ll see you downstairs.”
Before Aer’wyn could yell a ‘thank you’ however, he heard the Kelvic’s footsteps make their way across the cracking floor. And this, the Akalak pulled on his trousers and swung the door open, simultaneously pulling the usual tan shirt over his head. At his feet a a few slices of bread and scrambled eggs, freshly cooked, smelled heavenly. A lucky man he was to have such attentive friends.
After breakfast, dragging his feet a little as he always did in the mornings, Aer’wyn finally made his way downstairs to the shop front where behind numerous locked cases of glass and bars, Kelski’s handiwork sat. Ebon was just about finishing sweeping up and polishing the glass display cases, making sure every case that held the most expensive jewels and finest craftsmanship was locked away from the prying eyes of scummy robbers who might be interested in them. He quickly took a written count of all the stock before finally undoing the locks of the front door of the shop. The day had officially begun. Now was the waiting game.
Word count: 491
Running total: 1031

Aer'wyn Grisghul - I'm blue, dabu-di dabu-da...
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- Joined roleplay: June 15th, 2018, 2:43 pm
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by Rene Rafar on August 16th, 2018, 1:03 am

Ren woke to the smell of breakfast she thought about curling back up to sleep where the ocelot was laying on the couch until she felt her stomach growl with hunger. Letting out a signing breath she got up and stretched before jumping off the couch as she made her way to the kitchen where Ebon was cooking. Striding over she wound her body around his legs moving in a figure eight pattern purring the whole time.
“Morning to your to young Ren would you like some breakfast?” The Night lion asked smiling at her.
“Meow!” Was her reply before she shifted her skin in to her human form. “Yes Please Ebon.” Tilting her head she asked. “Ebon is Kelski here?”
Ebon shook his head. “No she did not return home last night after going to the market.”
“That's not like her.” Ren said puzzled. “What about the shop? We can't not have it open.”
“Aer'wyn was going to run the shop today and I'll be a round as well.” Ebon replied. “As for Kelski she my have had something come up.” He tried to sound convincing for the both of them but wasn't able to really keep the worry from his voice. “How about you eat up while I get the shop ready to open for the day.
“Ok.” She smiled taking the plate from him. “I'll help out too seeing as I don't have to go in to the GLA this morning. It'll be nice to help both you and Aer'wyn out.”
Ren ate quickly before she went in to the other room to pick up her clothes and dressed before she too went downstairs to the shop.
Down in the shop
“Morning Aer'wyn would you like me to keep you company today? I don't have to work for Goldfinger today.” She smiled as she entered the shop. Picking up an cleaning rag she went about wiping down the counters from any finger marks to basic dust after she was done with that she went to the corner and grabbed the broom and busied herself sweeping the shop floor.
WC: 357

Rene Rafar - Player
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by Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 16th, 2018, 6:43 pm
He zoned out for a moment. In the empty shop he left his thoughts adrift as eyes stared blankly ahead, open but not seeing. It was then that a familiar voice snapped him out of the early morning daze. A very much needed company.
At the sight of the ocelot in her human skin, Aer’wyn’s eyes brightened up a little, a smile inched it’s way into his midnight blue features, from behind which white teeth gleamed at a stark contrast. Her he smiled he was perhaps at his most handsome. And Truly Ren did manage to get such smiles out of him often for the season had forged a great fondness for her in his heart.
“I’m surprised you need to ask.” He said softly, in jest a little. So gloomy had the summer days been in the Gem without Kelski about. A little brightness was much needed for the Kelvics and the Akalak and even Kynier to not go stir crazy with worry. “Your company is always appreciated. To be completely honest with you, I’m at a loss for what I’m even doing. I’ve watched Kelski at her job a thousand times and yet I must admit I’m a little unprepared.”
At the mention of Kelski’s name his smile fell a little. It was so obvious from the bags beneath his eyes and the subtle pessimistic undertones to his voice that he was having trouble thinking of anything other than her safety right now.
“Regardless, how did you sleep?” Aer’wyn asked, solicitously as he always did.
Certainly early, but only a few chimes later their first customer had wondered into the Midnight Gem. A short woman, or at least what Aer’wyn thought was a woman for beneath a broad rim hat and a black cloak that obscured most of her frame, the mousy brown curls that fell onto her shoulders were the first things he saw. She hadn’t dressed the shopkeepers. Not even a hello… not even eye contact. Instead her entire attention shifted at one to one of the display cases on the left side of the shop, over which she bent to look a little closer though the polished glass which Ran had readier prepared so pristinely.
The woman was about middle aged. Laugh lines as well as creases of many forlorn scowls complemented a pale complexion. Eyes as grey as Sunberth dirt regarded the world from behind long lashes. She was neither pretty nor exceptionally ugly. An easily forgettable face, to say the least.
Aer’wyn looked at Ren hesitantly. Should he walk up to the woman, or at least address her with some politeness? He was hoping Res would provide some guidance or better yet, catch the woman’s attention herself for Aer’wyn had been growing mighty tiered by the surprise his appearance left in the faces of many Berthians. He’s been growing tiered of it for three whole years. Then again, it was his job after all. Suddenly he found himself wishing the woman had been a thief so that perhaps he could use some of his more competent skills rather than his tongue.
Word count: 521
Running total: 1552

