Completed Running Stitch

Trynne hems and sews clothes and attempts some embroidery

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Running Stitch

Postby Trynne on November 5th, 2018, 4:41 pm

6th Fall, 518AV

Trynne had woken up later than she’d intended, and as she looked outside she quietly cursed under her breath.
“Shyke almighty…” the mumble came as she realised that she hadn’t the time to have a look through the less savoury areas of Sunberth before work, and hurriedly she pulled on her clothes and grabbed her weapon from where it rested on the small table in the corner of her home and slipped it over her fingers so that the blades of the weapon were perpendicular to her fingers and so that the blades pointed the same direction as her palm. She knew that if she was cautious and kept her hand positioned the right way, then most people in Sunberth wouldn’t notice the weapon.
Sighing she glanced over the room again, careful to keep her weapon away from her legs. Glad that she had everything she needed, she left her house, shutting the door behind her and turning to make her way to her place of work, knowing that once she got there she had a few hems to finish sewing and a few waistbands to sew onto skirts, along with whatever else there was that Deu wanted done.

She made her way across the city, her head kept down as she walked and ignored the sounds of drunkards shouting and the possible sounds of someone being attacked. Those noises had become a part of her day to day life, and Trynne had a feeling that it would always be better to ignore what was going on. If it was someone being attacked, then she didn’t want to risk getting involved and taking a beating in their place, then there was always the chance that it was a trap and nobody was actually in trouble, that they were just waiting for someone to intervene so they could mug them.

The rest of her journey was mostly quiet, the people around her going about their business and leaving her alone before she got to Deu’s Vestments and carefully she slipped inside in time to here Deu mumbling to herself.
“Hi.” she said calmly, briefly interrupting the man as he stopped mumbling to nod at her in response. She made her way through to the back, finding a small space to work in before finally slipping the weapon off her fingers and tucking it away to the side before looking around for the garments that had been left unfinished from the previous day.

Carefully she picked out one of the pieces that was a fairly simple dark green cloak with a hood that Deu had mentioned wanting to embroider, though embroidery wasn’t quite something that Trynne had quite attempted to tackle yet.
Laying the cloak out in front of her, Trynne glanced around for a needle and thread, carefully picking up a small needle, and then finding a spool of dark green thread that looked as though it would match the fabric of the cloak, or at least it would match enough to not draw attention to the stitches that would be visible.
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Last edited by Trynne on July 16th, 2019, 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Running Stitch

Postby Trynne on November 8th, 2018, 8:00 pm

Sighing to herself, Trynne grabbed a few pins and rested the cloak on the flat surface in front of her. Carefully, she folded the edges over by about an inch so that the folded fabric was hidden towards the inside of how the cape would be worn, and carefully she pushed a pin through the fold at wear she was holding it, before moving along the fabric and pinning what would be the hem every three inches or so.
Once she had pinned around that edge of the cape, she paid attention to her needle and thread again, laying the thread alongside the edge of the cape and adding half the length again before ripping a piece of thread that length from the spool. Carefully she licked the end of the thread and held the needle by the point, gently pushing the thread through the eye. The first time she missed the eye completely, the thread instead grazing along the edge of the needle. Huffing to herself she closed one of her own eyes, trying again, this time the thread just managing to slip through the eye of the needle despite the slight shaking of her hands that seemed to come whenever she was concentrating on something small or detailed.

Glad that the needle was now thread, Trynne pulled some of the excess thread through the needle, anchoring the thread onto the needle before she turned to the cape, briefly pausing to tie two knots immediately on top of each other at the end of the longer thread, in order to lock it into place once she pushed the thread through the fabric.
Finally read to start sewing the hem into place, Trynne brought the needle towards the fabric before a loud laugh caused her to jump slightly, and she looked over towards Deu seeing him working on something himself whilst waiting for customers.
“Everything alright there?” she called out, watching as Deu nodded back in response as he returned to mumbling to himself.
“Of course, everything is going brilliantly!” the man called back after a few moments and Trynne smirked before looking back down at the needle and thread in her hand, pushing it slowly into the bottom of the hem of the cape, making sure to push through from the side that would be hidden when worn.
Once the needle had made its way through the fabric, Trynne pulled the rest of the thread through as well, before pushing the needle back through the fabric about a quarter of an inch up from where she had started, being careful to make sure it was aligned properly.
Next she moved slightly back from the second stitch and pushed the needle through the fabric again, before returning the needle about quarter of an inch up from that point.