Aer'wyn Grisghul - I'm blue, dabu-di dabu-da...
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- Joined roleplay: June 15th, 2018, 2:43 pm
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by Rene Rafar on August 17th, 2018, 2:21 am

Ren surprised at his jest startled at his words brought her eyes up for the first time to look him in his soft pale blue eyes. Stammering she replied while blushing shyly. "I thought you'd like being alone. So I respected that thought. I don't think I'd be much better but with the two of us we shouldn't mess up to badly."
Ren smiled at his question about her sleep. "Felt like I slept like the dead. I had a very bad day yesterday it started out alright but then it turn to shyke fast. It was one of the few days I didn't have to work at the agency kinda like today have a couple days off."
"Anyway I went dow to the Drunken Fish to see if anyone needed a courier, well I did get one and took a job with Tagger, who a patron at the taveran. He wanted me to deliver a package to someone in the Baroque Bay's Seaside Market by the name of Button." Pausing so she could see if he was listening and got lost in his eyes again.
Few ticks later she shook her head and continued on. "The job wouldn't have been bad if Tagger would have just paid me before I had gone on the delivery run, but no he insisted that Button was the one that would pay me when I delivered package. Little did I know it was just a scam to try and mug me! Well they got the package and I didn't get paid." Frowning at the memory.
"I tried to track down the one who set it up but he was gone and to top it of it started pouring so I was a Wet cat." Sighing she continued. "Then to top it off I come a cross Kreig practicing downstairs but I didn't know it was him so I pounced on him." Shamed face she let her head fall and her shoulders sagged.
"But it all worked out I got a hand to hand lesson from him." With a smile she went back to sweeping the floor. "How about how did you sleep?" Just then the shop door chimed.
"Welcome to the Midnight Gem can we help you?" Ren smiled at the woman but the woman did not reply to her she just continued to look at the counter with the jewelry.
Last edited by
Rene Rafar on August 20th, 2018, 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Rene Rafar - Player
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by Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 17th, 2018, 12:21 pm
Had she ever truly looked him in the eyes before? Aer’wyn couldn’t recall a single time for he’d mostly seen her in her feline form when around the house. And when the beauty that was Ren took on her human skin she seemed to always speak softly averting her gaze. Confusion in him grew a little as he saw the shift in her expression for that brief, blissful moment their eyes met but the gentleman in him thought best not to ask questions. He’d been taught until now to respect her boundaries of privacy as much as she respected his thus the way she opened up next too came as a very very much welcome a surprise.
As she spoke he leaned on the counter, regarding her with soft eyes. Seeing that momentary melt again as her words trailed off he prompted gently. “Go on, I’m listening.” Before she carried on her story.
Hearing the tale of the previous day Aer’wyn committed the two names to memory. If they crossed his path, he promised himself to retrieve what they owed Ren tenfold. Over his grave would someone take advantage of those he held dear so boldly. Not this Tagger fellow, nor Button… not even Vellisius.
A souring mood was quickly enough brightened when she told him she pounced on Kreig. Somehow the mental image of the tiny female attacking the strong hill of a brawler was an entertain one. He chuckled beneath his breath, not spitefully but chuckled none the less. “At least he’s coming in useful that one. Our basement dwelling fellow.”
Before he could answer her next question however, the customer entered and Aer’wyn’s eyes followed Ren as she welcomed her. But a welcome that was hardly met with an adequate acknowledgement. For a moment he just stood there and watched as the customer walked around the shop as if in a gaze - from beneath the hat eyes dazzled with greed - before he’d finally acknowledge the uneasy feeling that churned in his stomach. There was something oddly sheepish about her. Something that didn’t quite sit right with him.
The Akalak circled the counter and walked over, passing Rene with a gentle squeeze of her shoulder as if to say ‘don’t worry. I’ll handle this.’
He manoeuvred his body between the strange woman and the counter on which she was already leaving greedy little fingerprints. An unwavering smile on his face but eyes full of suspicion. Muscular arms crossed at his chest. Brows raised to the heavens. “May we help you?” He repeated Ren’s question politely but a little more sternly this time.
He watched as the woman’s eyes slowly trailed up his physique until they settled on his face, wide as the sun. Colour drained from her face. “What in the pietch are you?” She whispered before biting her tongue, seeing the giant’s brow furrow at the question. He was clearly not impressed. “Eem - emeralds.” She coughed, shaking in her boots a little. “I’m looking for a cloak clasp with an emerald. Or maybe not an emerald…”
Aer’wyn looked between the woman, Ren, and back again before nodding his head to the other side of the shop. “Ren, dear. There should be some clasps and such things beneath the counter. Could you have a look please?”
Word count: 555
Running total: 2107

Aer'wyn Grisghul - I'm blue, dabu-di dabu-da...
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by Rene Rafar on August 18th, 2018, 2:47 am

Ren nodded at the light touch on her shoulder knowing what he had meant. She carefully watched the woman to see what she was going to do. Ren wasn't going to take a chance on the woman if she decided the price of a five finger discount was on her mind or not.
At the woman's stammered words Ren quietly unlocked one of the displays and pulled out three different sized broaches that had emeralds in then. "The prices very on the size but I have three I can show you." She said pulling out the broaches.
"The first one is of a golden sea eagle in flight with emerald eyes. This is of the largest of the three measuring four fingers held together wide from wing tip to wing tip the pin was set at a diagonal." Ren explained as she set it on the counter where she and Aer'wyn could watch the woman carefully.
"Here is the second its medium sized also made of int-regret gold design this pin set horizontal to the pin clasp. It had a Emerald cabochon the size of a thumb from the first knuckle to finger tip. With three dangling pearls two are smaller ones flank a bigger one. Its the same size as the cabochon." She set that one on the counter as well before taking out the last one.
"And finally our smallest one and the least expensive. This one is made with silver it has a single emerald in a cushion cut. The silver is tapered from thick to thin with the emerald set in the center. this pin can be warn in many different ways." Ren waited as the woman looked at each one in turn.

Rene Rafar - Player
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by Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 18th, 2018, 12:02 pm
Aer’wyn followed the customer as she walked over to Ren. Seeing the way the Kelvic regarded the odd woman with a certain amount of suspicion in her eyes, in spite of a polite and curious demeanour, made him wonder if she was sensing the same thing he did. He’d long ago learned to trust the keen senses of the ocelot. She had an instinct unmatchable by that of humans and non humans alike. Her body language kept him on his guard the whole time though he did his best not to show it so that he wouldn’t scare off a potential customer.
He took note of each of the clasp broaches as Red laid them out, taking stock in his mind, burning the shape and colour of them in his memory.
For the longest time the woman just stared at the slaps so very closely that one more inch and she’d poke herself in the eye with the refined metal and gems. Bent over the counter she kept a hand on her chin, and the other in her pocket. Long, drawn out humms accompanied her thinking so hard that the two shop keepers could almost smell the steam coming out of her eyes as cogs turned somewhere deep in there.
Humans, he thought to himself. Such indecisive creatures they are.
He heard the rummage of coin in her pocket as the hand toyed with them during her deep contemplation. Or at least what he thought were coins. But as she straightened her spine, her hand dove inside her cloak and what happened next caught Aer’wyn completely off guard.
A flash of steel tore though the air as his own blood spilled onto the counter. A deep slice of a dagger split the skin of his right forearm which he used almost instinctively to shield himself. And as he opened his eyes again, feeling the superficial seer of crimson drip onto the floor, not deep but painful none the less, the woman grabbed the jewel off the counter and plunged it deep into the voids of the pockets beneath her cloak.
Word count: 350
Last edited by
Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 26th, 2018, 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Aer'wyn Grisghul - I'm blue, dabu-di dabu-da...
- Posts: 112
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- Joined roleplay: June 15th, 2018, 2:43 pm
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by Rene Rafar on August 18th, 2018, 4:17 pm