Briefly Trynne stopped, examining what the stitches looked like on the right side of a fabric, smiling as she saw that the two stitches had come together to make a continuous line, albeit it slightly messier than she had intended.
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Running Stitch

Postby Trynne on November 22nd, 2018, 3:55 pm

‘At least it ain’t too noticeable. It’ll be cheaper too so anyone buying can shove it’ Trynne thought to herself as a slightly wicked smile found itself spreading across her lips before she glanced around to see Deu looking at her curiously and she chuckled slightly.

“Sorry, just thinking about who’ll buy these. You get a mixed bag in ‘ere, don’t yer?” Trynne asked and Deu nodded triumphantly, obviously pleased with himself and his business.

“Aye well I’m the best place to get clothes in Sunberth.” Deu responded and Trynne’s smile softened as she watched the man briefly. “Back to work now though, once we’re done we can talk more!”

Trynne shook her head to get her mind back to the task at hand as she looked down at the fabric.
‘Only place to get clothes...’ she thought to herself as her smile took on that slight wickedness again as her hand felt over the fabric again and turn the hem over again so that the inside of the cloth was facing her again.

She pushed the needle through the fabric again, just behind where it had returned, and then moved the needle up a quarter of an inch on the good side of the cloak before returning it again, making sure to pull all the loose thread through and to keep it in a fairly straight line, each stitch pushing through the fabric about a quarter of inch from what would be the new edge of the fabric.

She continued the process on until she moved a quarter of an inch past the first pin that held the fabric in place, then carefully removed the pin, grinning as the stitches stayed in place without pulling being pulled apart once the pin had been removed.

Again she turned the hem over, inspecting the stitches that would be visible to see the stitches being left in a straighter line than how she had started. They seemed to be tighter and neater, less obviously messy than the first few stitches.

“Backstitch? Good choice. Could be neater and quicker but practice makes purpose.” came a voice from behind Trynne and she jumped slightly, her eyes widening before she turned to see Deu. The man must have finished what he was doing and come to check on her work.

“That’s a backstitch? My dad never taught me the names. Other than the running stitch, but that one doesn’t look neat enough or strong enough for actually doing anything.” Trynne suggested as she shrugged slightly.

“No it’s useful still. You can sew everything together roughly then use a better stitch to finish it off. And it’s good to use in embroidery to set the basics down.” Deu explained and Trynne nodded thoughtfully.

“So it’s a good stitch for setting down the basics?” Trynne question though Deu didn’t respond and instead her returned to his own work. Sighing Trynne looked back at her work again.

Again she pushed the needle and thread through the wrong side of the fabric and made another backstitch.

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Running Stitch

Postby Trynne on November 23rd, 2018, 5:23 pm

She continued onwards until she’d fully hemmed one side of the cloak, and made a small double knot in the thread on the inside of the cloak, then carefully she lifted the cloak up and draped it around her shoulders, her fingers running down along the newly made hem to see how it looked whilst being worn.
The messier stitches that she had made at the start of the hem were now much less noticeable and as the bottom of the cloak moved it seemed to tighten those stitches slightly.

Smiling Trynne removed the cloak and laid it down in front of her, preparing to stitch the hem on the other side of the cloak, though the sound of footprints distracted her briefly and she looked up to see Deu approaching her again, what looked like a tan coloured shirt bundled in his hands along with a few other items.

“Got finished with that hem?” he asked calmly, seemingly distracted by something as he reached her and stopped walking, placing the bundle in front of Trynne.
“Aye, just go’ the other side lef’ and the bottom, but the bottom shouldn’ take too long.” Trynne said, nodding as she did so and showing the hemmed edge to Deu.
“Looks good. I have to go pick up a few things, so could you hem the sleeves on this, and then I should be back ready to embroider that.” Deu started and Trynne nodded. “Also, if you stitch this into the hem it’ll keep the shape of the cuffs which’ll make it easier for me to embroider.” Deu pulled a piece of off white fabric that seemed to hold its shape a lot better than most fabrics could and placed it on top of the shirt.
“Of course, I’ll get that sort-” Trynne started before Deu interrupted her as he walked away.
“Great, make the hem around two or three inches, somewhere around that, and keep it even.” Deu smiled as he spoke, opening the door and then briefly turned to Trynne. “Just use the backstitch, that should work well.”

With that Deu had gone and Trynne rolled her eyes quietly as she started to unbundle the shirt, finding it’s sleeves and laying them out, then checking over the ends of the sleeves, feeling the fabric carefully. It seemed more delicate than the fabric used in the cloak, as though it wouldn’t be anywhere near as forgiving. She was fairly certain that this fabric would show the holes from the needle, so she only had one chance to get it right.

Frowning slightly, Trynne picked up the material that was supposed to be sewn into the hem, and she ran her hands over it, comparing it to the cuffs of the sleeves. It seemed to be the same length as the circumference of the sleeve, and nodding at it, Trynne retrieved a tape measure to find out what the length of it would have been.

Holding the edge of the tape to the bottom edge of the off white fabric, she pulled it taught and ran her free hand up the length of the tape until it met the other edge.
“Five inches and a quarter.” she mumbled to herself, as she tried to work out how she could make them equal. “Five ones go into five, so there’s two two’s and one one, which means two and a half inches each, with a quarter of an inch left over…” Trynne mumbled, before picking up a small piece of chalk and marking a point two and a half inches up from the bottom, then another a further two and a half inches up, leaving a quarter of an inch spare.

Trynne repeated the process along the length of the fabric at every inch or so, before she used the tape measure to lined up the marks, and then the chalk to draw a straight line between them, leaving two straight lines on the fabric.

Next Trynne retrieved a pair of scissors and carefully lined the scissors up with the line she’d drawn, carefully closing the scissors and cutting through the fabric before she moved the scissors along to meet the fabric again, lining them up carefully and closing the scissors again before she repeated the process until the fabric had been completely cut. Then Trynne repeated the process along the second line she had drawn along the stiffer off white fabric.

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Running Stitch

Postby Trynne on July 16th, 2019, 3:51 am

Trynne then looked to the shirt and checked it’s sleeves. She turned the shirt inside it, then measured the length of the sleeves, laying the tape measure from the shoulder to the very age. Both sleeves were equal in length, and so Trynne then looked at the area she’d be hemming. She moved the tape measure to measure five inches inwards from the edge of the sleeve and made a series of marks around the sleeve using chalk, before carefully lining it up, then repeating the process on the other sleeve.

Once the lines had been made, she returned her attention to the stiffer fabric, taking on of the pieces she’d cut and wrapping it around the sleeves, marking where the edges of the interfacing overlapped. She brought the interfacing closer to her and rewrapped it, using her needle and thread to stitch over it and hold the interfacing in a loop. She repeated the process with the other piece of interfacing on the other sleeve.

Grinning widely she fed one of the sleeves through one of the hoops of interfacing, then carefully folded the sleeve back over the interfacing so it was sandwiched between the layers of cloth. Carefully she adjusted the fabric until both the interfacing and the raw edge of the sleeve were meeting at the chalk line that she had drawn, then carefully she placed pins into the fabric, holding it in place.

Carefully she threaded the needle in a colour that would match the shirt, then became making a series of small, careful backstitches just next to the line, making sure that she was stitching through the fabric and the interfacing.

She pushed the needle through from the inside of the fabric to what would be the outside, then fed the needle back through the fabric at the end of the previous stitch, repeating the process over and over. It took her around 15 chimes for the sleeve to be hemmed, making a sort of cuff that had stiffer fabric reinforcing it.

She repeated the process on the other sleeve, before holding the garment up, turning it the right way out and measuring the length of both sleeves, glad when they were the same length.

Happy with her work, Trynne carefully folded the shirt, setting it out ready for Deu to claim and embroider when he returned.

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Running Stitch

Postby Calla Davin on August 26th, 2019, 4:39 am

Special Delivery!

Trynne :
Skills XP
Observation 1
Organization 1
Sewing 3

  • Getting Ready in a Rush
  • Concealing a Bagh Nakh
  • Sewing: Backstitch
  • Sewing: Interfacing Helps Fabric Keep its Shape
  • Sewing: Threading a Needle
  • Sewing: Aligning Stitches on Hems
  • Deu’s Vestments: Best/Only Tailor in Sunberth
  • Running Stitch: Good for Embroidery

Additional Comments: Very thorough job thread. As a small bit of advice: I would try to break up your longer sentences some more. Sometimes, they can be challenging to understand the first time through. Otherwise, good job! DM/PM me about any questions or concerns, and don't forget to edit your post in the request thread.

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