Ren heard the sound of jingling in the woman's pocket yes there where a few mizas in there but also something else when the woman pulled out the small knife to slash at Aer'wyn with one hand and quickly pocketed the broach with the other before running to the door.
Ren let out a growl from her place behind the counter. Moving quickly Ren lifted herself up on the counter just as she launched herself at the woman knocking her to the floor just seconds before the woman had had the door open to flee.
"NO one steals from the Gem." The kelvic growled from her place on the woman's back and shoulders. Ren was surprised at how strong she was and easily rolled the young red head off her and was up slashing Ren's upper arm as the she moved in to stop the woman again.
Hissing with pain Ren didn't let it stop her from taking the woman on again though this time the kelvic has her smaller dagger out and was ready to use it on the woman if needed.
"Don't be stupid you're NOT getting out of here with that Broach with out paying the mizas for it. Try that again and you won't like the results." Ren narrowed her eyes to green slits with ice in her voice Ren moved her dagger into an intimidating position. "You have two choices 1) you can pay the mizas for the broach or 2) give it back. The choice is yours." She said coldly.

Rene Rafar - Player
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by Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 26th, 2018, 6:33 pm
Stunted a moment by the slash, Are’wyn caught the silhouette of Ren jumping over the counter and using her entire might to take the thief off her feet. In that time he positioned himself on the other side, over the woman. Between her and the door, just incase she tried to make a crawl break for it.
Coming to Ren’s rescue he joined in with the struggle, looping his arms under her elbows and placing his palms over her head, where her arms became locked. She’d gotten in just a little too late. The thief had already managed to leave a few sore looking marks on Ren. He flashed her an apologetic look, before pushing down on the thief’s head a little till she winced in pain that tore though her shoulders.
“Alright alright! I’ll give it back. I’ll give it back” she yelled, the culmination of it all clearly taking a toll as she became more and more nervous. Aer’wyn’s restraint made her feel helpless in the face of Ren’s threats at knife point.
It took a moment but feeling she was no longer going to put up a fight, Aer’wyn released her but remained braced incase she wished to leg it again. His boot landed on the blade of the woman’s dagger which she dropped when he restrained her. If she had any more bright ideas, at least their playing field was level as it could be considering between his size and Ren’s acrobatic prowess, the shop keepers outnumbered the thief two to one.
Hanging her head solemnly, realising she had no way out of her conundrum, she reached inside her pocket and handed the broach into Aer’wyn’s open palm. After she had done so he grabbed her by the scruff of her cloak and tossed the woman out of the front door, slamming it behind her. A pissed off Akalak was not a nice Akalak indeed.
Returning to his injured friend, being able to pay no attention to his own little cat scratch of a cut until she was looked after, he addressed Ren softly. “Are you alright? Come, let me see.” He gestured his hand for Ren to take it so that he could check if there was anything terribly serious on her. His other hand places the broach on the counter where priorities lead him to forget it’s existence and importance in mere moments.
Word count: 400
Total: 2857 words

Aer'wyn Grisghul - I'm blue, dabu-di dabu-da...
- Posts: 112
- Words: 107489
- Joined roleplay: June 15th, 2018, 2:43 pm
- Location: Sunberth
- Race: Akalak
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